Wednesday, February 23, 2022

There Is No Win With Presumptuous Sin!

The 19th Division Of The Psalms Starts With: 
"The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God ...!"
Ends With: 
"Let The Words Of My Mouth 
And The Meditations Of My Heart Be Acceptable ...!" 

Both Heaven And Man Speak! 

Heaven Speaks Aka Declares God's Glory From The Position Of 
The Strength Of The Unimpeachable Truth 
We  Ask Or Should Ask, The Lord 
To Help Us To Operate In Such A Fashion That It Will Please 
Aka Bring Pleasure To His Eyes Which See All Things Always! 


Be Warned! 
There Is Absolutely Nothing About Presumptuous Sin That Is 
Or Can Ever Be Pleasing In The Sight Of The Holy God 
It Is Sin Against Knowledge
An Act Of Idolatry
A Heaven-Daring Crime! 

There Is No Win In Presumptuous Sin! 

When You Know What You Are Doing Is Wrong, Wicked, Evil 
You Choose To Do It Anyhow
You Are On Satan's Enchanted Ground 
In His Benighted Control! 

Almighty God Will Not Share His Glory ... 

Our Savior Jesus And That Devil Satan 
Nor Will Ever Share A Meal
A House
A Bill-Board 
Or A Soul! 

If Satan Is Your God
Deny, Disown And Discard Him With Alacrity! 

If Jesus Christ Is Your God
Please Serve Him As He Asks 
Expects ... As Your Reasonable Service!

Please Speak And Act To Profit Your Purchased Soul
Dare And Let Self-Will Be Damned 
As You Daily Choose To Turn Your Stubborn Will Over 
To The Ministration Of The Holy Spirit Of Almighty God 
By Whom We Are Sealed Against The Wrath To Come! 


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Be Wise Unto Salvation!

Only In Jesus Christ 
Can Illness Illuminate The Darkness That Accompanies Sin
Turn A Test Into A Testimony To Bless Self And Others
Transform A Mess Into A Message That 
Blesses Any And Everyone! 


A Committed-To-Christ Christian 
Is Not 
A CINO Aka A Christian In Name Only! 

We Are Called 
To Be Wise Unto Salvation
To Recognize That We Are Weak 
When We Walk Outside The Wonderful Ways Of The Only Wise God
To Understand That Without Truth Our Living 
Terror, Test, Trial
Mistakes, Messes, Danger
Darkness And Despair 
All Without Hope Or Expectation Of The Eternity Of Peace 
With The Great God Of Glory! 

Dear Ones, 

A Life Lived Without The Light Of Life 
Ultimately Leads To The Darkness Of The Second Death! 

Let Us Be Wise For Our Own Selves 
Recognize That Sin In All Of Its Manifestations 
Aka Sinful Nature, Cultivated Sin
Cherished Sin, Presumptuous Sin
The Sin That So Easily Besets 
Are All Illness Needing The Healing Touch Of The Great Physician
The God Who Knows, Sees, Feels 
Is Ever Present! 

I Beseech Us All Today To Humble Ourselves ... And Pray
Diligently Seek The Lord's Face
Turn From All Of Our Known Wicked Ways 
So That Our God Will Not Shut Up Heaven Against Us
Will Hear Us As We, In Need, Pray
Will Forgive Us Of Our Sin, Transgressions
Our Trespasses Against His Holiness 
Heal Us, Heal Our Land! 

Please Do Not Permit Willful Sin To Separate You 
From Jesus Christ Our Lord
The God Who, Alone, Saves! 

Praying In Faith ... In Childlike Trust


Monday, February 21, 2022

Enjoy In The Lord!

This Same Jesus
The Lord Of Earth And Glory
The King Of Love
The Shepherd Of Rest
Our Refuge And Strength
The Hope Of Every Man
The Joy Of Living
The Reason That We Are Alive 
Able To Either Accept Or Reject His Love
His Easy Leadership
His Everlasting Life
Speaks The Same Words Of Truth To Us Today! 

Jesus Christ Still Says: 

"Come Unto Me And I Will Give You Rest! 
Follow Me And Be Blessed! 
Oh, Taste And See That The Lord Is Good! 
Honor Me And I Will Honor You! 
Seek Me And You Will Find Me 
When You Seek Me With All Of Your Heart! 
Come Let Us Reason Together! 
Be Thou Clean! 
Thy Faith Hath Thee Whole! 
Be Thou Perfect As You Father In Heaven Is Perfect! 
Ask, And It Shall Be Given! 
Take My Yoke Upon You And Learn Of Me!"


" Pray Without Ceasing!" 

This Same Jesus Also Says: 

"Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace
To Obtain Mercy! 
Resist The Devil! 
Walk In The Light!"


"Call Unto Me And I Will Answer Thee 
And Show The Great And Mighty Things 
Which Thou Knowest Not! 
Hold Fast What Thou Hast That No Man May Take Thy Crown!" 


"I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life!" 


Trust Ye In The Lord Forever 
For In The Lord Jehovah Is Everlasting Strength! 

I Encourage Us All Today To Believe The Word Of The Lord 
Be Eternally Blessed 
Great Is His Faithfulness! 

Be Strong As You Find Your Joy In 
Enjoy The Lord! 


Sunday, February 20, 2022

IT IS WRITTEN: The Living Word Works!


You Are A Spectator In A Battle For Which You Are Not Prepared! 

You Cannot Win In A Spiritual War 
If You Don't Know Your Savior
     His Character
          What He Does
                How He Will Do It
                      Your Status In Him! 


Would You Go To Do Battle In A Flooded Field 
Wearing Dress Clothes
Using Ball-Room Manners
Holding A Butter-Knife When Your Enemy 
Indulges Guerrilla Warfare 
Isn't Afraid To Stick You With A Long Blade 
Like You're A Pig At The Back-Yard Butcher 
Who Knows Running Blood Is Ready Money!?! 

As Believers, We Are People Of The Book
Learners Of The Word
Good And Faithful Stewards Standing On The Promises Of God
Living For Jesus
Led By The Holy Spirit
Influenced By Holy Angels
Ready To Hear And Obey
Despisers Of Doubt
Embracers Of Enduring Faith! 

We Stand Firm On 

"God Said It! I Believe It 
And That Settles All Questions For Me!" 

How Can We Be Settled In 
Live On The Word Of God When We Don't Know What It Says!?! 

Jesus Christ Won In His Battle With Satan 
In The Wilderness Of Temptation 
By Wielding The Weapon Of The Word 

"It Is Written ...!" 

He Could Do That 
He Intimately Knew The Word
Understood And Accepted As Fact That 
The Living Word Works
The Living Word Wars
That He Could Win His Warfare 
With The Wonderful Words Of Life! 

It Is My Prayer That 
We Will Each Come To A Saving Knowledge Of 
The Word Of God That Speaks 
Everlasting Life! 

May The Holy Spirit Touch You Mightily 
As You Lovingly Touch The Word Of Truth Today! 


Saturday, February 19, 2022


How Often Have We Wanted, Needed, Desired Something 
Didn't Receive It 
We Didn't Choose To Humble Ourselves Enough To Ask For It!?! 

Too Often, I Dare Say! 


We Are Instructed 
To Approach Boldly The Throne Of Grace That 
We May Obtain The Available Mercy! 

If We Don't Ask For Almighty God's Mercy
Then We Will Not Find His Free-To-All Grace
That Unmerited Favor
The Divine Power To Help Us In Our Time Of Need 
Which Is Every Day That Live And Breathe! 

If You're Proud, Humble Yourself! 

If Your Dumb, Speak In Your Heart
Write A Note
Talk Your Talk To The Lord! 

Remember That We Don't Pray As We Ought To 
So, In Mercy, The Holy Spirit Intercedes For Us 
With Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered! 

Our Joy 
To Ask 
Almighty God's Love Always Answers With What Is Best For Us 
Delivers More And Better Than We Could Have Ever Asked
Anticipated Or Expected! 

Mercy Is A Truly Beautiful Word, Concept, Construct, That 
We Should Gladly Accept 
Generously Apply! 


Request With 
Compassion For Every 
Yearning Soul

There Is Forgiveness, Benevolence
Kindness Within The Lord's Mercy 
So Big-Up Yourself By Showing Yourself Small
Helpless, Sinful
Repentant, Reconciled, Redeemed

Please Put Arrogance And Pride Out Of Your Heart-House 
Actively Seek Kindness From Jesus Christ The Lord! 

May The Blessings Of The Lord Make You Rich Today 


Friday, February 18, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Don't Bre'k A Short Crop!

When We Were Growing Up
The Elders Had An Expression Used Against Those 
Who Despised Correction 
Were Disrespectful Of Authority 
Which Should Give Us Pause, Especially Today! 

"You Ain't Raised Up, Yuh Dragged Up 
And Yuh Gine Bre'k A Short Crop!" 
Aka You Have Raised Yourself 
You Will Not Amount To Anything! 

Talk About Leaving Yourself With No Remedy! 


These Are Seriously Damning Words 
As People Of The Book
We Should Seriously Look At Ourselves
And Those Whom We Love
And Those For Whom We Care 


Choose The Good Part 
Get Off Broadway And Easy Street
And Keep Right On This Is The Way, Walk Ye In It
And Hold Strain On It's Not An Easy Road
And Tighten Your Belt On His Yoke Is Easy
And Replenish Your Supplies On Shepherd's Bush
And Put Your Hand In The Hand Of The God-Man On Revive Us Again
Fix Your Mind On No More Night! 

Consider This ... 

Easy Ain't Always Healthy 
Hard Ain't Automatically Deadly! 

Remember, Dear Ones, That 
Children Of The Faithful Father
Earnest, Cooperative, Obedient
Willing To Learn
Willing To Try
Intent On Doing The Will 
Walking Wisely In Way Marked For Their Feet
Are Blessed, Protected, Comforted, Carried
Held, Helped, Healed

Be Ye Warned ... 

Disobedience Pays Negative Wages: 
Obedience Pays Dividends! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

A Harvested Crop Cannot Bear Fruit A Second Time 
So Grow In All You Can 
While You Can 
In The Garden Of Grace! 

Keep On The Sunny Side Of Life! 


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Blessed Are They That Do His Commandments!

If Loving The  Lord Is Keeping His Commandments Aka Obedience
Then Being Thankful To Him
Being Grateful For His Love
Giving Him Free-Will, Heartfelt, Worship 
Total Praise! 

If Knowing Your End Keeps You From Sinning
Then Knowing Your Beginning
Honoring Your Creator
Embracing Wisdom
Shall Keep You In The Faith That Cannot Fail! 

If The Lord Honors Those Who Honor Him
It Is Obvious Then That He Will Lift You Up 
In The Time Appointed! 

If You Hide The Word Of The Lord
- The Truth That Saves - 
In Your Heart To Be A Lamp For Your Feet 
The Light On The Way Home To Glory
Then Those Who Cast The Truth To The Ground 
Walk In Darkness 
Shall Go To Hell!  

If The Lord Is Our Gentle Shepherd
Then We Are His Blessed Sheep 
On Lush Ever-Green Pastures 
Near Still Waters Sweet
We Know That Our Restored Souls 
He Lovingly, Faithfully, Keeps! 


Let No One Persuade You 
Our Holy God Faithful To Spurn 
So That From The Path Of Truth And Duty
From Wise Discernment
Unto Fables And Idols 
You, Totally Deceived, Turn! 

Please Dare To Let Faith Be First: 
Give Doubt No Hold! 

Please Choose To Let Trust Be First: 
Heaven Is The Only Goal! 

Please Courageously Let Truth Be First: 
Jesus Christ Is The Keeper Of Your Soul! 

Please Stand Up For The Lord Christ
- Our True And Only King - 
In This Matter, Be Very, Very, Bold! 

Ever Remember To Walk Onward 
Upward Into Truth! 


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Don't Be At Odds With Almighty God!

How Does One Pray For A Presumptuous Person 
Who Knowingly, Maliciously, Energetically
Aggressively Indulges In Evil-Doing 
While They Gloatingly Say That This Is Who They Are 
That They Can't Change!?! 

Only The Living God
May Say:
I AM That I AM!

The First Thing To Note Is That 
The Only Being That Cannot Change 
Almighty God 
So That Must Mean That That Person Is Almighty God! 

The Problem With That Assumption, Though
That Almighty God Does Not Do Evil 
So Whoever This Cannot-Change Person Is
They Are A Fraud ... A False God 
And As Such 
They Are Putting Themselves At Odds With The Eternal God 
Who Has Clearly Stated That 
We Should Have No Others Gods But The Lord! 


We Must Tread Softly Before The Living God! 

When The Ark Of God Almighty Was Placed In The Temple Of 
The Philistine Fish-God, Dagon
It Came To A Destructive End With It Being Toppled Over 
With Its Head And Hands Severed! 

Who Can Live Without A Head!?! 

How Do We Pray For "Motivated" Evil-Doers!?! 

By The Grace Of The Eternal God
We Pray For Their Deliverance From Destruction And Death 
By Them Humbly Giving 
Their Own Willing Confession And Repentance Of Their Known Sin! 

We Pray That They Will Cooperate With Christ 
By Letting The Holy Spirit Do His Necessary Work In Their Life! 

I Pray To Almighty God That 
None Of Us Are Counted Amongst The Unrepentant 
In The Day Of The Settlement Of Accounts 
With Jesus Christ The Lord! 

Dear Lord, 
Please Help Us To Yield To You
Be Wholly Thine! 

Peace Be Upon You!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Ask And Receive!

The Lord God Almighty Gives Good Gifts To Those 
Who Humbly Wait Upon Him Patiently! 
Let Us Enduringly Wait Upon Him To Receive 
The Gift Unimaginable
The Gift With No Sorrow
The Gift That Keeps Giving
The Gift That Blesses Us 
Blesses Us To Substantially Bless Others! 


Let Us Be Like The Excited Child In The Car 
On A Long Journey To Expected Joy 
Asking The Question: 

"Are We There Yet!?!" 
"Is My Blessing Ready Yet!?! 
May I Have My Blessing Now!?!" 

... And Let Us Repeat Ad Nauseum: 

"I Need A Blessing Now! 
My God Has A Blessing For Me And How! 
I Will Be Blessed And Saved! 
For Me, Jesus Christ My King Got Up From The Grave! 
I Am Waiting On My Gracious Lord Who Saves! 
Soon, Soon, All Will Be Glory Days! 
I Am Waiting On My Lord Because I Know That He Utterly Saves! 
He Is God Almighty And He Cannot, Ever, My Love Fail 
Because His Heart Is Inclined Toward Me Always!" 

Dear Ones, 

None Of This Is Possible Without Childlike Faith! 

We Diligently Pray: 
"Our Father, Who Art In Heaven!" 

Since Our Father Is In Heaven
Then We Are His Children! 
Will You, Therefore, Release Your Contrary Adult 
Be Cleansed To Be The Loving, Obedient, Child Of God Today!?! 

There Will Be No Impatient, Uncultured, Ungovernable
Discontented, Angry Adults In Heaven! 
Think About It! 


Monday, February 14, 2022

"Hate Evil!"

We Have A Direct Command Of Almighty God: 

"Hate Evil!" 


We Will Hate Evil 
We Love The Lord! 

We Serve The Creator Who Is The Holy God Known Alive
The Savior Dear
The Good Shepherd
The Forever Friend
The Returning Redeemer
The Kind King
The Incorruptible Judge
Our Blessed Hope! 

Our Lord Jesus Provides For Us Before We Express Our Need! 
He Has A Thousand Ways To Save Us 
Even Though We Need Only One 
When We Are Instructed ... Commanded
To Do Something For Our Good
We Always, Always, Always Have A Blessing Of 
Infinite Magnitude Attached! 

We Have The Preserving And Delivering Hand Of 
Our Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omni-Present God Attending Us
Protecting Us
Providing For All Of Our Needs 


Our Enduring Faithful Obedience 
Ensures That 
We Will Not Be Overcome By Evil! 

Please Take Note ... 

Satan Aka His Evilness Was Distinctly Told How Far He Could Go 
To Wreak Havok In Job's Life 
So Let Us Correct The Error Which Says That 
Evil-Doers May Do Whatever They Want! 

Evil-Doers  Cannot Do More Than What The Lord Says 

Never Forget That 
The Promise Is Given For Our Deliverance
So Shout "Hosanna!" 
Shout "Save Now!" To Our Lord Christ 
Even As You Hate Evil Like You Would Hate Rat Poison! 

The Lord Is King! 
Our Deliverance Is On The Wing! 

Stand Strong! 


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Win At Salvation By Failing At Sin!

Obedience, Trust, And Surrender 
Are Three Of The Hardest Concepts For Us To Wrap Our Minds Around 
Put Into Action On A Consistent Basis 
To Make A Real, Visible, Difference In Our Lives! 


To Obey Our Lord Christ
We Must First Trust Him 
In Order To Trust Him And Obey
We Must Surrender Ourselves 
Our Sin 
We Are Willing To Walk In His Holy Way! 

We Often Hear That "Hallelujah!" 
The Highest Praise! 

Well, Obedience 
The Highest Form Of Worship! 

We Often Hear That Imitation 
The Highest Form Of Flattery! 

Well, Living For And Like Jesus Christ 
Letting The Whole World Know That 
We Are On The Lord's Side 
And That 
We Have Taken Him For Our Everlasting Portion! 
This Is Love ... Not Flattery! 

Be Warned! 

There Is No Everlasting Portion For 
Disobedient, Distrustful
Battling-Against-Truth Sinners! 

Please Do Not Be Fooled 
By The Antics And Rhetoric Of The Worldly-Wise! 

Surrendering Sin And Self To The Savior 
Is Not 
The Sweet Treat For Sappy Saints Seeking Salvation! 

Surrendering To Jesus Christ 
The Boldest, Most Courageous
Most Beneficial Act Of Winning Warfare That 
Any Of Us Will Ever Perform On This Side Of Glory! 

People Who Think That They Are Important 
May Call You Sottish Aka Foolish: 
Let Them! 

Please Choose To Surrender, Obey
Unerringly, Enduringly Trust The Lord 
Be Perfectly Sure That 
You Will Spend The Eternity Of Bliss In The Great Reward 
With Jesus Christ The King! 

The Trusting, Faithful, Obedient, Enduring
Surrendered Saints 
Win At Salvation By Failing At Sin! 


Saturday, February 12, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Over-Promising Under-Deliverer!

In The Realm Of Business, We Often Hear The Words: 
"Under-Promise And Over-Deliver!" 
Aka Deliver The Unexpected! 

In The Realm Of Deceitful Sin
The Nauseating Word 

How Alluring: You Can Have It All! 
How Deadly: You Can Do It All! 

The Reality Is That 
Nothing Is Ever Delivered 
All That Is Left 
Destroyed Innocence
Rejected Ideals
Corrupted Taste-Buds
A Ruined Present 


No Happy Ever-After 
Our Cherished And "Sweet" Sin Separates Us From Our Savior 
Which Then Leads To The Second Death! 


Accept That You Are A Sinner 
But That 
You Don't Have To Sin: 
Run After The Savior! 

Acknowledge Your Sin: 
Call It By Its Birth-Name! 

Recognize That You Need Forgiveness ... And Cleansing: 
Approach The Throne Of Grace Boldly 
Repent To Almighty God In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! 

Roundly Reject Sin: 
Your Sin Is No Match For Your Savior! 

Live By The Word Of God: 
The God Of The Word Gives Life! 

Please Remember That 
Comfort In Sin Makes You A Slave ... A Casualty: 
Don't Give Gifts To Satan! 

Seek The Savior's Hand: 
Settle Your Hand In The Savior's! 

ABU Aka Anger, Bitterness And Unforgiveness 
Sin Is Addictive 
So Please Pray For The Spirit Of Revulsion 
Escape Into The Storehouse Of The Word 
Dig For Hidden Treasure Which Elevates Your Soul! 

Don't Be A Slave: 
Be A Saint! 


Friday, February 11, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Bad Choices ... Bad Results!

Bad Choices Equal Bad Results! 

Like The Peacefully Cooing Dove 
Like The Splendidly-Showy Strutting, Screaming Peacock! 
Each Is A Chosen Way Of Life! 


The Fact Of "Choice" States Clearly That 
You, Me, We Allowed Ourselves To Indulge Thought 
Which Speaks To Our Detailed Analysis Of 
The Pros And The Cons Of A Proposed Action! 

With This In Mind
It Is Clear That Whatever Decision We Thoughtfully Make
Whatever We Choose To Do
The Outcome, Good Or Bad
Cheap Or Expensive 
Life Or Death
All On Our Own Head! 

Remember Your Creator-Given
Free-Will And Free Choice!

If We Take This Further
We Will Understand That "Choice" 
Why Not One Of Us 
Will Be Able To Stand Before The Judge Of All Flesh
The Savior Of Every Man
And Say

"I Didn't Know Right From Wrong!" 


"The Devil, My Brother, Sister, Neighbor
Mother, Father, Friend, Enemy
Made Me Do 'It!'" 

That Boat Ain't Gonna Float! 

We Are Called To Be Wise For Our Own Selves 
So Let Us Understand That 
We Have One Chance To Make The Right Choice 
To Avoid The "Why Me!?!" Consequence Of 
Departing From The Path Of Purity, Truth ... Righteousness! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Let Us Dare Today 
To Do The Deeds To Plant The Seeds Of The Fruit That 
We Really Desire To Eat! 

Choose To Do Right 
Walk Right In Living Light! 
