Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Choice Chauffeurs Results!?!

KJV Titus 1:
15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them
that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure;
but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
16 They profess that they know God;
but in works they deny him, being abominable,
and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Choice Feature Results
Results Feature Choice
Feature Choice Results
Were Conversing With Attitude
Ideas, Ideals
Truth, Beauty
Faith, Hope, Grace
Trust, Obedience
Enduring Patience
Worldly Pursuits, Eternal Joys
Glory To Come!

Things Were Going So-So, Even Okay 

When Brazen Sinner
Self-Willed Wally
Wayward Wanda
Wandering Eye
Gullible Gandy
Doubting Diana
Dattis Lie And 
Grabby Gabriella Gottit
Made Their Presence Felt!

Ain't Even The Word To Describe Them!
Crude Can't Pin Them Down!
Disastrous To Them Is Not A Belly Hanging Out! 

Look At My Shock-Face ...

In The Middle Of Them Was That False Prophet 
Sin-More Suffer-Least
Who Always, Always, All Ways
Had The Ending, Final, Last Word 
In Every Conversation!

Sin-More Suffer-Least
- Remember He's A Falsie - 
Loved, Loved, Loves His Conveniences
- His Ease -
More Than He Loves The Lord
In Whose High And Holy Hand 
His Final Reward! 

He Was A Seriously Jealous Sort
Thought Nothing Of Lying On Angels
Had No Problem With Lying 
In The Name Of The Holy God! 

In His Eyes
Take, Get, Acquire What I Want
When I Want It
His Wearing Good-Angel Garb
When He Was Willingly, Willfully, Working
For That Black-Hearted Dragon
That Piercing Serpent
That Raging Lion
That Leviathan
That Behemoth 
That Wannabe God
Satan The Bold
Fka Lucifer
The Choir Leader Of Old!

Sin-More Suffer-Least's Last Big Job
Was To Bring Down A True Man Of God
By Enticing Him To Disobedience Of
The Clear Injunction Of The Lord

Deliver The Prophecy To The Altar
Before The King
Don't Eat And Don't Drink Anything
In That Defiled Place
Don't Return Home
On The Same Way You Came!

Directly From The Lord Himself By:

A. Telling The Man Of God That He Was A Prophet ... Just Like Him
B. Telling The Man Of God That The Angel Of God, By The Word Of God 
Had Asked Him To Take Him To His House And Succor Him In Bread And Water, And
C. He Repeated The Lie Until The Man Of God, Unwary, Unwisely Complied!

Sin-More Suffer-Least Unashamedly, Unabashedly, Lied!
The True Prophet, Weary, Complied
Turning His Foot Away From The Right Path
Walked Into Sin
He Ate 
He Drank In The Forbidden Zone!

The Holy God Speaks Through Anyone ...

That Falsie Then Got A True Word From The Holy God
Against The True Man Of God 
For Willful Disobedience 
As Prophesied
The True Man Of God
By A Tearing, Obedient, Lion, Died! 

Looka Life ...

The True Man Of God Died
Sin-More Suffer-Least
On His Good Robe
Had Not Even The Punishment Of A Criss-Cross Crease! 

You Better Take Warning ...

Outward Actions Volubly Speak! 
Our Words Hurt Others ... And Ourselves
Even If It Does Not Do So Immediately! 

We Pay For Sin Twice:
In The Knowledge Of The Experience
In The Reward
So You May Rest Assured That
He Who Causes The Unwary Soul To Sin
Knows What He Has Done
Knows The Damage It Will Do
Sees The Damage Displayed
Has A Fearful Anticipation Of
His Personal Waterloo! 

Pay-Back Is A Female Dog ...

When You Dig A Grave For Your Brother
Please Be Kind ... I'm Begging You
Carefully Dig A Grave For Yourself!
Your Brother May Rest In His Grave Unwittingly
You Shall Surely Go To Your Grave
With The Knowlege Of Why
You Are Being There Placed!
You Will Have Disgraced Your Face!

The Reward For Sin May Not Appear Hurriedly
Believe The Good Book True
All Of A Man's Rewards Are On Time Coming! 
All Unrepentant Evil-Doers
Are Going To Feel The Pinch Burn
That Is Gospel Truth!


Just So That You Know How Serious This Is
The Father God Sends You On Errand
With Specific Instructions To Its Fulfilment
In The Process Of Your Obedience To The Charge
Jesus Christ The Lord, Himself
Were To "Send" Someone To You
Countermanding Those Orders
(Which Ain't Never No Way Going To Happen) 
Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation
Reject Those Counter-Orders
Complete Your Mission As Directed
Report Back ... Directly
To The Father God Who Sent You Out!
Disobedience Often Means Death!

Satan ... A Lying Spirit
Can And Does Appear As An Angel Of Light!
All That Is Bright Light Isn't Always
Right Light!
Trust The Living God
Let Everybody Else Pay Cash!

Your Results
Will Feature
Your Choice!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

No Effort Required!?!

The Bell Ringer Was Balang, Balang, Balanging!
His Words After Were Quite Loud!
He Was Calling For Volunteers To Do A Job Of Work:

Payment Would Be A Song!
Not A Good Sing!
Not A Bad Song!
Not A Song Of Six Pence!
It Would A Song About The Character Of Man
How His Attitudes May Be Bent!

Vanity ... For Vexation Of Spirit
Was Being Offered Charity!

All Showed Up ... Primed
When The Ringer Was Leaving
There Was One Little Itsy Bitsy Teeny Tiny Phrase
That He Tossed At Blind Behind!

It Was A Doozie:

"No Effort Required!"

In The Next Street One Over
A Quiet ... Intense
Indepth Conversation Was Being Held
The Character Of Christ The Lord
Was Being Discussed At Length!

A Wise Song Writer Phrased It Better
Than I Ever Could:

"Sin Will Take You Farther Than You Want To Go
And Keep You Longer Than You Want To Stay!"

The Wisest King Said:

"There Are Ways That Seem Right To A Man
But ... Therein Are The Ways Of Death!"

My Old Grand'other Always Uttered These Familiar Words:

"Wha' Sweeten Goat Mout' Does Bu'n 'e 'n 'e Tail!"

Wisdom Says Plainly That
What Goes In Comes Out!
What Lives In Shines Out!
Friends Together Run About
In The Day Of Reckoning
All Recipients Of Their Rewards
Shall Surely Shout Out!

We Have Much To Talk About
Town Crier
- Who We Know Works For 
Whomever Will Pay His Going Rate -
Says That There Is Payment For 
Doing A Job Of Work For Which There Is:
"No Effort Required!"

Well, If I Understand Correctly What
Gracey Macy Told Big Mac In Response:

All That Everybody Anybody Somebody Has To Do Is:

"Do You!"

The Exact And Proper Phraseology
Immortalized Is:

"Do What Thou Wilt!"

Isn't That The Behavior That Got
Lucifer Tossed Out Of Heaven!?!
Isn't That The Behavior That Got 
Adam And Eve Tossed Out Of Eden!?!
Isn't That The Behavior That Got
The Old World Destroyed By The Global Flood!?!

That Behavior Got
Sodom Decimated!
Israelites Exiled!
Jerusalem Destroyed!
King Ahab Killed And His Blood Licked Up By Dogs!
Queen Jezebel Tossed Out A Window 
And Her Body Eaten By Dogs Save
Her Head, Her Hands And Her Feet ...!

... Stop Right There!
Jezebel's End Is Significant For Believers
For The Lovers Of The Lord Christ!

I Don't Understand! Please Explain!


Just As A Man Thinks, So Is He!
In This Case ... She!
I Want What I Want When I Want It!
She Had A Lofty Opinion Of Self
And Seriously Suffered From The Gimmes!


Queen Jezebel Wrote 
Lying And Corrupt Words 
To Cause An Innocent Man's Death
She Did Not Believe That
Her Husband, Being King
Should Be Denied Ownership Of 
Another Man's God-Given Property!


The Lord Abhors Those Who Run To Do Mischief!

Man In Thirds!

Three Is Everywhere!
Three Beings In The Godhead!
Three Unclean Spirits Like Frogs At The Time Of The End!
Three Participants In The War For Worship!
Three Temptations!
Three Lusts In Man!

Three Safeguards For Man:
Watch, Work And Pray
Trust And Obey
Confess Sin And Repent!

Three Stages For Salvation Of Man:
Justification, Sanctification, Glorification!

Hope, Help, Healing!
Cleaning, Sealing, Revealing!
Abiding, Guiding, Chiding!

Get Rid Of Self!
Get Rid Of Sin!
Get Rid Of Satan!

The Facts Remain ...

No Effort Required
A Gross Lie To Those Who Are Seeking Christ
His Gift Of Eternal Youth
In The Kingdom Paradise!

No Effort Required
The Truth
To Those Who Choose To Stay
In The Nature With Which They Are Born!

Self Needs No Outside Help!
Self Has Internal Sufficiency
Anyone Who Take Up Town Crier's ...!

... You Mean Town Liar's!

... Cheap, Tawdry, Benighted, Offer
Ultimately Going To Suffer!

Self Is Always A Sinner!
Self Is Easily Manipulated!
Self Is For The Lake Of Fire Slated
Can Only Be Stopped
When By Christ's Sure Salvation
Self ... Subsumed
Ultimately Permanently Deflated!

Consensus ...

Let's Get The Word Out!
Let's Tell Everybody To Let Town Crier's Offer Past!
This Too-Good-To-Resist Job Offer Of 
Effortless Work 
For Those Who Have With Satan
Their Soul's Lot Cast!

We Are Looking To The Certain Future!

We Are Not Turning Back To The Sinful Past!

Our Fortunes Are With Christ The King Cast!

There Is No Future In The Past!

Satan's Net To Catch Man
Temporally Deep And Wide!
Jesus Christ's Safe Fold
To Shepherd And Succor Man
Is Eternity Vast!


Look Up
Listen Out!
The Last Trumpet Will Soon Blast!
Will You Be Joyful At The Sound!?!

Monday, May 13, 2019

DANGEROUS WORDS: Sin, Self, Deceit And Confusion

Deception Is A Strutting Peacock!
Smart, Witty, Worldly-Wise
Confusion Follows After Him
A Brown Peahen Believing Lies!

There Is No Explanation For Sin
No Excuse
Deception Is Found In Sin
The People Led Therein 
Become Very Confused!
Their Minds Are Being Abused!

Deception Is A C-Note Word
Covering The Concept Called Bold Lie
Confusion Is A $1.00 Bill
As The Leaves Of Autumn
Blowing On The Truth-Changing Winds!
For Them, People Are Going Out On Broken Limbs!

The Creator, The Father
The Spirit Of Truth
The Influencing Good Angels
All Are Pleading With Us
Providing Help To Us
Calling Us To Stand In The Truth
Whilst Refusing, Refusing
Refusing Time And Again
To Fall For The Convenience Of Lies That 
Against Common Sense And Faith
Do Daily Strain!
Oh, The Pain!

Brother, Dear Sister
Fellow Pilgrim
Friend Known, Unseen, Unknown
Please, I Beseech
Get Thee Unto The Lord's Great Throne
Where Truth Is Foundation
Where Light Enlightens Minds
Where in The Fellowship Of The Favored Ones
In Heartfelt Worship 
No One Hears Lies!

Believe And Be Blessed!
Turn Away From Sin
Do Not Let The Beautiful Bird
Preening, Preening, Strutting
Get You Bestirred
To Long For The Pretty, The Painted
The Life Of Sight Proud
Thereby Become Entangled, Entrapped
So That When He Chases You
You Have No Choice But In Confusion
In Knots Calamitous
To Fall Down!
The Performance Is All Claptrap!
Give Him Your Back!

These Are The Facts ...

Truth Is Not Always Pretty!
Pretty Is Not Perfect!
Perfection Cannot Exist Outside Of Truth
Whoever Stands For Truth
Will Always Gain The Perfect Win!
Forswear Sin!

Blessings Are Not Given In Sin
For Forsaking Self And Sin
- Which Lead To Deception's Deceit -
For Fellowship With The God Of Grace
For Faithful Service
To The Kingdom Of Light
Not For Living The Life Of
The Deceived-One Disgraced!
Forgiveness Is Free To All
Who Desire In Heaven 
To Inhabit A Prepared Place!

Those Who Satan Draws To Sin
Are Those Whom He Shall Drive To Despair! 
Those Whom He Now Fawns Over 
Are The Very Ones Upon Whom He Shall
Fly Upon Later! 
Let No Created Being Deceive You!

Let No Created Being Confuse You!
Let No Created Being Rob You Of Your Hope!
Get Off The Fast Track To Damnation
Get In The Good Ship Zion
Whose Captain Is The Savior Of Man
The Son Of God
Prince Shiloh, The Rock Of Ages
Upon Whom ... In Faith
Every Child Of God
Can Confidently Stand!

Prepare, I Beseech You
Unto Heaven To Go!
Remember The Covenant Rainbow
Do Not Be Deceived
By The Winds Of Change
To Constantly Stir Doubt
Do Tumultuously Blow!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

DESIRE: Decision

Temporal Things 
Eternal Desires
Are Neither Family, Friends, Nor Enemies!
They Do Not Associate
They Cannot Commiserate
The Love Of One Or The Other Can Surely Dictate
Even Legislate
The Unrepentant Sinner
The Converted Saint's Fate!

Brethren, On This Grave Matter
We Must Needs Cogitate
And, That I Must Urgently Stress
Before It Is Time Too Late!

Who Wants
- Better Put -
Who Desires To Walk ... By Right
Through The Assigned-By-Perfected-Character
Pearl Gate
After Time Has Met Its Termination Date!?!

I Do! Do You!?!

What Have You Given Up
Set Aside
Put Away!?! 

What Are You Accepting

For What Do You Pray!?!

Are You Walking On The Upward Way
Or Running On Broadway!?! 

Are Praying
Or Preying!?! 

About Your Character Being Molded
What Will The Holy God Say!?!

In For A Penny!
In For A Pound!
Are You Walking To Heaven
Are You For Hell Falling Headlong!?!

Are You Grace And Faith
Plump Wheat Not Chaff
Are You Doubt And Disbelief
Grapes Of Wrath!?! 

Are You On The Lord's Side
Or Are You In Need Of A Balaam's Ass
To Check You In Your Folly!?! 
The Angel Of Death Is Armed!
He Will Not Let You Walk Blithely Past!

Think ... 
There's Hell Involved In Not Knowing The Savior!
There Is Heaven To Be Gained When Jesus Christ's Faith
In Your Nostrils
Of A Sweet Savor!

Do Not In Front Of Satan Quiver!
Jesus Christ Shall All His Chosen People
Spectacularly, Gloriously, Deliver!

Desire Dictates Decision!
On Whose Side Will Your Decision Fall!?!

Despise Sin And Self
Deny Satan, The God-Fraud
Fill Your Heart 
With The Sure Promises 
Love For
The Creator
The Eternal Holy God
Jesus Christ The Lord!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Pray ... Just Because! + PRAYER: Help Us To Aspire To Our Value In Your Eyes, Father!

Why Worry ... When You Can Pray!?!
Why Worry ... When For Your Purchased Soul
The God Of Grace Cares!?!
Why Worry ... When You Face The Bold Enemy
When The Lord Of Angel Armies
The One Who Purchased Thee!?!

Pray In The Morning
The Evening, At Noon And At Night
For This, Brethren
Will The Heart Of The Lord Delight! 

Not Because You Believe
You're Telling The Lord Something New
But Because With Your Praying
You're Telling The Lord Of Life
That You Trust Him Completely
You Believe That He, Alone, Is God
That He Loves You
That He, Alone
Can Well And Truly Save You
He Sits On You Heart
The Universe's Throne!
He Did For Your Personal Sin Did Atone!


I'm Trusting You, Lord

For My Grace
For My Faith
For Direction, Protection
For Correction
When I Daily The Enemy Face!
I Cannot Help Myself
Except You Help Me
And I Cannot Be Blessed
Unless You Bless Me!
Father, I Need Thee!

Help Me Not To Be Presumptuous

Departing Holy Ground
And Thereby Incurring
What Is Your Stern Frown! 
Help Me Not To Love The World
More Than You Who Created It
For The World Is Set For A Burning
When In Judgment You Destroy It!

Help Me To Set My Mind On Things Above

Not On Things That Profit Not! 
Help Me To Walk Away From Those Things
That Will Cause My Name
From Your Book To Be Blotted Out! 
Help Me To Live
As Those Wise Hebrew Worthies
Who Chose Living Holy Grace
Over Fleeting Dying Man's Favor
So That In The Great Day Of Small Things
You Shall Look Upon Me
As Something Having A Blessed Savor!

Help Me, Lord, To Live For My Savior

Even When To Do Such Is Labeled A Sin! 
Bless Me With All Blessing So That In Me
For Heaven There Is A Win! 

Guide Me, Father, Gently
For I Am Of The Clan Flesh Weak
But Also Of The Sect Of The Saved
Who Will To Follow You As Those Blessed Meek!


I Give You My Unfeigned Praise
My Willing Worship
My Believing Man's Prayers!

I Give My Service As A Saint
Being Polished Day By Day
To Remove From My Character
The Fallen Man's Sin-Taint!

I Know And Accept
That To Faithfully Follow Christ
Will Come At A Price
But I Am Willing To Sacrifice For Him
Who Sacrificed For My Kind And Me
His Precious, Holy, Life!

I Cannot  Repay The Debt, Lord

But I Can Give My Love And
My Willing Obedience! 
I Cannot Take Back
The Cause For The Debt
But I Can Serve You
With Grace-Filled Endurance!

I Love You, Lord

I Truly Grateful And Thankful
For All That You Do
Have Done
Will Do In My Life! 

Please Help Me To Be Vigilant
Ever Observant To Obey
Your Holy Law In All Its Particulars
For It Is A Faithful Transcript
Your Holy Character!
Please Help Me To Rid Myself Of
My Known Flaws!

Mold Me To Be Like You!

Help Me To Follow You!
Guide Me Ever Away From Sin!
Lead Me So That 
Through The Appointed Pearl Gate 
I May By Right Walk In!

I Pray For The Living Truth In My Inward Parts! 

I Pray For The Garment Of Praise! 
I Pray For The Wisdom Of The Wise, My Father
I Pray To Praise And Worship You
However Long Is The Length Of My Days!
Help Me By The Things In My Eyesight
To Be Unfazed!

Bless Me To Tell Another The Good News
So That They May Get Off The Broad Way
Where The Roaring Lion Is Holding Court
And Is The Unwary Ones
Joyfully Stalking!

Remember The Brethren

The Strong, The Weak! 
Remember The Children
The Unwise
The Ones Whose Prospects Are Bleak!

Remember The Watchmen
On The Walls Of Zion
Bless Them To Give The Trumpet
That Certain Sound
That Alerts All To The Proximity
Of Satan, The Raging Lion!


Help Us To Practice The Presence Of Christ
So That We Will Be Instant, Constant, In Prayer
Believing That The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Our Only Comforter Is With Us
No Matter What We Go Through!

Thank You For The Love

For The Gifts Of Love
For The Ability To Pray
To Praise
To Worship
For The Hope Of
The Everlasting Home Above
For That Most Precious Gift Of All
The Life Of Christ
Who Is Ours For All Eternity!

Please Help Us To Aspire To Live Up
To The Value You Have Placed Upon Us
By The Giving Of Your Beloved Son's Dear Life
Which Gives Us New Life
For The Life Sinful And Old!
Please Help Us To Reach
Settle In
Stay In The Safe Fold!

Thanking You For Hearing
Answering Prayer!
In Love
By Faith
For Worship

I Offer Up These Few Petitions
In Jesus Christ's Matchless Holy Name!
Please Come Soon!