Saturday, March 9, 2019


Dearest Laronde:


It Was A Pleasure, Indeed, To Hear From You, And I Sincerely Pray That All Is Well With You, And Your Beloved! Please Kiss Charlie And Chivonne For Me!

As Regards Your Inquiry, I Will Answer Your Questions As I Would A Person Who Has No Personal Knowledge Of The One About Whom I Speak: I Speak Of Him With Joy And Love!


I Have A Forever-Friend Named Christ Jesus!
He Is Also The Savior Of Man
The Redeemer Under The Plan
The Creator Of All Things Visible And Invisible
The King Of Heaven And Earth
The Judge Of Every Man!

Jesus Is My Friend
In Need And In Deed
He Sticks Closer Than A Sister Or Brother!
He Is Also The Holy God!
He Is Life, Light And Health To All
I Claim Him As Mine
I Desire No God Called Other!

I Am A Laborer!
I Bear Of Sin The Heavy Load
I Have A Carte Blanche With My Jesus
To Come To Him To Unload!

He Has Promised Me A Fair Exchange
He Is Almighty God And Can Do It:
I Freely Give Him And He Will Willingly Take
My Heavy Load
Give Me His Burden Which Is Light! 
I Did It
It Does My Soul Truly Delight!

He Asked In Return That
I Take His Yolk That Is Easy
Learn About Him
He Said That I Shall Have Rest For My Soul!
This Is A Work Ongoing!

My Friend
My Lord, My God, My King
This Jesus
Proved, For Me, His Great Love! 

He Left All His Majesty
His Glory, His Honor
His Worship, His Praise
Came Down To See Me
- To Save Me -
From His Glorious Home
In Heaven Above!

He Didn't Have To Do It!
I Didn't Ask Him To Do It!
I Didn't Even Know That 

From Time Immemorial That
That Had Been In His Heart
I Am Glad That He Did It! 

I Am Blessed Beyond Measure
He Looks Upon Me In Love
I, Grateful For His Bounty
Willingly Return His Love!

I, Here, Shall Tell You
The Lord's Honest Truth That
You Cannot Go To Him Dirty
Remain That Way!

He Is A Dirt Magnate
His Blood On You Is Detergent Zero
That Is, No Stains Remain
I Can Tell You Also
That He Gives All His True-True Friends
What Is Universally Called
The Garment Of Praise
Which Is Made Of Fire-Proof-Character Fabric
- His Character -
Which Will Withstand Unquenchable Fire
The Eternal Glory Of The Ancient Of Days!
The Lord Be Praised!

You Will Never Believe The Gift That He Gave Me
I Urge You That You Should!
He Gave Me Of His Innocent Blood
Which, Upon My Acceptance
Gives Me His Life
Gives Me His Grace
Gives Me His Mercy
Gives Me His Forgiveness For My Confessed
Repented Of Sin
Gives Me Hope
Gives Me Help
Gives Me Healing
Gives Me The Admit-One Ticket
To The Banquet Of The Blessed
After The Great Revealing!

Meanwhile, I Have Faith
Love Joy Peace And Rest
The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit
That Comforter That Teaches All Truth
That Guides And Lovingly Chides
The Protection And Good Influence Of
His Holy Angels
Who Take Care Of Those Who
By Him ... Choose
To Be Blessed! 
Eternally Blessed!

I Will Not Tell A Lie!
He Has Made It Quite Plain That
To Be His Forever Friend
Means That You Have At Your Heels
The One Who Shall Forever Be Known As
His Eternal Enemy
A Former Bright And Shining Star
Who, Without Cause
- Without Excuse -
Indulged In Killing Envy
Jealousy And Greed!

I Must Face His Enemy
Who Is Also Enemy Mine
My One Protection
The Whole Armor Of God
Which Starts With:
"Doth Saith The Lord!" Aka "It Is Written!"

His Enemy
- My Enemy -
Indulges In Shining-Light Fraud!
He Masquerades!
He's A God-Fraud!
He Indulges Deceit!
He Tells Bold Lies:
He's The Father Of Lies!

He's The Murderer!
He Leads Mankind Into Sin!
He Instigates Pain, Suffering
Horror And All Sorrows
He, It Is, Who Beguiled Our First Parents
Into The Sins Of Doubt And Disobedience!

That Enemy
- Our Enemy, Heart Cold -
The Piercing Serpent
The Dragon
The Devil
Beelzebub The Bold
The Lord Of Dung
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Adversary
The Raging Lion
Who Walks About ... Seeking
Whom He May Devour!

I Am Warned By My Jesus
To Be Sober
To Be Vigilant
To Stand Firmly On Living Truth
To Trust Him ... And Obey
To Walk Right On The Narrow, Strait, Way
To Keep A Song In My Heart
To Hold Him In Godly Fear
To Honor Him With My First Fruits
To Not Forget To Pray!

I Am To Do The Good That I Can
For My Fellow Man!
I Am To Tell Others Of The Straight
Good News Gospel Plan!
I Am To Live In His Light
Which Is Bright Blessed And Best
I Am To Rest On His Rest Day
The Seventh Day Of His Law Of Life
Not On The Adversary's Spurious Sabbath
On The Day Called The First! 

No Created Being Can Ever
His Holy Law Reverse!

Satan, The Adversary 

Cursed With A Curse
Never, Ever, To Be Reversed!

My Jesus Says That I Need Endurance
And, For This

He Gives Me ... Daily Faith
Daily Grace

Strength For The Day's Journey
Courage For The Way!

He Has Promised Me That
I Shall Never Walk Alone
That My Bread And Water Are Sure
He Asks That I Take An Easy Hold
On The Things Of This Life
Nothing In This Realm

Fire-Proof, Eternal, Or Tried Gold!

My Friend,
I Can Tell You So Much More
But, For Now, I'll End With This:

Jesus Christ Saves!
He Sets The Captives Free!
He Makes The Halt And Crippled Walk
He Causes The Known Blind To See! 

He Says: 

"Come, Let Us Reason Together!"

He Makes Scarlet Sins White Like Snow!
He Makes Crimson Sin To Be As Wool
He Gives To His Friends
- Who Are Also Called His Children -
The Cup
The Cup Of Blessing That Overflows!

Beloved, Believe Me!
That Cup Is Never Not Full!

Please Don't Just Take My Word Only
For All These Things That I've Said!
There Is Testimony Of More Than Two Or Three Witnesses! 
Let Your Soul Also By The Preserved Word
Under The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Be Safely Led!

Please Pray About What I've Told You!
Please Ask The Lord Christ Into Your Life!
Believe In Him
You Shall Be Saved
Life, For You, Won't End
When You Enter The Cold Grave!

The Faithful-To-Him Dead
On The Great Day
Shall, By His Loud Voice
Be Raised Immortalized
Forever Changed
To Be Like Him!
That's A Situation Called Win-Win!

Do Not To Sin Be Enslaved!
Only Preserved Saints ... Escape
The Second Death
Aka Eternal Separation From Almighty God
Aka Hell
Aka The Lake Of Fire Grave!

For His Friends, His Life He Gave!

Let John 3:16-17 The Way For You
Plainly, Clearly, Pave! 

  • 1 John 1:9 Proves That Satan Is The Knave!
  • Psalm 119:105 Turns On Your Search-Light!
  • Psalm 1:1-2 Is Your Head-Covering!
  • Philippians 4:13 Is The Rod For Your Spine!
  • Psalm 84:11 Is The Perfect Pillow For Your Bed! 
  • Psalm 143:8 Is Your Heart's Song! 

The Blessing Of The Lord God Almighty Makes You Rich! Very Rich Indeed!

I Look Foward With Delight To Seeing You During The First Week Of Summer!

Until Then,
I Close With Love, Hugs, And Kisses,


Friday, March 8, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH: My Father Is God Almighty!

My Mother Is Not Called Nature!
My Father Is Not Called Time!
My Father Lives In Heaven, Above
He Is The Lord God Almighty
Blessing, Kind
Holy, Divine!

I Do Not Travel On Broadway!
Through Life, I Do Not Take Short Cuts!
By Faith, I Follow The Master
Through Obedience
I Do Not Gainsay His Word
By Indulging In What-If's, Maybe's And But's!

By Almighty God's Grace
I Am Pledged Not To Follow The Multitude
To Do Evil
Never Against My God To Confederate
The Lord Is My Shepherd ... He Leads
By His Guidance
I Intend, By Right
To Walk Through The Assigned Pearl Gate!

I'm A Pilgrim!
I'm A Stranger!
This Earth Is Not My Home!
I'm Treading The Boards Here Of
 The Straight And Narrow Way
On My Way To My True And Heavenly Home
Which Cannot By Created Beings Be Cloned!

As I Walk With Firm And Steady Gait
On The Road To Beulah Land
I Am Doing All The Good I Can
To Bless My Fellow Man!

I Will Not Begrudge A Fellow A Morsel
Nor Ever A Cup Of Water Clean
He Who Is My Lord, God, Judge 

Coming-For-Me King

Recording For All Posterity
All My Acts ... Good And Bad!

I Believe The Word Of My God And My King!
I Believe His Promises
His Praises I Joyfully Sing!

I Trust Him In His Care For Me
Even As I See He Cares For Others
I Will To Go Wherever He Leads
For He Is The Almighty
The One True God ... Never False
Always Giving, Truly Blessing!
Like Him, There Is No Other!

The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
My Comfort!
Jesus Christ The Righteous
My Savior, My Redeemer, My Friend
My Hope Until Life Ends!
The Holy Angels Are My Influencers For Good
And My Constant Protection
With My Cooperation With Their Ready Aid
Satan, By Me, Is Withstood!

The Word Of My God
My Strong Tower!
I Run To It And I Am Saved!
I Rest Upon It: It Is My Daily Food
I Can Tell You Truly, Friend
For The Faithful
The News Is, Indeed, And Most Assuredly, Good!

Wait, Work And Watch!
Believe And Receive!
Trust And Obey The Word Of The Living God
The Rock Of Ages
You Will Never Be Among
The Ones Called ... Deceived!

Take The Daily Grace!
Bathe In Free Mercy!
Confess And Repent Of Known Sin!
Accept Available Salvation!

Do Not Despise Almighty God's Ready Forgiveness!
Your Life 

In His Hand!
He Is The God Of All Creation!
Keep The Line Of Communication Open!
Remember That You Are A Fallen Human
It Is He, Alone
That Can Raise You Up By His Holy Hand!

Keep A Song In Your Heart
Be Constant, Instant, In Prayer!
Let This Be Your Pleasure
Your Forever Treasure!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

WORRY: Rid Yourself Of The Thorny One!

It Came As A Total Shock!
Worry Was Blind!
Not A Momentary Blindness
A You Will Never See
This Is Something That Not Even Jesus Christ
Can Fix Sickness!
Fact Is ...

To Save The Purchased-With-Innocent-Blood Soul
Worry Must Be Killed ... Dead, Done, Finished!

Worry Had Started Life In The Life
As The Embryonic Raised Eyebrow
By Associating With 

"What If!"



He Was Transformed Into Doubt!

Don't Doubt This ...

Sin Against The Holy God!

Hope Tried To Educate Doubt
There Was A "But!"

  • But What About ...!?!
  • But What If I ... !?!
  • But There Are...!
  • But It ...!
  • But He ...!
  • But She ...!
  • But They ...!
  • But Why ...!?!
  • But When ...!?!

Time Passed And Doubt Grew A Horn
First Thin And Straight
Then Curly And Fat
Old Satan Patted Him On The Back!

Doubt Had Been Tagged!

This Wasn't Going To Just So ...

Trust Joined Hope!
Faith Joined Trust And Hope!
Truth Joined Faith, Trust And Hope!
Grace Joined Truth, Faith, Trust And Hope
Mercy-Free Loved On Him
- Being Grossly Deceived -
- "Lord Preserve Us From The Shame!" -

He Emerged In Colorful Array As

Worry Built Himself A Bunker
A Base
A Hunker-Down Hole
Not Suitable For Lovers Of Light
Doers Of Good And Right!

It Was Viewed By The Followers Of Christ
With Blunt Distaste
Because, Because

The Master, Himself
Had Made It Quite Plain:

Do Not Worry!

I Am Your Help!
Ask The Father In My Name!
You Will Not Be Made Ashamed!

Problem, Problem, Problem ...

Worry Was A Self-Made Man!
Worry Knew Everything Better Than Others!
Worry Is Of The Seed Of The Goat-Man Clan!
Worry Is As The Grain Of Sand In A Clam
It Grows Into Something That 
The Unregenerated Mind Calls
Now, That's A Real Sham!

Mercy And Truth Kissed ...

One Day
Holy Spirit Of Truth Appeared
He Was Taking No Prisoners! 
Mercy Was At Hand!

Holy Spirit Of Truth Revealed Plain Truth!
He Shed The Light Of Life Abroad
He Called Worry-Worn Man To Repentance
To Walk With The Lord Of Life In Accord!

As Was To Be Expected ...

A Real Nasty Muh-Cat Yuh-Dog Fight Broke Out
Worry's Curly Horn Was Plucked Out
By The Very Root!
He Started To Unravel At This State Of Affairs
And SoonHe Was Stripped ... Naked! 
He Wasn't Even Given The "Dignity" Of
A Tie Or A Pair Of Boots!

His Denouement Complete
Worry Died 
- Dried Up - 
In Disgrace
The Detritus Of His Ill-Spent Life
Blew Away, Blew Away
Just Like Fine Dust In A Gale!

Glory, Glory ...

The Children Of The Patient Holy One
Lifted Up Their Voices In Prayer And Praise
To Be Rid Of The Thorny One
From Within Their Midst 
Who Would Not Bend To Omnipotence
Who Would Not Accept Omnipresence
Who Would Not Respect Omniscience
Who Rejected The Lovingly Compassionate Nature Of 
The Lord Of All
The Creator And Sustainer Of Life!

"Jesus Christ Always Saves!"

Was Their Heartfelt Cheer!

So, What About You!?!
Did You Give Your Worry
To The Saving Lord Today!?!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus!

I Will Not Apologize
I Will Not Make Excuses!
If You See Me Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus
It Means That He Is Saying Something ... Everything
Which I Know 
That I Need To Hear
I Am Actively Listening To His Voice!

I Am Not Just There For The Photo Op!
I Am There Because
Being Away From His Presence
Something That My Regenerated Heart Cannot Bear!

I Have No Desire To Be A Judas!
I Desire To Be Like The Beloved Disciple, John
Moving Up From Sitting At The Master's Feet
To Reclining By Right Upon His Breast
To Touch Him
To Hear That Once-Broken Heart
With Saving Power Beat
To Know That That Heart
It Beats For Me!

I Am A Sinner-Saved!
I Am A Prisoner-Freed!
I Am The Lost-Found!
I Am The Cursed-Blessed!
I Am The Once Blind-Now Sighted!

I Have The Ear Of The Savior!
I Am Held By The Hand Of The Creator!
I Am The Apple Of The Eye Of The Almighty
I Shall The Cast-off Damned Satan
By That Holy Spirit
- The Peace Dove
My Teacher
My Comfort
The Leader Into All Truth -
Confidently Defy And Deny!

I Have The Rock Of Ages To Stand Upon!
I Have The Haven Of Rest In Which To Abide!
I Have The Shepherd Of Souls To - Unafraid - Follow
I Have Heaven At The Last Trumpet For
My Soul's Goal!

Available Grace
Free Mercy
Are Mine
From The Loving Hand Of The Glorious Divine!

I Have Holy Angels Excelling In Strength For Protection!
I Have That Great Book To Direct Me
Every Moment Of Every Day
I Have The Most Precious Gift
Ever Given To And Utilized By A Human
A Communications Line Called Prayer!

The Truth Stands ...

My Lord, My God
My Hope, My Help
Reigns And Rules
Over All He Surveys!
His Word Is Sealed
Settled In Heaven
By His Personal Invitation
- Gladly, Eagerly, Joyously Accepted By Me -
I Am Going To Live With Him
In His Home In Glory!

After All That
What Then, I Ask You
Could A Man
A Fallen Angel Damned
Possibly Do For Or Unto Me
To Scuttle My Belief 
In The Eternal God's Everlasting Plan!?!


Please Let Us Take A Page From The History Book
Actively Choose To Believe The Lord Of Life
At His Living Holy Word!

The Old Town Crier Of Bygone Days
Listened To The Bonging Of The Clock
At The Last Bong For The Hour To Be Disclosed
Loudly, Emphatically, Clearly
Unashamedly, Unfailingly Stated
For Example:

"It Is 10 O'Clock
All Is Well!"

I Believe The Lord Christ
Who Is Known Faithful
By Water, Word And Blood
Death, Ascension
Present Intercession
I Am Saying In Working
Believing, Receiving
Trusting Holy Faith, That:

The Lord God Almighty
On The Throne Of Heaven
*** And *** 
All Is Well!

Just Like A Tree That's 
Planted By The Water Of Life
I ... Willingly Cooperating With The Lord Christ
Shall Not  Be Moved!

May Almighty God Have Mercy Upon Us All!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Deny The Liar!

Consistent, Persistent
Resistant And That's A Shame
Were Having A Conversation About Faith
With Bertie Profane!

First Things First ...

Bertie Profane
Was Like The Vain Over-Reaching Mrs. Bucket
Who Pronounced Her Name As
Mrs. Bouquet! 
Bertie Profane Professionally Pronounced His Name As
Bertram "Bertie" Profanay!

By Way Of "Occupation"
He Was Satan's Henchman Dockie Drew's Man O' Business
His Fixer
His Friend
He Was Full Of Himself
He Showed It To Everybody That Was Anybody!
He Did Not Need A Cue!

Today Was A Big Day ...

As Already Explained
He Was Having A Having-Out With The Do-Gooders
Consistent, Persistent
That's A Shame
He Was Being True To His True Name
Acting Truly Profane!

He Refused To Agree To Anything They Said
Even If It Was Plainly Shown Him In The Good Book!

Things Went On Like This For A Bit
Until The Conversation Turned To The Adversary
On The Issue Of "Associating" With That Devil Aka Satan
Consistent Consistently
- In Jesus Christ's Holy Name -
Did Satan's Self-Willed Ways Deny!
Persistent Persisted In Saying: 

"Deny The Liar! 
Let The Lord's Name Be Glorified!" 
No Shock
Resistant Showed God-Fearing Resistance
By The Holy Spirit's Assistance!

And, Who Do We Have Next ...

Bertie Profane
- Never A Believer In Anything That
He Could Not Physically See, Taste, Feel
Touch, Hear Or Roll Over -
True To His Name 
Boldly Asked:

Who Do You Think You're Fooling With That Crap!?! 

To Which That's A Shame Was Heard Saying:

That's A Shame That You Believe The Devil 
When You Know Of A Surety That He Always Lies!

Hear That Profane Bertie Speak:

Truth! Lies!
Lies! Truth!
Six Ah One And Half Dozen O' The Other!
Turn Off The Light
Yuh Cahn Tell One From The Other!

In Perfect Unison ...

Consistent, Persistent
Resistant And That's A Shame
Answered Him Quite Plainly:

May The Lord Have Mercy On Your Soul!
What A Bill Of Goods
The Devil To You Has Sold!
Try To Think For Yourself!
Turn Away From The Devil Cold
Repair Unto Christ Jesus ... Right Now
He Will Receive You!
Be Bold!

The Devil Is A Liar And A Murderer, Too!
He Has No Love For Man
That Includes You!
Easy Road Is Never Easy
The Piece Of Cake Isn't Always Sweet
So Stop Trying To Be A Hard Case
Before The Lord
Bend Your Knees!

Well, All I Will At This Point Is This:

All Who Choose The Liar's Ways
The Arch-Liar's Share, Share!

Bertie Profane Walked Away Cursing
The Do-Gooders
Their God
Their Good Book
Well Satisfied With His Day's Work
Not Caring That
He Was Grieving The Holy Spirit Away!

He Has Built His Life On Indulging
The Sin Of Presumption
He Thinks It Is Funny
The Lord Of Glory To Dare!


The Holy Spirit Calls
As Long As There Is Someone Who Will Answer
While The Cup Of Iniquity Is Not Yet Full
So Be Very, Very, Careful That
You Do Not Go The Way Of Satan
Putting Yourself 
Of The Possibility Of 

Please Understand ...

There Is Nothing Worse Than
Calling For Mercy When The Door Of Grace

Monday, March 4, 2019

Pssst!?! Which Way Are You Headed!?!

Two Roads To Travel
Broad And Smooth
Narrow And Rugged
This Is Fact So Don't Marvel

Two Types Of People
Different As Chalk Is From Cheese
Different In Character Life
Dress And Conversation
One Will Suffer Temporal Strife
One Will Lose Eternal Life

Hmmm ...

As Strange As It May Seem
Both People Purport To Serve 
The Same Holy God
Yet, Who He Is To Each
Cause For Conversation Deep
Not Conversation Cheap

The Facts Make It Plain ...

They Can't Both Be Right
One Of Them Is Wrong
The One Who Is Not Right With God
Seen In Carnal Eyesight
To Be Temporally Strong

Hindsight Is Not As Good As 
Insight And Foresight ...

If Only Men Could See
As The Living God Sees
Oh, That Men Would Elevate Their Gaze
Oh, That We Would Submit Ourselves To The Living God
Refuse To Have Anything Whatsoever
To Do With The Fallen Angel
Who Kept Not His Exalted Place
Who Now Lives In Perpetual Disgrace

No Excuses Accepted ...

Greed Envy Jealousy ... Sin
Without Cause, Without Justification
Into Our Hearts
We Who Trust The Lord Of Life
The Savior Of Us All
Run Speedily To The Rock Of Ages
Upon His Dear Name Call
We Have No Desire To Continue The Fall

Comfort And Joy ...

Faith Grace
Confession Repentance 
Mercy Forgiveness
What A Glorious Release
Gained By The Prayer Of Faith
To The God Of All Grace
In The Name Of Him Who Died
Who, As Creator Sustainer Savior
Redeemer Lord God King
Friend To End
Will Not Suffer His Committed-To-Christ Child
To Be Offended Upended
By Satan, The Murderer Called First
Who Is The Father Of Lies
Who Is Forever Cursed

Upon Whom Do You Rely!?!

Is Satan Serving You 
Is It The True And Living Holy God
That You Daily Serve!?!

Are You Trusting The Plain Truth
Are You Being Falsely Flattered
By The Bold Lie!?!

Are You Following The Holy God
The Unholy Grifter!?!



The Forever Home 
- Prepared For You -
In The Sweet By And By
** Is Not **
A Goat-Man Lie
Pie In The Sky!

Residence In Heaven
Personal Choice
You, Alone, Make The Decision!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

In Your Longing For The Lord Jesus ...!

Read Your Bible, Brethren!
See To It That You Pray!
Share The Gift That The Gift
Gifted To You!
Spread Your Light Everywhere!

Wait Upon The Lord, Brethren!
Listen To The Truth Prayerfully!
Watch And Pray, I Beseech You
For The Coming Of Our Lord Is Very Near!

The End Of All Things Is Coming!
Be Serious About Your Walk With The Lord!
Have Your Priorities Ordered
Breathe Deeply In Communion With Our God!

Be Enthusiastic In Your Longing For Jesus!
Be Enthusiastic For The Kingdom To Come!
Be Enthusiastic In Your Sharing Of The Gospel
Be Enthusiastic To Expose The Lies Of The Fraud!

Be Eager In Doing The Lord's Bidding!
Be Watchful And Diligently Work!
Be Prayerful And Patiently Wait
In The Name Of Christ Jesus
Be Not Be A Laodecian At The Gate
If You Already Have All In The World That You Need
The Lord Has Nothing For You
You Will Suffer The Lost Man's Fate!

Be Ye Anxious For Nothing!
We Are Kept By The Power Of The Living God!
Lean, Dear Ones, On The Lord Of Life
Who Has Promised 
Will Deliver Unto You 
The Blessed And Sweet Reward!

Please, I Beseech You ...

Witness To Others Of The Eternal God's Love!
Witness To Yourself Of What He Did For You
Yesterday And Today, Even Right Now!
Let Your Faith Feed
On Him Who Sees To All Your Needs
Give As You Have Received!
See That You Praise The Holy God
And Not 
The Known Wily Fraud!

We Can Hasten The Coming Of The Lord!
Go Ye Into All The World
The Good News Gospel Teach!
Baptise The Called Brethren
In The Godhead's Name
Soon, Soon, Soon
You Shall Be Lifted Up
Out Of The Realm Of Fallen Man's Shame!

The Day Of Our Translation
To Be Ever With The Lord Of Life
Fast Approaching!
Work, Watch
Pray Always
That You May Be Found Clean
In The Eyes Of The Holy God
Counted Worthy

To Escape The Plagues On The Lost!


Is Jesus Christ The Righteous
Of Your Whole Life
The Only Boss!?!

If, At This Time, He Is Not
Please Reckon What Will Be Lost!!