Saturday, July 30, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH : There Is An Elevator In Endurance!

There Is No Point To Pride
No Satisfaction In Sin
Nothing Graceful About Greed! 

There Is A Mattress In Mercy
A Pillow In Peace! 

There Is An Object In Obedience
An Elevator in Endurance! 

There Is A Push In Perseverance
Amazing Love In Following The Lord
Worth In Walking Wisely! 

There Is Power That Comes 
From Praising Him Who Calls Us To His Side
We Are Blessed Beyond All Measuring 
When We Walk In The Way That 
Leads To His Eternal Life! 

There Is A Train In Truth 
So Get On Board To Avoid Damnation's Gloriless Horde! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lord Jesus Saves Us One By One 
So Do Not Follow The Loud-Mouthed 
So-Called Powerful 
Known Wayward, Winsome, Wicked, And Wild 
Just Because You Want Things! 

The Loud-Mouthed Will Have Nothing To Say
The Powerful Will Be Powerless 
In The Wondrous Presence Of Our Glorious King
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

Choose Wisely: 
Early, And In Earnest, Seek The Savior! 


Friday, July 29, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + GRATITUDE: Let Your Tongue Be A Ready Writer!


How Often Have We ... In The Euphoria Of Blessings Received
Chosen To Do A Show And Tell Of The Things We Have Gotten 
Have Totally Forgotten
Ignored, Disregarded, Or Dismissed 
The Grace, Mercy, Love
Kindness Of The Giver Of All Our Good Gifts!?! 

Where Is Our Gratitude!?! 

Do We Not Realize That If Our God Took Offense 
At Our Graceless Oversights, And Downright Devilish 
"I Deserve This!" Attitude, That 
He Could Take Away Our Pride And Joy 
Leave Us Useless, Homeless, Penniless
Powerless For Our Boldly Base Behavior!?! 

One Leper Out Of Ten 
Knew And Truly Understood Where His Blessing Came From 
Turned Back To The Master To Give Him
To Give Almighty God
Real Praise! 

Good King Hezekiah
After He Was Raised Up From His For-Sure Death-Bed
Instead Of Telling The Babylonian Strangers 
Inquiring About His Blessings That 
It Was The True And Living Holy God 
Who Blessed And Kept Him And His Nation
He Showed Them His Things! 

After They Left To Return To Their Nation
The Sentence Came From God
- Through The Prophet Isaiah - 
That All That The Babylonians Had Seen 
Would Follow Them To Their Homeland! 

Dear Ones, 

Be Wise! 

The Lord Of Life Giveth 
The Lord Calling Us Home To Himself Taketh Away 
So Let A Thankful Heart Keep Your Bountiful Blessings On You 
In Your Home! 

Give Almighty God His Owed ... And Deserved ...  Praise: 
Let Your Tongue Be A Ready Writer! 


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Sin ... The Gussied-Up Porker

Sin Is Criminal 
But It Is Not Justifiable ... In The Eyes Of Almighty God! 

Sin Can Be Accidental 
But It Is In Our Best Interests 
To Decidedly Consider Its Embrace To Be Suicidal! 


No Christian Truly Trusting The Faithful Holy One
Will Ever Consider The Journey To Jesus And Joy 
To Be A Suicide Mission
A Mission Of No Return
Deftly Decide To Have A Last Ditch Hurrah Blithely Sinning!

To Do Such Would Be To Give The Devil 
His Dastardly And Destructive Desire: 
We Can't Afford The Fall-Out 
For The Dues Are Usurious! 

Dear Ones, 

No Matter How Many Times You Wash A Porker
No Matter How Expensive The Pearls
Or How Rare The Perfume
A Gussied-Up Porker 
Will Always Be A Wallow In The Mud Besmirched Hog!

If We Do Not See Sin Through The Eyes Of Our Savior
Sin Will Always Be Enticing
Worth Following
Worth Excusing
Worth Our Wholehearted Participation! 

Let Us, Instead, Look To Jesus Christ
The Author And Finisher Of Our Faith 
Who Died To Rid Us Of Sin
And Ever Lives To Have Us 
- Cleansed And Forgiven - 
Ride Home To Be With Him! 

Let's See Sin 
Walk On By On The Other Side Of The Road 
To Stand Where Salvation Is Stationed 
Tenderly Calling To Us! 

Please Pray For Power ... And Press On To Glory! 

Jesus Saves Us From Sin: 
Walk In Accord With Him! 


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Walk, Work, And Watch In Obedience!

The To-Christ Order Of Operations: 
What To Do First! 
Do We Behave And Then Believe, Or Vice Versa!?! 

Our Holy Bible Tells Us That 
All Who Come To God Must Believe That 
He Is God And A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek Him! 

Simply Put:

"If We: Then He!" 

Put Another Way
If We Confess Our Sins
Then He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins 
To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness! 

Dear Ones, 

On Your First Day At Your New Job That 
You Chose 
Was Accepted For
You Do Not Receive Your Future To-Be-Regular Paycheck 
Plus Overtime
And Bonus
And Travel And Entertainment Allowance! 

Only Performance Pays Off! 

Our Savior Dear Is Able To Say "If We" 
He Already Did The Necessary To Grant Us Free 
Open Access To The Throne Of Grace
So We Must Know Who We Are Without Christ: Sinners Damned
Who We Are In Christ: Sinners Saved Aka Saints Of God And Christ
The Requirements 
To Be Able To Wear The White Robe Of His Righteousness! 

In Order To Have ACR-A Clean Record Next To Our Name
We Must Accept The Offered Gift Of Salvation
Confess Our Known Sin
Repent Of The Evil
Walk, Work, And Watch In Obedience! 

The Humility Of Worked Faith Keeps Us On The Way! 
Overcomers Are Faith-Working Believers! 
Never Forget It! 


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

There Is No Oliver Twist Seated At The Table Of The Lord!

Nobody Seated At The Lord's Table 
Will Ever Have To Do An Oliver Twist 
With Hunger Pangs
In The Shocked Hearing Of 
The Assembled Multitudes Of Likewise Famished, Ask: 

"Please, May I Have Some More!?!" 


Our Blessed Benefactor With No Equal
Who Owns The Cattle On A Thousand Hills 
Every Last Thing In All Creation
Has No Need To Issue Short Rations To Save Costs 
At The Same Time 
Line His Deep Pockets By Fraud! 

Dear Ones, 

Use Your Access 
Your Humble Words Of Hope, Trust, And Faith! 

Boldly Ask "Bigly" For Your Blessings Known Bountiful! 

Just Remember, Though, That 
You Can't Ask The Lord For What Won't Bless You 
Glorify His Dear Name! 

Check The Living Word Which Is A Transcript Of 
The Holy God's Unchanging, Unchangeable, Character! 

The Word Works! 


Monday, July 25, 2022

DOUBT DESTROYS: Look Up To Jesus Christ With Hope ... And Live!

We Love To Sing "All The Way My Savior Leads Me!" 
In The Midst Of Daily Trial And Constant Temptation
Necessary Test And Internal Torment 
We Suddenly Forget Who Is The One We Call Savior
The Prophesied And Blood-Promised Destination 
To Which We Are Being Led! 


Satan The Adversary Is The Liar: 
Jesus Christ Our Savior, Our Creator
The Holy God
The Only Wise God
The Truth! 

We, Even When We Have Been Unfaithful To The Faithful One
Have Gone A-Whoring After 
The Truthless And Useless Things Of This Life
Have Abundantly Seen The Providences
The Wonderful Provision And Saving Graces Of 
Our Blessed Jesus! 

This Present Time, Dear Ones
Not The Time To Become Faint-Hearted
Doubtful About The Goodness Of Our God! 

I Pray That We Will Stand With The Brave 
Knowing Jesus 
Telling The World That It Is He, Alone
Who Always Saves! 

Doubt Destroys! 

Look Up To Jesus With Hope ... And Live!

Sunday, July 24, 2022

What Looks Good On The Devil's Rack ...!


At The Blessed Storehouse Of The Ages 
Owned And Operated 
Maintained And Sustained By Jesus Cares
Cost-You-Less And More-For-Less 
Are Not Labels Accepted Or Displayed Among 
What Are Known As  Great Goods For One Solitary Reason: 
Satan Is The Manufacturer
His "Dummy" Corporation Is Called Sin
Destruction Is His To-Die-For Brand! 

Dear Ones, 

Sin Does Not Give Second Chances: 
Salvation Does! 

The Way Out Of Sin 
Through The Door Called Faith Works
It Is Those Who Choose To Walk Simply
Kindly, Justly, Obediently, And Enduringly 
Who Will, By Free Grace, Turn The Handle Called 
Available Mercy
Walk On Through The Door To Eternal Life! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Us Remember Today That 
What Looks Good On The Devil's Rack 
Does Not Look Good ... Or Wear Well
On Your Christ-Died-For-You Back! 

Jesus Cares Is Good For You Now And For Always! 

Live For The Life-Giver: 
Know Your Value In Christ Jesus! 


Saturday, July 23, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Converging Or Diverging!?! + PRAYER: Please Help Us To Pray Always!


Are You A Diverging From 
Or A Converging With The World Christian 
Aka Are You Different From The Worldly-Wise 
Or Are You As The Worldly-Wise!?! 

Dear Ones, 

If You Were In "The Line-Up" 
Would Anybody Say In Your Regard, As A Swear-Word: 
"This Person Is Not Like The Others!" 

Are You Standing Apart, Walking, Talking, Dressing, Behaving
As One Belonging To The Master Of The Wind 
Or As One Who Is Being Mastered By The Changing Winds Of 
This God-Forsaking World!?! 

The Lord Jesus Knows! 
Do You!?! 
Do I!?! 

Let's Seriously Think About It 
Our Being Possessors Of The Eternity Of Peace 
Depends Upon Our Answer! 



Heavenly Father,
We Come As Children Of Faith
With Pitiful Cry Ask You To Help Us
To Obediently, Enduringingly, Follow
The Living, Holy, Word Of Saving Truth
So That We May Know Of A Surety
Our Eternal Standing 
In Jesus Christ Our Glorious Lord!

Please Help Us To Pray Always
Not Faint At The Barbs
Threatenings Of The Evil One
But To Standing As The Faithful
Rooted And Grounded
Sheltered And Protected
Unmoved And Unafraid
We Know That Our God Is Real And Returning
His Promises To Us Ever Sure
Only Require Our "Yes, Lord!" And "AMEN!"
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Humbly Pray And Plead!

Friday, July 22, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Let The Lord Lead You With His Love!


How Well Are You Able To Handle Disappointment 
Or, More Particularly
Are You Able To Handle Disappointment!?! 

We Live In A Fast-Paced World 
Which Accepts Neither Denial, Disappointment
Disapproval, Nor Deprivation 
And Yet
As Committed To Christ Christians
We Must Be Able To Accept All These With Grace 
Our Heavenly Father Always Knows Best 
Ever Does Right For And By Us! 

Let's Let Him Lead Us Today 
It Is Done With Abiding Love Which Does Not Suffer Loss! 


Thursday, July 21, 2022

PRAYER: Help, Me Lord, To Live So That I Let Nothing Be Wasted!


With The Heart Of A Grateful Penitent
I Give You Thanks And Praise For All Your Blessings 
- Seen And Unseen, Known And Unknown
Unexpected, And Unacknowledged - 
Lavishly Bestowed Upon Me This Day 
And, For Sure
Every Day Of My Life! 

I Love You, Lord
It Is Not Just For The Bread And Two Fishes That 
In Your Hand Will Always Feed The Multitude 
Leave Behind Food For Many More! 

Please Help Me To Live With The Mindset That 
Nothing Should Be Wasted
A Heart Filled With Compassion For Others
Hands Ready To Share To Others 
Out Of The Bounty That You Generously Provide To Me! 

Father, I May Not Always Like The Way That Life Goes
I Ask You To Help Me To Ever Remember That
If I Knew What You Know
I Would Wish To Be Led, Fed, Directed And Corrected
As You Ordain! 

Please Help Me To Never Embrace Pride
The Top-Lofty Spirit
Which Causes Us To Act As Though You Owe Us Something 
We Are Entitled To All That We Receive
More Beside! 

Please Help Me To Never Forget That
I Owe All That I Am And All That I Have
To Your Willing Sacrifice And Unending Love
In The Person Of Jesus Christ My Lord! 

Please Pour Out Of Your Spirit Upon Me
Bless Me To Follow My Shepherd
The Good Shepherd
To Your Haven Of Rest For The Eternally Blessed! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

There Is Mileage In Exercising God-Guided Sense!

Even On This Very Day
The Drama Of The Garden Of Eden 
Still Being Aggressively Played Out! 

The Lord Said: 
"Don't Do!" 

Satan Said: 
"Do You!" 

You Say: 
"I Have The Right To Do As I Please
Because It Gives Me The Feels!" 

When You Have Done As You Darn-Well Please
Your Feels Gets Felt As Self-Condemnation
Godly Rebuke
The Hold Yuh Belly Skin-Burn
The Longing For The Good Olde Days Stomach-Churn
Suddenly The Lord Of Life Becomes Responsible 
For Not Forcibly Stopping You From Indulging 
In Disrespectful Disobedience And Ignoble Idolatry 
As Promulgated By That Spectre Of The Snake-Hiss Class 
Who Devilishly Desires Companions In The Corrupt-Yourself Cast 
Destined For Damnation's Destruction! 

Dear Ones, 

Honor Your Master-Maker By Making His Mission Your Meal! 

Accept That Almighty God's Word 
The Eternal God's Love Personified 


Our Re-Orienting The Letters In "NO!" 
Will Never Cause Them To Mean "Game: ON!" 
In The Infinite Sight Of The Glorious God 
Force Him To Bless 
What He Has Commanded To Be Constructively Cursed! 

Satan's Poison Will Never Change Its Nature 
Neither Will The Blessings Or Curses Of The Holy God! 

Please Let Us Remember This Day, Dear Ones
That There Is Nothing Profitable In Employing Sin 
To Manufacture Your Need To Be Felt Sensation! 

There Is Mileage In Exercising God-Guided Sense! 

Our Savior Sees! 


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Strobe Lights In The Darkness!

In The Field Called Earth
There Are Two Camps, Namely
Camp Sin Run By The Adversary Of Souls, Satan The Damned
Camp Salvation Run By The Savior Of Souls
Jesus Christ The King
The Hope Of Every Man! 

Everybody Entering The Field Called Earth
Born Into Camp Sin And Is By Nature Known To Be 
Is Called A Sinner! 

Nobody Has To Stay A Sinner 
With Birth Came Free-Will And Freedom To Choose 
The Right To Decamp Camp Sin 
Encamp With Camp Salvation 
Through The Gift Of Faith
Which Blesses One With The Unforced Opportunity 
To Became A Saint Of God And Christ 
As All In Camp Salvation Are Called! 


Remember The Garden Of Eden! 

There Is An Undercover Lover Who ... Hates You! 

In Camp Sin
Everything Is On The Down-Low 
While Appearing To Be On The Up 'n Up High! 

Everything In Camp Salvation 
In The Open, On Display
Available To Be Known 
It Is For Your Salvation! 

The Way Of Camp Sin 
Subterfuge Aka Deceit
Smoke And Mirrors
Strobe Lights In Darkness
The Diet That Double-Destroys! 

The Way Of Camp Salvation 
Truth And Right-Doing
Light, Beauty
Clean Water And Untainted Air
Teaching That Feeds
Feeding That Heals
Healing That Leads To Sealing! 

Neither Camp May Force Enlistment 
Each Camp May Enlist Camp-Changers! 

Dear Ones, 

Satan Is Your Enemy: 
Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve: 
Jesus Christ Knows Your Name And Your Frame! 


Monday, July 18, 2022

Love Provides A Harvest!


Never Ever Be Ashamed, Afraid, Or Adverse 
Towards Telling Those Whom Love And Care For, Or About
That You Love And Care For And About Them! 

Dear Ones, 

However Many Times We Must Touch Upon The Subject
Let Us Never Fear To Remind Ourselves That
Taking Up Residence In The Land Of Regret 
For Something That Could And Should Have Been Avoided 
For Something That Can And Should Be Avoided By Us 
At All Costs! 

Dear Ones, 

Pride, That Putrid-Colored, Vile To Embrace Emotion
Has Caused More Wars
Destroyed More Homes And Relationships
Separated Many Brethren From The Love Of God 
Than We May Ever Know, Understand, Accept, Or Believe! 

Let Us Today Remember That 
It Is Easy To Avoid The Big Elephant Coming Toward Us 
Awfully Hard To Avoid An Ant, A Mosquito, A Louse, And A Tick 
Whose Presence Is Usually Announced By Their Effects! 

May Almighty God Through Jesus Christ Our Lord 
Grant Us The Ability To See The Not-Obvious 
Recognize The Not-Apparent As We Yield Our Lives 
Our Will Over To His Safe-Keeping! 

Love Knows!
Love Shows
In The Matchless Name Of 
The Blessed-Forever Name Of The King Of Love
Jesus Christ Our Lord
Love ... Which Provides A Harvest ... Grows! 

Think On These Things! 


Sunday, July 17, 2022

Despising Our Own Splotchy Patch Of Almighty God's Goodness For ... Plastic Turf!?!


Oh, How I Pray For Us All That 
We Will Take Heed To The Living Word That 
Calls Us To Trust In And Walk By Faith With Our God Almighty 
Stop Trusting And Believing In Fables And Get Rich Quick Schemes! 

Dear Ones, 

The Elders Always Quoted This  Word: 
"The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side!" 
Which Contains Truth, Fact, Warning, And Encouragement! 

We May See Lush Green Grass On Someone's Side Of The Fence 
Covet Same 
While Despising Our Own Splotchy Patch Of Our God's Goodness 
Until We Realize ... By Bitter Experience ... That 
Our Neighbor's Luxury Yard Of Green Goodness 
Ain't Nothing But Plastic Turf 
Or Real Green Grass Acquired At Mind-Numbing Cost 
Through Unconscionable Sacrifice 
With Inordinate Expense To Maintain 


Their Designer-Cupboard Is Bare! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Great God Is The One Creator 
Who Is Our Soul's Sole Provider 
He Is Not A Man That He Should Lie
Nor The Son Of Man That He Should Change 
He Is Having A Bad Day! 

Almighty God Is
Because He Is
We Are ... Able To Trust Him 
We Are Ready And Willing To Believe That 
He Can Do All That He Has Promised 
By The Shedding Of His Own Precious 
Known-Innocent Can Never Be Guilty, Blood! 

The Lord Jesus Christ 
The  Strength Of Our Lives 
Because He Lives
We May Rest In His Love And Saving Grace 
Be Strengthened To Face 
Whatever Tomorrows He Permits Us To Face 
Under The Shelter Of His Wings! 


Be Encouraged For You Are Greatly Blessed: 
Trust In The Lord Jesus With All Your Strength! 


Saturday, July 16, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Prayer: Father, I Choose To Boast Of My Lord Christ!


Heavenly Father, 
I Come To You As A Child
Trusting You At Your Sovereign Word That 
You Will Train Me Up In The Way That I Should Go 
So That I Will Put Away Childish Things
Grow Up In Your Saving Grace 
So That Nothing That The Adversary Of My Soul Does
To Try And Turn Me Away From
The Path Of Righteousness 
Will Entice Me To Depart From The Light That 
Leads To Your Everlasting Life! 

I Come To You As An Eager Student
In The Eternity School Of My Lord Jesus 
Who, Alone, Saves 
I Ask You For The Eraser
To Clean The Tablet That Is My Heart
Of All Useless, Unprofitable, Ungodly Things 
Which Would Stunt My Growth
As A Child Of The Everlasting Father
The Prince Of Peace! 

In Saving Faith, Father 
I Beseech You For Your Writing Instrument That 
Will Burn The Truth Into My Heart Permanently 
So That My Thoughts Are Ever With You
My Words To My Brethren
Will Be The Wonderful Words Of Life! 

Father, I Choose To Boast Of My Lord Christ 
So I Come To You As A Willing Worker 
Desiring To Utilize A Space As A Worker In The Fields 
Which The Master Said Are Ripe For Harvest 
But For Which The Workers Are Few 
To Reap His White Wheat 
Bring That Goodly Harvest Home To His Barn! 

Father, My Hope Is In The Lord 
I Plead With You To Teach And Feed Me
Lead And Guide Me
Direct And Correct Me
Protect And Provide For Me
Commission And Accompany Me 
As I Seek To Do Your Holy Bidding
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name That 
I, Poor And Needy, Humbly Plead!