Friday, July 8, 2022



There Is No Excuse For Sin
There Is No Reason For Sin


Our God Almighty ... In Mercy Towards Us 
Provided Us With Our Only Savior, Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life 
- The Great Physician
The Shepherd Of Rest
Our Perfect Peace - 
Upon Whom We Have Every Reason To Call 
No Excuse For Not Calling His Name In Our Time Of Need 
Aka Every Moment Of Every Day! 

Dear Ones, 

If You Have Ever Heard A Person In A Doctor's Treatment Room 
Despairingly Crying In Pain From A Non-Life-Threatening Condition 
Utter The Words: 
"I Am So Tired!" 
You Then Hear The Doctor Beseeching Them To Hold On
To Let Said Doctor Help Them
To Permit The Doctor To Change Their Medication 
To Something That Will Surely Help Them 
To Be Comfortable At Home
You Will Truly Understand Our Wretched State 
When We Recognize Our Need Of Our Savior 
Of Our Sin! 

Remember This ...

In Our Agony
We Hear Our Great Physician Pleading With Us 
To Let Him Change Our Ways And Heal Our Hurts 
Trust Him To Feed Us The Medication Called Truth 
And Bind Up Our Wounds With The Balm Of Gilead
And Use The Good Food Called Faith 
To Believe Him On His Word To Bless Us To Walk Wisely 
While Standing Firmly On The Promises Of The Eternal God! 

Sin Is As Pain! 
Pain Is A Warning! 
Warnings Work For The Wise! 
The Wise Person Chooses The Best Portion Aka Life In Christ 
They Are Healed! 

Sin Kills: 
Salvation Gives Us New Life! 
Be Wise! 


Thursday, July 7, 2022

Winding Up As Two Nuts Short Of A Pack!?!

Handling Hardships With Almighty God's Gift Of Grace 
Makes One Hardy To Endure The Trials Of This Life! 

"Ohhh, Sure!" 

Says The One Who Desires To Live The Life Of Riley 
On Easy Street! 


We All Know That There Is No Human 
Who Would Not Prefer Life On Easy Street! 

The Problem Is That The Introduction Of Sin 
Caused Our Maker, God, And King To Curse Humanity 
With Labor, Work, To Be Able To Eat His Daily Bread! 

Therefore, Anyone 
- From The Womb To The Tomb - 
Who Chooses To Work At Not-Working And Playing To Play
And In Essence
Choosing The Life Of The Hedonist
Constantly Seeking Pleasures Forevermore On This Earth
In This Vale Of Tears
Standing Up In His Self-Chosen Lot
Directly Against The Will Of Almighty God! 

How Do You Think That Is Going To End!?! 

How Often Have You Seen 
The Disasters Of Living The High Life 
When Its Practitioners Effectively And Efficiently 
Crash And Burn
Flame Out
Or Wind Up As Two Nuts Short Of A Pack!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Work ... As Ordained By The Holy God
For Our Blessing: 
Choosing To Live On The Party Boat Is Not! 

Choosing To Honor The Lord Is A Blessing: 
Choosing To Honor Ourselves Is Not! 

Idle Hands Are The Devil's Workshop! 

Be Wise And Work Now 
For Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work! 

Live With Love For The Lord 
Not For The Pride Of Life! 

Wha' Sweet'n Goat Mout' Does Bu'n 'e 'n 'e Tail! 
Take Heed! 
Jesus Christ Is Lord! 


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Devil's Cherry!

Do You Have The Right To Do Wrong!?! 
Are You Letting A Nightshade Sing You A Love Song!?! 


We Are Clearly Instructed By Our Lord Jesus 
Not To Let Anyone, Spirit Or Flesh, Deceive Us 
So "No!" None Of Us Has The Right To Do Wrong! 

In The Plant Realm
We Have Nightshade Vegetables 
Aka Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplant
All Peppers, To Name A Few 
And Also 
The Deadly Nightshade 
Aka Belladonna 
Aka Devil's Cherry! 

Just Because We Like, Love, Salivate At The Word "Cherry" 
It Does Not Give Us The Right To Eat Of 
The Belladonna Plant 
Or To Give Of It To Anyone! 

Dear Ones, 

It Is Amazing To Know That 
There Is A Plant Named To Suit Satan's Character! 

How Sad, Ironic, To Know That His Name, Devil
Affixed, Prefixed, To A Fruit Aka Cherry! 
Another Forbidden Fruit! 

Our Lord Jesus Christ
Is Keeping The Night-Watch
So That We Do Not Have To Fear
That Nightshade Satan!

Dear Ones, 

Warning Labels Are Slapped On Things 
To Save Us From Ourselves! 

Children Have Parents To Guide Them Aright! 

Humans Have The Savior
The Word Of God
To Guide Us With Kindly Light! 

When Our Foolish Desires Supercede Wisdom And Understanding 
"I Breathe So Therefore I Am!" 
We Get Into The Realm Of Playing Russian Roulette 
Aka Taking Your Life Into Your Own Hands
For Kicks And Street Cred! 

We Do Not Have The Right 
To Willfully Do Wrong With The Lord's Property: 
We Are Not Our Own! 

Let Us Worship And Bow Before The Lord Our Maker! 


Live So That Satan
Has No Part In You!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

When Self Matters!


Here Are Three Times That 
The Word "Self" Should Freely Utter From Our Mouths: 


If You Have Surrendered Your Self To Your Savior
Then There Is Less Self 
Definitely More Of The Savior
Self-Control Becomes The "Savings-Card" 
Notably In Constant Use! 

Self-Consumed Dies
Self-Sufficiency Atrophies
Self-Serving Skips Town
Self-Aggrandizement Runs Away From Home 
Nobody Loves It! 

As Committed-To-Christ Christians
We Must Live With That Hope Which Says: 
"My Change Is Going To Come!" 

This Is Possible 
The Lord Christ Has Purchased Us 
New Character And New Clothing 
Aka Internal Character And External Clothing 
Aka Christ-Like Character 
The Robe Of Christ's Righteousness! 

This Is Big Doings 
It Can Only Be Accomplished By 
Our Cooperating With Christ 
Through The Working Of The Holy Spirit 
Who Assuredly Leads Us Into All Truth! 

Dear Ones, 

This Is Not A Work For The Faint-Hearted
The Fickle
Or The Fool Who Says In His Heart That 
There Is No God! 

Let Us Not Settle For "Easy Living" 
Leave The Family Of God! 

Anything Worth Having
Is Worth Laboring For!

Know This ...

The Stench Of Self 
Will Never Waft Through The Portals Of Glory 
The Heart For Christ Will Find Eternal Rest There! 

Understand This ...

It's Time To Turn Brown Things White Through Christ 
Since There's No Self-Cleaning For Christians! 

Get At It ...

Indulge In Self-Examination Through The Holy Word 
Aka The Lens Of The Lord! 


Monday, July 4, 2022

It's A Blessing To Depend Upon Our Father God!

Remind Yourself ...

Independent ... And Still A Runt ... Weak! 
Stunted, Under-Developed ... And Still Fronting! 

How Often Have You Confidently Said That 
You Knew That You Could Depend On Someone To Pamper You 
So That You Could Pridefully Swan About
Aka Glide About Poised And Confident!?! 

Did You Reap The Expected Gain!?! 
Would You Do It Again!?! 

Do You  Understand That Your Gamble On Frail Flesh 
Always In Vain!?! 


Remember The Proud Creature Who Thought That 
He Could Run His Life Better Than His Creator Could 
Determined That His Self-Serving System Of Governance 
Was Better Than The Unselfish One Set Forth By Almighty God! 

Dear Ones, 

Blinkers Are Placed On Beasts Of Burden 
To Stop Them From Being Distracted 
To Keep Them Focused On Their Scheduled Work! 
We Are Not Beasts: 
Dare To See! 

For Whom
By What Means
For What Purpose 
Have You Declared Your Independence From The Lord!?! 

What Have You Got To Show 
For Unwisely Walking As A Wastrel, A Prodigal
On The Wild Side Of Life!?! 

All Of Us Have ... At One Point Or Another 
Chosen To Be Professor And Student 
In The Self-Directed Program Called Self-Centeredness 
For Which An Honor's Degree In Hard Knocks Was Issued! 

Let's Wise Up Today 
Return To Our Father's House Of Love 
We Finally Recognize That 
We Cannot Even Walk Without Him Holding Our Hand! 

It's A Blessing To Depend Upon Our Father! 

Please Don't Let Pride Rob You: 
Choose The Eternal Inheritance Over Temporary Independence! 


Sunday, July 3, 2022

EMERGENCY SIREN: Nobody Wakes Up Dead!


For Every Siren That We Hear
There Is A Living Soul In Mortal Distress: 
Neither The Coroner Nor The Mortuary Van
Has Need Of Urgent Progress! 


None Of Us Knows The Day Or The Hour 
When We Shall Close Our Eyes For The Long Sleep 
From Which No Man's Fabricated Alarm May Awaken Us 
For This Reason 
I Bid Us All To Keep Current Accounts With Our Lord Jesus! 

At The Siren's Sound
Please Raise Up Your Heart To The Holy God 
Pray For Our Brethren That 
Our Blessed Lord Will Have Mercy 
Grant Them Strength, Courage, And The Opportunity 
To Confess And Repent Of Known Sin 
And Take Jesus Christ As Their Everlasting Portion 
So That They May Be Blessed 
Saved Into The Living Kingdom
According To Their Will! 

Dear Ones, 

We Who Know And Love The Lord
Please Do Not Relax And Act Carelessly About Your Salvation! 

We Sin By Thought, Word And Deed ... Daily
So Let Us, As We Realize Our Errors
As A Matter Of Habit
Confess And Repent Of All Known Sin ... Every Day! 

Nobody Wakes Up Dead 
Everybody Awakens To Face The King Of Glory
The Judge Of All Flesh Who Will Have His Rewards With Him! 

I Sincerely Pray For Us All That 
When The Time Comes
That We All Will Arise From Our Long Home 
To See Our Jesus In All His Glory
In Perfect Peace! 

Dear Lord Jesus, 

We Adore You! 
Please Bless Us
As We Confidently
Raise Our Hearts To You
In Heartfelt Prayer! 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Wisely Work Unwaveringly On Your Relationship With Jesus Christ!

If I Walked Up To You And Issued To You My Rules 
Demanded, Commanded, Ordered You To Obey Them 
No Questions Asked, No Answers Given
Without There Being Some Agreed Upon Relationship Between Us
You Would Look At Me As Though I Had Sprouted Two Extra Heads 
Then Insolently Invited Me To Make Like A Tree And Leave 
After Telling Me What I Should Do With My Rules! 


There Is A Wonderful Quotation Which Says That 
Rules Without Relationship Leads To Rebellion! 

Every Relationship
Be It By Blood
By Faith
By Affection
Or By Interests 
Requires Input To Have Outpouring! 

A Production Line Requires A Designer
A Plan, Power, Equipment
Workers, Raw Materials
A Schedule, A Delivery System
A Repair/Replacement Protocol
Some Sort Of Planned Obsolescence 
Aka We Shutting This Puppy Down In Two Years! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have Our Creator-Savior
The Holy Bible
The Plan Of Salvation
Confession And Repentance
Mercy And Grace
The Great Judgment Day Aka The Second Coming! 

Holding It All Together 
Our Relationship With Almighty God 
Through Our Decision To Follow Jesus By Faith For Love! 

Are You Following Your Creator's Commands!?! 

Are You Looking To Be Sealed By The Holy Spirit!?! 

Are You Looking Forward To Being In Glory With Your God!?! 

Check Aka Protect Your Relationship With Christ 
Forget About Sinning With Satan! 

Get In
Stay In 
Wisely Work Unwaveringly On Your Relationship With Your Lord! 


Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Sabbath + You Are Never Alone Walking With The Lord!

Yesterday Has You Bitter! 
Today Has You Jaded
Tomorrow Has You Sour! 

With All This "Has-Ing" 
When Are You Going To Permit 
Jesus Christ The Great Physician To Have At You 
Since He Is The Only One 
Who Can Make All Of Your Wrong Things Right!?! 


Will Your Being Bitter About Yesterday 
Cause Yesterday To Change The Past To Become Sweet!?! 

Will Your Being Jaded Aka Unenthusiastic 
Aka Unimpressed With Today 
Stop It From Passing From Time Into Eternity 
Without Your Approval And Permission!?! 

Will Your Being Sour About Tomorrow Change The Fact That 
Tomorrow's Sun Will Never Rise 
Or Negate The Word Of Almighty God Which Says That 
No Man Aka Human Being Is Promised The New Day!?! 

Dear Ones, 

As Bible-Thumping As It May Sound
Our Wants, Wailing, Demands, And Desires 
Can Never Change Almighty God's Will 
Or Alter His Spoken Or Written Commands! 

We Have To "Come-To" Aka Get Around To 
The Lord's Ordered Way Of Living 
Or Be Ordered Away To The Second Dying! 

Rich Or Poor, Free Or Enslaved
The Lord Has Brought You To Trial Or Test
He Is With You To Overcome 
Emerge Blessed And Benefitted 
As Long As You Remain In The Holy Faith Which Cannot Fail
Trusting And Enduring All Things In Jesus' Name 
For His Sake! 

You Are Never Alone
Walking With The Lord! 

The Decision ... As Always
Our Very Own To Make 
With No Enticement Or Coercion Allowed! 

This Is A Fix Yuh Face
Fix Yuh Attitude
Fix Yuh Future Moment: Take It! 
Any Questions!?! 


Thursday, June 30, 2022

Act ... To Be Attached!

King David Said: 

"The Lord Is My Shepherd
I Shall Not Want!" 

The Gospel Song Writer Ralph Carmichael Said: 

"Because The Lord Is My Shepherd
I Have Everything That I Need!" 

Two Statements Of Fact 
Thousands Of Years Apart 
Delineating The Faith And Belief In The One God 
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord
The Creator, Provider, Director, Savior, Deliverer 
Who Loves His Sheep Totally
Without Inhibition
To The Satisfaction Of The Soul! 


Do You Co-Sign Aka Agree With And Approve Of 
The Bold Sentiment Expressed!?! 

Does Your Daily Life Say To Others 
Show To Your Keenly Watching Observers That 
You Surely Do Have Confidence In Christ 
Am Not Dismayed By Not Receiving 
What You "Knew In Your Heart Of Hearts!" 
- Whatever That Means - 
That You Had To Have 
Did Not Receive?!" 

Is Your Faith Fickle Or Firm!?! 
Is Your Confidence Cement Or Cosmetic!?! 
Is Your Love Lax Or Latched!?! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have To Believe To Receive: 
We Have To Act To Be Attached! 

We Have To Pray 
We Don't Want To Fall Prey 
To The Lies And Sophistries Of The Devil 
Who Can Sell Ice To An Eskimo 
That Eskimo Does Not Solidly Know Of 
Understand The Truth About The Ground
- The Icy Ground - 
Upon Which He Stands! 

Are You Growing Up In The Lord!?! 

Do You Remember That 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Lie And Liar Repellant 
Fraud Eraser!?! 

Know Your God 
Stick To Your Goal: 
Heaven With Christ! 

We Have To Believe Him Here 
To Belong With Him There! 


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Don't Be A Shooting Star!

If We Know Anything About Social Media
We Know That The Influencers Aka The Stars
Live And Prosper Through Subscriptions And "Likes" 
Which Determine Popularity And Profitability 
Aka Success And  Prosperity! 

We Also Know That To Get More Likes And Subscriptions
More Money
The Influencers Lie
Make Truth Turn Corners
Indulge In Downright Ridiculous 
Often Dangerous, Even Deadly, Challenges To Remain Relevant 
Trending In The New Public Square! 


Are You Playing The Game Of Folly
Blind Man's Bluff
Catch-A-Wave To Feel Good
Be Trendy
Be Important In The Eyes Of Those Who Cannot See 
They Are Willfully Blind
Deliberately Disobedient
While Practicing Deceit!?! 

Stop It! 

Dear Ones,

Let Us Not Forget That 
Only What We Do For Christ Will Last 
Ever Remember That We Are Striving Against Sin 
To Receive An Imperishable Crown! 

The Hymn-Writer Plaintively Asked: 

"Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown!?!" 

Well May Each One Of Ask If We Will 
"Wake With The Blessed In The Mansions Of Rest" 
The Response We Will Receive From 
Our Loving Lord And Master Jesus Christ 
Rightly Depends Upon Our Work And Service 
By Faith In And Obedience To His Will! 

Let Us Cease From Dead Works 
Loving-Up The Loss-Leaders 
Elevating The Deplorable! 

Dare To Live To Wear The Robe That 
Eternally Relevant: 
Don't Strive To Be A Shooting Star! 

Serve The King: 
Subscribe To Salvation 
Get Your Stars From Our Savior! 

Like Aka Love, Peace!

Shooting Stars Flame Out!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Truth Raises The Dead!

If Jesus Christ Is Our Known Forever-Friend 
Satan Is Our Unrelenting Enemy With An Expiration Date
Why, Then, Are We, Through Ungodly Practices
Treating Satan The Adversary As A Bosom Friend 
Jesus Christ The Lord As Our Bitterest Enemy!?! 

If The Truth Of The Lord Jesus Christ 
Our Hope, Help, And Salvation
The Lies Of  Satan Are For Our Destruction And Damnation
Why, Then, Are We Treating Known-Truth Like Lies 
Known-Lies As The Truth!?! 


Beware, Be Aware, Be Wary When Those 
Who Are Called To Be Under-Shepherds Of 
The Heritage Of The Living, Holy, God 
Are Asking You To Accept Their Ruminations
Speculations, Suppositions, And Heresies 
As Fact Upon Which To Build 
"A Future Of Bliss" 
On The Earth Which Is Scheduled By The Lord Of Life
The Creator God ... The Judge Of All Flesh 
For An Everlasting Burning 
Aka A Burning Which Will Not Be Put Out By Any Hand
A Burning Which Must Extinguish Itself 
There Is Nothing Left Within It 
Upon Which The Fire Of God May Feed!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The Truth Is Not Always Palatable, Tolerable
Easily Swallowed, Willingly Accepted
Or Gratefully Embraced 
It Will Always Be True, Right, Worthy ... Saving! 

Please Let Us Not Worry About Who Calls Us Straight-Laced 
Via Technicolor Words Oft Used By Sailors And The Like-Minded! 

The Truth Raises The Dead 
Lies Bury The Living! 

Think About It! 


Monday, June 27, 2022

Choose The Good Part: Peace ... Perfect Peace!


King David Uttered The Words 

"I Will Both Lay Me Down In Peace, And Sleep; 
For Thou, Lord, Only 
Makest Me To Dwell In Safety!" 

The Prophet Isaiah Followed Him 
By Saying What Kind Of Peace 
Why That Peace Was Assured ... Guaranteed! 


If We Desire The Blessings Of The Eternal God
We Must Be Diligent 
To Sincerely Do Exactly What He Lovingly Asks Of Us! 

When Your Mind Is Stayed Upon Someone
It Is Because There Is Love
A Loving, Committed, Reciprocal Relationship 
Between Consenting Partners 
Who Care About Each Other
Trust The Words "Until Death!" 
Even As They Walk The Lonesome Road Alone-Together! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Trust In The Lord Jesus Christ 
Causes Us To Become Rich ... Without Sorrow! 

The Eternal God's Love For Us 
Brings With It Neither Shame Nor Disappointment 
Because It Is A Love That Will Not Let Us Go
It Will ... Paradoxically 
Be A Love That Will Not Force Us To Stay Put! 

The Love Of God 
The Anchor For Our Souls 
Our Trust In God 
Gives Us The Wings And Eyesight Of The Eagle 
The Endurance Of The Ox Of The Protected Stall! 

Let Us This Day Think On Him Who Thinks On Us 
Who Are The Apple Of His All-Seeing, Unwearied, Eye! 

Jesus Christ Saves!

Please Trust And Obey 
Be Forever Happy And Blessed! 

Stay Put 
Aka Stay Rooted And Grounded
Steadfast And Sure 
In The Love Of The Lord Christ: 
Rest Your Weary Soul In Him! 


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Bluntly Shame The Devil!

The Devil Is The Liar 
The Father Of Lies 
All Who Operate As He Does 
Will Suffer The Same Way That He Will 
Unless They Confess And Repent 
Aka Turn Away From Sin And Sinning! 


Sinners Are What We Are By Nature 
Choosing To Be Nurtured In The Fear And Admonition 
Aka Caring Counsels Of The Holy God 
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord, The King
- The Judge Of All Flesh -
Will See Us Safe, Sheltered, And Protected
Inside The Beloved City 
When ... Effectively And Efficiently
All Hell Literally Breaks Loose On This Planet 
Sin, Sinners, Satan, And All His Cohort Are Forever Destroyed! 

Dear Ones, 

In The Name Of Jesus
Do Not, DO NOT, Don't Rationalize Sin 
To Make Yourself "Feel Better" About 
What Should Make You Seriously Feel Like Death Warmed Over 
For The Lord's Sake
Please Do Not Make Inane Excuses For The Wicked, Sinful
Downright Evil Actions Of Others 
By Saying That Their Mum Didn't Nurse Them
Their Dad Didn't Buy Them A Lolly
Society Failed Them
The World Owes Them A Living! 

There Is No Human 
Who Does Not Know Right From Wrong: 
Just Watch A Young Child Lying 
Trying To Blame Their Sibling
Or "Invisible Friend" For Wrong-Doing! 

Let's Valiantly Class Up Our Operating Manual 
Via Input From The Living Word Of The Holy God 
Bluntly Shame The Devil Today! 

Do Right! 

The King Is Coming! 
