Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Crisp Cross-Hairs Of Calamity!

KJV Proverbs 10:22
22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

There Is This "Strange" Phenomenon 
Where A Person's Blessing 
Becomes Their Very Own Curse! 

How Is This Possible!?! 


The State Of Being Is Progressive 


There Is That "Nasty" Little Issue That 
Revolves Around Conjugating The Verb To Be! 

First, Last And Always 
The Fact That The Only "I AM!" Worth Talking About 
The Living God! 

When We Take Our Blessing 
Corrupt Ourselves By Asking 
"Don't You Know Who I Am!?!" Because We Have Got Stuff 
While "Forgetting" That The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away
We Put Ourselves In The Crisp Cross-Hairs Of Calamity! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Job Is To Worship The Giver, Not The Gift Aka The Blessing!

Forgetting, Ignoring, Dismissing This Truth 
Makes Us Idolaters 
We Will Receive The Idolaters Progressive Share 
Aka Correction, Chastisement, Condemnation
And Finally
Sure Damnation! 

We Are Because He, Jesus Christ, Is ... The Great I AM! 

Role Reversal Is Disallowed 
So Please Don't Get A Big Head! 

The Lord Is Eternal: 
He Inhabits Eternity! 

We Are Temporal: 
We Dwell In Time! 

Please Choose To Always Bless The Lord: 
Keep Your Priorities In Order 
Remember That His Blessings Bring No Sorrow! 

Put Jesus Christ First! 


Monday, April 18, 2022

YOLO Is A Rabbit-Hole To Sure Destruction!

If We Would Choose To See 
Recognize Our Value 
Through The Eyes Of The Living God
We Would Never Use The Expression 
YOLO Aka "You Only Live Once!" 
To Encourage Ourselves And Others 
To Live In The Realm Of Sense And Self 
Which Is The Rabbit-Hole To Sure Destruction! 

Look At Lucifer The Light-Bearer: 
Behold Satan, The Adversary ... The Damned! 


Living For Self And By Sense 
To Live The Life Of A Drug Addict 
Who Must Get A Fix Of More And Stronger 
To Attain Minimal Satisfaction! 

Drug Use Starts Cheap To Get You Hooked 
Then Costs Everything Up To And Including One's Liberty 

Dear Ones, 

There's A Better Way: 
A Life Lived In And For Jesus Christ
A Life Lived On The Upward Way That Leads To Beulah Land 
Where One Lives Eternally! 

To Get There
Change Must Start Here! 

We Must Discard The Old Man, That Sinful Self
We Must Put On Christ
Our Creator Who Made And Remakes Us
Our Savior Who Died So That We, Willing, May Live Again
Our Redeemer Who Bought Us Back From Sure Damnation 
Invites Us To Embrace Sure Salvation! 
What A Gift! 

We Have Today ... A Present! 
Unwrap Your Gift! 
It's Priceless! 


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Recall To Mind!

Remember, Remember, Don't Ever Your Faith Regret
The Lord  Christ Will Never A Faithful Child Forget! 
He Doesn't Forget The Good! 
He Doesn't Forget The Bad! 
Do Good And Good Will Attend You
Over Your Trials Be Glad!

All Things Work For Our Good! 
Jesus Christ Shed Innocent Blood
When On Calvary's Cross He Unwaveringly Stood
So That Satan By Your Worked Faith
Could Be Valiantly Withstood! 

Okay, Class! 
Let's Recap: 

Jesus Saves! 

Mercy Is Free! 
Grace Is Sufficient! 
Don't Fret About Evil-Doers! 
Faith Cannot Fail! 
Hallelujah Is The Highest Praise! 
Obedience Is The Highest Form Of Worship! 
Blessings Await The Faithful! 
Prayer Raises Us Up To God! 
Salvation Came Down! 
Justification Is Instantaneous! 
Sanctification Lasts A Lifetime! 
Sin Is A Reproach To All People! 
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart!
From The Workers Of Iniquity Choose To Depart! 

Wait, Work, Watch: 
Don't Wonder After The Beast!
We Have An Invitation
To Enjoy Jesus Christ's Welcome Home Feast! 

Perfect Peace Is The Gift Of God! 
God Is Our Refuge And Strength! 
The Heavens Declare God's Glory! 
The Good Book Tells The Good News Gospel Story!

Doubters Deny!
Evil Men And Seducers  Will Not To Glory Fly! 

Don't Tempt God! 
There Is No License For Sin! 

Guard Your Heart! 
No Man Can Tame The Tongue! 

There Is No Reason For, Nor Profit In, Pride! 

Grave-Diggers Serve  Grave-Diggers! 

Satan Can't Force You To Sin! 

The Lord Won't Force You To Not Sin! 

Lust Is A Lie Wrapped In A Sinful Desire That Deals Death! 


The Word Of God Aka The Love Of God 
Works Wonders For The Wise! 

Be Wise! 
Be Humble! 
Be Bold! 
Be Blessed And Be A Blessing! 

Believe The Truth And Love In Deed And In Truth! 


Be Confident In Christ! 
In This Is Peace!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Voice Of The Martyr Stephen!

The Life Of Stephen 
- The First Martyr For The Faith Of Jesus Christ - 
Should Inspire Everyone Of Us Who Trusts In The Lord 
For Our Eternal Salvation! 


Stephen's Life Accused Those Who Knew Not The Lord 
He Was Hated For It! 

Stephen's Ways Pleased The Lord 
The Lord Blessed Him With The Heavenly Vision 
As His Days' End Visibly Approached! 

Dear Ones, 

In The Earthly Court
As Long As The Judge Is Seated
Both Accuser And Defendant Have Opportunity To Speak 
When The Judge Stands Up
Judgment Has Been Rendered 
The Case Is Over! 

Stephen Saw Jesus Christ Standing At The Right Hand Of God 
He Went To His Long-Sleep Knowing That 
The Lord, The Judge Of All Flesh
Had Rendered Judgment Against Wicked Men 
In His Favor! 

Dear Ones, 

Hold On To Your Blessed Hope In The Lord! 

The Wicked May Escape Justice On Earth 
They Cannot Escape The Court Of Heaven! 

Please Dare To Live Your Life 
With Heaven Ever Always In Your View! 

In The Name Of Jesus
Pray And Please Almighty God 
He Will Surely Bless You To All Pleasing! 


Friday, April 15, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Embrace The Square!

Unclean Food Looks Pretty On A Plate 
It Doesn't Mean That We Should A Bite Take! 

Just Because Someone Has On Pyjamas 
It Doesn't Mean That For Us It Is Night-Night! 


As Christians Called, Commissioned, Committed, And Caring
Are We To Jump On Every Band-Wagon Going Down The Road 
Just Because Pretty, Important, Monied, And Posh Persons Are Partying!?! 

Christians Are To Embrace The Square! 

We Are To Be As Square Pegs In Round Holes 
Aka We Are Not To Fit In With Folly! 

We Are Not To Follow 
The Fashionable Frauds Who Teach And Preach 
The Gospel Of Convenience 
A Social-Justice Fireman Jesus! 

When We Look At The Life Of Our Lord Jesus
We See The God-Man Who Did Not Go Along To Get Along
Who Did Not Follow But Led
Who Stood Out Because He Did Not Blend It! 

Our Jesus Knew Who He Came From
Who He Was
His Assignment
The Cost Of Completing The Work
The Reward For Success
He Walked Straight, Undeterred, Unwavering, And Focused 
As The Needle To The Pole On The Compass Of Eternity! 

Are You Of Steadfast Faith 
Or Are You Only As Strong As The Sun-Shiny Day 
No Showers Expected!?! 

Let's Be Like Our Lord Christ! 

Please Don't Get Side-Tracked By The Trivial And The Trite! 


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Don't Let Satan Piss In Your Pot!

Is Anger Eating You 
Is It Causing You To Want To Eat Somebody 
Raw ... Without Salt!?! 

Our Lord Commands Us To Be Angry 
And Not Sin 
We Are Quite Capable Of Getting Angry 
Boldly Sinning 
Without Regard For Either The Cause Of Our Anger
Our Heart's Condition
Or The Real Consequences Of 
Unrestrained, Runaway, Anger! 


The Statement Has Been Uttered 
When People Have Become Angered That 
"The Blood Rushed Into My Head And I Saw Red!

Others Have Said, After The Fact, That 
"I Lost My Head!" 

Heads Up, People! 
Satan Found It! 

Some People Have Spoken Of Raging Anger As 
"The Devil Pissing In Their Pot And Them Wanting Blood!" 

Still Others Speak About Not Getting Mad 
Getting Even! 

Dear Ones, 

Satan Loves, Loves, Loves This Kind Of Language: 
The Lord Of Life Does Not! 

Let Us Remember That 

Misunderstandings Over Mistakes 
Make Minor Matters Major
Man Miserable! 

Think Before You Talk! 
Use Wisdom Before You Walk! 
Apologize Before You Antagonize! 
Pray Before You Prey On Someone 
Or Become Someone's Prey! 

A Moment With Jesus Christ 
Always Saves Your Sanity 
Your Day! 



Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Vessels Of Honor: Be Ye Clean!

A New And Clean Heart 
A New And Right Spirit 
Are Present And Available Gifts To Us 
From The Eternal God! 


Why Would You Ever Trust Someone 
Who Encourages You To Live A Life Of Stagnation
In Putrid Pride
Given To Constantly Reinventing Yourself 
To Remain Relevant 
To The Worldly-Wise 
Who Neither Know The Lord Nor Their Own Minds!?! 

Our Lord Christ Calls Us To His Side As We Are 
We Cannot Remain In Sin 
In The Holy Presence Of The Glorious Savior! 

We Must And Will Change In The Lord's Sight 
We Are True-Hearted 
Not As The Deceitful Bow 
Which Sends Its Arrows To Everywhere Else
Save Its Known Target! 

There's A Blessing For Us 
Who Choose Not To Walk In The Counsels Of The Ungodly! 

There Is New Life In Christ 
For All Who See Their Need 
Trust Their Savior-Redeemer To Lead
Correct, Protect
Provide For Them
Not Pander To Their Weak Will 
As It Struggles Against Needed Change! 

We Are Called To Be Vessels Of Honor 
To Hold A Heart Like Christ's
The Spirit That Loves Truth 
Which Comes From The Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Us Into All Truth! 

Be Ye Clean: 
Walk In The Newness Of Life!


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Banking At I-Know Aka The Savings-No Loan Operation!

The Compass Has Four Points! 
We Are In The Middle! 
Decisions Must Be Made! 

We Are Headed Home! 
Ahead Is The Sea Of Sorrow And The Sea To Salvation! 
To The Left Is The Desert Of Damnation! 
To The Right Is Mount Misery! 
Behind Us Are The Dealers Of Certain Death
The Butchers Of The Land 
From Whence We Just Gloriously Escaped 
After Our God ... The True And Living God
Authorized And Achieved Our Rich Deliverance! 

But Now, We "See" No Way Out 
Until The Voice Of Faith Is Heard Joyfully Saying: 

"The Lord Be Praised! 
The Lord Is In Our Midst! 
He Is Above Us, Over Us, And Around Us! 
We Will Get Through!" 


The Devil Is The Liar! 

We Must Go Forward! 
We Go Through To Come Through! 
We Must Look Up To Live! 

We Cannot Live And Eternally Prosper 
On I-Feel

We Must Bank At I-Know
The Savings-No Loans Operation 
Led By He-Cares 
Who Does Not Abide Pipe Dreams Or Pie In The Sky By And By! 

Another Cry Goes Up: 

"Praying Is Power!
Song Is A Strong Weapon Against Despair!" 

Yet Another Voice Is Heard Saying: 

"His Grace Is Always Greater Than Our Sin!" 

Dear One, 

Please Hear Yourself Saying: 

"My Faithful, Obedient, Endurance Is The Cure-For-All!" 

Listen To Jesus The Christ As He Gently Says: 

"Gather Around, Children! 
Draw Nearer! 
Shelter, Be Safe, Under My Wings!" 

Choose To Believe
Be Blessed! 



Monday, April 11, 2022

Humble Service And Sound Sleep Are Synonymous!

We Are Not Born For Worldly Greatness 
Nor Placed On This Earth To Be Served! 
Did Not Our Lord Jesus Say That 
He Did Not Come To Be Served But To Serve!?! 


If The Creator God
The King Of Earth And Glory
Our Savior, Redeemer, And Forever Friend
He Who Causes Us To Be Because He Is
Humbly Served His Own  Creation During His Earthly Sojourn 
Is Even Now In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary 
Making Intercession For Us 
So That We, Cleansed
May Return To The Father's House Of Amazing Love
Why, Why, Why Are We Becoming So Self-Centered 
Self-Serving To Demand That 
Others Serve Us Like They Are Napkins 
Good Only For Using And Refusing!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Never, Ever, Mistake 
Willing Service In The King's Camp 
For Forced Servitude In The Devil's Dungeon! 

The Lord Of Life Asks:

"Whom Shall We Send And Who Will Go For Us!?!" 

Will You Answer The Call To Service 
Or Will You Insist On Being Served 
To The Detriment Of Your Own Soul!?! 

The Proud Are Never Satisfied With What They Are Served! 

Humble Service 
Ground For Sound Sleep! 
Let's Joyfully Serve Our King Jesus! 


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Satan Sells Fool's Gold!

How Would You Feel Being In A Relationship With Someone 
Who Only Offered You A Good Time
Cheap Thrills
No Commitment 
And For Sure
No Happily Ever After Aka No Forever In Heart And Home!?! 


Jesus Christ Has Plainly Told Us:
"Let No One 
Aka Man, Woman, Child, Angel Or Demon, Deceive You!" 

Since This Is The Case
Why Are We Being Complicit In Our Own Proposed Destruction 
By Rejecting The Sweet Fruit Of The Gospel Of Truth 
Aka Life In And For Christ
- Hard, Sure, And Eternally Secure - 
To Accept The Smoke 'n Mirrors Circus Magic Show Of 
License, Lust, And Lies
Easy To Embrace 
Popular To Live 
Impossible To Hold
It Is A Hole
As Manufactured, Offered, And Maintained 
By Satan The Damned!?! 
Good Times Don't Last 
Good People Do ... By Almighty God's Great Grace! 

Satan Cannot Create Anything Good 
He Can Abominate It! 

We, Humans, Christians, Have The Ability To Create 
Be In A Committed, Caring, Permanent Relationship 
With Jesus Christ The Kind And Gracious King
By Invitation Easy To Accept And Foster! 

Satan Sells Pyrite, Fool's Gold, A Fraud! 

Jesus Christ Bestows Tried Gold, Precious ... Priceless! 

Know The Difference 
Be As The One Wise! 

Make The Hard Decision! 


Saturday, April 9, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Praise The Lord ... With Truth!

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! 

Our God Is The God Of Order, The Master Of Design! 
He Changes Not From Day To Day 
He Is Almighty, Holy, Divine! 

Speak No Corrupt Words! 

Order Out Of Chaos 
The Satanic Construct 
All Who Follow After This Fad 
Do Not With Saving Truth
Legal Business Conduct! 


As Believers, We Must Stand In The Truth 
Or Fall By Science So Called 
As Proffered By Those Who Know Not The True And Living God! 

Dare To Look At Your Eye
You Hand
Your Tongue
Your Skin
Letting The Truth Be Your Living Guide
See If Chaos Was The Lead In Your Body Parts' Making! 

We Are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made 
With Love Stitching Our Parts Together
So There Is No Need To Permit Satan And His Minions 
To Tie Us In Knots
When The Creator, The Author
The Finisher Of Our Faith 
Invites Us On His Land On One Of Its Lots
Residence Freely To Take Up! 

Open Your Eyes! 
Truth Is Shining: 
Speak It! 

Lift Up Jesus Christ The Lord! 


Friday, April 8, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Lord, Please Change My Heart!

Let's Call Pain, Change! 
Let's Call Change, Purpose! 
Let's Call Purpose, Growth! 
Let's Conclude That Without Pain 
There's No Growth 
Without Purpose
There's No Change! 


Pain Serves A Two-Fold Purpose! 
It Informs Us That There's A Problem Needing Attention 
It Encourages Us To Go After The Means 
Whereby Help And Healing Are To Be Found! 

Pain Motivates! 
Throbbing Pain Activates! 
Excruciating Pain Debilitates 
Points To That Thing That Must Be Excoriated 
Aka Peeled Away, Removed
So That We May Move 
From Needing Grace To Embracing Glory
From Being Grieved To Embodying Gladness
From Prayer To Praise
From Hell To Heaven! 

By Jesus Christ's Stripes
His Lashed Skin
His Excruciating Pain
We Are Healed! 

Jesus Christ Died Once For All! 
He Is Our Great Physician 
Anything, Everything, That Pains Us
He Has Already Endured! 

Why Would You Choose To Live In Sin's Unprofitable Pain
When Being With Our Dear Savior Can Turn That Pain 
Into A Purpose 
Which Will Cause You To Grow In His Grace 
To Become A Citizen Fit To Share In His Eternal Glory!?! 

Jesus Christ Saves Us From Sin 
A Problem For Which He Is The Only Cure! 

Are You Ready, Willing, To Be Healed ... Today!?! 

Come To The Altar! 


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Deliberately Demonstrate What You Want Demonstrably Done To You!

KJV Matthew 7:12
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Do Unto Others As You Want Them To Do Unto You! 

Blessed Are The Merciful For They Will Obtain Mercy! 


Give ... And It Will Come Back To You 
Whether It Is Good, Bad, Indifferent
Cruel, Hateful
Blessed Or Cursed! 

If We Would Choose To Live With The Certain Knowledge That 
The Word Of God Cannot Fail
We Would Also Choose To Stop And Think Carefully 
Aka Long And Hard
Before We Choose To Lay Snares
Be Unkind, Untruthful, Unhelpful
Callous-Minded Towards Others
No Matter How We "Feel!" 

A Farmer Cannot Plant Onions And Reap Tomatoes! 

A Person Cannot Sow The Seeds Of Discord 
Actually Expect To Live In Peace! 

Christians Cannot Live Unkindly 
With A Side Of Bitterness 
Consciously Expect To Harvest 
Kindness And Sweetness! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Nearing Home! 
Please Let Us Each Choose
Choose To Live Christ-Like Lives
Caring, Kind, Giving, Blessing,  Forgiving

The Lord Means What He Says! 

We Will Each Reap The Abundant Harvest Of 
The Seeds That We Sow! 
Please Choose Your Crop Carefully! 


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Unwavering Faith In He Who Ever Lives!

KJV Job 13:15-16
15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
16 He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him.

It Takes Unwavering Faith, Explicit Belief, To Be Able To Say That 
You Are Going To Maintain Your Ways Aka Your Integrity 
Keep Your Trust Firmly Placed In Someone 
Who Has The Power To Kill You! 

It Takes That Same Unfailing Faith And  Unshakable Belief 
To Say That That Someone 
Your Salvation 
They Know That You Are Not A Deceitful Wretch Aka A Hypocrite! 


Oh, That We All Would Be As That Righteous Job Was! 

To Go Through The Fire Of Affliction
Physically, Financially, Emotionally, And Spiritually 
And Still 
Trust Jesus Christ The Lord 
You Have Embraced The Promise:
 "I Know That My Redeemer Lives!" 
"These Dry Bones Shall Live Again!" 
"Where I Am There Shall Also My Servant Be!" 
"No Good Thing Will He Withhold From Them That Walk Uprightly!" 
To Know The Peace Which Passes Human Aka Finite Understanding! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Lord Is Not Slack Concerning His Promises
His Stated Blood-Bought Intentions, Towards Us! 

"Yes, Lord!" 
"Thank You, Jesus!" 
Should Be On Rewind, Replay, Constant Rotation 
On Our Heart For Christ! 

Yes, The Lord Can Kill You! 
The Lord Also Daily Keeps Us Alive 
He Also Also Raises The Dead! 

Our Redeemer Lives: 
Live For Jesus! 

Peace Be Upon You!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Jesus Christ Is Not A Blind Guide!

KJV Proverbs 21:21
21 He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

Why Would A Christian Called, Committed, And Caring
Walk Confidently ... Eyes Down-Cast And Covered 
Along The Unknown Road Fraught With Danger
Policed By The Devil And Demons
The Demon-Possessed And The Demon-Inspired 
When Our Dear Savior Savior Says: 
"Look Up And Live: Follow Me!?!" 


There Are People All Around Us 
Who Do Not Our Principles Share
Who Have Chosen The Path Of Destruction
Who Do Not The Living, Holy, God Fear! 

I Beseech Us All Kindly
To Think Of Our Jesus 
Who Died To Grant Us Each His Free-To-All Salvation 

And Then

Remove The Blinders
Trustingly Lift Up Our Heads 
Widely Open Our Eyes! 

The Light Of Life 
Above And Ahead Of Us! 

The Strong Arm Of Love 
Our Comfort And Shield! 

The Road To Eternal Life
Straight, Narrow, And Clearly Defined
Holy Angels Excelling In Strength 
Are Dutifully Protecting Us 
Who Are Staying On The Heaven-Bound Line! 

Work, Watch
Don't Wander Or Wonder
Please Patiently Wait On 
The God Of Grace Who Inhabits Glory! 

Jesus Christ Is Neither A Blind Guide
An Empty Cloud
A Shooting Star
Nor A Fruitless Tree 
So Honor Him Who Made You 
Only To Him Give Your Heart 
Humbly Bend Your Knee!

Please Make Jesus Christ The King Your Choice! 


Monday, April 4, 2022

Editing The Eternal God!?!

KJV 1 John 3:18
18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

There Is No Loving And Believing God 
Without Trusting And Obeying His Word 
By Walking According To His Will! 


We Know The Truth: 
If We Say That We Love The Lord
We Must Keep All Of His Commandments 
Not Just The Convenient, Comfortable, Ones
We Must Not Try To Rewrite The Word
Which Means "Editing" The Eternal
When His Will Conflicts With Our Desire
Or Mashes Our Corns
Or Infuriates Our Delicate Sensibilities 
Which Will Negate Our Man-Derived Conception Called 
My Truth! 

Accepting Jesus Christ Means Accepting His Word
His Will
Walking In His Way In All Particulars 
"The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want!!" 
"All Things Work Together For Our Good!" 
Are The Truth! 

Morning, Evening, Noon, Or Night
Truth Is The Same 
Whether We Are In Prosperity 
Or Suffering Through Blight! 

Let's Stop With The Word-Play 
And, Instead
Pray To The Father
In The Name Of The Son
That The Holy Spirit Will Abide With Us 
Lead Us Into All Truth 
While Life Shall Last! 

There Is No Second Chance 
To Make A First Good Impression! 

The Arm Of Man Will Fail 
So Let Us Make Our Lives Matter 
Through Exercising Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord! 
