Sunday, May 23, 2021

Incline Your Heart To Jesus Christ Our Lord!

Every True Believer In The Lord Jesus Christ As 
The Word Of God
The Truth That Saves
The Only Way To Get Home To Our Father In Heaven 
The Life Of Every Man
Completely Trusts Him 
To Light The Way To The Promised Land! 


Trusting The Lord 
Is Not 
A Sometime
Maybe Here
Perhaps There Proposition! 

We Are Called To Walk By Unfailing, Unwearied
Unfaltering Faith 
Not Lying Eyesight! 

We Are Not To Permit The Circumstances Of Life 
To Stop Us From Leaning Upon 
Solely, Wholly, Trusting Almighty God 
When We Just Want To Lash Out Or Give Up! 

Trials And Temptations Come And Go 
The  Word Of God
Jesus Christ The King
Stands Victorious Forever! 

Let Us, Therefore, Remember That 
Goodness, Light, And Truth 
Can Never Be Extinguished! 

Let Us Choose To Be Amongst Those 
Who Will Stand Up For Jesus Christ
Always Speak The Truth In Love
Unflinchingly Do Good! 

Truth Spreads Light 
Light Shines Out Of Goodness 
Marks The Way Home! 

We Belong To The King Of Love
The Shepherd Of Rest
So Do Not Fear Your Lived Life 
Our Almighty God Known Faithful
He Who Has Promised Us His Eternal Life
The Life Which Mortal Life Cannot Touch Or Eclipse! 

Please Choose To Endure ... By Saving Grace
What You Cannot Cure! 
The Best Days Are Just Ahead! 

Brethren, Beloved

Believe, Trust, Honor
Worship, Praise
Faithfully Obey The Lord Christ 
Soon To Highest Heaven 
You Shall Surely Soar! 

No Matter The Matter
No Matter The Pain Or Shame
The Loss Or Supposed Gain
Incline Your Heart To Jesus Christ The Lord 
Not To The Life Of Wickedness
Where The Name Of Almighty God Is Profaned! 


Saturday, May 22, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Who Is Really Controlling You!?!

Please Commit This Text To Memory! 

Whoever Controls Your Mind, Controls You ... Completely! 


It Is Not For Nothing That 
We Are Often Told 
Not To Let "Them" Get Inside Our Heads! 

For Christians, The Them That 
You Don't Want Getting Inside Your Head 
Aka Influencing Your Thoughts, Words, And Actions 
Are Evil Angels Who Desire To Help You To Destroy Yourself 
By Influencing You To Willfully, Knowingly
Disobey Jesus Christ The Lord! 

There Are Many Of Us Who Blithely Say That 
"You Can't Tell Me What To Do!" 
While Casually Allowing The Adversary Of Souls
- Through His Wicked Workmen Aka His Fallen Angels - 
To Influence Their Thinking 
Which Authors Their Words 
Which Directs Their Actions! 

Just Watch A Person's Actions 
To Know Who Master-Minded Their Thoughts 
Which Caused Them To Speak To Themselves 
To Empower Themselves 
To Indulge In Gross Folly ... Evil! 

Those Who Listen To The Holy Spirit 
Strive To Do What Is Good And Right! 

Those Who Listen To The Lying Spirit 
Willingly Do Whatever, Because ... Why Not!?! 

Those Who Walk With Christ Have Brakes 
Aka A Lively Conscience! 

Those Who Are Being Driven By The Devil 
Ride With Blind Eyes 
In A Morris Minor 
With A Nuclear-Powered Engine 
On The Broad "Smooth" Road 
To Self-Manufactured 
Sure Ruin! 

Is The Holy Spirit Of Truth
By The Holy Angels Excelling In Strength
Really Influencing You!?! 

Is The "Thus Saith The Lord!"
The Key To Your Life!?!

Are You Really Sure!?! 


Look Up To Jesus Christ
Being Ever Obedient
- By Saving Grace -
You Will Ever See
You Will Always Choose
To Do Good Always!

Friday, May 21, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + This The Way: Walk Ye In It!


Why Do We Dare To Say To The Lord Of Life
The Judge Of All Flesh: 
"Teach Us Thy Way 
And We Will Walk Faithfully In It!" 
And Then 
Boldly Choose To Walk As Rebels Without A Cause 
Following A Dragon Who Has Never Won A Fight
Against Our Beloved Savior!?! 

We All Have The Right To Know The Will 
Aka The Requirements Of Almighty God
To Go About Doing Them 
As Our Marching Orders Of The Day 
So That We ... In The Time Allotted
May Sow Good Seeds Which Will Surely Bear 
Good Fruit Unto Righteousness That 
The Lord Himself Shall Accept In The Glad Day! 


You Have Said That 
You Will Faithfully Follow Jesus Christ
No Matter What Your Lot In Life!
Why, Then, Are You Playing Pat-A-Cake 
With A Homeless, Earth-Tied, Fire-Bound
Unregenerate, Irredeemable Lost Cause Like Satan 
Through Willful Disobedience!?! 

Satan Cannot Return To His Former Heavenly Home 
So His Task Is To Make You As He Is: 
Dispossessed, Disowned, Damned 
Marked For Destruction!

Choose To Be Obedient 
Stay On The Straight, Strait, Path 
By Habitually Practicing What The Lord Preached! 

With Patient Faith Working For Love 
With Willing Obedience
Rest Assured That By God-Given Right 
You Shall Enter The Pearly Gates Of 
The Home That Is Called The Paradise Of God! 

On The Path To Eternal Life 
The Truth That Hurts, Helps 
Heals The Hope-Filled Heart: 
Never Forget It! 


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Do You Love Your Gifts More Than You Love The Giver!?!


How Grateful Are You!?! 

How Thankful Are You!?! 

When You Are The Recipient Of A Gift
- Be It Expensive Or Economy Class - 
Do You Hold Tightly The Gift Or The Giver!?! 

Do You Consider The Price Of The Gift 
Or The Love That The Giver Has For You 
They Thought Of You And Your Need
That Because Of Their Love For You
They Gave You A Gift According To Their Love 
The Depth Of Their Pocket ... Just Because! 


Jesus Christ Thinks Of Us ... His Lost Lambs And Sheep 
Who Have Strayed From The Fold Of Safety
Because He Loves Us With An Everlasting Love
He Gives Us Gifts Seen And Unseen
Known And Unknown
Always Needed
Out Of His Amazing Love
To Bless
To Save
To Convince
To Convict
To Comfort
To Convey His Love For Us 
To Carry Us Willing
Back To The Heavenly Home!
All Of Jesus Christ's Gifts To Us 
Are Out Of His Riches In Glory! 

All Of Jesus' Gifts To You ... Personally
Are Out Of The Heart Of Love That 
Will Not Let You Go Poor, Wretched, Miserable
Blind, Hungry, Naked
To Eternal Ruin 
Without Having Made It Possible 
For You To Be Rich, Happy, Comforted
Healthy, Seeing, Clothed
Blessed Forever! 

Brethren, Beloved

You Are Loved Without Measure!
You Are Loved Without Limit: 
Dare To Love The Gift-Giver 
Whose Gifts To You Are Always Good And Perfect! 

With Jesus Christ The Lord
The Precious Panacea!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Salvation Is A Fruitful Tree!

Think About It ...

Unconfessed Sin Is Unrepented Sin! 
Unrepented Sin Is Unforgiven Sin! 
Unforgiven Sin Leaves Us Unsaved 
By Choice
Unacceptable To Enjoy Jesus Christ's Glory! 

The Unsaved By Jesus Christ
Are Those Who Are Not Sealed By The Holy Spirit! 

Those Who Are Not Sealed By The Holy Spirit 
Are Those Bearing The Mark Of Satan 
They Will Be Lost From The Living Kingdom
Eternally Damned Aka Separated From The Living God! 

Can You Bear In Your Person 
What Jesus Christ Bore For You On The Cross Of Calvary 
When, In Anguish Of Spirit, He Cried: 

"My God, My God
Why Have You Forsaken Me!?!" 


Be Strong In The Lord 
In The Power Of His Might! 

Be Strong In Him Who Has
- By Shedding His Innocent Blood -
Promised Never To Leave You Or Forsake You! 

Be Strong In Him Who 
Our Refuge And Strength! 

Be Strong In Our Jesus Who, Alone, Saves 
Has Made The Way Home Plain
And Is Even Now At Your Right Hand
Pleading With You ... To Please Draw Near! 

By Creation And By Redemption
You Belong To Christ! 

By Will And Walk
Please Show The World That 
You Are Owned 
That You Are ... By Faith
Headed To Your Forever Home! 

Salvation Is A Fruitful Tree: 
Greedily Eat And Abundantly Live! 
Pass The Word Along! 


Monday, May 17, 2021

THUS SAITH THE LORD: Consider Your Ways!?!

Our Lord Is The God Of Order: 
There Is No Waste In Order! 

Now, Then, Let Us Ponder The Fact That 
When The Lord Repeats Himself
It Is Important For Us To Heed What He Saying
To Take Firm Note Of Where He Is Pointing 
Seek To Ascertain What His Word Personally Means 
To Us Individually! 


When The Lord Twice Says: 
"Consider Your Ways!" 
It Is Because There Is Something Within Our Character
- Our Projected Behavior -
That Is Off-Center 
And Thus 
Displeasing In The Sight Of Our Lord Jesus Christ 
Who Is The Judge Of The Living And The Dead! 

Take The Inward Look ...

How Are You Standing!?! 
What Are You Doing!?! 
What Is It That You Are Doing That You Should Not!?! 
What Is It That You Are Neglecting That You Should Not!?!
What Wayward Thought Is Motivating Your Actions!?! 

Are You Bearing A Heavy Load Of Sin 
You Believe Your Sin Is Unforgivable!?! 

Dare To Remember This: 
Almighty God ... By Name And By Nature 

Almighty God's Grace 
Greater Than Our Sin! 

Whatever Almighty God Asks You To Do
Almighty God Equips You To Accomplish! 

Brethren, Beloved,

With Prayer To Almighty God
I Sincerely Beseech Us All
Don't Fight Jesus Christ The Lord Aka The Truth: 
Fight Satan, Self, And Sin! 

Please Obey The Eternal, Living, Holy, Word
Trust The Sovereign Will Of The All-Knowing God
Enduringly Walk In The Wise Way That 
The Lord Jesus Has Shown 
Is Lovingly Showing You! 

Bend To The Living God's Will: 
Don't Burn For Walking In Sinful Ways! 

Think About It
Dare To Be Saved:

Truth Is A Sword
An Impregnable Shield
An Always-Warm Blanket
A Very Comfortable Bed
A Sea-Worthy Ship
A Calm Sea
A Sure Anchor 
A Safe Harbor! 

Truth Is Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Is Food Indeed 
Drink Indeed! 

We Are Immeasurably Blessed 
So Let Us Be Enduringly Bold 
Stand Up Fearlessly For Jesus Christ Our King
Against That Liar, Satan Bold And Damned! 

Please Let Jesus Christ ... By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Help You To Fix What Is Wrong In Your Life
Nothing Is Impossible For Him!
Jesus Christ Saves The Willing-To-Be Saved! 

Consider Your Ways
Be Wise!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Consider Your Ways AND Your Days!

When We Were Children
The Elders Spoke Often About Malice Before Thought
About Being So Bent On Having One's Own Way That 
A Person Just Acted
Right Thinking Be Damned! 

A Favored Expression 
Playing Dead 
To See What Kind Of Casket You're Going To Receive! 


In The Old Testament Times
Swift Justice ... As A Sharp Curb On Lawlessness
Was Meted Out For Ought Aka Anything That 
Brought Almighty God's Name Into Disrepute! 

Today We See The Multitudes Using The Name Of The Lord 
Like It Is A Cheap Cloak Aka Cover For Bold Sin! 

Consider Your Ways ... 

Not One Of Us Has Control Over The Days Of 
Our Years As Allotted By God! 

Not One Of Us Is Guaranteed To Live Five Minutes From Now 
So The Question Must Be Asked: 
"Are You So Invested In Some Cherished Sin That 
You Are Willing To Have Your Probation Closed 
And Your Judgment Concluded 
And Your Record Marked 
UNHOLY: Still  And  FILTHY: Still 
Because In Satisfying The Raging Lust Of Your Flesh 
'You Have More Head Than Brain!?!'" 

Is Satisfying Your Flesh Worth More To You Than 
Having Your Soul Cleansed!?! 

Willful Sin 
So "Act In Haste And Repent At Leisure!" 
Should Daily Warn You To 
"Look Before You Leap!" 
"Think Before You Sink And Stink!" 

We Need The Lord To Breathe And Belong 
He Does Not Need Us To Reign And Rule! 


Saturday, May 15, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Misalignment From The Majority!

Committed Christians Are Pilgrims In A Strange Land! 
We Attract Attention 
Our Walking, Talking, Eating
Our Doing And Being Habits
Are An Affront To The Natural Citizens Of 
The Land Through Which We Are Passing! 


This Is As It Should Be! 

We Should Be Sticking Out Like Sore Thumbs 
Our Characters Misalign From That Of The Majority! 

Let's Truly Consider For A Moment
How Different Our Lord Was From Those Around Him!
His Name Caused A Stir! 
His Very Presence Caused A Stir Wherever He Went! 
He Attracted Some 
Repulsed Others Of Those Whom Met Him! 

Those Who Saw Their Need For What He Shared Were Drawn To Him! 
Those Who Saw Him As A Meddler In Other People's Matters 
A Muddier Of The Waters Of Tradition 
An Affront To The Status Quo 
Were Repulsed By Him! 

Those Who Saw Immanuel
"Almighty God With Us" 
Were Lovingly, Gratefully, Graciously, Attracted To Him! 

Those Self-Deceived Ones
Who Saw Themselves As Gods Among Men 
Were Repulsed By The Drawing Fragrance From 
The Heart Of God Wafting Off Him! 

Brethren, Beloved,

Do Not Fool Yourself
Or Permit Yourselves To Be Fooled By Others!

By Almighty God's Great Grace
You Are The Salt Of The Earth!
You Are The Light Of The Earth
Living, Holy, Light Shakes Foundations!

Are You Living For The Lord!?! 
Is The World Seeing Jesus Christ The Lord In You!?! 
Will The Lord Of Earth And Glory Call You His Own!?! 
Are You An Enduring, True 
Faithful Witness Of God's Love Towards Man!?! 

Prayerfully Think About It Now
While It Is Still Day
While It Is Possible For Man 
To Work Out His Own Salvation
With Fervent Prayer And Trembling! 


Friday, May 14, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Obedience Is An Absolute!

Disobedience Always Equals Dishonor
So Don't Fool Yourself By Saying That "It" Was Only 
A Little Thing! 

Life Is An Absolute: 
You're Either Living Or You're Dead! 

Faith Is An Absolute: 
You Either Have Complete Faith ... Trust
Or You Are Indulging Total Doubt! 

Love Is An Absolute: 
You're Either Loving Or You're Hating! 

The Lights Are Either On Or Off: 
Light And Darkness Do Not Co-Exist


Lest We Forget To Remember
Obedience Is An Absolute: 
You, Me, We Cannot Do The Lord's Will 
Walk In Our Own Way 


That Is Why Our Lord Plainly Says: 

"If You Love Me
Keep My Commandments!" 

He Also Says To All The King Saul's Of This Earth: 

"To Obey Is Better Than To Sacrifice!" 


DISobedience Always Results In A Debit
A Sacrifice
A Charge Against Us
Body, Mind, And Spirit! 

Worse Still, Disobedience 
An Aphrodisiac Which Sharpens The Taste Buds 
For Some "Tasty" Little Disobedience Treat
A Little Bigger Plate Of Disobedience
And Then 
All-Day, Every Day, Bold Partaking Of
The All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Of Disobedience! 

Be Ye Warned ...

Repentance Brings Ready Forgiveness 
The Consequences For Disobedience Remain! 


By Almighty God's Great And Glorious Grace
Please Choose To Nip
Kill Disobedience With The Two-Edged Sword 
Aka "Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Aka "It Is Written!" 
It Worked For Our Lord Jesus Christ 
So Let It Work For You Now, Today! 


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Faith Doesn't Depend On Feeling

Trials Come! 

Is Your Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord Fixed Or Fluid!?! 

Is Your Hope In The Lord Like Solid Rock Or Like Quick Sand!?! 

Is Your Love For The Lord Just For The Loaves And Fishes 
Aka The Gifts And Good Times 
Or Is It For The Saving Truth
The Love That Loved You First
The Love That Will Not Let You Go To Hell In A Hand-Basket 
Without First Giving You A Way To Escape Your Self
Your Sin
Your Shame
Your Sorrow 
The Satan Aka The Adversary Always On The Attack!?! 


Are You Able To Say ... Like Job
"Though The Lord Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust Him!?!" 
With Shadrach, Meshach And Abednego 
While Facing Death In Babylon's Fiery Furnace 
"Whether Our God Saves Us Or Not
We Will Trust Him And Not Worship Falsely!?!" 

Many Of Us Who Are Christians 
Erroneously Believe That Saying 
"Jesus, Jesus!" 
The Key To The Existence Called
"Fair To Fine No Showers Expected!"  
This Does Not Biblically Compute! 

A Comfortable Existence Never Equals Soul Salvation! 
Ask The Citizens Of Sodom And Gomorrah 
If You Can Find Them! 

Let Us Wise Up 
Get Up 
Stand Firm In The Faith That Cannot Fail 
Enduringly Say Boldly: 
"The Devil Is The Liar: 
By Almighty God's Great Grace
I Will Walk Faithfully With Jesus Christ My Lord!" 
Say It! 
Believe It! 
Live It! 
Your Eternal Peace Depends On It!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Almighty God Winked ... When We Were Ignorant!

Is Your Christianity Just A Cloak 
Or Is It Functional ... Functioning
You Are A Functionary
A Doer Of The Will Of God
Not Just A Indifferent Hearer Of The Word!?! 

How Far Are You Willing To Go To Get Your Own Way!?! 

Are You Willing To Sin To Have That 
Self-Deceived Sense Of Personal Satisfaction 
No. Matter. What!?! 


Be Very, Very, Careful! 
Tread Softly In The Presence Of Almighty God! 

As Jesus Christ's Followers 
Personally Appointed 
Commissioned And Equipped Ambassadors 
Who Are Required To Live To The Higher Standard 
Speak The Truth In Righteousness
Walk Blameless Before Our Lord And King
- The Judge Of All Flesh - 
We Cannot Speak Of Salvation From 
Victory Over Sin 
And Then
Live Lavishly For Your Known Sinful Self
Willingly, Boldly, Brazenly Commit Known Sin! 

When We Knew Not The Lord Of Life
The King Of Glory
He Winked At Our Ignorance! 
We Were Given A Free Pass 
We Didn't Know Better! 

But ... 

Because We Have Been Made Aware Of The Truth
Aware Of What Is Good And Right 
We Have Either Opened The Good Book For Ourselves 
Have Seen Or Been Shown The Truth 
Or Have Been Made Aware Through Our Ears 
By A Talk From Parent, Teacher, Pastor
Priest, Friend Or Well-Wisher
We Are Now Responsible For Our Behavior 
Guilty Before Almighty God 
When We Deliberately Sin 
By Walking Contrary To The Light Received
The Truth Obvious! 

Brethren, Beloved

Jesus Christ Personally Died 
For The Specific Sins That 
You Personally Committed 
In Your Very Own Flesh! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Don't Scorn The Unspeakable Gift 
By Indulging In Planned Wickedness: 
You Will Personally Pay For Your Own Sins If You Do! 

Dare To And Do Good!

Do Not Harden Your Heart
Become A Reprobate! 


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

FRIENDS: Every Skin Teet' Ain't A Laugh!

When We Fully And FinallyCome To The Realization That 
Our Creator, Savior, And High Priest 
Is Also
Our Forever Faithful Friend
We Should Then Look Seriously At What We Call 
Our Personal Friendships 
To See How They Match Up To The Exemplar Aka Example! 

Is Our Friendship A Circle!?! 
Is It Giving!?! 
Is It Taking!?! 
Is It Going Sideways!?! 
Or Has It Already Acquired The Wings Of The Wind 
Is No Longer Mutually Beneficial!?! 


To Have A Friend We Must Make Ourselves Friendly 
Available For Friendship! 

General Moses 
Father Abraham 
Were The Friends Of Our Almighty God: 
God Himself Said So! 

Jesus Christ, Our King Blessed Forever
Called His Disciples His Friends! 

Soon-To-Be-King David 
Prince Jonathan, King Saul's Son  ... And Heir
Were, By Covenant, Forever Friends! 

Built On Love, Trust, Mutual Consideration
The Desire To Bless
The Willingness To Care
To Complete ... Not Compete
The Desire To Know 
To Be Known
To Give 
Not Just Take, Use, Abuse, And Deliberately Confuse! 

Oooh, Light-Bulb Moment ... 

Jesus Christ Had Judas Iscariot  ... The Traitor
The "Friend" Who Only Wanted Benefits
Close At His Right Hand! 

If The Lord Of Life Was Betrayed 
By His Bosom Friend Who Ate His Food
So Will We
WeAre Following In Our Lord's Footsteps! 

Think, Dear Ones
Ever Remember That 
A Cold Heart Cannot Form A Warm Friendship 
Let Your Bible, The Preserved And EternalWord Of God
Be Your Pattern 
Your Guide! 

Every Skin Teet' Ain't A Laugh 
Aka Not Everybody That Shows You Their Teeth 
Your Friend: 
Pet Dogs Show Their Teeth 
Bite The Loving Hands That Feed Them! 
Choose To Be Wise! 
