Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Be Wise To Rise To Glory!

What Have You Done For The Master!?! 

Are You Doubting What The Master Has Done
Is Doing Or Will Do For You!?! 

Are You Contemplating 
Why The Lord Needs You To Do Anything For Him 
When He Has Everything At His Disposal 
Owns Everything Seen And Unseen, Known And Unknown!?! 


You, Personally, Are Precious, Special, To Our Dear Savior! 

No Person Living, Dead, Dying, Denying, Defying
Rigid, Rude, Recalcitrant, Or Ruthless 
Able To Change Almighty God's Love For 
Desire To Have Us Accept The Gifts Given
Perform Our Assignments To Gather With Him 
As We Tell The Good News Of Free-To-All Salvation
The Living God's Love, Grace, Mercy, Truth, Faithfulness 
Which Will Never Fail Us! 

You, Personally, Are The Apple Of Our Lord's Eye
The One For Whom He Poured Out His Innocent Blood 
So That You, Cleansed Thereby And Forgiven
Willingly, Enduringly, Obediently Cooperating With Him
May Have His Everlasting Life! 

Please Allow The Naysayers To Swear
The Gainsayers To Bray 
See To It, For Love Divine, That 
You Hold To Our God's Unchanging Hand 
Unphased By Opposition 
As You Love Yourself By Loving Your Savior 
By Thought, Word, And Deed! 

Obey: Don't Stray! 
Pray: Don't Run Away! 
Be Wise: Rise To Stand Before The Throne Of God 
As The Obedient Child Of The King
The Diligent Student Of The School Of Christ
The Trustworthy Servant Of The Eternal God! 


Monday, March 7, 2022

Know The Truth Aka Know The Lord Jesus Christ!

There Is No Faithfulness Without Truth! 
Truth Is Good And Has No Lie In It! 
Lie Has In Truth But Has No Good In It! 

How, Then, Does One Reckon With "The Fact" That 
"Whispy Told A Good Lie!" 
"Bordes Plainly Told The Truth But It Is Simply Unbelievable!?!" 
What About 
"Maisie Is Such A Convincing Liar That 
She Could Make Anybody Believe That Grass Is Blue!?!" 


No Matter How Convincing The Liar And The Lie May Be
The Truth-Speaker And The Truth 
Will Stand Vindicated In Front Of Everybody! 

Study The Truth Aka Study The Lord Jesus Christ! 
Know The Truth Aka Personally Know The Lord Jesus Christ! 

Own The Truth Aka "Own" The Lord Jesus Christ 
As Your Everlasting Portion 
Sell It Not Aka Do Not Betray The Lord 
So That When The Liar A-Calling Comes
You Aware, Will Give Him A Firm Set-Down Aka 
"Away With You, Thou Stranger To The Truth!" 

Dare To Really Study The Truth In All Of Its Beauty 
To Truly Recognize The Dastardly Lie 
In Its Shameful Ugliness! 

Please Remember That 
All Of Our Blessings Come With Our Faithfulness To The Truth 
It Is The Truth Alone That Sets The Sinner Free! 

The Plain Truth Yields Perfect Peace 
So Choose To Speak 
Walk With And In The Truth Today! 


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Using The L.O.D.E: Changing Hurry Into Hurray!

When Man-Generated Hope Is Gone
Christ-Gifted Holy Faith Working 
Allows Us To Change 
"Please Hurry, Lord!" 
To "Thank You, Lord! Hurray!" 


Our Depending Upon Self In Matters Of Faith 
Akin To Running Behind A Fuel-Less, Driver-Less
Engine-Less, Moth-Balled Vehicle! 
It Ain't Going Nowhere And Neither Are We! 

Our God Alive, The Lord Jesus Christ
The True Strong-Hold
Our Impenetrable Shelter
Our Perfect Refuge 
He Gives To Each Of Us 
A Measure Of His Faith Each And Every Day 
To Use To Trust Him At His Eternal Aka Can't-Fail Word! 

Dear Ones, 

The Day That We Truly Understand That Self 
A Willing Sinner 
Accept With Unadulterated Joy That 
Jesus Christ The King 
Our Only Savior 
The Day That There Shall Be Our Joyful Celebration 
In Recognition Of The Fact That 
It Is Indeed The Mighty God That We Serve! 

All Of Us Who Choose To Trust The Lord 
Wait Upon Him 
Shall Surely Renew Our Strength! 

We Will Be Like Those Who
- With Prayer And Supplication With Thanksgiving - 
Will Light The Fire
Place A Pot Of Water On To Simmer 
With The Full Expectation That 
Soon The Ingredients Necessary To Cook A Substantial Meal 
Which Will Do A Body Good 
Shall Surely Appear! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Sinful-Self Is Destructively Used By Satan
The Faith-Fuelled Saint Aka Sinner-Saved 
Willingly, Wisely, Serves The Eternal God 
Lovingly, Obediently, Devotedly, And  Enduringly! 

Let Us Daringly Endeavor Today 
To Fully Let Jesus Christ's Gift Of Unfailing Faith 
Lubricate Our Lives! 


Saturday, March 5, 2022


There Is No Wealth In Wickedness
There Is No Comfort In Crime
There Is No Peace In Perverseness
There Is Security In The Salvation
Which Comes From Our Savior Divine!

Love Is Like The River Glorious
Peace In Christ Is A Promise With No Shame
Hope Is The Haven Where Rest Is
And Righteousness Is The Life That Is Not In Vain!

Mercy Is Free And Available
Grace Is Our Sufficiency
Power Is Ours From The Hand Of Our Master
Who Is Truth And Will Bless You And Me!

Be Humble And Keep A Loving, Giving Spirit
Be Bold And Walk Wise By The Word 
Be Strong, Your God Is King Of Glory
By His Will
We Will Go Up To Him Before Long! 

Be Strong! 


Friday, March 4, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Don't Die Twice Today Over Living Tomorrow!

The Trials Of Life 
Either Make Us Bitter Or Better! 
We, Each, Have Option And Opportunity 
To Make The Blessed Choice! 

Trials Help Us To Either Live For The Lord Christ 
Or Be Consumed By The Crisis! 
We Either Live In Hope Or Dine In  Hell! 
Or ... They Will Strengthen Us In Our Gift Of Faith 
Or Strangle Our Desire To Exercise Faith 
By Elevating Doubt, We Can't, In Hope
"See" Jesus Inside The Great Pearl Gates! 


Please Don't Be Self-Sufficient 
In Matters Of Faith 
It Is Your Worst Enemy! 

Please Cast Your Burden Upon The Lord Christ 
Permit Him To Be Your Sufficiency! 

Letting Go ... Of Personal Control
Letting Our Jesus Christ Take Over Control 
Requires A Leap Of Faith 
No "Safety Net" Available! 

Can You Do It!?! 
Will You Do It!?! 
Or Will You By Seeking To Impress Others With 
Your Able Capabilities Which Aren't Worth A Hill Of Beans 
Fail At Working Your Gift Of Unfailing Faith!?! 

"Worry" About What You Can Change 
If You Change "It" 
Then There Is No Need To Die Twice Today 
Over Living Tomorrow 
Which Is Not Promised To Any Living Soul! 

The Point Is That Our Jesus 
Jehovah Jireh Aka The God Who Provides! 

Please Let Us Endeavor Today 
To Hold On To Him Who Holds Tomorrow In His Holy Hand 
Where The Forever-Blessed Gift Of Grace ... Of Power
Sufficient For The Day! 

Be At Peace In The Living God: 
Evil Cannot Survive In His Hallowed Presence! 


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Consider Your Ways ... And Please The Lord!

Let No Human Or Malevolent Spirit Fool You: 
Attitude About 
Behavior Towards The Lord Are Everything! 

Our Blessings And Our Prosperity 
Depend Upon Our Total Obedience 
To The Word And The Will Of Our Almighty God! 

Partial Obedience Is Disobedience ... Which Is Dangerous 
Willful Disobedience Is  Deadly! 
Just Ask Nadab, Abihu, Achan
Hophni, Phineas, Balaam, And King Saul! 

Disobedience Comes Of The PEG
Aka Pride, Envy, And Greed
Which Is In The Devil's Domain! 

Nothing Good Ever Came Or Will Come From 
The Hand Of Satan! 


See Sin With Your Eyes 
Don't Ever Choose To Romance It 
No Matter How Beautiful
Or Potentially Profitable Its Appearance! 

The Lord Asks Us To Consider Our Ways 
Our Unsancitified Ways Obviously Do Not Please Him 
Even As They Do Not Bless Us! 

Folly Is Not Common-Sense! 

Let Us, Therefore, Choose To Follow Uncommon Sense
Aka Faith
Bless Almighty God With Our Willing, Ready, Obedience! 

When Our Ways Please The Lord
He Causes Our Enemies To Be At Peace With Us! 

Best Of All, Though
When We Seek The Kingdom Of God 
Make It First In Our Affections
The Necessities Of Life Will Always Be Provided To Us 
We Shall Surely Reach The Heavenly Home! 



Please Help Us To Be Wise Unto Salvation 
So That Our Ways Will Please You Today! 


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Prayer For Ukraine



Heavenly Father, 
We Thank You For The Gift Of 
Unfailing, Unshrinking, Faith That 
Removes The Spectre Of Doubt That 
Fogs Our Minds And Clouds Our Judgment 
In The Face Of War And The Clutches Of Cruel Death! 

In These Uncertain Times, Lord
In This Hour Of Trial
We Come With Hope, Believing The Word Of Truth
And Plead For Your Hand Of Healing 
Which Turns Bitterness Into Sweetness
Darkness Into Light
Ashes Into Beauty
The Certain Hope Into Glory! 

King Solomon Said That He Was A Child 
Not Knowing How To Go Out Or To Come In: 
We Join In This Sentiment 
Humbly Ask You To Take Control! 

Please Lead Us, Feed Us
Guard, Guide And Protect Us, Dear Lord
As We Faithfully, Enduringly
Follow After You Who Knows The Perfect Way 
Our End From Our Beginning! 

We Trust You, Lord
Because We Believe Your Word That Says 
All Things Work For Our Good! 

We Know That There Isn't Anything That
Happens To Us 
Which Will Surprise You
For This Reason, Father
We Ask That You Will Comfort Us
In All Our Present Distresses
Help Us To Rest, Strengthened, And Unafraid In You 
Even Though We're Perplexed And Tempest-Tossed! 

Please Speak Peace! 

Please Help Us To Remember That
Your Strength Is Made Perfect
In Our Weakness
Help Us To Let Go
Let You Take The Wheel!
Lord, Pity Us!

Please Help Us To Trust You And Believe
Hold Hope 
Heed The Counsels Against Doubt! 

Please Help Us To Not Be Double-Minded Because 
You Have Said That You Have Nothing 
To Give Anyone So Unstable, Like The Sea
Driven, And Tossed About! 

Thank You For The Shelter That Is 
The Arms Of The Eternal God! 

Please Help Us To Glory In The Cross Of Christ 
Which Bought Us New Life! 

We Confess And Repent Of Our Sins 
And Plead For The Promised Cleansing And Pardon 
As We Desire To Live With You In Paradise! 
Please Deliver Us, Lord, By Your Saving Grace! 
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name 
We Pray And, In Need, Humbly Plead! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Believe The Blessed One!

In The Realm Of Flesh
There Is The Daily, Moment-By-Moment, Struggle 
Between I-See And I-Trust
Between I-Know And I-Feel! 

Be As Those Who Stand In Faith
And Confidently Say:
"I Know And I Trust My Lord Jesus Christ!"


There Are Two Leaders: 
Satan The Damned 
The Savior Blessed! 

There Are Two Peoples Out Of The Stock Called Sinner 
Aka Obedient And Disobedient
Aka Faithful And Doubtful! 

Only One Group 
Striving To Be Saints Of God And Christ
Have Chosen Service And Endurance As Their Way Of Life 
In The Quest To Reach The Heavenly Home! 

Who Are You 
Under Which Leader 
Are You Choosing To Energetically Serve!?! 

Do You Know Your Assignment 
Are You Operating To Your Potential 
As Seen Through The Eyes Of The Lord Christ 
Or Are You Allowing The Accuser Of The Brethren
Satan The Base, Known Bold And Brazen 
To Forcefully Remind You Of What You Once Were 
While Trying To Convince You That 
You Are Not Nor Ever Will Be 
Worthy To Ascend To The Heights Unknown 
To Dwell With The Holy Go
d Who Is A Consuming Fire 
To All Who Do Not Renounce Their Sin 
Accept The Free-To-All Salvation!?! 

Our Lord Jesus 
The Promise-Keeping God 
Who Invites You To Dine At His Table 
On The Good Food That He Constantly Provides 
From The Heart Filled With Love And Caring 
For You  ... Personally! 

To Coin The Old Phrase
"Let Us Wash Out Our Guts" 
As Members Of The Clean-Plate Club
Decidedly Sit Down At The Lord's Table 
Eat Like There Is No Tomorrow: 
All Contented-In-Christ Eaters Win The Crown Of Life! 

You Are Greatly Beloved: 
Believe The Blessed One ... Not Beelzebub! 


Monday, February 28, 2022

Need Is Like A Mosquito!

The Day That We Realize That Jesus Christ 
The Only One Who Can Or Will Have Mercy On Us 
The Day That We Truly See Our Need Of Our Savior! 

Think Of It As The Difference Between Knowing About Jesus 
Personally Knowing Jesus
The Difference Between A Passing Acquaintance 
Having An Intimate Relationship With The Forever Friend 
Who Is The Creator-God Who Knows Everything About You 
Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually
Down To The Atomic Level! 


We May Pretend That We Do Not Need Anyone 
And That
We Are Able To Do And Be Everything To Our Own Self 
Until Reality ... Bites! 

Reality Doesn't Care If You Are Rich, Poor, Young, Old
Educated, Illiterate, Free, Enslaved, Sick, Well
Prince, Politician, Or Preacher! 

Reality's Weight, Teeth, Talons, Tentacles, And Heels 
Are Always Set To "Hurt!"
The Head, Heart, Hands, And Heels Of Jesus Christ 
Are Always Set To Help And Heal Humans! 

Satan Uses Reality To Harass Us 
Wreak Havok In Our Lives
Our Savior Uses Reality To Bring Us Home To Eternal Life 
He Does It With Love, Compassion, Mercy, And Grace 
Which Include Helping Us To Recognize Our Great Need Of 
His Direction, Protection, Correction
Provision, Peace, And Power! 

Remember This ... 

Need Is Like A Mosquito:
You Never Know What It Can Do Until It Hits You! 

Dear Ones, 

We Will Never Know 
What Jesus Christ Can And Will Do For Us Personally 
Until We Recognize, Accept
Act Upon Our Desperate Need Of Him! 

Please Pray About Your Need Now! 


Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Word Works: The Truth Satisfies!

We Daily Need The Nourishment Of Food 
To Physically Stay Alive And Well! 

We Daily Need The Nourishment That
The Living, Holy, Word, The Truth
If The Soul Is To Prosper 
Have Spiritual Health And Well-Being! 


While Picky Eating May Work In The Realm Of The Flesh 
A Person May Survive On Biscuits While Ignoring 
The Extensive Array Of Good And Healthful Eats 
At The Daily Benefit The Body Buffet
We Cannot ... As Committed Christians 
Pick And Choose The Parts Of The Word Of God That We Like
Discard What We Disapprove
Dismiss That With Which We Disagree! 

The Word Of God 
The Famine-Proof Assurance Of A Future Life Of Bliss Food 
For Whosoever Freely, Willingly, Eats With Love And Gratitude 
From The Lord's Glorious Gift Of Said Food Known Good For Us 
At Every Age, Stage, And Station Of Life! 

We May Not Always Immediately Love Or Enjoy Certain Calls
Claims, Corrections 
Commissions Or Charges We See In Or Hear Of In The Word 
If We Truly Love The Lord Jesus Christ, Our Savior Dear
Whom We Know Loves Us Each Sacrificially
We Will Accept The Living Word 
Knowing That It Comes From The Lord Of Life 
Who Will Never Hurt Or Deceive Us! 

The Living, Holy, Word Works 
So Let It, By The Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth
Have Its Blessed Way Aka Do Its Appointed Work In Your Life! 

I Beseech Us All 
To Allow Ourselves To Acquire The Taste, The Desire,l
For The Eternal Things Of Almighty God Today! 

Never Ever Forget That Only The Truth Satisfies The Soul! 


Saturday, February 26, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Every Christian Has A Way To Walk!

Witness, Walk, Worship, Work: 
One Took A Day Off! 
One Decided To Twerk! 
All Called The Master's Name 
All Held The Living Word 
Between Reading And Interpretation
One Eschewed The Good Word He Had Heard! 

Every Christian Has A Way To Walk! 
Every Christian Has A Work To Do! 
Every Christian Is Called To Witness 
Every Christian Must On The Mission Given 
Sincerely Follow Through! 

The Way Is Plain! 
The Work Is Hard! 
The Worship Is Wonderful 
The Witnessing Is Not About Leaving A Calling Card! 

Our Life Is A Witness Whether We Believe It Or Not! 
Our Work Is A Witness
A Way To Help To Keep Us From Receiving The Blot! 
Our Walk Is A Witness To Others On Or Seeking The Holy Way
Our Mapped Way From The Master 
Points Us To The Master 
From Whom We Should Never Stray!  

Our Attitude About Our Mission Tells Others 
Aka Witnesses To The Truth Of What
Of How
What We Really Think About Our Master 
Our Lives On The Ground! 

Work, Witness, Walk, Worship Tell A Story 
Reveal A Life
So Dare To Be Bold 
Walk To Worship On The Way To Work! 

Walk Like One! 
Worship The Son! 
Stay On The Way 
Your Witness Shall Be That For Personal Sin, 
You, Most Assuredly, Shall Not Personally Pay 
You Walk Under The Banner Of 
Almighty God's Blessed-Forever Only Son! 


Live For Jesus Christ Today And Always!


Friday, February 25, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Almighty God's Silence Is Not Consent To Sin!

There Is An Old Expression Which States: 
"Don't Take My Kindness For Weakness!" 

There Is Also The Warning Which States: 
"Just Because I Have Not Challenged You
It Does Not Mean That I Do Not Know What You Are Doing!" 


Both Of These Statements Are Based On Scripture 
Should Make Us Think Carefully 
Act Differently 
We Are Living Lives That Cause Offense! 

Just Because Comment Is Not Immediate 
Or Punishment Swift For Aggregious Behavior
It Does Not Mean That Others Are As We Are 
We All Walk Together In Unity! 

The Lord Jesus Christ 
Long-Suffering Toward Us 
As It Is Not His Desire That Anyone Should Perish! 

Think Of It As Giving Us Time 
To Make All Wrong Things Right! 

The Lord Has Clearly Told Us That 
Our Thoughts And Our Ways 
Are Not His Thoughts Or His Ways: 
One Thing To Be Taken From This 
That Almighty God Sees And Knows Everything
His Judgment Is Sure
His Punishment For Wrong-Doing 
Guaranteed To Be Executed On The Day Appointed ... By Him! 

Dear Ones, 

Self-Inspection Through God's Magnifying Glass 
Which Is The Living, Holy, Word 
An Unimpeachable Disclosing Agent 
We Need To Cooperate With Christ Through The Holy Spirit 
To Redirect Our Footsteps 
To The Path Of Purity, Goodness, Kindness, Truth, And Light 
We Desire To Avoid The Wrath To Come! 

Let Us Bless The Living God 
Do Right 
It Is Right! 


Let Us Daringly Check Ourselves 
Before We Wreck Ourselves: 
There Is No Do-Over After Death! 

Live For The Lord Jesus Christ! 



Thursday, February 24, 2022

PRAYING: Living Life When Christ Is All!

When We Have Elected 
To Take Jesus Christ As Our Everlasting Portion 
Have Decided To Make Him Our Only Choice
Our Day Sounds Something Like This: 

"Good Morning, Lord! 
Thank You For My Spared Life 
And For Clothing Me In My Right Mind! 
I Give You Me 
And Ask You To Make Me A Blessing To Someone Today! 
I Love You, Lord! 

The Devil Is A Liar! 
I'm Glad, Lord, That You Are God! 
Save Me, Jesus! 
Lord, Have Mercy! 
Thank You, Lord! 

I AM A Child Of The King! 
The Lord Is My Shepherd! 
I Need You, Lord! 
I Trusted You, Lord! 
I Am Trusting You, Lord! 
Oh, Lord, Please Help Me To Trust You! 

I Feel Weak But I Know That In You I Am Made Strong: 
Help Me To Keep My Hand In Yours! 

What Can Man Do To Me: 
I Fear The Living God! 

I Feel So Tired But I Can't Give Up 
And By Your Grace, I Won't Give In! 

Bless You, Lord! 
Thank You, Jesus! 

Please Help Me To Keep My Promises To You! 

There, But For Your Grace, Dear Lord, I Go! 

I Desire To Get Home To Glory 
And I Give You Permission To Get Me There 
By Any Means Necessary! 

Lord Jesus, 
How Did We Get Here!?! 

So Much Sorrow, Lord! 

Grant Them Travelling Mercies, Lord! 

Be With That Dear Soul In Mortal Danger: 
Please Grant Them Strength, Courage 
And An Opportunity To Confess And Repent Of Known Sin 
And Be Saved! 

I Repent: 
Please Forgive Me! 

For What I Am About To Receive, Lord
Let My Heart Be Truly Thankful! 

Heavenly Father, 
Please Grant Me A Peaceful Night's Sleep 
Where I May Put Away The Trials And Tribulations Of The Day 
And Rest Calmly Under Your Sheltering Wings! 