Monday, December 22, 2014

The Minister of Music's Ministry

The Minister of Music
He is a giant of man
He sets the tone for worship
And manipulates us till we can’t stand!

How is this even possible
In the great church of God
For the singing of the gospel
To turn into real bacchanal?

One day I stopped and watched as
The worship tone was set
And without a pause for reflection
It was jump up and wave as you sweat!

It was then that Barry Manilow’s
"I write the song that makes the whole world sing"
Stood up in front of me
For those words were the words of Satan
Yukking it up ever so gleefully!

Making Christians rely on their emotions
Will greatly make Satan’s day
When, appearing as an angel of light
He’ll get us not written down to disobey!

It is all a great deception
Priming  Christians for the fall
When they shall run into the desert
Looking for the King of All - not Jesus!

The deception is really quite simple
Set your reason aside and just feel
How wonderful it is to bow down
And worship the one who fulfills your felt needs!

Reason, my friend, is the key that
Our God stipulated that we use
When it comes to living in this life
And not trust tingling sensations that confuse!

Yon minister does not work for King Jesus
His boss is Lucifer DeVil
The arch enemy, deceiver, Old Satan
Who wants to see us all dead and in hell

Jump up and wave - feel the spirit
Not the one that Almighty God sends down
But the one being sold by the Devil
To confound, lead astray, and break you down

Fire that Minister of Music
His music comes with hell's strings attached
To the agenda as written down by Satan
To cost you your robe and your gold crown!

Our God is not a god of disorder!
Our God is not a liar  nor a thief!
Our God is not willing that any should perish
That’s you and me, friend, let’s seek relief!

Let’s seek relief from our Jesus - He’s faithful
Let’s turn to Jesus - He makes the Way
Let us invite God’s Holy Spirit
To lead us and guide us - lest we stray!

Reject the hot and sweaty emotion!
Reject the need to feel fire when you pray!
Reject the urge to empty yourself with a mantra
By repeating the same phrase ad nauseum every day!

Don’t let that Music Minister fool you
Into emptying yourself so he can prey
Upon the unwitting and the unwary
So keep your head on, watch unto pray!

That fallen angel who ministered in heaven
Hates us and has a despite
Against any that makes a claim upon Jesus
And has pledged to cost us our flight!

Believe the God of the Bible
He will guide you and hallow your prayers
Remember it’s the Almighty you are serving
Reject feeling, walk by faith -  not in blind sight nor in fear!

Psalm 100 King James Version (KJV)

100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Music Moves Minds

Music Can Mix-Up Minds

Music Can Mess Up Minds


Music Affects Attitude!

Music, therefore, is NEVER Neutral!

Be Vigilant to Consume a Healthful Musical Diet!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Living Stream

The Living Stream

One day I happened on a stream 
Called the Grace of God
Where all who bathed emerged again
Clean, blessed, and ready to rejoice!

This stream was like no other stream
Where one only could get wet
This stream it flowed, and flowered, and
Covered in joy, not regret!

All those who entered in the stream
Were those who saw their need for
A cleansing and a renewing of
The spirit plagued by the sins they abhor!

These were the ones who accepted the call
Of Jesus via Hill Calvary
And recognized that without it they would be lost
And chose to let Him bear their cross!

The Grace of God - that stream profound
Draws in one who is lost and 
Releases one who’s been found!

It washes, it cleanses
It refines and it heals
It covers, and establishes
Those who before Him kneel
And confess, and repent
Seeking renewal and reform
E’en setting aside Earth - the crown with the thorns
And seeking the jewel of Heaven
Eternal, everlasting
With Jesus, the Savior
The Redeemer, our Friend
Who made the way easy 
For this man to be cleansed
In His stream 
By God’s Grace
His glory to share!

Step in now, walk boldly
Into the cleansing stream
When it covers your head - don’t cower
For it’s then it releases the Power!

Don’t be afraid now!
He who loves - holds you
He who died - stands
He who arose is e’er ready 
To protect and console you!
Be strong! He will shield you!
He is the Great I AM!

He is calling, always calling
He is knocking at your heart’s door
He is able, ever ready
To sit with you and to show  
How to walk in His faith
His testimony to share
So that others beholding
Will want Him their burden to take care!

So, my brother, my sister
All you who believe
Get ready with the help of King Jesus
Your freedom to receive!

Walk into the water!
Walk into the flood  
For it heals, and it cleanses
All because of  Living Blood!

Friday, December 19, 2014

In The Heart Of Jesus



For the past two days,‭ ‬the words,‭ “At‬ the Heart of Jesus/Why Should you be lonely/There's a full supply‭” ‬have been going through my thoughts constantly,‭ ‬and I have been humming the tune to those words at the strangest times.

To my mind,‭ ‬there was something that I needed to understand,‭ ‬remember,‭ ‬think of,‭ ‬hold onto,‭ ‬fix upon, and trust in the Lord for or about. But what?

Finally,‭ ‬just before the start of the Sabbath, I remembered that the first word of the song was IN the heart of Jesus, and I suddenly felt free. Some burden that I had been carrying, unconsciously? was gone, and so I had to go and find a traditional performance of this hymn, a much loved old favorite which seemed to have somehow been put on the back-burner of my life.

How was it possible for me to mistake an AT for an IN?

If I am AT the door of a venue for a performance - I am ONLOOKER.
If I am IN(side) the door of a venue for a performance - I am a PARTICIPANT! I am engaged!

Look at these words of the Master:

 Revelation 3:20 King James Version (KJV)

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

This difference is significant, and speaks a great deal about us and our walk with Jesus.

As a young lady, this song, In the Heart of Jesus, had always touched me in the place of my need, whether I was sad, stressed, tired, lonely, feeling happy or unhappy, feeling loved or unloved, bewildered, feeling friendless and especially whenever/wherever I saw,  or heard something that impacted that part of me where the Love of God resided.

I am writing this, and I can feel my heart remembering and swelling, and tears are welling up.

There is something about this song that holds the gospel, that lights a path, comforts the heart, speaks peace, delivers truth, and says:

“So what about it? Don’t you know that He knows you?
“Don’t you believe that He truly loved you unto death?
“Won’t you trust Him in His faithfulness to deliver you?
“Won’t you cast your cares upon Him?
“Won’t you love Him back, and thereby go home to His rest?
“He is the God of All Hope. Accept Him!”

I get all that, and much more from this old hymn.

I invite you to prayerfully read the following words of the hymn and let the words speak to you, and then listen to a beautiful rendition of the same, and I pray that whatever the situation, and wherever your locale, that the comfort of the Holy Spirit may be yours. He is faithful!

1. In the heart of Jesus, there is love for you,
Love most pure and tender, love most deep and true;
Why should you be lonely, why for friendship sigh,
When the heart of Jesus has a full supply?

2. In the mind of Jesus there is thought for you,
Warm as summer sunshine, sweet as morning dew;
Why should you be fearful, why take anxious thought,
Since the mind of Jesus cares for those He bought?

3. In the field of Jesus there is work for you;
Such as even angels might rejoice to do;
Why stand idly sighing for some life-work grand,
While the field of Jesus seeks your reaping hand?

4. In the home of Jesus there’s a place for you;
Glorious, bright, and joyous, calm and peaceful, too;
Why then, like a wanderer, roam with weary pace,
If the home of Jesus holds for you a place?

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #2817

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Book of Daniel Unsealed - Documentary


Questions for Christians

Always Seek Knowledge!

Do I look like a Christian?
Do I talk like a Christian?
Do I walk like a Christian?
Do I love as a Christian?
Do I show that Christ is alive and
Well, and living in me, or
Do I make Him cry?

Do my words speak peace, or
Do they cut and consume?
Do they say He is coming, or
Do they only confuse
Those who are seeking a Savior,
A refuge from the storm, or
Do they fill hearts with distrust
And leave the seeker feeling forlorn?

Does my walk speak of Eternity?
Does it make a seeking heart blaze
With a hope that comes from the Eternal
The Ancient, The One of Everlasting Days?
Does my walk lead e’er upward and
Onward into the Light, or
Does my walk speak of a heart that’s blighted and
Always spoiling for a fight?

Do I look like the Christian who
Looks like the Christ of the Cross, or
Do I look like the Christian who’s
Trying her best to be lost, by
Acting in a manner unbefitting
A child of the Great I am
By showing in thought, word, and action
That I’m an unregenerate mere man?

Does my love for my brother
Show that Jesus is my way, or
Do I show by my living that
Satan is carrying sway?
Does my love have a connection
To the Mainline of the Cross, or
Does my love for my fellows give proof of
An unclean spirit ignoring Christ’s suffering and loss?

What worth are you to Jesus?
What worth is Jesus to you?

What worth is a pin that doesn’t?
What worth is a knife that doesn’t cut?
What worth is salt that doesn’t?
What worth is a path untrodden?
What worth is love that doesn’t?
What worth is a bible not read?
What worth is a river that doesn’t flow?
What worth is a heart that’s leaden?
What worth is a life that’s only show?
What worth is a Savior, the One the world refuses to know?
What worth is a Savior, the One we Christians neglect though we say we own?
What worth is a lamp if we fail to light it to see the way?
What worth is the Word, the lamp for our feet, the light for our way in the dark of day?
What worth is the Blood if we don’t accept that it cleans and redeems?
What worth is a mansion in the Kingdom, if we don’t prayer and actively seek to receive it?
What worth is the Cross, if we choose this day to be among the lost?
What worth is the truth to those who never hear it?

What are you worth to Jesus?
What is Jesus worth to you?

I've got the questions!
Have you go any answers?

Romans 12 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

$ell Out OR Buy In?

$ell Out OR Buy In?

It is compelling, compelling
That everybody is $elling
$elling and telling of $elling
Their soul to the Devil!

Only a soul that won’t wait
On the Almighty God
To give him a gold plate
Containing Christ’s Righteousness
And Everlasting Life
Would feel compelled to smilingly tell
Of the $ell out to old $atan, and
Of preferring separation eternal
To Life that's supernal!

Well, let me tell you
How it is that I feel
About the compromise
And bona fides
And $1,000,000 lies:

It is like this:

With Satan, it is quid pro quo! (something for something)
With Jesus, it is “I love you! I’ve prepared you a home!”

With Satan, it is “Do what thou wilt!”
With Jesus, it is “Worship the King!”

With Satan, it is “Be ye conformed!”
With Jesus, it is “Repent, and be reborn!”

With Satan, it is “Be obdurate! Oh, Obfuscate! ”
With Jesus, it is “Illuminate! Please explicate!”

With Satan, it is “Affaire de couer! Be cavalier! Go Domineer!”
With Jesus, it is “Beware! Turn Away! That’s not the way!”

With Satan, it is “$ell me your soul! I’ll give you power and pearls!”
With Jesus, it is “Buy of Me fire-tried gold, white garments and eyesalve!”

Dear Ones: 

The last statements sum up all that is wrong in the world today:

Satan $ell$ to us what is parching, pretty, and putrefying!

Jesus wants us to buy what is practical to provide for our promotion to Paradise! 

So, if I have made my case clear
You have a decision to make
And you have nothing to fear
From the $ell-outs
Those diehards
Who have given their all
To a creature - not their Creator
For baubles and tight bums
For salutes from the slimy
For fame and fun runs!
Look to Jesus - He made us!
By Him we abide
Give glory unto Him
In His love abide!
For that love was sacrificial
It gave everything for us all
So that we can approach Him
And bless Him and praise
Him in the corporeal
And then in the blaze
Of Eternity’s Light
And Sound
With ever glad song!

Ephesians 6:10:17 (AKJV)

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Prayer: For Protection



Oh, Lord, there are so many questions
That I need to answer
As I venture out each day to
Face those in the high and byways,
Whether friend or foe,
Adversary or associate,
Benefit or burden,
Leech or love.
I ask You for Your covering.
I ask You, Lord, to lead me and
Help me to do what You want me to do
In whichever circumstance I find myself.
Help me to remember that there is no place that
You can bring me to, that You cannot carry me through.
I ask You, Lord, to guide my footsteps and
Let me not pick up the fleas of sin that
Attach themselves to the warm body
That lacks the Living Power that
Heals, seals, and protects from the wiles of Satan.
Lord, where there is a lack within
Please instill, and fill me.
Give me Your strength, Lord, and 
Help me, through Your Grace,
To stand up aright, and stand ... victorious!

Prayer: Asking God for Renewal


Oh, Father, have mercy on me!
I give You my sinner’s heart and
Ask You for the renewing that
Comes from repentance
And from rejecting complicity, and
Refusing again to live in sin’s shade!
Bless me, help me, and shield me
From Satan’s sophistries, and sure-ways by
Keeping me praying, and praised up, and
Walking uprightly on the King’s Highway!


Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV)

8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Prayer: For Help to Maintain Our Allegiance To The Lamb

Father, we hear daily of fellow believers
who are paying with their lives for their faith 
and belief in the Lord, Christ.
Help us, Father, to hold to our allegiance to the Lamb
In the face of great and studied opposition and animosity.
Help us to stand against the demon-heart encased
In the flesh of a human who would kill us 
For our faith in Jesus Christ.
Help us to keep praying, and obeying
Loving and longing for that home in the realm of the blessed.
Oh Lord, please keep us in Your care, and render us
Willing and able to maintain our allegiance and
At the end, to stand up for: 
the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ;
Faithfulness to, and through, Him 
Who redeemed us for His own;
Liberty of conscience;
The truth that is the Living Word; and
Our living hope of  Eternal Glory.

Allegiance To The Lamb






I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
But there is more to it!  - I must be able to stand!
Words without action are words on the wind
There’s a lot of noise but no substance within!

Lord, grant me a little courage
Help me to stand firm
Stiffen my spine and
Lord, help me not to turn!

I love my King Jesus
But, oh how I am weak
Without His arm around me
I can barely speak!

Oh, comfort me Holy Spirit!
Dear Angel, hold me up!
Steady my gaze, firm my courage - be my fillip
Oh, help me, Lord, not to give in nor give up!

Bring, Holy Spirit, to my remembering
The words of His Comfort, the covering of the Lamb
Whose blood had been shed on dark Calvary
Righteous blood for the guilty, guiltless blood to save me!

Hope, faith, courage, Christ’s payment for me
Love, life, witness, I remember Calvary!
He bore my cross, He carried my shame
Help me, dear Lord, to let it not all be in vain!

I bow my head in worship!
I lift my voice in praise!
I put my shoulder to the plow
And count it all great gain!

Yesterday they came for me
Last evening was the trial, and
They gave me until 6:00 a.m.
To utter strong words of denial!

At 6:05 the man declared in dread earnest
That people like me  deserved to die, even in a furnace
For failing with this new world’s tenets to comply, and urged
Yes, Urged me to come along swiftly, as it was time for goodbye!

I know that I will live again though I die today for
I made no rash decision!
I pledged allegiance to The Lamb
For He made all provision, and leads me!


Psalm 5:8(KJV)
8 Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Prayer: Father, Help Me!

Draw Me Nearer / I Need Thee

Father, please help me!

Help me to not denigrate Your holiness as I elevate my humanity to be like Christ, under the agency of Your Holy Spirit, for You are God.

Father, help me to express godly sorrow and show true repentance when the Holy Spirit convinces and convicts me of sin and error.

Help me to be constant in my acceptance that You are true in Your Word when You say that You have cast my confessed sins into the sea of Your forgetfulness, and help not to allow Satan to make me trot out confessed sin, wearing it as a hair-shirt and indulging in self-flagellation and thereby displaying my total lack of faith in Your faithfulness.

Father, you have forgiven my sins time and again, and I am asking You to help me to forgive those who seemingly relish their sin against me as they gleefully pay me the lip service that is their repentance, and help me to measure their repentance by Your yardstick, and not my own, for my hands are not clean nor is my heart pure, and I am truly fearful of what I would do without Your help and leading.

Father, it is really very hard to be kind to the unkind, to love the unlovely in spirit, to not denigrate the disparaging, and to be a blessing to the hateful so I am asking you, Lord, to help me look beyond their faults to find their need, and to be willing to provide that needed and necessary assistance as Your Holy Spirit leads.

Help me to stop being judgmental.

Help me to stop procrastinating with the tasks You have laid before me.

Help to stop speaking with a forked tongue.

Help to not be arrogant in my conviction of my rightness but at all times to display a Christ-like spirit in my interactions.

Help me to display humble boldness in my defense of  truth, for truth does not require color, nor spin, nor explanation by a sharp and arrogant tongue.

 Help me, Father, to find it in my heart to feel pity for those who do not care to pity themselves nor their circumstance nor situation, and to remember that, were it not for my acceptance of Your free grace I, too, would be in their condition.

Help me to show Your love by my willingness to do for my fellow pilgrims on the journey that is this life.

Help me also, Father, to stop acting as though I can save the world, or anyone, and help me to give all my burdens to You, for You are able to save, to help, and to heal.

Father, help me to be like the Apostle Paul to, in all things, and at all times, hungry or full, in want or in abundance, give thanks.

And, Father, help me to so live my life, that Your name may always be glorified.

I ask these mercies in the name of Prince Immanuel, and thank You for hearing and answering my prayers.

I love You, Lord.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Remember the Sabbath, and be Happy and Blessed!


Temple Made of Time


S ix days are made for our work
A nd the Seventh is for our refreshing.
B ountiful blessings are reserved for those who
B elieve and choose to remember to set
A side this blessed time to
T abernacle with the King, the
H oly One – our Creator, Redeemer, Provider and Sustainer.

Isaiah 58:13-14 (KJV)

13 If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.









The Seal of God is found in the Sabbath Commandment i.e., the Fourth Commandment of the Decalogue

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

HOME - An Acrostic

Going Home!

HOME – An Acrostic

H eaven at any cost is to be preferred

O ver hell for free! We choose to share in the Son of

M an's sacrifice for in it we lose earthly gain to gain

E ternity with Him!

The Day Love and Life Met

If That Isn't Love

The Day Love and Life Met

D'Andrea's Story

For as long as D'Andrea could remember, she had always wanted to meet Emmanuel a/k/a Mr. Right. Her Mr. Right! And the day that she finally did meet him, she truly understood what all the girls at the mission meant when they talked about meeting “the one!”
He was not classically handsome. In truth, he wasn't much to look at!
He was tall – but not imposing.
He was dark, and light, and fair, and comfortable-looking.
He wasn't so important that she couldn't get close to, or reach for, him.
He wasn't so cold and formal and judgmental and imposing and intimidating that she would want to pass him by with nary a second look.
He was, well, like Bear Mom's porridge. He was just right! Kinda.
He didn't have a house, or any visible means of transportation.
He had an entourage, and a lot of groupies, and hangers-on but what made him worth knowing was the fact that the two most important big-wigs in the country hated him!
Family by marriage, rich, and politically connected, An Nas and Cai A. Phas, hated anyone who was more popular than themselves, and who – they believed – took glory away from their house, and their productions.
Truth be told, it was being bandied about that those two were plotting to have Emmanuel killed!
Emmanuel didn't even have a job though, it was said, he was a master craftsman having trained and worked under the eminent Davidite artisan Joseph Carpenter, and it was a fact that all he seemed to do was walk up and down the countryside, and the seaside, talking to the locals as though he was canvassing for elective office.
Some of the people who had met him personally had reported that he had some unknown power controlling him for he was able to dismiss their impossibilities as if they never were!
The day that D'Andrea met Emmanuel was the day that D'Andrea finally found her home, her heart, her love and her true life.
D'Andrea's recent life was one fraught with frustration, frugality, feeble-mindedness, filth and fomentation.
In short, her life was not a life or, at least, not a life worth living.
Disappointment, drudgery, deprivation, disavowal and disturbance were her realities.
What was to become of her?
Then, she heard the noise, and she knew! This was going to be her day!
Come hell, or high water, D'Andrea determined, then and there, that she was going to meet her Emmanuel!
Yes! He has her Emmanuel and she was going to claim him for her own!
And, then, there he was! Right in front of her face!
Oh, his eyes! Such beautiful eyes!
There was a banked fire burning in those eyes that bid one to come and rest for a while, and forever.
And, that voice! How it undulated as it flowed and covered one in the wet and wonderful warmth as of a soothing bath!
Emmanuel's words as sound on silent wind caress D'Andrea's soul, and there is ecstasy.
Finally. Finally!!
No more lies!
No more half-truths!
No more dissembling!
Here is her heart! He took it!
Here is past life. He cleansed it!
Here is love made true. She accepted it!
Emmanuel loves D'Andrea loves Emmanuel, and it is righteous.
D'Andrea's life has met her love, and she is ... home!