Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Don't Be A Shooting Star!

If We Know Anything About Social Media
We Know That The Influencers Aka The Stars
Live And Prosper Through Subscriptions And "Likes" 
Which Determine Popularity And Profitability 
Aka Success And  Prosperity! 

We Also Know That To Get More Likes And Subscriptions
More Money
The Influencers Lie
Make Truth Turn Corners
Indulge In Downright Ridiculous 
Often Dangerous, Even Deadly, Challenges To Remain Relevant 
Trending In The New Public Square! 


Are You Playing The Game Of Folly
Blind Man's Bluff
Catch-A-Wave To Feel Good
Be Trendy
Be Important In The Eyes Of Those Who Cannot See 
They Are Willfully Blind
Deliberately Disobedient
While Practicing Deceit!?! 

Stop It! 

Dear Ones,

Let Us Not Forget That 
Only What We Do For Christ Will Last 
Ever Remember That We Are Striving Against Sin 
To Receive An Imperishable Crown! 

The Hymn-Writer Plaintively Asked: 

"Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown!?!" 

Well May Each One Of Ask If We Will 
"Wake With The Blessed In The Mansions Of Rest" 
The Response We Will Receive From 
Our Loving Lord And Master Jesus Christ 
Rightly Depends Upon Our Work And Service 
By Faith In And Obedience To His Will! 

Let Us Cease From Dead Works 
Loving-Up The Loss-Leaders 
Elevating The Deplorable! 

Dare To Live To Wear The Robe That 
Eternally Relevant: 
Don't Strive To Be A Shooting Star! 

Serve The King: 
Subscribe To Salvation 
Get Your Stars From Our Savior! 

Like Aka Love, Peace!

Shooting Stars Flame Out!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Truth Raises The Dead!

If Jesus Christ Is Our Known Forever-Friend 
Satan Is Our Unrelenting Enemy With An Expiration Date
Why, Then, Are We, Through Ungodly Practices
Treating Satan The Adversary As A Bosom Friend 
Jesus Christ The Lord As Our Bitterest Enemy!?! 

If The Truth Of The Lord Jesus Christ 
Our Hope, Help, And Salvation
The Lies Of  Satan Are For Our Destruction And Damnation
Why, Then, Are We Treating Known-Truth Like Lies 
Known-Lies As The Truth!?! 


Beware, Be Aware, Be Wary When Those 
Who Are Called To Be Under-Shepherds Of 
The Heritage Of The Living, Holy, God 
Are Asking You To Accept Their Ruminations
Speculations, Suppositions, And Heresies 
As Fact Upon Which To Build 
"A Future Of Bliss" 
On The Earth Which Is Scheduled By The Lord Of Life
The Creator God ... The Judge Of All Flesh 
For An Everlasting Burning 
Aka A Burning Which Will Not Be Put Out By Any Hand
A Burning Which Must Extinguish Itself 
There Is Nothing Left Within It 
Upon Which The Fire Of God May Feed!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The Truth Is Not Always Palatable, Tolerable
Easily Swallowed, Willingly Accepted
Or Gratefully Embraced 
It Will Always Be True, Right, Worthy ... Saving! 

Please Let Us Not Worry About Who Calls Us Straight-Laced 
Via Technicolor Words Oft Used By Sailors And The Like-Minded! 

The Truth Raises The Dead 
Lies Bury The Living! 

Think About It! 


Monday, June 27, 2022

Choose The Good Part: Peace ... Perfect Peace!


King David Uttered The Words 

"I Will Both Lay Me Down In Peace, And Sleep; 
For Thou, Lord, Only 
Makest Me To Dwell In Safety!" 

The Prophet Isaiah Followed Him 
By Saying What Kind Of Peace 
Why That Peace Was Assured ... Guaranteed! 


If We Desire The Blessings Of The Eternal God
We Must Be Diligent 
To Sincerely Do Exactly What He Lovingly Asks Of Us! 

When Your Mind Is Stayed Upon Someone
It Is Because There Is Love
A Loving, Committed, Reciprocal Relationship 
Between Consenting Partners 
Who Care About Each Other
Trust The Words "Until Death!" 
Even As They Walk The Lonesome Road Alone-Together! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Trust In The Lord Jesus Christ 
Causes Us To Become Rich ... Without Sorrow! 

The Eternal God's Love For Us 
Brings With It Neither Shame Nor Disappointment 
Because It Is A Love That Will Not Let Us Go
It Will ... Paradoxically 
Be A Love That Will Not Force Us To Stay Put! 

The Love Of God 
The Anchor For Our Souls 
Our Trust In God 
Gives Us The Wings And Eyesight Of The Eagle 
The Endurance Of The Ox Of The Protected Stall! 

Let Us This Day Think On Him Who Thinks On Us 
Who Are The Apple Of His All-Seeing, Unwearied, Eye! 

Jesus Christ Saves!

Please Trust And Obey 
Be Forever Happy And Blessed! 

Stay Put 
Aka Stay Rooted And Grounded
Steadfast And Sure 
In The Love Of The Lord Christ: 
Rest Your Weary Soul In Him! 


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Bluntly Shame The Devil!

The Devil Is The Liar 
The Father Of Lies 
All Who Operate As He Does 
Will Suffer The Same Way That He Will 
Unless They Confess And Repent 
Aka Turn Away From Sin And Sinning! 


Sinners Are What We Are By Nature 
Choosing To Be Nurtured In The Fear And Admonition 
Aka Caring Counsels Of The Holy God 
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord, The King
- The Judge Of All Flesh -
Will See Us Safe, Sheltered, And Protected
Inside The Beloved City 
When ... Effectively And Efficiently
All Hell Literally Breaks Loose On This Planet 
Sin, Sinners, Satan, And All His Cohort Are Forever Destroyed! 

Dear Ones, 

In The Name Of Jesus
Do Not, DO NOT, Don't Rationalize Sin 
To Make Yourself "Feel Better" About 
What Should Make You Seriously Feel Like Death Warmed Over 
For The Lord's Sake
Please Do Not Make Inane Excuses For The Wicked, Sinful
Downright Evil Actions Of Others 
By Saying That Their Mum Didn't Nurse Them
Their Dad Didn't Buy Them A Lolly
Society Failed Them
The World Owes Them A Living! 

There Is No Human 
Who Does Not Know Right From Wrong: 
Just Watch A Young Child Lying 
Trying To Blame Their Sibling
Or "Invisible Friend" For Wrong-Doing! 

Let's Valiantly Class Up Our Operating Manual 
Via Input From The Living Word Of The Holy God 
Bluntly Shame The Devil Today! 

Do Right! 

The King Is Coming! 


Saturday, June 25, 2022


In The Living Word Of Truth
There Are Two Meanings For The Word Contend: 
One Is  Condemned 
The Other Is Applauded! 


If You Stand Firmly As A Child Of God
- A Soldier Of The Cross Of Christ -
There Will Be Those Who Will Hate You 
For Even So Much As Utilizing 
The Breath Of Life Given To You By The Lord Of Life! 

Do Not Contend, Strive, Fight, With These Foes: 
Allow The Living God You Claim To Serve
- Jesus Christ The Lord - 
To Fight Your Battles: 
He Is Better At It That We Will Ever Be! 

Dear Ones, 

The One Time That We Are To Contend 
With Anyone Born Of A Woman 
- With The Good Lord's Choicest Blessing - 
When We Contend For The Faith 
Which Will See All Of Us 
- Who Love, Trust, Honor, Worship, And Obey The Lord -
Saved And Sealed Against The Great Day Of Small Things
- The Day Of Vengeance - 
Against The Sworn Enemies Of Almighty God! 

Be Encouraged! 
Endure To Overcome! 

Stand Still 
See The Salvation Of The Lord 
All We Who Have Tasted 
Know That The Lord Is Good! 

Let's Choose To Eat Substantially Of The Bread Of Life Today 
Be The Salt Of The Earth 
The Light Of The World! 


Friday, June 24, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH: Sliding Up The Glass Mountain!?!

Sweet Life Don't Last! 
People Are Always Looking For A Fat Paycheck
A Cushy Job
A Broad Way
No Taxes Or Traffic
A Carefree Existence
Smooth Sailing! 

Perhaps They Should Add Sliding Up A Glass Mountain 
So That The Fairy Tale Existence Will Not Involve 
Deep Breathing, Scraped Knees, Callused Hands
Gray Hair, Wrinkled Skin, Furrowed Brow

That's A "Nice" Gig In Lala Land! 


Be Real! 

Anything Worth Having 
Worth Striving For 
The Word Of Truth Plainly Shows That 
Idleness, Fullness Of Bread, Pride
No Appreciation For What The Blessing Of 
Work, Labor, Striving, And Exertion Provides
The Curse
The Bane Of Our Lives! 

We Have To Walk To Work 
We Have To Walk To Get Inside Our Homes! 

We Turn On The Stove To Hot A Pot! 
We Have To Lift Up Our Hand To Eat
We Push A Broom To Sweep! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have A Heart For The Devil 
If We Would A Dear Friend Betray: 
That's Wicked Work! 

Don't Stretch Out Your Hands
To Be A Judas Iscariot!

We Must Have A Heart For The Lord Of Life 
If We Will Say Humble Prayers: 
That's Blessed Work! 

Dare To Be Like The Prophet Daniel!

The Point Here Is Profitable Effort! 

To Eat The Good Of The Land 
To Get From Where We Are 
To Where The Lord Christ Calls Us To Be
We Must Work While It Is Yet Day 
The Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work! 

Let's Be Wise 
Work To Show That We Believe On The Lord Christ 
For His Gift To Us Of Eternal Life
The Life That Truly Lasts! 


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Pray On


Let Us Look Before We Leap Into Folly 
Think Before We Think To Speak Nonsense! 

To Pray For Oneself And For Others 
An Imperative Aka Vitally Important! 

Praying Is Not A Perhaps! 
Praying Is A Must Do
A Can't Be Done Without
A Treasure Without Measure
A Life-Line
A Direct Link To The Throne Of Grace 
Through The Ministration Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
We Do Not Know How To Pray As We Should 
We Should Pray Anyhow! 

Dear Ones, 

As Committed To Christ Christians
There Is No Reason For Us To Be Uncomfortable 
When A Member Of The Family Of God 
Desires To Raise Us Up To The Throne Of Grace! 

In The Midst Of Our Despair Over Food, Finances
Fellowship, Feelings, Friends, Faith
Our Future
We May Rest Easy In The Knowledge That 
Our God, The Lord Jesus Christ
The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever
Prayers Raised Up In Our Behalf Are For Our Blessing! 

Please Realize That 
If Prayers In Our Presence
In Our Behalf
Are Making Us Uncomfortable Aka Squirm
It Is Because There Is Unfinished Business 
Between Us And Our God! 

Think Of A Cockroach Who Was Partying 
Until The Light Came On! 

We All Need Prayer To Raise Us Up To God! 
Please Do Not Despise, Ignore, Neglect
Nor Disregard The Golden Parachute That 
Lifts Us Up To Glory In Him 
About Whom Was Written The Old, Old, Story! 

In Faith, I Am Praying For You! 
In Faith, Please Pray For Me! 


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Choose To Receive The Truth With Gladness!

Why Would You Celebrate A Lie!?! 
Why Would You Denounce The Truth!?! 
Does Any Of This Really Matter!?! 


Along With Envy, Covetousness, And Greed
Lying Got Lucifer Kicked Out Of Heaven 
Keeps Him From Ever Entering Therein Again! 

Heeding A Lie Got Adam And Eve Kicked Out Of 
The Garden Of Eden  
Having Received The Truth With Gladness 
Will See Them Enter The Heavenly Canaan! 

Lies Cost Our Savior Jesus Christ His Life 
On The Cross Of Calvary! 
Being The Truth 
Has Our King Jesus Christ Interceding For Us
As High Priest
In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary! 

Lying About Knowing Jesus Christ
Resulted In Disciple Peter Having To Weep Bitterly 
With Unnecessary Sorrow! 
Standing In And For The Truth 
Has the Converted Apostle Peter's Name Immortalized 
On One Of The Foundations Of The Eternal City! 

Lying To The Holy Spirit 
Cost Ananias And Sapphira Their Lives! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lord Has Made It Plain That 
Anyone Who Loves And Makes Lies 
Aka Who Enjoys Cooking Up Lies
Lying, And Distributing Lies 
Will Have No Part In The City Of God 
Its Obligatory Blessings! 

We, By Nature, Are All Liars! 
Let Us Humbly Confess And Repent Of 
Our Sin Against Almighty God's Holiness 
By Faithful Obedience To The Truth
Walk In The Newness Of Life In Christ
Innocent Of Any Transgression! 

We Are Nearing Home! 
Get Ready! 


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Indulging Kindness Is Like Choosing To Plant A Wheat Crop Everyday!

Here's A Contrary Thought: 
Kindness Costs: Wickedness Pays! 


Work With Me! 

Kindness Is Not Part Of Our Natural Persona 
Requires A Substantial Conscious-Effort Investment 
To Bring Forth Fruit! 

We Must Decide ... By The Grace Of The Holy God 
- Through The Holy Spirit's Working -
To Be Loving, Kind, And True To Our Call To Eternal Life 
We Will Partake The Joy 
When The Times Of Refreshing Come From Our Lord! 

On The Flip Side
Wickedness Pays Punishment In Spades 
To All Those Who Have Chosen To Live Life 
According To The Notion That 
Almighty God Is Blind With Short Arms 
Is Deaf, Dumb, And Dead
That Finite Aka Short-Lived Man Is God
That Only Sin Satisfies
That Do As You Like Is The Whole Of The Law
Good Is A Cooked Goose Served Next To The Cole-Slaw! 


Whether We Look At Life Front To Back Or Back To Front
The End-Result Will Be The Same! 

Say It With Me: 

"We Reap What We Sow 
And We Eat What We Grow!" 

The Job For Which You Faithfully Clock-In 
Will Pay For The Hours Worked: 
On The Book Of Record There Will Be No Flaw! 

Dear Ones, 

Indulging In Wickedness Requires No Effort: 
It's As Blood In Your Veins! 

Indulging In Kindness As The Way To Live 
Like Getting Seeds To Plant A Wheat Crop Every Day 
Just So You Can Get Fresh Flour Every Day 
To Bake Fresh Bread Every Day 
To Share With Others Every Day 
To Bless God With Our Willing Service Every Day! 

Think About It! 


Monday, June 20, 2022

No One Can Escape Being Born In Sin!


If Power Corrupts 
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Does It Not Stand To Reason That 
If Being Born In Sin Corrupts
Then Indulging In Iniquity Aka Planned Sin Corrupts Absolutely!?! 


No One Can Escape Being Born Into Sin! 

The Scripture Of Truth Says That 
We Are Born In Sin 
Shaped In Aka By Iniquity 
Which Means That 
There Is A Process Of Molding Taking Place! 

Character, Who We Truly Are, Just Like A Skill
Built, Formed, Molded! 
This Takes Time, Attention, Practice, Refinement
These Acts ... Willful Acts
By Personal Choices Of Witting Aka Understanding Choosing
Leave Marks, Markers, Records In Our Name
In Our Personal Aka Spiritual File! 

Bad Character Can Be Reformed 
Bad Habits, Unprofitable Skills, Can Be Erased 
Never By Dint Of Our Own Efforts! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Savior, Jesus Christ The Lord, Calls Us To His Side
He Will, By The Working Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Reform And Regenerate Us To The Great Original 
Upon Our Personal Request Only! 

Are You Getting Ready For Jesus To Come!?! 
Are You Going To Do The Work That He Has Ordained For You!?! 
Will You Offer To The Lord His Highest Praise, Hallelujah
On The Back Of Your Highest Worship, Obedience!?! 

Will You Leave Earthly Pleasures 
Travel To The Promised Land Of Almighty God's Own Choosing 
By Leaving Sin 
Traveling To Sure Salvation By Sanctification
Aka Being Set Apart For Holy Use!?! 

Tell It To Jesus! 

Sow To Be Sealed! 


Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Answer To All Our Questionings!

How Wise Are You!?! 
How Foolish Can You Get!?! 

How Calm Are You!?! 
How Angry Can You Get!?! 

Are You A Serpent!?! 
Will You Be A Dove!?! 
Are You Listening To The Holy Spirit!?! 
Will You Ascend To The Courts Above!?! 
Are You, By Faith, With Hope
Yielding To The King Of Love!?! 


There's An Old Song With A Lyric Which Says: 
"There Are More Questions Than Answers!" 

I Beg To Differ Because I Met A Man
The God-Man
The Man Of Sorrows Well Acquainted With Grief
The Shepherd Of Rest
The Only Way To Life Everlasting
The Light Of The World
The Savior Of Every Man
Water Indeed
Bread Indeed
Immanuel - God With Us
Shiloh - The Prince Of Peace
The Truth! 

Are You A Peace-Maker 
Or A Strife-Maker!?! 

Are You A War-Monger Against Sin 
Or Warring Against The Truth!? 

Dear Ones, 

Anyone With Questions, Honest Questions
Who Does Not Despise The Truth 
Aka King Jesus With The Non-Detachable Handle 
"The Lord Of Earth And Glory
The Creator
Our Only Savior
Our Redeemer And One True Friend
The Law-Giver And Life-Sustainer Who Bids Us To Come To Him 
So That We Many Reason Together
The True And Only Holy God 
By Whom We Live And Breathe And Have Our Being
The One Who Liberally Gives Wisdom 
And Will Not Chastise Us Who Lack Wisdom 
For Asking For Wisdom
The Answer To All Our Questioning! 


Believe The Gospel
Be Very Courageous In The Face Of Opposition 
Do Not Despise The Truth For He, Jesus Christ 
Aka It,  The Road-Map
The Only Way To Live
The Only Way To Everlasting Life! 

Despise The Truth ... Which Is Good
At Your Own Peril! 


Saturday, June 18, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Whatever You Want, Satan Will Promise!

Satan And Sin Are One! 
Faith And Trust Are One
Obedience And Endurance Are One! 

Sin Leads To Sorrow Aka Grief Which 
The Strong Arm Of Discipline! 

With This In Mind, Beloved
Let Us Respond To The Statement: 

"Whatever You Want
Satan Will Promise!" 

First, Satan Can't Promise You Anything 
You're Not Playing Pat-A-Cake Or Footsy With Him! 

Secondly, By God's Grace
Christians Should Be Too Wise To Be Foolish 
Where Satan Is Concerned 
When The Lord, In Mercy
Taught Us About The Wiles Of That Devil! 

Thirdly, Growing In Grace 
Has Its Own Sorrow, Its Own Griefs
So Why Would Committed Christians Seek Out 
What Can't Raise Us Up To Glory!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The Elders Used To Tell Us:
"See With Your Eyes But Don't Touch!" 
Regarding What Could Cause Us Harm! 

The Good Book Tells Us That 
Only With Our Eyes Shall We Behold 
The Destruction Of The Wicked, Sinful, Unrepentant Ones! 

Why, Then, Would You Want Something From Someone 
Who Is Going Somewhere Decidedly Unpleasant!?! 

Let Us Stay On The Path Of Purity 
Where The Refiner's Fire 
Getting Rid Of The Rust Of Ruin 
The Dust Of Desolation! 

Satan Can't Give You What He Doesn't Have 
So Don't Cast Your Pearls Before Swine! 

The Promises Of The Living God Are Sure 
Aka "Yea!" And "Amen!" 
Count The Costs 
Let Godly Sorrow Be Your Grace Today! 


Friday, June 17, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + The For-Real Bargain!

Freedom In Christ! 
Freedom Through Christ! 

Free Is Our Friend 
Jesus Christ Is In It! 

The Merchants Of The Earth 
Get Us To Buy Their Merchandise With 
"Buy One, Get One!" 
Or "Buy Two Get One!" Sales Pitches 
Knowing Full Well That 
We Are Going To Spend More 
On Other Things As Well! 

They Make A Killing 
We Get A Bargain, We Believe! 

Listen Up, Dear Ones! 
There's A For-Real Bargain Up For Grabs 
For All Who Are Willing To See The Light 
Save Themselves From Sin And Sorrow 


No Personal Investment Of Dollar Bills 
Or Fuel 
Or Frazzled Nerves 
Or Angry Outbursts Are Required! 

There Is No Limited Stock! 
There Is No Early Bird Special! 
There Is No Rain-Check 
There Is No Disappointment! 

Imagine That ...

Jesus Christ's Free-To-All Salvation
With Sufficient Grace
Free Mercy
Free Education In The School Of Jesus
Free Guardian Security Angel
Free Peace And Rest Now
Free White Linen Robe Of Righteousness
Free Gold Crown
Free Gold Harp
New Life
A Free City Of God Dwelling
A Country Estate
Inter-Stellar Transport
Eternal Life
Joys Forevermore
More That Eye Has Not Seen Nor Ear Has Ever Heard! 

Unspeakable Gifts ... Treasures! 

How To Get It All, You Ask!?! 


Just Say: 

"Yes, Lord! 
I Trust You! 
I Believe You! 
I'll Worship You And Obey!" 

This, Dear Ones
The True Blessing Of This Lifetime! 
Accept It And Be Eternally Blessed! 


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Don't Rob Yourself Of Everlasting Life!

Do You Know The Difference Between 
An Open Invitation And An Open Ticket 
Understand Their Impress And Impact Upon John Q. Public 
Committed To The Church Christians 
Committed To Christ Christians!?! 


There Is No Christian Church Without Jesus Christ 
Aka The Foundation! 

All Humans Have Been Given 
An Open Invitation To Come To Jesus Christ For Salvation! 

All Committed Christians Know That 
They Have An Open Invitation 
To Boldly Approach The Throne Of Grace 
To Obtain Mercy 
Find Grace To Help In Their Time Of Need! 

All Committed To Christ Christians Know That 
No Human Has An Open Ticket To Get To Glory 
On Their Own Terms
On Their Own Schedule
At Their Own  Expense
According To Their Own "Feelings!" 

Dear Ones, 

Tread Softly Before The Lord 
Do Not Permit Nit-Picking
To Cost You Your Share Of The Blessed Hope 
Your Creator-Savior Lacks The Philosopher's Wet Noodle For A Spine 
Is Not Impressed By Your Many Ward-Robe Changes 
Even As He Commands That 
Your "Yes!" Be "Yes!" And Your "No!" Be "No!" 
Anything Else Leads One Into Sin! 

The Lord Christ Has Made His Will And His Way Plain 
By His Inflexible Word 
So Don't Rob Yourself Of Everlasting Life 
You Went To School And The Living God Didn't! 

Heads-Up, Dear Ones! 
The Living God Is The School: 
Let's Buy The Free Clue 
Get A Solid Grip On Saving Truth!
