Sunday, January 2, 2022

Wearing The King's Supplied-For-Us Garments!

No Love, No Faith, No Works, No Robe!

What Are We Rejoicing Over 
Being Joyful About 
We Are Not Attired In The Garments 
Which The Lord Christ Has Supplied For Us To Wear 
As A Mark Of Our Cooperation With
Obedience And Belonging To Him!?! 


In These Last Days
There Will Be Those Among Us Who Will Bear The Lord's Name 
Will Provide Their Own Food Aka Truth 
Their Own Clothing Aka Doctrines, Behaviors, Beliefs! 

They Desire To Bear That Holy Name 
To Hide Their Obvious Shame! 

Let Us Not Join With The Proud Evil-Doers Because 
It Will Not End Well With Them 
Or Any Who Join With Them In Their Rebellion! 

Pride, Rebellion, And Disobedience 
Are All Character Traits Of 
Satan And All Who Now Walk As He Did! 

The First Garment Of Salvation, Justification
Ours When We Accept Jesus! 

To Achieve The Second, Sanctification
The Work Of A Lifetime! 

Glorification Aka Immortality, Incorruptibility
The Clean, White, Linen Robe Of Christ's Righteousness 
The Reward Of Those Who Pass The Test Aka Overcome Sin! 

They Are Found Faithful ...  Redeemable
Prior To The Glad Day When The Lord Comes 
Bringing His Rewards With Him 
To Claim His People, His Saints! 

What Are You Saying, Doing, Wearing, Baring!?! 

Are You True To The Committed Class 
In The School Of Christ!?! 

Are You A Skin-Out Name-Only Christian 
A Spirit-Filled, Obedient
Working, Watching, Waiting, Christian!?! 

The Lord Knows! 
Do You!?! 
Do I!?! 

Let's Seriously Think About It 
Choose To Live In Righteousness ... Now! 


Saturday, January 1, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: PRAYER: The Year Is New And God's Word Remains True!

My God In Heaven!
Holy Is Your Name! 

I Sincerely Beseech You To Help Me To Remain Faithful 
So That You Will Always Be Father To, And Holy For, Me! 
May You Thus Be For All Who Are Committed 
To The Cause Of Jesus Christ! 

I Have No Known Reason To Doubt You Or Your Word 
And By Your Saving Grace, I Plead, Lord, That 
The Day Will Never Come 
When I Know Who For, What With, Where, Which Way
And When I Will Choose To Betray My Savior For Comfort And Cash 
Which Are Mere Illusions 
In The Eternal Scheme Of Things! 

It Is My Soul's Desire To: 

H ave A Regular Talk With My Jesus
A ppreciate That I Am Truly Blessed
P ray For Friends And Enemies
P ut My Spiritual House In Order
Y ield Not To Temptation

N ever Depart From The Savior's Side 
E ncourage Others On Their Journey To Joy
W atch, Work, And Wait For The Great Day

Y ield My Will To My Savior
E ndure All Things For My Lord
A llow The Holy Spirit To Work
R ejoice That The Lord Christ Is The King! 

In The Name That Is Above All Names
The Only Name By Which We Are Saved
I Pray For The Brethren The World Around 
Who Are Seeking For, And Coming To, Faith That 
Their Heart's Desire Will Be Met 
While It Is Yet Day! 

Remind Us That Our Happiness
Is Only Found In The Lord Jesus Christ
And Bless Us To Find Our Contentment In Him!

Please Protect, Provide For, Correct
And Direct Us All Who Are Willing 
On The Narrow Way Home! 

Remember Us All In Your Great Mercy As Only You Are Able 
For We Love You More Than Life Itself! 
Please Come For Us Soon! 

Friday, December 31, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + God-Conscious: The Word Of The Lord Stands Forever!

One Of The Wonderful Things About 
Being Under The Benevolent Control Of The Holy God 
Is That 
We Have Options! 

We Have The Free-Will 
To Exercise Our Freedom To Choose 
To Utilize Any And All Options 
Then On The Loaded Table Of Life! 

What A Buffet! 

If You Are A Committed Christian
You Will, With Wisdom Say:

Lord God Almighty, 
I Love You 
Choose To Let You Rule My Life 
According To Your Living Word
The Unerring Truth! 

Please Help Me 
Not To Indulge In The See-Food Diet 
Give In To Guts Over Glory! 


We Are Nearing Home! 

We Need To Get Back To Basics! 
We Need To Get Back To Being God-Conscious 
Reject Being Self-Conscious 
Which Is Where Sin
Via Lucifer's Elevation Aka Consciousness Of His Self 
Entered The Universe
Subsequently Despoiled Our Fore-Parents 
Our Earthly Home! 

In One Text Of Scripture
We Are Cautioned


We Need To Take Heed 
To The Preservation Of Our Own Souls 
All Else Will Pass Away Into Oblivion: 
The Word Of Our God Will Stand Forever! 

A Notorious Sinner!

Jesus Christ ... The Word Of God
Lord, God, And King Forever: 
Do Not Crucify Him Again 
By Bringing His Name To An Open Shame 
By Exploring Bad Options! 

The Word Of Almighty God Works 
Is Always On Duty: 
Hookups Are Encouraged! 

The Lord's Truth 
Our Belt, Sword, And Shield: 
Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation! 


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Faithfulness Encompasses Your T.O.E.S.

Wisdom Says That A Friend In Need 
A Friend Indeed! 

The Elders Said That It Is Good To Have A Friend 
Bad To Want One! 

Are You A Friend!?! 
Can Your Friendship Be Trusted ... Tested!?! 
Will Your Friendship Be Validated, Cemented, Strengthened
By, With, And In Adversity!?! 


The Living God, Himself, Called Abraham 
The Friend Of God! 

The Lord Spoke To Moses 
Just As One Speaks To A Dear Friend! 

To Be The Friend Of Almighty God 
To Carry The Weightiness Of A Burden 
Be Like A Bird! 

Friendship With The Lord 
A Privilege And A Pleasure! 

We Know Of A Surety That 
We May Wholeheartedly Trust Our Dearest Friend
The Lord Of Life! 

He Is Rich In Houses And Lands
He Gives Good And Perfect Gifts
He Is  Available Day And Night
He Always Has Healing, Blessings
No Matter How The Tides Of Life Swing! 

Question Is: 
Are You Giving As Good As You Are Getting 
In Your Friendship With The Lord Christ!?! 

All The Lord Wants From You 
Your Faithfulness Which Encompasses 
Your Trust, Obedience, Endurance, And Sincerity 
Aka Your T.O.E.S. 
Which Always Follow Your Committed Heart! 

Can The Lord Count On Us
Count On You, Me, Now, Today!?! 

Please Join Me As I ... By The Inward Look
Inventory My Heart! 

Dear Lord, 
Please Grant Us Peace With You 
Through Friendship
Through Fire!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Trust Is Faith In Action!


The Lord's Love, Grace, And Mercy Towards Us Is Perfect 
If You Don't Understand This Scripture
We Are In Trouble! 

It Is A Personal Word Of Upliftment
So Here It Goes: 

"Almighty God
My Foundation, My Protection, My Escape! 
He Is My Personal Deity ... He Knows My Name! 
He Feels My Pain And Shame! 
He Put Himself In My Place, And I Am Safe ... Saved! 
He Is My Hope ... I Repose My Trust In Him Alone! 

He Is The Belt That Secures Me To Himself! 
He Is My Horn, My Basket Of Plenty Good Good
Blessings Immeasurable
Blessings Innumerable! 

He Is The One Who Holds Me Up
Who Holds Me Aloft 
Above The Maddening Throng! 

He Is My Sure Defence 
By Him ... In His Loving Care
By His Sweet Spirit Who Leads Me
Teaches, Guides, Chastises, And Blesses Me
I Am Forever Blessed! 

The Living God Is The Lord Of My Life 
In Him I Have Peace
I Am At Rest! 

I Love The Lord: 
He Loves Me First!" 


The Living God Of Grace And Glory
The Eternal God ... Our God ... Cannot Lie: 
We May Take Him At His Word! 

Let Us Make His Word To Us Personal! 
Let Us Ever Choose To Pray The Promises Of God 
According To Our Need 
Just Because 
They Are Also For Our Comfort! 

Doubt Is Faith's Inaction! 
Trust Is Faith In Action! 

Take The Word At His Word 
Be Gloriously Blessed! 
Work Your Gift Of Faith! 


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

EYES WIDE SHUT: Blind, Blind, Blindness!?!

Never Give Up 
Truth For Pleasure
Integrity For Bodily Comfort
Convictions For Companionship
Nor Wisdom For What Passes For The Perfection Of Beauty! 


There's An Old Expression About 
Walking With Your Eyes Wide Shut: 
Think On This Thing! 

If You Are Not Physically Blind
You Walk With Your Eyes Wide Open! 
You Only Squint Your Eyes 
The Light Input Is Overbearing And Overloading Your Nerves! 

When You Are Walking With Your Eyes Open
Your Peripheral Aka Side Vision Either Advises Or Warns You! 

If We Are Walking Boldly And Willfully Blindly
We Are Responsible For Any And All Collisions 
Must Accept Any And All Scrapes, Cuts
Bruises, Punctures, And Broken Bones 
Which Are Occasioned 
By Our Very Own Practiced Lawlessness! 

Trust And Obedience Hinge Upon Our Acceptance Of 
The Counsel Found In The Book Of Knowledge 
Which We Read 
By Saving Grace, Understand! 

We Are Responsible For What We Know 
For What We Had The Presented Opportunity To Know 
Refused To Take A Firm Hold Upon! 

Dear Ones, 

Pleading Self-Incrimination 
Will Not, Cannot, Work For Faithful Christians 
So Let Us Choose To Be Christians By The Holy Name 
Blessed Nature Of Our Lord Christ 
All Day, Every Day, And In Every Way! 

Jesus Died To Save Us All 
Those Who Are Finally Saved Are Saved 
They Believed Almighty God's Word 
Faithfully Acted As Lovingly Directed! 

Willful Blindness 
The Act Of A Fool: 
There Will Be No Fools In Heaven! 

The Fool Says In His Heart
That There Is No God!

Be Willingly Wise! 


Monday, December 27, 2021

Walk Wise!

Empty Vessels Make The Most Noise! 
A Broken Bulb Sheds No Light! 
An Unopened Bible Cannot Teach! 
An Unasked Question Cannot Be Answered! 
Neglecting Talking To The Lord 
To Refuse The Choicest Of Blessings!


Why Would You Sit Down With Those Who Scorn The Gospel
Those Who Are As Broken Cisterns Holding A Bit Of Tainted Water
Those Who Are Like White-Washed Tombs 
Holding The Remains Of The Dead 
Aka The Putrid Purrings Lies, Conceits And Deceits Of Satan 
When You Are Invited To Walk With The Lord
In The Living Holy Light Of His Blessed Word!?! 

We Are Individuals, Unique, Precious, Loved, Desired, Called! 
Jesus Christ The Righteous 
The Anchor For Our Souls 
We Are Invited To Dock Our Ships 
In The Sheltered Berth That He Has Provided! 

We Are Invited To Experience His Gift To Us Of The New Birth
The New Life
By Permitting Him To Get Rid Of Our Old Man
Our Old Life
Our Known Unprofitable Ways! 

We Are Nothing Without The Lord Christ! 
We Are Everything When We Are Buried In Him: 
He Is Life! 

Be Encouraged! 
Resurrection Day Is Just Up Ahead! 

I Sincerely Pray The Lord That 
We Shall See Each Other Robed In White 
On That Great And Glorious Day! 

Brethren Beloved,

Deny Self! 
Reject Sin! 
Walk Wise! 
Embrace Truth! 
Be Faithful! 
Pray Without Ceasing! 
Live For Jesus!

Sunday, December 26, 2021

YOUR OPEN INVITATION: Ask The Lord Christ ...!

Strict Obedience! 
     Working Faith! 
           Ready Willingness! 
Complete Trust! 
      Unfeigned Worship! 
          Joy-Filled Praise! 
Heartfelt Prayer! 
     Unwavering Endurance! 

Do You Have These Attributes!?! 
Have Lost Some And Gained Others!?! 
Do You Desire Them All To Use Them
In The Service Of Him Who Is Our All And All!?! 


Our Attitude Will Either Bless Or Blight! 

When We Look Down Despairingly At Dirt 
Look Around Wonderingly At The Disgusting
We Tend To Despondently Look Inward 
Instead Of Hopefully Looking Upward To The Lord! 

When We Are Not Grateful About The Hurdles That 
We Have Overcome By The Lord's Ever-Sufficient Grace
We Deal In Man-Feelings 
Not In The God-Facts Aka Truths In The Living Word! 

Babies Are Amazing As They Learn To Walk! 
They Crawl, Stand, Step
Get Up, Stand Up, Step Off
Fall Over
Yelp In Frustration
Set Their Hearts With Conviction
Stand Up With Determination
Ignore Possible Humiliation
And Suddenly
Walk With Jubilation! 

We, As Parents, Teach Our Babies These Necessary Skills: 
Let's Heal Ourselves! 

If You Are Able To Teach A Clean-Slate Mind
You Are Well Able To Utilize What You, Yourself, Already Know 
For Your Own Blessing 
By Our Lord's Gifts Of Unfailing, Momentary, Grace 
Daily Faith! 

If You Lack Wisdom
Ask The Lord For His Liberal Blessing 
Knowing That You Will Not Be Chastised! 

Boldly, Humbly ... Prayerfully 
Make Your Requests Known Unto God: 
You Have The Open Invitation! 


Saturday, December 25, 2021


We Must Come To Totally Trust Our Lord Christ! 

If ... When ... The Lord Jesus Sends You On One Of His Errands
He Will Provide The Means To Get It Done 
Will Show You The Method To Accomplish The Work! 

When The Lord Delivers Us From One Of Our Sorrows
He Delivers Us To Himself 
To Experience One Or Any Number Of His Determinate Joys! 


Our Lord Does Not Say "Joy Comes In The Morning!" 
If He Cannot Cause Morning To Break! 
He Does Not Say That He Will Turn Our Mourning Into Dancing 
If He Is Not The Creator, Composer
Conductor Of Music ... And Joyful Celebration! 

Our Jesus Says "Lean Not Unto Your Own Understanding!" 
He Provides You With His Wisdom! 

Jesus Christ Is Our Only Peace 
He Will End Our Every War! 
He Is The Light As He Extinguishes Darkness! 
He Is The Life Of Every Man 
He Is The Author Of Life 
Has Conquered Death! 

Jesus Christ Will Supply Joys Forevermore 
He Is The Joy Of Living 
Grants Eternal Life! 

Our Lord Christ Saves Us 
He Is The Savior
He Will Redeem Us 
He Has Already Paid Our Purchase Price! 

Our Blessed And Beloved Jesus Will Come Back For Us 
He Promised To Return As He Was Leaving Us Behind 
To Go To Our Father! 

Our Lord And God Known Almighty Is Able 
Everything That He Has Said That He Will Do
He Is The Power To Accomplish It! 

Jesus Christ ... The King Of Glory
Asks Us To Trust Him 
He Gives Us An Each-Day Gift Of 
A Measure Of His Faith 
To Use To Trust Him At His Word Aka The Truth! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

A New Day To Live
Brings A Fresh Supply Of Faith 
To Use To Honor The Lord! 

Choose To Be Blessed! 
Choose To Believe God: 
Please Use Your Gift Of Faith For Today!
Peace That Comes From The Prince Of Peace
Perfect Peace:
Peace Be Upon You!

Friday, December 24, 2021


Be Kind! 

Our Dear Savior Was ... Is ... Kind To Us
He Is Kind Even When We Are Not Kind To Ourselves 
Or To Others! 


If You Were The Darling Of Heaven
Accustomed To The Worship And Adulation Of 
Your Subjects, Your Servants
Would You Remove Your Crown Of Glory
Your Robe Of State
Do All To Save Those Of Your Workmanship 
Who Had Gone Rogue 
Chosen Disobedience, Disrespect, Dishonesty
Sure Damnation 
To Be Wise In Their Own Eyes 
As They Denied Your Sovereignty
Raised Up Gods Of Their Own Creation!?! 

Dear Lord,
Please Open Our Eyes
So That We May See
Wondrous Things Out Of Thy Law!

We Are What We Eat! 

With What Are You Feeding Your Soul 
Whose Hand Is Preparing The Meal!?! 

Are You Taken With Consuming 
What Will Soothe Itching Ears 
As It Sears Your Conscience!?! 

Today, Dear Ones, 
I Pray That We Will Be Good To Ourselves 
To Each Other! 

Let Us Remember As Children, Students
Servants Of The Almighty God 
Bought Back From Sin
Called To Be Royalty 
To The Holy Priesthood That 
We Are To Be A Peculiar People
Holy, Undefiled, Loving, Ever True
Always Kind! 

Please Do Not Think About Who Is Being Unkind: 
See To It That You Are Not! 

Be Giving And Forgiving
Be Gloriously Blessed! 
Look To Jesus Christ: 
Kindness Pays In Its Own Coin! 


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Desire Decides Destination!

For What Are You Longing Aka What Is Your Desire!?! 
What Is Your Soul's Desire!?! 
Has It Been Denied You!?! 
Have You Denied It!?! 


When We Were Children
We Played An Almost Game: 
When We Were Told "No!" 
We Raucously Responded: 
"Noah Built The Ark!" 

"No!" Is A Lesson That All Should Learn
Should Learn To Accept And Appreciate 
Should Learn To Practice Saying 
One Is To Have Any Semblance Of A Peaceful Life! 

Accepting "No!" For The Answer To A Request 
Often Keeps Us Out Of The Land Of Regret: 
The Food Served There 
Is Not 
Exactly  Pleasing To The Eye Or The Taste-Buds
Since It Consists Of Such Things As Bitter Fruit
Humble Pie
Feel De Burn! 

Dear Ones, 

When Our Desire 
For The King Of Love
We Can Place Head, Heart
Hands, And Feet Into The "Game" Without Fear
Knowing That All Of Our Supposed Earthly Losses 
Will Pay Heavenly Dividends! 

Pining After Selfish And Wicked Desires 
Seals Us In Our Sin! 

Isn't It Time To Get Away From Serving "Greedy-Me" 
Start Thinking About 
The Giving Of Ourselves To Bless Our Lord 
By Blessing Others!?! 

Desire Decides Destination! 

Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God With Us
Willingly Gave All Of Himself To Save All Of Us! 
Please Give Of Yourself To The Master, Our Dear Savior: 
You Shall Not Suffer Loss! 

Desire The Best Gifts! 


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Soooo, You're Determined ...! ?!

What Are You Determined To Accomplish 
As Our Elders Used To Say
It Is The Last Thing That You Ever Do 
Before Joining The Underground Staff 
Aka The Society Of The Dead!?! 

Will Almighty God Bless You In Your Striving!?! 

Will It Get You One Step Closer To Heaven Or 
Will It Autograph Your Account In The Books Of Heaven: 
"Outcast! Condemned! Damned!?!" 


A Good Attribute To Possess 
When It Comes To The Things Of God 
Aka Goodness, Meekness, Gentleness
Kindness, Self-Control, Temperance, Long-Suffering
Faithfulness, And The Like! 

Determination That Is Brought On By Pride
Self-Centeredness, Envy, Greed, Hatred
The Desire For Self-Promotion
The Callous Disregard For The Rights
Freedoms, And Feelings Of Others 
Of The Devil! 

Anything That We Have To Hide And Buy 
Or Sneak To Do 
Cannot Stand Up To The Sniff-Test Of Righteousness 
Our Determination To Gain From God-Declared Loss 
Will Ensure That We Are Counted As Lost To  All That 
Godly Gain! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Called To Seek Christ 
His Righteousness 
Through Faith And Determined Effort! 

To Be Determined To Mine Jewels 
In The Fields Of Wickedness 
To Water And Feed Sin 
Wantonly Starve Your Own Soul Of 
Sure And Secure Salvation! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Be As Was Lucifer
Achan, Prophet Balaam
King Saul Or Judas Iscariot! 

Plead For Direction 
Accept Correction 
Before You Are Damned By Wrong Determination! 

Jesus Christ Is Our Peace: 
Follow Him! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

FICKLE SENSES: Steadfast Faith!

In The Midst Of Life
In The Face Of Death
On The Steps Of 
The Uncertainty Of The Day Called Tomorrow
How Steadfast Is Your Faith In The Eternal Promises Of 
Almighty God Through Jesus Christ Our Lord!?! 


On The One Hand 
The I-Know By Unfailing-Faith The Word Of God 
Which Standeth Sure 
On The Other Hand 
The Uncertain, Uncertain "Knowledge" 
As Freely Sold By Those Fickle Senses 
All Three Of Which Are Notorious 
For Their Light Handling Of 
Good, Truth, And Right 
Which Do Not Produce Profits 
For False Prophets And Profiteers! 

Dear Ones, 

Remember, Remember, Don't Ever Forget: 
Christ's Faithful Followers Can't Afford 
The "Luxury" Of Living By Sensation! 

We Reason With The Lord! 
We Ask For The Wisdom Which We Know We Lack! 
We Seek The Lord While He Is To Be Found
We Pray For The Outpouring And Indwelling Of 
The Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth 
Corrects Our Every Error 
Comforts Us! 

Our Prayers Of Faith 
Open For Us The Storehouse Of Knowledge Of 
The Only Wise God Who Says To You, Personally:

"Come ... And Be Blessed! 
Come And Dine!" 


You ... Being Wise
Only Dine Where There Is Food Good For You! 
Be Strong In The Lord And In The Power Of His Might! 


Monday, December 20, 2021


In Primary School
We Were Rigorously Taught: 

"If At First You Don't Succeed
Try, Try, Again!" 

These Are Good Words To Live By 
Surprise, No Surprise
This Sentiment Is Plainly Expressed 
In The Living Word Of Truth! 


A Baby Doesn't Learn To Walk In A Day
A Toddler Is Neither Potty-Trained Nor Speaks Plainly 
In An Hour
Neither Does A Kindergartener Learn To Write Fluidly 
In Five Minutes! 

We Are Justified ... Made Right With Our God
In The Instant That We Humbly
Accept Jesus Christ As Savior, Lord, God, And King 


Being Sanctified
Set-Apart For Holy Use
Attaining Unto The Mind Of Christ
Being Regenerated In The Image Of God
The Solid Work Of A Lifetime! 

We Are Prone To Sinning By Nature 
We Are Nurtured To Holiness By The Holy Spirit 
Moment By Moment Of Each Day
As And When We Choose To Completely Cooperate 
With Our Lord Christ! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Choose Endurance
If You Desire To See Jesus Christ In Perfect Peace! 

Pray, Plead, And Plod On! 
By Saving Grace
Try To Reach Higher Heights Daily
Trust The Savior Wholly And Solely
Live By Truth Absolutely! 

Get Up From Setbacks 
Get On With Living For Jesus! 
