Monday, November 16, 2015

The Order Of The Day + Prayer: Comfort Us

Death and Destruction - The Order of The Day!
Chaos and Corruption - The Vaunted Way!
Destabilization Gymnastics - No Matter What They Say
The Innocents Are The Ones Who Usually Pay!

Life is Not a War Game Played by Foolish Boys!
Life is No Tea Party With Silly Girls and Made Up Toys!
Real Life is Real Hard - Relentless and Vindictive
Masterminded by Mayhem - Motivated by Hate
Covering an Unholy Quest for False and Fleeting Joys!

Oh, Lord, The Trafficking is Relentless!!
Oh, Lord, The Cry of Pain - even Death - is Common Heard
The People, Lord, as Merchandise
Bought and Sold on The World's Exchanges
Are Being Robbed of Their Soul's Salvation
By The Dying God of The World
Hell-bent on Gaining An Army of Warriors Against Jesus - by Default!

Father, I'm Pleading for Your People
Whom You Promised to Protect!
You Promised My Master, Jesus
He would not lose One Soul, and
He Promised He will Not One Comer Eject!

Give us Your Grace, Lord
To Daily Make Our Commitment
To Stand Firm in The Lord
Father, Help Us Ever Sin to Reject!

God of All Grace
We Turn to You Our Faces
Lit with Eternal Life's Hope
Soothed by Peace, and
Lubricated by Joy!
Please Carry us By Your Love, and
Comfort us Even As We Pray!
We Accept Your Divine Offer of Mercy!
Father, Please Accept Our Repentance for Sin!
Hear Our Prayer of Faith This Day, and
Protect Us from The Evil One on The Pathway
So that We will not for Our Own Sin
Have to Eternally Pay.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Rejecting Joy For A Toy + Prayer: Father, Forgive Me!

I did not Commit a Sin That Day!
I did something Worse!
I committed a Self, My Friend
Which proved to be much like The Curse!

I did not break any Laws of God
I did not Lie
I did not Cheat
I did not Steal
But what I did that day Revealed
A side of Me I Openly Concealed!

I found out that I Reverence The Living God
Upon My Currently Available Terms!
I allowed That Sotto Voce
To Dictate when how I would Enter in
Sweet Communion with My King.

Well,  you may ask
Why The Big Deal?
Is not God always there?
Oh, yes,  He is!
But that's not The Point!
I have set aside His Special Time
Where I rest in Him
And we Commune - Love and Talk!

Let me try to Explain Better Using a computer game as Analogy:

I had a scheduled appointment with Jesus
My heart and my head were prepared
We got together as determined
No bells, no whistles
No fanfare.

During our normally scheduled appointment
Worldly pursuits and considerations were put away
This Time Is for Recharging The Soul's Batteries
So that Life would not drown me in The Rolling Waves!

In the Midst of our  Appointment
A Bright Button interrupted The Blessed Flow
I Interrupted Pray and Praise with My Jesus
To check how many of My Electronic-Game-Lives 
Time had graciously Restored!

As if that were not Sufficiently Egregious
Checking The Game
Turned into Full Game Play
And even though I could hear The Holy Spirit calling
I Permitted Self's Sotto Voce
To Decide Whom I Diligently Worshiped and
At whose Altar I Fervently Prayed!

I take it back!
What I said earlier
About not having Committed any Sin
Nor broken any Laws!
The First Commandment I did break
Choosing The Game-God
Loving The Fake!

Problem is when Electronic-God took my Electronic-Lives
I Returned to Jesus Christ with Burning Eyes
And He Accepted Me
As I proffered banalities and
Uttered platitudes as if Jesus Christ did not have
All-seeing, All-knowing, Ever-present eyes.

Well, let me tell you The Outcome of That Debacle!
I have never felt more Adrift from God than I did That Day!
I felt like I had Disappointed, Even Lost My Best Friend
And, Believe Me, The Incident Something Precious did Me truly Cost!

I tried to Rationalize My Game-Play
I tried asking Myself
Why such a Big Deal over a "Stupid Game!"
But, try as I might, I couldn't get my Living Spirit to feel Right
For it was as though I had Permitted My Blessing from God to be A "NO Show!"

Dear Ones:

This Real Life Is No Computer Simulation!

There are Real Souls, Real Threats, Real Prizes, Real Deaths and Real Rewards!

The Real Difference between The Real Computer and Your Real Life Is that Real Death without a Real Commitment to The Real Jesus Leaves One without The Real Benefit of The Eternal's Real Life Regeneration Cord, and Award, and Reward!

Anything in Our Lives That causes Our  Eyes To Look Away from Jesus Christ IS Our New God, Compliments of The Fraud!

So, Give it Up, and Look Up!

Call to Jesus - He'll get you off It's Hook, and With Eternal Blessings, He will Fill You Up!

Tell It To Jesus!

God Wrote His Law 


The Tables Of Our Hearts


We Will


We Are Doing Wrong!


Denying A Lie Doesn't Convert It To The Truth!


Don't Play

A Disobedient Jonah's Part


Your Own Life's Story!


Father, Forgive Me
For Ignoring You
Father, Forgive Me
For Creating Presumptuous-Sin Stew
Father, Forgive Me
For Those Days when I Deliberately, Wickedly
Choose to Not Know or Own You
And Help Me to Yield My Sinful Self
Totally Unto You!
I Love You, Lord.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Some people walk a mile in shoes and
Some people can't walk!

Some people cry foul at going to work in the rain and
Some people would die for a fowl, and work, and rain!

Some people give a helping hand and
Some people  just wash their hands!

Some people see with their eyes and
Some people see with their hearts!

Some people have hearts for God and
Some people have Godless hearts!

Some people Try and
Some people are Tried!

Some people love hate and
Some people hate love!

Some people stink and grow rich and
Some people richly grow despite the stink!

AND ...

Some people kill cockroaches while
Some people behave like cockroaches!


Some people who love Jesus Christ BUT
Jesus Christ loves all people!

Some people who will be killed for Jesus Christ BUT
Jesus Christ was killed for all people!

Some people who will be saved by Jesus Christ BUT
Jesus Christ can save all people!

Some people who will meet Jesus Christ in Peace BUT
Jesus Christ is Peace for all People!

Some people will Trust Jesus Christ and won't personally pay for Sin BUT
Jesus Christ will cause all people who don't Trust Him to Pay for Their Own Sin!

Some people who are expecting Jesus Christ to Return for them in all His Glory BUT
Jesus Christ's Return for some people will be unexpectedly gory!

Some People Act Good
Some People Act Badly, and
Some People Act Every Day
As if Crime and Sinning IS Truly The Way to Play!

BUT ...

There is The Message Which Must be Told!

The Winds of Strife
Are Blowing soon Hot to Bold
And Those without
The Covenant of Peace
Will Suffer Lost when
The Winds be Fully Released 
Plainly Exposing The Dreadful Beast!

The Holy Spirit Is Calling TODAY!!
Answer! Answer!
Please Don't Delay!
Now is The Accepted Time!
Fight Sin - Get Jesus Christ!
He Will Save Save You for 
He Is Kind and Divine!

Salvation IS Free
For You and for Me
Bought and Paid for by Eternal Love
It Fits Each Soul like 
A Custom-made Glove!


Free Insurance
Eternal Damnation


Grace Be Unto You
One Salvation Way, Suite #JESUS
Prayer & Supplication
#Confession, #Repentance

Friday, November 13, 2015


I Like God!
He is My Friend
On Whom I Can Depend!
I Like God!

Seriously, I Really Like God!

"Strange Expression, don't you Think!?!"

No! No! Not at all!

Think about this:

The people with whom I choose to associate are the people I really like, respect, trust, find companiable, comforting, helpful, comfortable, resourceful, loving, funny, smart, and trustworthy. 

We are the same things to each other, and we love each other enough to like being in each other's company ... all the time!

And ... we are all-around good people, with character and faith in The True and Living God. 

Look at God:

  • Faithful
  • Merciful
  • Helpful
  • Caring
  • Gracious
  • Resourceful
  • Creative
  • Artistic
  • Comforting
  • Comfortable
  • Trustworthy
  • Loving
  • Just
  • Companiable
  • Wise, and 
  • Funny and 
  • Serious and 
  • True, and
  • Truthful 

God Knows The Best Ways for Me to Walk, all The Best Places where I May Lay My Head, Sets The Best Table, Guards Against Enemy Attacks, and knows where The Living Waters Flow, AND He Gives Me Life!

Best of All, because He does not Pry, and Waits to be called, and is Always Available on Demand, I share things with Him that I will not Share with Another Living Soul, knowing full well that He will not "Desert Me" by Reason of my Weaknesses, and Bad Temper, and Lying, and Cheating and Stealing and Daily Fornications and Adulteries! 

God Listens and He Counsels, but there have been times when He put His foot down and Chastised Me, and stated clearly: "Don't Do That! That is Not The Way for You!"

He doesn't leave Me to "Figure it out!" for Myself!

He Teaches Me The Right Way, and Helps Me to Walk in it!

We have had a few dust-ups over the years, though and, believe me, things were pretty bad for a while!

You see, I wanted to do something that God - Repeatedly - told me not to do, and I got on my high horse, and called Him a few unflattering descriptives and went on my merry way and did my own thing and paid ... BIG TIME!!

I was totally ticked off at God after that Debacle!

"How could You let me do that?!
How could You let that happen to me?!
Why didn't You stop Me?!
I thought you were My Friend!"

Want to hear what He said:

"Beloved, you have Free Will and Free Choice!
I will Never Force you to do The Right Thing!
I will Chastise, and Plead, and Love, and Call you BUT I will let you Decide AND whatever The Decision is that you make, I will be here Waiting for you when you call!"

His Answer totally took The Wind out of my Overblown Sails!

One day, I told Him that I gave Him Permission to yank Me back when He sees me going Astray and, do you know what? 

He has taken that request to His Heart, and He sticks closer to me that even my brother can!

It is Amazing!

On another occasion, we were Talking, and I Wondered how He could be Satisfied to be Always Giving Me Blessings for which I could Never Repay Him?!

Do you know what He said!

"I Love You! 
It is Enough that you Desire to be with Me, and are always Talking Intimately with Me, willing to Follow My Lead, and that you Trust Me, and are Walking - Faithfully ... Steadfastly - on The Highway To Heaven, as you Learn and Grow from Following The Way as Set Forth in My Family Book of Gifts that I Gave to you!"

My Heart Leaped!


God makes me Laugh - often!
God makes me Think - all the time!

In God, My Life is Complete
By God, I Stand Firmly on My Feet
With God, Bitter Tastes Sweet
For God Has Made Heaven The Prize
To Those who Faithfully Compete!

I Like God
He Is Wise
Uses No Lies
Plans No Way-out Strategies
Wisdom Is His Eye
I Can On Him Rely
By His Grace I Can Satan Defy
With His Mercy
In The Great By and By
I Will Live Forever
Winging To Worlds
Which Imaginings Can't Prophesy!

I Like God!
This Is Not About Obligatory Love
This Is Friendship ... And Beyond
He Called Himself My Friend - Unto The End
And Sought Me Out When I Faced Harm
He Looks Out For Me - Day and Night
He Fights For Me - Dissolving The Blight
He Died For Me - To Give Me His Light
He Carries Me - When Cares Benight
He Comforts Me - When I Take A Fright
He Watches Me - I Am Ever In His Eyesight
And Because Of His Sacrificial Love
I Shall Gain The Winner's Wreath At The End Of The Fight!
I Really, Really, Like God!

Thursday, November 12, 2015


In the Little Town called Prayer
A Little Song was sung with Cheer
Reminding All Who Burdens Bear
To Call Upon The One Who Cares!

I Happened Upon Prayer Today
And Noted A Slight Peculiarity
Each and Every One was In Charity
Singing The Song They All Knew!






Why are these people singing The Word HeySu?!

Who in The Name of All That Is Holy is HeySu?

Every where
All you hear
Sitting in The Clear
Young and Old
Singing from The Soul
Their Song is of One


I Must Know!

Excuse Me, Ma'am?!
I'm New Here!
Could You Tell Me
About The Song?
The Song All Sing
As they  Move Around
Please, Tell Me
About The HeySu Song!?

That Lady Looked Kindly upon Me
Gently Touched My Hand
Smiled Sweetly, and said:

"HeySoos is The Spanish Pronunciation of The Name Jesus!
This Town is Called Prayer
And for us
Jesus IS Always a Prayer Away
And it is Our Reminder
To Call
To Call
To Call upon The Name of Jesus - HeySoos
That We May Be Saved."

The Lady's name is Faith!
She pointed out Glory ... in The Distance
Introduced Me to Grace
Took me to lunch at It's All Joy!
And walked me to The Sanctuary
Where I met Peace!

For The First Time in Absolute Ages
My Sleep that Night was Rest.

Through Happy Tears
At The Dawning of The Day
The Name of Jesus
Was All That I could Say
However One Pronounces  His Name
The Prayer Always Get Through!

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Holy, Savior, Jesus
Blessed, Faithful, Jesus
He's Our Friend to The End!

Did You Call on Jesus TODAY?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Can Wait On The Lord!

I don't need Instant Gratification!
I can Wait on The Lord!
I don't need bells and whistles -
Those come Compliments of The Fraud!

I will not Indulge in Blind Obedience
As called for by The Gods of The Earth!
I will Obey My Father in Heaven
Who knew Me before I was Birthed!

Blind Obedience isn't even for Blind People
Their Training leads them on The Straight Way
My Obedience - My Way - is lead by Straight Teaching
By Him who is The Truth and who doesn't have Feet of Clay!

I will not Practice a Blind Faith!
My Faith comes from The Healer of Blind Eyes
And Hearts, and Hurts
The Faithful One - Himself
The Witness
He who Suffered to Cleanse Me of The Curse of Death!

Father, I can Wait for My Blessing
The One Too Fantastic to Conceive
The Blessing from Him who is Gracious
From Him who My Sorrows did Feel!

I Will Wait ... On The Lord!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Seed Bearing Fruit

Tomato Love ...
He was just a Brown Seed
Planted in some Black Sod
With Clear Water poured on his bed.

Gold Sun Shone on him!
Warm Heat made him Sleep
And before he could Snore twice
He had Root Legs
Branch Arms
And a Pretty Head - too Sweet!

He was Tended by The Word
Soft Manure of Encouragement - Daily Heard
And before there was Fanfare
Branch Arms had acquired nubbins!

Sun, Water, Word, Heat
A Poke in The Root Legs
Rest ... and Repeat
Was Tomato Love's Growing Cycle
Until The First Reaper was

A Bountiful Harvest!
Tomato Love is Beautifully Lush - but quite green!
He is Off To The Grand Market
Spruced Up Pretty and Clean
A little stem and a couple leaves showing!

The Lord who Bought Tomato Love
Was something called Connesieur
Who knew his Onions and Tomatoes
And took his Specimens with Great Care!
There Must Be SOMETHING In To Them.

His Mandate is Perfect
His Eye is Keen
He wants His Tomatoes
To be filled - Juicy - with lots of Seeds!

The Juice is for Serving
The Seed is to Make Tomato More, and
His Heart will be Blessed
As he looks to The Glorious Sea Shore!

You see, Tomato Love is an Heirloom
No Hybrid is he
He is True to His Roots
No Ponsi Seed anywhere in his Body!

On The Day called Dispatch
Tomato Love was Smelling Delicious
And Looking flushed - Deep Red!
He was Firm and Yet Soft
And his Lord's People were Waiting to be Fed!

The First Cut was Painful
Three and Four not So Bad
And when it was All Over
There was Rejoicing in The Yard for
Enormous Numbers of Seed were 
To be Preserved!

The Juice was Efficacious and
Many had Been Served!
Every Note of Tasty Truth had been Heard!
Every Ray of The Sun Absorbed
Missing None who Cared
And Those Seeds Set Aside for Tomorrow Service
Will be Kept Safe - God Missing None!

Every Man has Two Calls Upon His Life:

The Call of The Holy Spirit
The Call of Sin Satan!




Use Your Gifts To Serve God's Purpose


Your Gifts Will Serve 
Satan-Devised Purpose!

Monday, November 9, 2015

He Who Promised Is Faithful!

God's Love Cost Me Nothing
But God's Love For Me
Cost Him All - The Blood and The Life of The Beloved
On that Old Rugged Cross!

Me - The Sinner - No Loss!
Jesus Christ - The Beloved Lamb - Accursed Death on The Cross!

Jesus Christ was Cold ... in The Grave!
After Treatment like ... The Sin-Sacrificed Slave
Because His Spilt Blood 
Indelibly Coded
"God's Love IS Eternal Love!"
I Will 
Approach The Father's Throne of Grace
And I Know that 
I will be Saved
Jesus Christ Arose from That Dark Grave
And I Will 
On The Eternal Word of The Infinite God 
Forever Stand
The Living Sacrifice
Promised Me a Mansion
A Home
In Glory Land
By God's Free Grace
Jesus Christ's Faith
My Hope
My Trust 
The Eternal Word's Eternal Word
Take Delivery 
My Eternal Home's Deed
He Who Promised

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Creature As Creator-god + Prayer: Keep Us Safe!

My God IS God
The Creator of All!
He Needs No Help
From The Children Of The Fall
Who Through Disbelief
Disobedience and
Sin's Decay
Have Raised Up Themselves To Where
God Must Do What They Say, and
He Must Them Daily Pay! - Worship, that is!

Creature is Creator
Creator Par Excellence
Who Makes Mechanically Marvellous Electronics
And Says: "god, This ... We are Fantastic!"

These Creatures of Clay
Make Their Own gods with
Eyes that Can't See
Ears that Can't Hear
Hands that Can't Work
Feet that Can't Walk


They Deny Almighty God's
With A Lot of High Fallutin' Long Talk 
Filled with Malignity!

They are Trees without Fruit
With Rotten Roots
Clouds without Rain
Heavy ... with no Gain
Still Dying, Ever, Always
Knowing Pain
A Spot
A Blot
Having No Shame
As he His Creator's Name
He Profanes!

Father God
Word of God
Spirit of The Living God
Keep These Eyes Faithful On The Prize!
Let Us Never Fall For the "Man Is god" Disguise!
Let Us Ever Cry and Mourn and Pray!
Hear Our Petitions As Time Rolls Day By Day!
Help Us To Be Faithful
Always Honoring You
Never Having to Eat The Devil's Bread
Which Will Cause Us To Deny You!
You ARE Our Lord!
You ARE Our God!
You Help!
You Heal!
You Save!
You Seal!
Protect Us and Guide Us, and
Keep Us Safe From The Ever-Scheming Fraud
Until The Day Dawns
In Jesus' Holy Name we Plead.