Sunday, March 24, 2019

Godliness: Gain

I Must Correct You, Brother!
You Are Speaking A Word That Is Error!

Godliness With Contentment Comes Before Gain!
Gain Is Not The Mark Of Godliness
Neither Is Penury The Mark Of Sinfulness!

Excuse Me!?!
I Do Not Recall Giving You Leave To Correct Me!
This Is My Church!
I Am The Pastor Here!
Touch Not The Lord's Anointed!

Yet, Again
I Must Correct You, Brother!
The Building May Be Yours
The Church Belongs To
Is Purchased, Protected And Cherished
By Jesus Christ The Lord
You Were Not Appointed Or Anointed 
To The Ministry Of The Pure Gospel
To Teach Error To The People Of God!

Sit Down And Be Quiet
Or I Will Have You Forcibly Removed!
You Are A Troubler Of These Simple People!

Am I Now Your Enemy
Because I Choose To Speak The Truth That
The Living God Loves!?!
Am I A Troubler Of These Simple People
- Your Words -
I Do Not Choose To Countenance
Your Half-Truths Which Are Outright Lies!?!

The Word Of The Living God Is, Yes, Simple
Simple Enough For Simple People
Even Children To Understand
You Have No Right
- Nor Authority -
To Encourage The People Of God
To Set Aside The Lord's Truth
For The Lying And Corrupt Words Of
An Unregenerate Christian
A Soul Who Does Not Believe
Nor Is Affected By The Good Word 
Which He Is To Unpolluted Preach!

Now Be So Bold As To Please 
Leave This Hallowed Chamber
And Do Not Ever Return Again!

As You Desire, Brother
Before I Depart
I Shall Shine Light In This Encroaching
Engrossing Darkness:

Brethren, Beloved
Please Listen Unto Me!
The Word Of God 
Must Not Be Interpreted By Man
Looking To Gain A Famous Name!

The King James Bible
The Preserved Word Of God
Its Own Interpreter
The Rule Is Simple:

Precept Upon Precept
Precept Upon Precept
Line Upon Line
Line Upon Line
Here A Little, There A Little
By Two Or Three Witnesses
Let A Matter Be Established! 
You Must Not Build A Doctrine On One Bible Text!

I Will Have You To Know That
The Lord God Almighty Gave Me An Agile 
And Creative-Thinking Brain 
To Do His Holy Work As I See Fit!

The Lord God Almighty
Did Not Give You An Agile Brain
To Pervert His Words!
You, Sir
Are Changing The Word Of God
That Makes You A Liar
For That Sin
The Lord Rebuke You!

Brethren, Please Read The Bible For Yourself
Please Pray For The Holy Spirit's Guidance
When You Read That Living Word!
Let The Everlasting Teacher
- The Spirit Of Truth -
Teach You
You Won't Be Led Astray
By Those Who Are Members Of 
The Disobedient Wild Goat Herd!

Please Do Not Indulge In Sowing Seeds
- That The Lord Did Not Ask You To Sow -
To Wicked Men Who Only See You As Their 
Personal Cash Dispensers!
They Do Not Have Your Eternal Interests At Heart
From This Den Of Iniquity
- That Is This Den Raised Upon Planned Sin -
Please See That You Depart!

Please Let The 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Guide You!
See That You Follow The Lord Christ
Not The Cult Of Personality Of Fallen Man!

Walk Away From This Hireling Shepherd
This Bold Worker Of Iniquity
Or You Shall Not
On Zion's Table-Land By Right, Stand!

Know This:

1. Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves!
Not The Pastor, Preacher, Pope, President
Prince Nor Parent!

Only Jesus Christ Saves
That According To His Sovereign Will
In His Holy Way!
He Will Never Save You In Sin
Nor Save You For You To Keep Sinning!
Jesus Christ Saves You From Your Personal Sin!

2. Do Not Indulge In The Sin Of Presumption!
Indulging In Accepting 
Performing Based On A Known Lie 
Bold Sin
The Lord Will Not Bless You 
While You Are Willfully Sinning!

I Offer You A Note Of Caution:

There Are Many "Blessed" People 
Who Don't Even Recognize That 
Their Cherished Blessing
The Means Through Which They Shall Be Cursed!

Please Keep Your Eyes 
Fixed And Focused On Judge Jesus
Your Hands In The Hands Of The Able Savior Jesus!

3. The Holy Bible Is No Good For You
What Is In The Holy Bible Is Not Inside Of You!

Do Not Just Be A Hearer Of The Living Word!
Do Those Things Which Will Ever Please The Lord!
Serve The Lord In Righteousness
Remember That The Hand Of Man
A Very Poor Thing In The Day Of Battle!

I Will Pray For The Light Of Life
To Illuminate The Way Of Grace For All Of You!

Saturday, March 23, 2019


Do Not Use The Cover Of
Physical Anxiety
To Indulge In Sin!
Your Life Is Not Blessed Thereby
You Shall Not Be Permitted To Live
In The Beautiful Land
Beyond The Sky!

Why Are You So Easily Discouraged!?!
Why Are Your Feelings So Easily Hurt!?!
Don't You Understand That In Getting Home To Jesus
We Shall Have Trials
Tests Of Faith!?!

It Is Not A Cake-Walk!
It's A Gauntlet
We Must Cooperate With The Holy Spirit
We Are To See The Accomplishment
- By The Holy God Faithful -
Of The Good Work!

We Are Not To Walk Like Unbelievers
Nor Dress As They Do
Of Looking Back
Going Back
Giving Up
Running Away
When We Have The Holy God
All Heaven
Rooting For And Working Unstintingly
To Help Us Achieve ... In Flying Colors
The Promised And Great Reward!

Know The Right ...

You Have The Preserved Word: Prayerfully Read It!
You Have The Access Of Prayer: Enter In Without Fear!
You Have The Holy Spirit's Comfort: Rest Easy In Peace!
You Have Holy Angels For Companions:
Pick Up Your Heels!
These Excellent
Excelling In Strength Companions
Will Not Your Side Leave!

And Never Forget ...

You Have Gifts Of
Mercy, Grace And Faith
Each According To The Day That You Will Meet!

Get Up!
Stand Up ... And Be Counted For Christ!
Do Not Let Your Life Be Wasted!
Give Your Anxiety To Jesus!
Do Not In Sorrow Indulge In Vain Sleep!
Give Your Anxiety To Jesus
He Will Give You Calming Peace
Forever To Keep!

Get Thee Hence
Christ Jesus
Your Daily Rations Reap!

Friday, March 22, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + RISE UP: Descend Into Prayer! + PRAYER: I Come To You, Dear Father ...!

Repair Unto Prayer
Each And Every Day!
Moment By Moment
Rest Assured
That He Who Made And Sustains You
Does For Your Purchased Soul Care!

Do Not Fret About Your Problems!
Do Not Fret Because Of Your Foes!
Do Not Fret Because By Satan You're Bedevilled!
Almighty God Is In Control!
The Gifts Of Grace And Mercy Are Fully Yours!

Believe And Trust The Lord!
There Is Power In Prayer!
The Prayer Of Faith Will Move Your Mountains
According To His Will
Always In His Way!

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget:

The Prayer Of Faith
Unselfish, Heartfelt
Always Answered
Even If The Answer
"Not Yet!"

And, Also

Remember The Journey Of Paul
Saint, Apostle
Champion For The Holy God
Whose Received Answer
To His Heart's Sincere Prayer Was 

"Do Not Ask Again!

My Grace Is Sufficient For You!"

So, Brethren, Beloved
If The Answer Received
Is Not The Answer You Want
Remember That He Who Loves You
Did Not Withdraw From His Only Begotten Son
The Vile
The Bitter Cup!

Jesus Christ Emerged From Hell
Rose To Heaven
Leaving Behind For Us Who Trust
Worship And Obey His Voice
The Perfect Example To Follow!

Read Your Holy Bible And ... Pray!
Pray And Walk Upright
On The Holy Way
No Matter What Life Throws In Your Pathway
Live Victoriously In Christ Jesus!
Lift Yourself Up By God's Available Grace!
Always Wholeheartedly Descend Into Prayer
Which Always Rises Up To Him
Who, For You ... Me, Too
Does Sacrificially Care!

Did You Pray The Prayer Of Faith Today!?!

What Are You Waiting For!?!
Go On!
Bless The Lord With A Prayer!


I Come Because I Know You Love Me
And Because You Said
Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace
To Find Help In The Time Of Need!

I Love You, Father
We Need Help!

Lives Are Being Taken Like Free Candy!
The Rulers Seem To Be The Young!
The Leaders Are Eating For Drunkenness
And Not For Strength
Constant Chaos Is The Beverage Of Choice 

In The Nations All Around!

Love Approved Is Eros!
Agape Love Is Known Vain!
Love Of Money Is Amazingly Bold!

Everybody And His Mother Wants Gold
Truth May Be Purchased
On The Stock Brokers' Exchange

Money-Men Have Hearts Known Cold!

What Is Right Is Wrong!
What Is Wrong Is Strong!
What Is Weak Is Disposable
The Defense Of The Unborn
Is Considered Execrable!

To The Learned, The Enlightened
The Hireling Shepherds Amongst Us
Jesus Christ Is Not The Answer At All
Those Amongst That Are The Faithful
Are Being Looked Upon As Incorrigible

The Dominion Of The Damned One
Is Seeking Already
Innocents Lives To Do Away!

Oh, Lord
Please Hear My Cry, My Prayer!
How Long, Dear God 
Before From This Shambles We Will Fly Away!?!

I Know Your Word Is True!
I Know That What You Say You Will Do
You Will Do!
I Know That You Are The On-Time God
That You Have Already Sealed The Fate Of 
Satan The Wannabe God!

Please, As You Have Promised
Correct Us!

Direct Us!
Protect Us Through The Strife
Bless Us With All Blessing To Take Hold
- Unbreakable Hold -
On The Purchased Eternal Life!

We Are Of Mortal Frame, Corruptible

Deceitful Of Heart
Our Sin-Nature Is Bold!
Please Help Us, In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
To Remain Sheltered In The Safe Sheep Fold!

Please Help Us Not To Doubt
Not To Lose Faith
Not To Trust Our Eyes! 
Help Us, I Beseech You
Not To Fall For Satan's Bold Lies!

Please Help Us To Think Always On Jesus!
Help Us To Honor Him Gladly
Worship Him Faithfully

With Alacrity
The Still Small Voice To Obey
Help Us To Be Fearless, Bold
To Sound The Battle Cry
Alerting All To The Fact That
The Enemy Is Around
Within The Camp!

Please Help Us
The Hand Of The Majesty Of Heaven
Wittingly, Wisely
Wantonly To Take Hold!

We Know The King Is Coming!
Oh, That The Church Militant
Would Fulfil The Commission
Tear Down The Strongholds Of The Enemy
Who Is Dressed And Speaks As A Friend
When His Sole Desire Is To Destroy Souls
Without Measure
Without End!

I Have This Hope
As I Walk The Lonesome Road
As I Take The Narrow Path Known Strait:
Jesus Christ Saves ... To The Uttermost!

Jesus Christ Is My One Hope For Glory!
Jesus Christ Is My Only Savior Redeemer King!
Jesus Christ Has Already Won The Battle
The War
The Proof Of His Victory
His Touchable Marred Head Hands Feet
And His Pierced-Side Scar!

Jesus Christ Is Alive!

I Need You, Father!
We Need You, Blessed God!
Help Us To Stand Firm
In The Faith Of Christ Jesus!

We Long With You To Forever Abide!

Our Hands Are Extended
Eager To Receive The Promised
Enduring-Saints' Reward

So, Please Come For Us Soon, Dear Father!
We Ask These Few Blessings
In The Great Name
Your Beloved Only Begotten Son
Jesus Christ The King!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

I Am Redeemed!

Even In The Midst Of Trials
The Peace Of God
- The Peace Of The Living God -
Makes Even Sorrow A Song!

Well, You May Ask
How Can I Sing
When Hope And My Heart Are Shattered!?!
When Faith Is Trembling!?!
When Courage Is Wandering!?!

I Sing, Dear Friend
To The Cross Of Christ, I Cling
That When He Comes Again
With Him ... To Heaven
He Will Be Carrying Me Along!
So, In Child-Like Trust, I Sing A Zion Song!

I Will Not Look Down
At The Shards Of Disappointment!
I Will Not Look In
Dwell On Those Things That Were My Shame!

I Shall Look Up To My King ... Lifted Up
In His Glory
I Shall Plod On ... In Faith
- Mustard Seed Faith -
Nothing Wavering
Reading The Living Word
Working Out My Own Soul's Salvation
As Told
In The Good News
The Gospel Story!

Happy In Jesus!
Repentant Over Sin!
Glad Over Forgiveness
In Truth Now Walking
I Choose To Trust And Obey
Hope For Coming Glory
Having Stepped Away From Living 
The Base Life Of The Willful Wicked
The Presumptuous Ungodly!

I Sing
Jesus Christ Saves ... Me!
I Love
Jesus Christ Loves ... Me!
I Bend Now So As Not To Be Crushed Later
I Worship
Jesus Christ The Righteous
My Judge
My Lord, God, King
My Provider
My Sustainer
My Hope
My Help
My Only Savior
With His Shed Blood, Innocent
I Am Redeemed!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Behold Your God!

Behold Your God, Brethren!
He Is Gracious And Merciful!
His Coming To Earth Again!
He Is Bringing His Rewards With Him
Lest You Forget
His Work Is Before Him:
His Strange Work!

Exactly What Do You Mean By
"His Strange Work!?!"

Who Is Our God!?!

He Is The Life-Giver!

What Is Our God!?!

He's The Jealous God!

What's He Jealous For Or About!?!

He's Jealous For His Name
His Glory Aka His Character
His Worship
His Praise
He Will Not Share What Is His With Another!

I Don't See Anything Strange About That!
Where's The Strange Part!?!

He's Coming To Clean House!
He's Going To Fix 
- Glorify, Immortalize And Make Incorruptible -
The Wittingly, Willingly, Wisely
Fallen-On-The-Rock And Broken Faithful
He Is Going To Destroy
The Proud, Presumptuous
Willingly Sinful Ungodly!

He Is Life
It Is Not His Will That Anyone Should Be
To The Eternal Kingdom, Lost!
The Work Of Destruction
The Strange Work!

Forget That!
Tell Me Why Would Anyone Choose To Be Lost!?!

Ah, My Young Friend!
You Have Glommed On 
To The Crux Of The Matter: CHOICE!

Everything That Pertains To Soul Salvation
A Choice!
Everything That Pertains To Soul Damnation
A Choice!

So What About If I Don't Decide To Make A Choice!?!

That's Not Going To Work In Your Favor!

Huh!?! How So!?!

No Choice Is A Choice
If You Do Not Choose Life
- Stating Clearly Your Position For Life -
You Have Made Your Position Clear That
You Do Not Value:
  • The Life You Have
  • The Life Promised To Believers
  • The Life-Giver
  • The Promise Purchased With Innocent Blood

What You're Actually Saying Is That
The Lover Of Your Soul
Your Creator, Savior
Your Redeemer, Friend
Does Not Have ... The Power
You're Going To "Trust" Your Future
To Whatever Is ... Out There!

Wait, Wait, Wait!
Let Me Correct Myself!
We Already Know What Is Out There:
  • Eternal Life Or Eternal Death
  • Jesus Christ Or Satan
  • Blessing Or Cursing
  • Truth Or Error
  • Light Or Darkness
  • Confess And Repent Or Hide And Presume
  • The Narrow Way Or The Broad Way
  • Trust And Obey Or Distrust And Disobey
  • Believe And Live Or Disbelieve And Die
  • Hope And Glory Or Doubt And Destruction

Those Are Some Serious Options!

As You Can Clearly See
Everything In This Life
It Is Never
- Nor Will It Ever Be -
Either, Or, Or Or! 

There Are Only Two Positions! 

You're Either With The Lord And Against Satan
You're With Satan And Against God!

If You Don't Say You Position
You've Made Your Decision!

So That's Why The Bible Says That
We Must Confess That Christ Is Lord!

You Only Confess What You Believe To Be Truth Or True!
If You Can't Or Won't Say It
It's Because You Don't Believe It
The Lord Has Nothing For Doubters!

There Is No Neutrality In The Kingdom Of God!

You've Got It In One!

You Know ... I Like That!
I Really Like That!
It Tells Me Plainly That
We Can Depend On Our Almighty God!

Strong Position, Unshakeable, Firm
Same Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
He Is The Rock, Never A Worm!

So, Brethren,
How Will You Stand!?!
How Do You Stand!?! 

Will You Look Up To The Lord Christ And Live
Will You Roll With The Changeable Tide
On The Broken Barge Delay And Decay
Take The Journey To Destruction
For Your Own Soul's Salvation
You Did Not Care Enough To Choose
Christ's Glory To Share!?!

If You Believe The Word Of God Is True
Preserve Your Integrity
Send Your Word To Your God, Holy
As You Stand Up To Be Counted For Jesus Christ The Lord!
There Will Be Precious, Everlasting, Rewards
For The Faithful, Enduring-All Child Of 
The Holy God!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Promises Are Made!?! + PRAYER: Father, Please Grant Us Grace To Stand ...!

Jesus Christ, The Lord
Offers You Present Peace And Daily Provision
- For Pursuing Purity And  Perfection -
With The Promise Of Glorification
Surpassing Glory
Life Everlasting Sure To Come!
Infinite Are The Blessings Accruing
For Those Who Do Not From Him Run!

Aka The World And Its Follies
Offer Present Passion
Reasons To Be Proud
Excuses To Have A Personally Authentic Lifestyle
A Personal Truth
No Hope For Tomorrow!

You've Never Actually Personally Seen Jesus
He Has A Documented History Of
On-Time Performance
For Being A Promise-Keeper!

Jesus Christ Never Permits 
Any Of His Children To Walk Alone
Or Suffer Alone
He Feels Their Every Pain!
He, For Their Putrid Sin
- By Heavenly Love -
Did Atone!

The World
Actuated By The One Called Satan
Beelzebub The Bold
He Who Is The Wanna-Be God
Known And Documented
To Elevate His Followers Rapidly
At The Height Of Their Prosperity
In The Midst Of Their Fame
He Unceremoniously Cuts Them Off
Tears Them Down
Causes Myriads Of Them Their Base Sins
To Drown With Dope And Rope
Guns No Roses!

Satan Takes Perverse Pleasure 
In Hearing Their  Sorrow-Filled
Stomach-Churning Cries!
He Is The One Who Inflicts Their Every Pain
Instigates Their Every Shame
He Actively Lies
Boldly Accuses
Jesus Christ The Righteous King Of Causing
- Maliciously Causing -
All Their Pain And Suffering!

Big Question ...

Given Prophecy
- The Known Facts -
The History-In-Advance Promulgation Of
The Future Of All Things
The Specified And Promised Outcomes For Man
With Whom ... In Good Conscience
Would You Choose To Daily Walk!?! 

To Whom Would You Look For The Lasting Reward!?!

With Whom Will You Sign The Life-Outcome Accord!?! 

To Whom Will You Offer Worship As Your God!?!


Dear Heavenly Father,
You Who Know All And Sees All
You Who Are In Control Of All Things
You Who Are The Holy God Ever-Present
Please Have Mercy On Your People Today
Bless Us With The Willingness To Choose
The Good And Right Path
Which, For Us
By Your Personal Sacrifice
You Made Plain For Everyone Of Us!
Help Us To Walk Uprightly
In The Strait And Narrow Way!
Grant Unto Us Clean And Clear Eyesight!

Please Grant Us Grace To Stand In Holy Faith
Trust To Walk In
Peace To Rest In And Live For
Courage, Truth To Uphold
The Blessings Of Hope For Tomorrow
Willingness To Ever Obey
The Still Small Voice
So That In The Great Day
- With The Lord Christ -
We Shall To Everlasting Life
Wing Our Glorious Way!

Pity Us, Father
Bless Us To Appreciate
The Immeasurable Gift
That You Have Given Into Our Hands!
Please Help Us, I Beseech You
For We Ask These Few Petitions
In The Holy Name Of The Beloved Jesus!
We Love You And Bless You, Father!

Monday, March 18, 2019

POTHOLES ... On The High Way Of Truth!

There Are Potholes On The High Way
The High Way Of Truth
For Those With The Wherewithal
There Are Preferential Detours
So That Their Cherished Wheels Do Not Come Loose!

On The High Way Of Truth
There Are Travelers Proud And Vain
There Are Also Travellers
Who Humbly, Joyfully, Proclaim 
The Coming Great King's Fame!

What Many Travelers Do Not Realize
That The Potholes Are There For
Their Own Soul's Preservation
The Drop Into The Pothole
Snaps One Out Of Complacency
Awakens One From Sleep
Causes One To Question Their Idea Of Reality
Rattles One's Teeth Against Temptation
Tears Off The Wheels Of 
The Chariot Going Confidently The Wrong Way
Blows Out The Air Of The Proudly Overfilled Wheel Of 
The One Too Proud To Pray
Bends The Chassis Of The One Too Rich To Be Humble
Too Arrogant To Pay Attention
To The Small Thing Big Called Truth 
Aka The Lord's Delight
Whether It Is Day Or Night!

Brethren, Beloved
Do Not Despise The Truth!
Do Not Despise The Challenges 
On The Way Of Life
Do Not The Call To Salvation Refuse!

Truth Was!
Truth Is!
Truth Always Shall Be
All Those Willing And Obedient
To Travel The Way Godly
Shall Have Truth For A Garment
A Shield
A Sword
A Helmet
A Girdle
Shoes Indestructible
Assuring Entrance
Into The Eternal City
The New Jerusalem
The City Of God
The City Of Purest Gold!

Keep Truth In Your Inward Parts!
On Truth Take A Strangle Hold!
Speak Truth Always
Be Uncompromising!
Be Anchored-In-Christ Bold!