Friday, June 10, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Bold Affronts To Modernity!

As Committed Christians, Pilgrims
Strangers In A Strange Land
Peculiar People
Square Pegs In Round Holes
Bold Affronts To Modernity
We Are Constantly Under Attack From 
The Enemy Of Souls! 

Are We Not Also Within The Safety Of The Safe Fold
Protected By The Strong Tower
Under The Sheltering Wings Of The Holy God!?! 

Which Is Stronger: 
The Storms Of Satan 
The Shelter Of The Savior!?! 

Which Is More Powerful: 
Satan's Curse 
Our Savior's Blessing!?! 
The Sword Of Sin 
The Shield Of Salvation!?! 


In Life And At The Judgment 
There Will Only Be Two Types Of People: 
Those For Jesus Christ The King 
Those For Satan The Damned! 

When All Of The Trials 
Torments Of This Short Sojourn Are Over
On The Day Of The Eternal God's Appointing
There Will Be Two Types Of People: 
The Saints Of God And Christ 
Aka The Righteous And Holy Ones 
Who Leaned On The Everlasting Arms 
By Truly Trusting His Living Word Of Truth 


The Unrepentant Sinners 
Aka The Unholy And The Filthy Ones 
Who Leaned On Their Own Understanding 
Preferring The Lies Of Satan 
They Had No Love For The Truth Of Almighty God! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Not Be Rebellious! 
Let Us Pray Today To Remain Faithful
Having Endurance
Exercising Wisdom 
To Ever Stand Up For And With Our Lord Jesus! 

We Are Nearing Home! 


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Tickets On The Old Ship Of Zion Are Free!

Heads Up! 
When We  Accept That 
There Is Security In Almighty God's Protection
We Will
- With The Confidence That Resides 
Within Our Daily Gift Of Faith Received From 
Our Savior, Lord, God, And King -
Ask Him 
- Who We Love Because He Loved Us First -
To Hear Our Heartfelt Prayers 
To Be Our Defence, Our Guardian, And Our Guide
To Deliver Us Not Just From The Devil, Evil Diseases, And Disasters
But From The Blackness And Darkness Of  The Second Death! 


Our Relationship With Our Blessed Jesus 
Involves Relations And A Ship! 

If We Are Walking, Living, Being In Accord With King Jesus
Our Relations, Interactions, Involvement With Each Other 
Will Be Related To The Agreed-Upon Goal: 

Together Forever!
At The Sound Of The Last Trumpet! 

This Is Where The Good Ship Of Zion Comes In! 

Dear Ones, 

To Get On Board The Ship
We Have To Know About The Ship 
Have A Desire To Get On Board! 

We Have To Know Where The Ship Is Going 
Have A Desire To Go There! 

We Have To Know The Ship's Operator 
Their Reputation For Service And Support
Their Performance Record
Whether They Stand Behind Their Product! 

We Have To Decide By The Available Public Evidence
Whether We Are Willing, Ready, To Go All In 
Accept That Tickets Are Free 
And That 
Our Desire Will Take Us Into The Presence Of 
The Only One Divine! 

Please Read Your Bible: 
Jesus Christ Delivers You! 

Are You Going!?! 


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

CHOOSE TO BE MORE: The Change Must Come!

If You Really Believed That 
The All-Knowing God Was Ever-Present 
Ever Seeing All That You Are Doing
Hearing All That You Are Saying
Aware Of All That You Are Thinking
How Would You Actually Live Your Life From Day To Day
Moment By Moment!?! 

What Is Stopping You From Believing The Infallible Word 
Which Tells Us What The Lord Is Unerringly Doing 
At This Very Moment!?! 


Are We ... Because Of Unbelief And Willful Blindness
Becoming Like The Fool Who Says In His Heart That 
There Is No God 
Acknowledging The Knowing, Seeing, Present God Means That 
Our Present Ungodly Thoughts, Words, Actions, And Activities 
Must Be Renounced, Repudiated
Changed To Reflect One's New Standing 
As Revealed Through The Word
Ways Of The Eternal And Only Wise God!?! 

There Are Many Men And Many Minds 
One Holy God
One Way To The Holy God
One Narrow Road To His Glory 
That's The Reason Why We Are Told 
To Buy Eye-Salve From The Lord Jesus! 

Blinded Eyes 
Go Where Dull Sense Says! 

Re-Sighted Eyes 
Go Where The Healing, Sealing, Savior Sends! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Called To Be Better 
To Rise Higher Than Where We Are 
Through Almighty God's Grace 
Which Causes Us To Be, To Do, To Say, To See
To Be Saved And Blessed! 

Let Us Choose To Be More 
By Him Who Is The Door! 

Let Us Live In And For Jesus Christ The Lord: 
He Is Right Here! 
Give Him Honor, Glory, And Praise! 


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

REJOICING: Praying And Praising!

Let's Investigate Rejoicing 
Aka Praying And Praising! 

Praying Lifts Us Up To Our Eternal God 
Praise In Song 
A Defence Against Despair And Discouragement! 

Satan The Damned Poisonously Hates Praying And Praising
For This Reason
The Fact That Our Dear Savior Asks Us To Pray Without Ceasing
To Offer Unfeigned Praise Over His Glorious Works And Eternal Majesty 
Why We Should Hungrily, Thirstily, Unfailingly Indulge! 

Within Praying Is A Pry Bar 
To Get Us Away From Sin
To Walk Wisely In The Gifted Free-To-All Salvation! 

Within Praising Is Raising
A Pin
A Ping! 

When The Sharp Pin Of 
Despondency, Despair, And Discouragement Dig Into You
You Feel That Ping Of Hurt On Your Nerves
You Know That It Is Time 
To Start Raising Your Head, Heart, And Voice 
As You Bless God 
While Praising Him For Another Reason To Believe His Word
Trust His Promises
To Damn That Satan 
By Working Your Day's Faith To A Nubbin ... And To Death! 


Let Us Choose This Day To Look For Blessings
For Reasons For Praying And Praising
Let Us Bless Almighty God For Our Privilege
Our Invitation
To Boldly Approach The Throne Of Grace! 


Thank You, Jesus, For The Purchased Peace! 
I Give You Thanks And Praise
For My Blessings Already Experienced 
Those Even Now On The Way!


Life May Leave You With Nothing
With Jesus Christ
As Your Eternal Portion
You Will Have Everything!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Humble-Pride!?! Prideful-Humility!?!

There Can Be No Pride 
When We Are Praying To Or Praising The Lord God Almighty! 


When We Approach The Throne Of Grace
It Is For A Purpose Which Should In All Aspects 
Please Our Creator 
Should Ever Be For His Glory And Our Good! 

Can You See Why The Lord Accepted The Prayer Of 
The Publican Who Recognized His Wretched Condition 
Saw His Great Need For 
The Mercy, The Saving Grace, Of The Eternal God 
Summarily Rejected The Pompous, Privileged
Posturing Pronouncements Of The Prideful Pharisee 
Who Behaved As Though He Was Doing The Living God A Favor 
By Cataloging His "Virtues" 
In That Very Public Sphere For The World To Hear!?! 

Dear Ones, 

If There Is Even The Mildest Stench Of Pride In Our Prayers
We Have Got Ourselves A Problump 
Aka A Problem Which Will Cause Us To Be Lumped With The Proud
Disobedient, Unrepentant Workers Of Iniquity! 

Let's Make It A Point 
To Ever Remember To Humble Ourselves 
Seek The Lord's Face ... His Presence! 

Pride Got Lucifer Evicted From Heaven: 
Pride Will Keep Us From Entering! 

Please Remember Also That 
There Is No Such Thing As Humble-Pride Or Prideful-Humility! 

There Are No Two-Color Saints' Robes: 
The Robe Of Righteousness 
Clean And White Linen! 

Please Make A Note 
Behave According To Your Preferred Eternal Destination's 
Code Of Conduct! 


Sunday, June 5, 2022

AVAILABLE: Free Enemies!


To Anyone 
Who Will Live Godly Lives
In Christ Jesus: 
For Acquisition: 
Stand Up For Jesus Christ 
Stand Firmly Against All Things 
Which Would Crucify Our Dear Savior Afresh! 

Dear Ones, 

It Must Be Understood That 
As Long As We Do Not Fit In With That Worldly-Wise Lot 
Who Question The Word, Ways, And Works Of 
The Only Wise God 
And, Instead
Are Named Wise-Unto-Salvation
Detractors, Haters, Instigators, Tempters
Tormentors, And Spoilers 
Will Show Up Like Vultures 
Wait For You To Drop In Your Tracks 
From Exhaustion 
To Await Death 
So That They May Pick Your Bones Clean! 


By Almighty God's Grace
Disappoint The Evil-Doers! 

We Belong To The Most High God 
We Are To Lose Ourselves In His Undying
Unchanging, Unfailing, Love 
Which Untiringly Works For Our Soul Salvation 
Gives Sacrificially For Our Eternal Blessing! 

Let Us Be Glad That 
We Are Numbered Amongst Those 
Who Are Counted Worthy To Suffer For Our Lord! 

Please Take Note That 
We Will Be Suffering For The God Who Creates
The God Who Is Life
Whilst Those Who Work For The Enemy Of Souls 
Work For The Father Of Lies
Who Only Births Sin, Death, Shame, And Sorrow
Leaves His Adherents, His Followers, With No Hope 
For A New Life In The Eternal God's Sweet Tomorrow! 

Please Stand Up For Jesus Christ The King 
Knowing That You Do Not Stand Alone! 


Saturday, June 4, 2022



For The Record, We Know Of A Surety That 
Anyone Who Seeks To Force Our Will 
By Manipulation, Intimidation, And Domination 
Working For No Less A Personage Than Satan The Damned! 

Also, By Curiosity
By Seeking New, Novel, And Mindblowing
Or For Fear Of Someone Powerful, Rich, Or Volatile
We Place Ourselves Or Are Placed Under The Control Of 
Fallen Angels, Wicked Spirits, Demons! 

The Early Church Was Not Exempt From This 
Neither Are We! 

We Are Cautioned To Test The Spirits 
To See Whether They Are Of God! 

The Holy Spirit 
Will Never Contradict The Preserved Word Of God 
Will Never Manipulate, Intimidate, Or Dominate Us: 
That's The Devil's Domain 
Comes From A Place Of Hatred 
Love Doesn't Operate Like That! 

Dear Ones, 

Those Persons Seeking To Control Us 
Are Also Being Controlled
Will Speak Of Love, Caring
Our Profit As Their One Motivation: 
They Lie Like Cheap Rugs! 

Jesus Christ Our King Loves Us 
Humbly, Openly, Came Himself To Save Us: 
It Cost Him Not Us! 

Satan Always Uses A Middle Man 
Until He Doesn't! 

Directness By Truth
Reasoning By Grace
Persuasion By Mercy 
All Wrapped Up In Heavenly Love 
Are The Ways Of Almighty God! 

Know The Truth 
Walk In The Light That Gives Life 
To Escape The Polished Deceits Of The Devil! 

Be Safe And Saved ... In The Arms Of Jesus! 


Friday, June 3, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + On The Horns Of A Dilemma!

The Chant Is Often Heard: 
"No Justice: No Peace!" 
People Are Suitably Impressed Or Terrified About What Is Next! 

There Is No Justice Without Truth! 

Jesus Christ Is The Truth 
He Is Also The Prince Of Peace Who Is Our Peace! 

Without Jesus
We Will Never Know Almighty God's Grace 
Aka Favor Aka Power 
Or Experience His Mercy 
We Would Be Subject To God's Strict Justice 
Which Will Be Ministered Then 
Without His Now Presently Available Free-To-All Mercy! 

This, Dear Ones
What One Would Call Being On The Horns Of A Dilemma! 

Sin-Loving Man Wants 
What Only Almighty God Through Jesus Christ Our Lord Can Give 
Without Jesus Christ Being Involved! 
That's A Big-Able Problem! 

Not To Put Too Fine An Edge On The Razor
We Always Want People's Things Without Asking 
Or Paying For The Privilege Of Ownership! 

Man-Peace Is No Peace 
Man's Idea Of Justice 
Most Often Perverted To Benefit The Highest Bidder! 
This Is Not So With The Eternal God
The Judge Of All Flesh! 


Let Us This Day Walk Humbly Before Our God
Honoring And Pleasing Him In His Holiness
So That In Our Hour Of Trial 
It Is Jesus Christ, Himself
Who Will Plead His Shed Blood For Us
At His Judgment Bar! 

Perfect Peace Is Precious 
Part Of The Salvation Plan! 
Peace Be Upon You! 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Wisdom And The Word From The Only Holy One!

When Desire And Contentment Are Not Aligned 
With The Will And Ways Of The Lord
The End Result Is The Game Of Footsy 
Played With And Against Us By The Known-Wily God-Fraud
Satan The Known-Damned! 


Desire Works For And/Or Against Us! 
The Choice Is Our Own 
To Make Desire Work For Us
We Need To Make A Direct Call To The Holy One! 

Desire For Truth
To Know And Do Right
To Walk In The Life Of Light
To Escape Sin's Blight
Comes From The Word Of The King Of Love
Our Shepherd Of Rest
Who, Alone, Can Help Us Known-Sin To Confess! 

Dear Ones, 

Contentment In Sin 
The Lie That Costs The Gullible
The Misinformed
The Rebels Without A Cause
To Throw Away Their Purchased Lives 
With Living Like A Lost Coin
A Lost Sheep
Like A Prodigal Hell-Bent On Proudly Going 
Where He Was Neither Called To Nor Sent! 

A Lost Coin Can't Find Itself! 
A Lost Sheep Is Going Without Knowing
The Proud Prodigal Goes Boldly Into 
The "Heard Of That Great Unknown" 
Will Not Come To His Senses 
Until Willingness To Eat A Pig-Swill Sandwich 
Sharply Calls Him To Reason
Desire For Better Urges Him To Go Home! 

Walk In The Will Of God 
Desire Will Always Be For Better
The Best That Comes From The Hand Of God 
Which Cuts From Us Sin's Fetters
Which Brings To Us Contentment-In-Christ
Which We Gain From Daily Reading His Love Letter! 

Did You Read Your Bible Today!?! 


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Lies Cannot Change The Truth!

Despite What The Professional Liars In Hollywood
And The World Around Would Have Us Believe
There Is No One Day On Repeat
One Person Is Not Always The Underdog
Not Everybody Gets Rich
The Elitist Families Of This World Can't Buy Everything
White Is Not Might
Brown Is Not Down
Black Is Not Slack
The Rainbow Isn't A Gay Flag
Love Isn't Love Nor An All-Powerful Chemical! 


The Point To Ascertain Is That 
Loud-Mout' Man 
Does Not Get To Change Almighty God's Words
Laws, Times, Nor Orders! 

Just The Facts ... 

Morning Will Always Follow Evening! 

The Poor Will Be With Us Always!

The Covenant Rainbow Will Always Be Insignia 
To "Remind" The Lord 
Never To Again Destroy The Earth By A Flood
Praying Will Always Lift Us Up To God! 

Dear Ones, 

Pretending That We Mortals 
Can Make Almighty God Fit On Our Customized Chess-Board 
Won't Make It So 


Telling People That Victory Over Sin Is Impossible 
Does Not Change It From Being A Requirement 
For The Saints Of God And Christ 
Or Make It Impossible To Achieve! 

The Word Of God Shall Stand Forever 
Our Obligation To Honor Christ Will Never Be Obviated 
Aka Removed, Rendered Unnecessary
Or Made A Waste Of Time! 

The Holy Spirit 
Almighty God's Only Representative On Earth 
As The Great School-Master
He, A Person, Will Lead Us-Willing Into All Truth! 

Man Cannot Be Trusted As All Of His Thoughts Are 
Only Evil Continually 
So Dare To Trust Jesus Christ ... Alone 
In And For All That Concerns You
Your Life
Your Living! 



Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Happiness Is To Know King Jesus!

What "Makes" You Happy!?! 
Are You Happy!?! 

If Something Or Someone Could Make You Happy
What Or Who Would It Be!?! 


Unhappy People Don't Like Happy People! 
Angry People Don't Like Calm People! 
Proud People Don't Like Humble People
Sinners Don't Like Practicing Christians 
And Yet
All Claim To Be Happy In Their Present Condition: 
Who Is Right!?! 


Happiness Via Acquiring Things 
And Using Things To Draw People To Your Side 
Is Not Happiness! 

Just Doing Things To Be Happy
Mouthing Affirmations To Feel Happy
Doing Service Projects To Show That We Are Happy 
Cannot And Will Not Make Us Happy 
When All Of Our Outward Acts To Fill An Inward Need 
Are Stripped Away! 

Think About It ...

Could You ... An Innocent Person
Be "Happy" Locked Away In A Dank, Dismal, Dirty Dungeon 
When All Of Your Sayings, Doables, 
Feelings Of Happiness 
Are Stripped Away!?! 

Dear Ones, 

There Is No True And Lasting Happiness 
Outside Of Or Without Being Contented In Christ 
Or Happy In Jesus! 

When Your Roof Flies Off
The Engine Drops Out Of Your Conveyance
Your Withdrawals Ain't Got No Deposits 
You're Standing On The Promises Knowing That 
Almighty God Will Provide 
You Have Decided To Follow Jesus ... No Turning Back
You Can Sleep On Rocks 
Eat Grass
Smile Peacefully 
Jesus Christ The King Has You Sheltered Under His Wings! 

Lashes, Lies, And Loss Have No Leverage 
Against One Who Lovingly Trusts 
The Lord Of Life, Our Creator! 

Wisdom Helps Us To Decide To Be Happy ... In Jesus!  


Monday, May 30, 2022

Wicked People Earn Two Pay-Checks!

We Are Finite Creatures With Delusions Of Grandeur 
When We Walk Around With Malice, Envy, And Greed In Our Hearts 
Making Plans For People And Their Property! 


Meet King Ahab And His Queen Jezebel! 

Could You Imagine 
A Powerful King So Weak As To Take To His Bed
Sucking His Thumb 
Refusing His Din-Din 
He Wanted Another Man's God-Given, Law-Sealed, Property!?! 

Imagine Also 
His Dead-Conscience, Wicked, Idolatrous, Power-Mad Queen 
Who Believed That Title And Power Equalled 
Fulfilled Desire: Satisfaction Achieved 
Aka I'll Have You Killed And My Hubby Will Own Your Farm 
To Get A Few Eggs From Your Prize-Winning Chickens 
Since He Desires A Fluffy Omelette To Satisfy His Current "Hangry" Itch! 

Dear Ones, 

We May Hide And Buy Ground 
We Can't Hide And Reap It! 

Pay-Back Aka Retributive Justice
Maybe From Man
Definitely From The Living God
Always On Tap! 

Satan Has Poisoned This Earth 
With The Same Vile Spirit 
Which Caused His Dismissal From His Position 
As Lucifer-Light-Bearer! 

When We Plot To Get What Is Not Ours To Own
We Get To Own What Was Not Part Of Our Plot! 

Official Job:
Official Pay! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Self-Employed Wicked Workers Decide Their Own Pay 
When By Sin 
For Satisfaction 
They Gleefully Do Their "Pleasant Work!" For Free! 

Wicked People Earn Two Pay-Checks: 
What They Demand 
What The Lord Commands! 

Our Savior States His Saints' Soul-Satisfying Salary! 

Be A Saint: 
There Is A Limit To Sin! 

The Day Of Visitation Is On The Wing! 


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Produce Fruit Fit For The Kind King!

Be Ye Warned ...

Everything Created On This Earth 
Was Created To Serve Another ... Never Itself! 


If You Were Created To Bear Fruit In Due Season
Do Not Fluff Up Your Leaves Like A Show-Bird-Peacock's Tail 
Signifying Your Productivity 
When You Are Nothing But A Male Tree
Barren Land, A Broken Cistern
A Dry Well
Or A Spring With Bitter Water! 

Our Master, The Dear Savior
Has Made It Abundantly Clear That 
Trees Which Do His Will And Bear Fruit 
Will Be Pruned To Bear More Fruit 
Trees Which Do Not Serve Their Purpose 
Will Not Be Permitted To Take Up Prime Real Estate: 
They Will Be Cut Down And Burnt! 

Dear Ones, 

Know Your Mission 
Live-Out Your Purpose 
To Stave Off Ruinous Blight 
Never Experience Eternal Destruction's Dark Night! 

Remember That 
A Wretched And Repentant Sinner 
May Become A Working Saint And Live 
A Working Saint 
Who Becomes A Wretchedly-Unrepentant Sinner 
Shall Surely Die! 

Sinner Or Saint
We All Need Food 
It Is In Our Best Interests Not To Take "Sustenance" 
From Him Who Would Have Us Become Fools 
Be His Cheaply-Bought
Totally Replaceable
Marked For Destruction
Hated From The Start Tools! 

Don't Listen To The Liar!

Dare To Grow Where You Are Planted 
Choose To Produce The Blessed Crop That 
Pleases Your Creator! 

Please Honor Jesus Christ, The Kind King: 
Bow To His Will And Willingly Serve Him! 
