Monday, April 11, 2022

Humble Service And Sound Sleep Are Synonymous!

We Are Not Born For Worldly Greatness 
Nor Placed On This Earth To Be Served! 
Did Not Our Lord Jesus Say That 
He Did Not Come To Be Served But To Serve!?! 


If The Creator God
The King Of Earth And Glory
Our Savior, Redeemer, And Forever Friend
He Who Causes Us To Be Because He Is
Humbly Served His Own  Creation During His Earthly Sojourn 
Is Even Now In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary 
Making Intercession For Us 
So That We, Cleansed
May Return To The Father's House Of Amazing Love
Why, Why, Why Are We Becoming So Self-Centered 
Self-Serving To Demand That 
Others Serve Us Like They Are Napkins 
Good Only For Using And Refusing!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Never, Ever, Mistake 
Willing Service In The King's Camp 
For Forced Servitude In The Devil's Dungeon! 

The Lord Of Life Asks:

"Whom Shall We Send And Who Will Go For Us!?!" 

Will You Answer The Call To Service 
Or Will You Insist On Being Served 
To The Detriment Of Your Own Soul!?! 

The Proud Are Never Satisfied With What They Are Served! 

Humble Service 
Ground For Sound Sleep! 
Let's Joyfully Serve Our King Jesus! 


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Satan Sells Fool's Gold!

How Would You Feel Being In A Relationship With Someone 
Who Only Offered You A Good Time
Cheap Thrills
No Commitment 
And For Sure
No Happily Ever After Aka No Forever In Heart And Home!?! 


Jesus Christ Has Plainly Told Us:
"Let No One 
Aka Man, Woman, Child, Angel Or Demon, Deceive You!" 

Since This Is The Case
Why Are We Being Complicit In Our Own Proposed Destruction 
By Rejecting The Sweet Fruit Of The Gospel Of Truth 
Aka Life In And For Christ
- Hard, Sure, And Eternally Secure - 
To Accept The Smoke 'n Mirrors Circus Magic Show Of 
License, Lust, And Lies
Easy To Embrace 
Popular To Live 
Impossible To Hold
It Is A Hole
As Manufactured, Offered, And Maintained 
By Satan The Damned!?! 
Good Times Don't Last 
Good People Do ... By Almighty God's Great Grace! 

Satan Cannot Create Anything Good 
He Can Abominate It! 

We, Humans, Christians, Have The Ability To Create 
Be In A Committed, Caring, Permanent Relationship 
With Jesus Christ The Kind And Gracious King
By Invitation Easy To Accept And Foster! 

Satan Sells Pyrite, Fool's Gold, A Fraud! 

Jesus Christ Bestows Tried Gold, Precious ... Priceless! 

Know The Difference 
Be As The One Wise! 

Make The Hard Decision! 


Saturday, April 9, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Praise The Lord ... With Truth!

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! 

Our God Is The God Of Order, The Master Of Design! 
He Changes Not From Day To Day 
He Is Almighty, Holy, Divine! 

Speak No Corrupt Words! 

Order Out Of Chaos 
The Satanic Construct 
All Who Follow After This Fad 
Do Not With Saving Truth
Legal Business Conduct! 


As Believers, We Must Stand In The Truth 
Or Fall By Science So Called 
As Proffered By Those Who Know Not The True And Living God! 

Dare To Look At Your Eye
You Hand
Your Tongue
Your Skin
Letting The Truth Be Your Living Guide
See If Chaos Was The Lead In Your Body Parts' Making! 

We Are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made 
With Love Stitching Our Parts Together
So There Is No Need To Permit Satan And His Minions 
To Tie Us In Knots
When The Creator, The Author
The Finisher Of Our Faith 
Invites Us On His Land On One Of Its Lots
Residence Freely To Take Up! 

Open Your Eyes! 
Truth Is Shining: 
Speak It! 

Lift Up Jesus Christ The Lord! 


Friday, April 8, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Lord, Please Change My Heart!

Let's Call Pain, Change! 
Let's Call Change, Purpose! 
Let's Call Purpose, Growth! 
Let's Conclude That Without Pain 
There's No Growth 
Without Purpose
There's No Change! 


Pain Serves A Two-Fold Purpose! 
It Informs Us That There's A Problem Needing Attention 
It Encourages Us To Go After The Means 
Whereby Help And Healing Are To Be Found! 

Pain Motivates! 
Throbbing Pain Activates! 
Excruciating Pain Debilitates 
Points To That Thing That Must Be Excoriated 
Aka Peeled Away, Removed
So That We May Move 
From Needing Grace To Embracing Glory
From Being Grieved To Embodying Gladness
From Prayer To Praise
From Hell To Heaven! 

By Jesus Christ's Stripes
His Lashed Skin
His Excruciating Pain
We Are Healed! 

Jesus Christ Died Once For All! 
He Is Our Great Physician 
Anything, Everything, That Pains Us
He Has Already Endured! 

Why Would You Choose To Live In Sin's Unprofitable Pain
When Being With Our Dear Savior Can Turn That Pain 
Into A Purpose 
Which Will Cause You To Grow In His Grace 
To Become A Citizen Fit To Share In His Eternal Glory!?! 

Jesus Christ Saves Us From Sin 
A Problem For Which He Is The Only Cure! 

Are You Ready, Willing, To Be Healed ... Today!?! 

Come To The Altar! 


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Deliberately Demonstrate What You Want Demonstrably Done To You!

KJV Matthew 7:12
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Do Unto Others As You Want Them To Do Unto You! 

Blessed Are The Merciful For They Will Obtain Mercy! 


Give ... And It Will Come Back To You 
Whether It Is Good, Bad, Indifferent
Cruel, Hateful
Blessed Or Cursed! 

If We Would Choose To Live With The Certain Knowledge That 
The Word Of God Cannot Fail
We Would Also Choose To Stop And Think Carefully 
Aka Long And Hard
Before We Choose To Lay Snares
Be Unkind, Untruthful, Unhelpful
Callous-Minded Towards Others
No Matter How We "Feel!" 

A Farmer Cannot Plant Onions And Reap Tomatoes! 

A Person Cannot Sow The Seeds Of Discord 
Actually Expect To Live In Peace! 

Christians Cannot Live Unkindly 
With A Side Of Bitterness 
Consciously Expect To Harvest 
Kindness And Sweetness! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Nearing Home! 
Please Let Us Each Choose
Choose To Live Christ-Like Lives
Caring, Kind, Giving, Blessing,  Forgiving

The Lord Means What He Says! 

We Will Each Reap The Abundant Harvest Of 
The Seeds That We Sow! 
Please Choose Your Crop Carefully! 


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Unwavering Faith In He Who Ever Lives!

KJV Job 13:15-16
15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
16 He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him.

It Takes Unwavering Faith, Explicit Belief, To Be Able To Say That 
You Are Going To Maintain Your Ways Aka Your Integrity 
Keep Your Trust Firmly Placed In Someone 
Who Has The Power To Kill You! 

It Takes That Same Unfailing Faith And  Unshakable Belief 
To Say That That Someone 
Your Salvation 
They Know That You Are Not A Deceitful Wretch Aka A Hypocrite! 


Oh, That We All Would Be As That Righteous Job Was! 

To Go Through The Fire Of Affliction
Physically, Financially, Emotionally, And Spiritually 
And Still 
Trust Jesus Christ The Lord 
You Have Embraced The Promise:
 "I Know That My Redeemer Lives!" 
"These Dry Bones Shall Live Again!" 
"Where I Am There Shall Also My Servant Be!" 
"No Good Thing Will He Withhold From Them That Walk Uprightly!" 
To Know The Peace Which Passes Human Aka Finite Understanding! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Lord Is Not Slack Concerning His Promises
His Stated Blood-Bought Intentions, Towards Us! 

"Yes, Lord!" 
"Thank You, Jesus!" 
Should Be On Rewind, Replay, Constant Rotation 
On Our Heart For Christ! 

Yes, The Lord Can Kill You! 
The Lord Also Daily Keeps Us Alive 
He Also Also Raises The Dead! 

Our Redeemer Lives: 
Live For Jesus! 

Peace Be Upon You!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Jesus Christ Is Not A Blind Guide!

KJV Proverbs 21:21
21 He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

Why Would A Christian Called, Committed, And Caring
Walk Confidently ... Eyes Down-Cast And Covered 
Along The Unknown Road Fraught With Danger
Policed By The Devil And Demons
The Demon-Possessed And The Demon-Inspired 
When Our Dear Savior Savior Says: 
"Look Up And Live: Follow Me!?!" 


There Are People All Around Us 
Who Do Not Our Principles Share
Who Have Chosen The Path Of Destruction
Who Do Not The Living, Holy, God Fear! 

I Beseech Us All Kindly
To Think Of Our Jesus 
Who Died To Grant Us Each His Free-To-All Salvation 

And Then

Remove The Blinders
Trustingly Lift Up Our Heads 
Widely Open Our Eyes! 

The Light Of Life 
Above And Ahead Of Us! 

The Strong Arm Of Love 
Our Comfort And Shield! 

The Road To Eternal Life
Straight, Narrow, And Clearly Defined
Holy Angels Excelling In Strength 
Are Dutifully Protecting Us 
Who Are Staying On The Heaven-Bound Line! 

Work, Watch
Don't Wander Or Wonder
Please Patiently Wait On 
The God Of Grace Who Inhabits Glory! 

Jesus Christ Is Neither A Blind Guide
An Empty Cloud
A Shooting Star
Nor A Fruitless Tree 
So Honor Him Who Made You 
Only To Him Give Your Heart 
Humbly Bend Your Knee!

Please Make Jesus Christ The King Your Choice! 


Monday, April 4, 2022

Editing The Eternal God!?!

KJV 1 John 3:18
18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

There Is No Loving And Believing God 
Without Trusting And Obeying His Word 
By Walking According To His Will! 


We Know The Truth: 
If We Say That We Love The Lord
We Must Keep All Of His Commandments 
Not Just The Convenient, Comfortable, Ones
We Must Not Try To Rewrite The Word
Which Means "Editing" The Eternal
When His Will Conflicts With Our Desire
Or Mashes Our Corns
Or Infuriates Our Delicate Sensibilities 
Which Will Negate Our Man-Derived Conception Called 
My Truth! 

Accepting Jesus Christ Means Accepting His Word
His Will
Walking In His Way In All Particulars 
"The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want!!" 
"All Things Work Together For Our Good!" 
Are The Truth! 

Morning, Evening, Noon, Or Night
Truth Is The Same 
Whether We Are In Prosperity 
Or Suffering Through Blight! 

Let's Stop With The Word-Play 
And, Instead
Pray To The Father
In The Name Of The Son
That The Holy Spirit Will Abide With Us 
Lead Us Into All Truth 
While Life Shall Last! 

There Is No Second Chance 
To Make A First Good Impression! 

The Arm Of Man Will Fail 
So Let Us Make Our Lives Matter 
Through Exercising Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord! 


Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Heart Wants What It Wants!?!

KJV Hebrews 10:31, 35
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.

Do Not Reject The Love Of Almighty God! 

Satan, The Eternally Damned
Has A Countermanding  Command 
For Every Just And Righteous Commandment Of 
Our Holy God! 

Whose Word Are You Obeying!?! 

Please Remember That 
You Are The Slave Of The One Whom You Obey! 

Satan Says That 
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law!" 

The Lord Of Life
The Living God Who Gives Us Grace 
With The Sure And Secure Invitation 
To His Surpassing Glory, Says: 
"Fear God, And Keep His Commandments 
For This Is The Whole Duty Of Man!" 


As Always, Heed The Call: 
"Be Wise!" 

I Beseech Us All
As Pilgrims And Strangers In A Strange Land
Please Do Not Fall For The World's Technicolor Tactics! 

Do Not Fall Into The Trap That Says That: 
"The Heart Wants What It Wants ... No Holy God 
Or Pricking Conscience Moved By The Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Into All Truth Required Or Desired!" 

No Matter Our Station Or Standing
The Day Of Judgment Is Sure! 

I Sincerely Pray That We Will Be Of The Pilgrim Band 
Whose Judge Is The Kind King
The Shepherd Of Love
The Prince Of Peace Who Will Commend Us 
Command Us To Enter Into His Rest! 

The Lord Be With You! 


Saturday, April 2, 2022


I Heard It Spoken By Elders
I Read It As Written By Youngsters
I'm Certain That I've Said It Myself More Than A Time Or Two 
I've Come To The Conclusion, On Godly Evidence
That This One Statement 
Patently False And Positively True! 

"Okie Dokie, Smokie! 
Would You Like To Wheel And Come Again!?!" 


The Statement
"What's Going To Happen Has To Happen!" 
Both True And False ... With A Proviso! 

If You Commit Sin
You Are Going To Die! 

If You Commit Sin 
Become Sorry, Confess, And Sincerely Repent
Choose To Live In And For Christ
While You May Die The Once-To-Every-Man Death
You Will Sleep To Rise ... And Live Eternally! 

Unrepentant Sinners Die Once
To Die Twice
Never To Live Again! 

We Do Not Have To Sin! 

Sinning Is A Choice 
So Willing Sinning Causes "What Has To Happen, To Happen!" 
Aka What Must Must, Must Must! 

We Don't Have To Be Saints Of God And Christ 
If We Are
Our Redemption From Death Is Guaranteed! 
What Has To Happen, Will Happen! 

The Bottom Line ... 

We Have To COO Right Because Our 
Choice To Perform 
Opportunity To Shine Or Be Shamed, And To Receive The Appended
In Our Hearts And Hands! 

Don't Be Cuckoo: 
Be Wise! 


Friday, April 1, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Be Persistent ... Never Distant!


Be Consistent, Instant, Persistent
Never Distant! 

God Is Near!

A Consistent Christian Is Obvious: 
We Practice What Is Preached
Play Fair
Pray And Share
Live Like The Master 
We Dutifully From Sin Daringly Run Away! 

The Consistent Christian 
Persistent In Letting Their Light Shine 
Is Never Distant From The Way Of The Word 
Chooses To Be Instant In Prayer 
In Helping Out Whoever, Whenever 
Wherever Possible 
When An Expressed Need Is Heard 


They Are Not Moved By The Insistent Pleas Of 
The Wayward Inviting Them To Conform 
To The Willful Ways Of The Wide, Wild, World! 

The Voice That Is Heeded 
The Sweet Voice Of Our Blessed Jesus
The King Of Glory
The Lord Of Life
The Prince Of Peace 
Whom We Shall See ... On The Appointed Day
Approaching From The East! 

How Are You!?! 

Who Are You ... Today!?! 

Are You Headed To Hill Zion 
On The Holy Way That Always Gloriously Pays!?! 

If Changes Are Required, Dear One
Be Persistent In Your Prayers 
Do Exactly What Our Dear Savior Says: 
You Are Greatly Loved: 
From The Path Of Righteousness Do Not Turn Away!


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Air Of Entitlement!?!


The Air Of Entitlement 
Should Be A Gut-Wrenchingly Awful Stench 
In The Nostrils Of The Committed-To-Christ Christian! 


If You Work For A Paycheck, Expect It! 
If You Pay For An Item Or A Service, Expect It! 
If You Have Neither Worked For 
Nor Paid For The Things That You Desire
Get Wise
Get To Stepping Correctly! 

The Old Expression 
"Take What You Want And Pay For It!" 
Should Be Front And Center 
In The Minds Of Sinners And Saints Alike! 

Jesus Christ Calls All Sinners To His Free-To-All Salvation: 
All Who Accept Will See Trial, Tribulation, Temptation
Peace, Joy, Love, And Blessing
Be Hated Without A Cause
At The Regeneration 
Enjoy Eternal Life! 

Satan Offers To All Sinners
Especially Those Of The Unrepentant Class
His Free-To-All Damnation: 
All Who Accept Will See Fun, Frolic
Thrills, Spills
Trials, Terrors, Toys
Rejection By Both Satan And The Savior
The One-Way Trip To Burning-Bath! 

Dear Ones, 

Anything Worth Having, Costs! 

Think And Take Jesus Christ: 
He Paid All Of Your Costs! 

We Are Not Entitled To Receive Blessings: 
They Are Gifts Graciously Given By Our God! 
Believe And Receive! 


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Almighty God's Blessings: "Please, May I Have Some More!?!"

Giving Is Supplying Our Need 
Forgiving Is Taking Us Back Into The Fold Of Safety 
Both Contain Grace, Mercy, Compassion, Kindness
Charity Aka Love 
Are The Result Of That Great Gift Of God Called Justification 
Aka Being Made Right With Almighty God 
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord! 


There Is An Old Expression That Says 
"Don't Look A Gift Horse In Its Mouth!" 
That Was Said Because Your Inspection Might Reveal That 
That Gifted Horse Is Old And Not Altogether "Profitable To You" 
In Your Jaundiced And Even Ungrateful Estimation! 

Dear Ones, 

Jesus Christ, The King, Our Creator, The God Of Glory
Always Only Gives Good And Perfect Gifts To Us
His Purchased-From-Sin Possession! 

We Don't Have To Check Where They Come From
How Long They've Been In Use
How Useful They Will Be To Us
Or If They Are Worth Accepting! 

Our God Is Holy And He Gives, Forgives
Saves, Sets Apart
Seals Us, Willing, For Eternity! 

We Are Greatly Loved Of This Almighty God 
So Let Us Say This Day: 
"Thank You, Lord, For Your Blessings On Me! 
Please, May I Have Some More!?!" 

Let Choose To Give Our Glorious, Gracious, God 
The Gift ... Our Humble Gift ... Of Gratitude Today! 


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Pride Is Man's Bug-Bear!

Man's Bug-Bear 
It Does Not Grant One A Comfortable Bed 
Upon Which To Lay A Troubled Head! 

The Rest Of Peace 
Jesus Christ's Gift 
To Give To All Who To Him Their Allegiance Does Pledge! 

Satan Promises What Cannot Rightly Be Delivered 
That Does Not Stop Him From Being An "Indian-Giver" 
Giving With His Right What His Left-Hand Takes Away 
As He Bids The Soon To Be Disappointed Ones 
To Run Along And Happily Play! 


Do Not Be Deceived: 

A Bed Of Sharp Rocks 
Is Not 
A Bed Of Down And Feathers 
So Do Not Think That Your Thoughts 
Will Change Your Bed's Texture 
When Your Bed-Builder From The Beginning 
That Devil, That Accuser, That Satan
Known And Shown Profane! 

Jesus Christ The King 
Righteous Always! 
He Is The One Who Grants Us Length Of Days
All Of The Promises That He Has Made
He Sealed With His Own Innocent Blood 


All Are "Yea!" "AMEN!" 
Very, Very, Good! 

There's A New Life For The Old: 
Jesus Christ Was, For You, Already Sold 
So Accept The Gift That Keeps On Giving 
Turn Your Back On Satanic Pride 
By Practiced And Perfected Righteousness 
Head Toward Eternal Living! 

Only Jesus Christ Blesses And Saves: 
Do Not Be A To-Sin Slave! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Resisting Truth Makes Us Responsible 
For Our Own Ruin! 

Be Wise! 


Monday, March 28, 2022

The Guardian ... Our Guide ... Is Our God Alive!

When Your Greatest Enemy 
Both Deceiver And Destroyer
You Have Real Problems! 

When Your God 
Real And Alive
He Is Both Savior And Sanctifier
Is Known To Be The Shepherd Of Rest 
Shield Of Defence
Is The Only And True Redeemer Of Fallen Man 
Can't Lose A Faithful Servant
Your Greatest Enemy Has Effectively Lost His Prey
Now Has Himself An Enemy He Can't Shift
A War That He Can't Win
At A Time That He Can't Determine
At The Cost Which He Must Pay
For A Prize That He Doesn't Want 
Which He Cannot Refuse! 


Remember Why You Are Whose You Are 
Use Your Gift Of Faith
Your Willing Obedience
Your Voice In Song 
To Cheer You On The Way To Hill Zion! 

Please Remind Yourself That Jesus Christ 
Your Guardian And Your Guide 
To And Through Life 
Unwaveringly Trust Him To Take You Safely Home!

Please Do Not Be A Candle Under A Basket 
Nor A Candle In The Wind:
Boldly, Faithfully, Patiently, And Enduringly
Abide In The Lord 
Be Forever Blessed! 


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Humility Is A Sword And A Shield!

Humility ... Like Faith
A Shield Of Protection 
A Sword Of Defence For The People Of God! 


If  The Lord Jesus Christ
The Only Begotten Son Of The True And Living God
Humbled Himself Before The Very Ones That He Created 
So That By His Actions 
We All Could Be Blessed And Saved
What In The Name Of All That Is  Holy 
Is Wrong With Us Mere Mortals That 
We Cannot Humble Ourselves And Pray
And Turn From Our Wicked Ways 
So That The Lord Will Hear Our Prayers 
And Forgive Our Sin And Heal Us!?! 

When We Seek The Lord
It Is Guaranteed That We Will Find Him 
We Seek Him With Whole And Humble Hearts! 

What Will We Gain If We Go Before The Lord Of Life 
With A Chip On Our Shoulder 
Or With The Attitude Like High Priest Eli 
Saying, In Essence, That 
The Lord Will Do What He Will Do!?! 

Humble-Pride Is Not A Thing! 

When You Know That You Are In Error
Choose To Bow Your Head  In Humility
Admit Your Guilt
 With Contrite Heart
Make Your Request For Forgiveness 
Receive The Attendant Cleansing! 

Learn From Others  ...

Satan Wouldn't Bow In Humility: 
He Is Guaranteed To Burn With His Foolish Pride Intact! 

With Wisdom 
In True Humility
Let Us Renounce Sin! 

Do Not Be Lifted Up In Pride:
Lift Up The Lord Jesus Christ! 
