Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Oh, Jesus, I Have Promised ...!

A Favored Hymn From Childhood Days 
One Very Pertinent For Us Committed Christians 
During These Days Which Are Called Sin's Glory Days! 

"Oh, Jesus I Have Promised, To Serve Thee To The End!
Be Thou Forever Near Me, My Master And My Friend!
I Will Not Fear The Battle, If Thou Art By My Side
Nor Wander From The Pathway, If Thou Wilt Be My Guide!"


The Wicked Will Rage
The Ragers Will Fade 
Jesus Christ Is The King Eternal 
His Kingdom Will Stand Forever 
In The Peaceful, Joy-Filled, Glade! 

Let Us Remind Ourselves Time And Again That 
Those Who Are For Us 
Are More Than Those Who Are Against Us 


Never, Ever, Ever Forget That 
The Pleasures Of Sin Are But For A Season! 

Dear Ones, 

With Our Hands In Our Father's Hands By Faith And With Prayer
With Our Diligently Following In The Master's Foot-Prints
With Our Following The Word Of The Great King 
Through Seeing, Understanding, Accepting
Doing As He Gently Bids Us
Our Service To Our Lord Becomes A Way Of Life For Us 
Decidedly Keeps Us Out Of The Clutches Of Satan, King Fraud! 

Jesus Christ Is Above, Before, Behind, And Beside Us: 
Take The Word Of Jesus With You 
Stand With The Brave!


Monday, August 8, 2022

It Is Better Not To Know The Truth!?!

What Has And Is-Been The Curse Upon Your Family That
By Your Acknowledgement As A Committed Christian
Will At One And The Same Time 
Mark You As One Of "Them" By Outsiders 
As An Outsider By The Them With Whom You Are Known Family!?! 

Is It Envy, Greed, The Unforgiving Spirit
Being A Know-Nothing Know-It-All
Hatred Of Authority
Practiced Wickedness
Head's-Down Bum's-Up Aka Ostrich-Itis
Five-Finger Discounting Aka Thievery
Bring-A-Bone Carry-A-Bone Specializing Aka Gossiping
Or Gluttony
Which All Will Keep You Out Of The Glorious Kingdom!?! 

Beloved Believer, 

For Us To Leave Here 
To Go Over There To Be With Our Dear Savior 
"Forever And Ever, Amen!" 
We Must Do Some Serious Internal Housekeeping 
By The Grace Of The The Eternal God 


We Will Not Be Permitted To Glom On To That 
Carry-All Bag Of Self-Deception 
"It Is Better Not To Know The Truth!" 
Which Is Mainly Used As The Excuse To "Done" All Excuses: 

If I Know I Will Have To Change My Ways 
Or Do Something That I Don't Want To Do 
Or See Something That I Don't Want To Face 
Or Apologize For Something That I Prefer To Ignore 
Or Care About Something That I Rabidly Choose To Despise! 

Dear Ones, 

Just As Babies Have Tummy-Time To Strengthen Their Core
We Christians Need To Use Mirror-Time 
For More Than Self-Adoration! 

Dare To Make Wrong Things Right!  


Sunday, August 7, 2022

With Confidence And In Humility, Depend On The Lord!


Despite The Challenges We Daily Face
Let Us Approach Our Great God In Prayer 
With Humility, Confidence, And Dependence! 

In Humility 
You Are In The Holy Presence Of The Eternal And Sovereign God! 

In Confidence 
You Know That Your God Is Real 
Is Well Able To Provide 
For He Is Our Creator And Our Re-Creator
Our Redeemer-God
Our Deliverer
The Lord Of Life! 

In Dependence 
We Know That He Knows That We Need Him Who Made Us
We Know That He Loves Us Personally, Sacrificially, Eternally
Desires Our Salvation
Our Healing
Our Cleansing


We Truly Believe That 
He Will Do All That He Has Promised To Do For Us 
By His Death, Burial, Resurrection
Ascension To His Father's House As The Conquering King! 

Dear Ones, 

The Only Guarantees Of 
Goodness And Grace And Glory In This Life 
Are In The Word Of Christ The King Who Gives Us Liberty! 

Let Us This Day Bow Before The Lord With Love
In Humility
Expressing Need, Gratitude, Giving Thanks, And Praise
Believing And Trusting Almighty God 
In The Name Of Our Blessed Jesus
Finish It All With A Glad 
"AMEN! - So Let It Be!" 

Our King Is Coming: 
Get Ready 
Stay Vigilant Against Deceitful Snakes
Roaring Lions
Fearsome Dragons! 

Look To Jesus Christ 
The Living, Holy, Light Of Life That 
Leads To Eternal Life! 


Saturday, August 6, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: PRAYER: Father, We Take Our Humble Position In Your Holy Presence!


Sorrows Are Abounding
Our Hearts Are Seemingly Floundering
On The Temptuous Sea Of Circumstance 
Like A Leaking Vessel Overloaded And Tormented 
By The Angry And Cruel Waves Of Regret
If Only, Why Me, And Where Are You, Lord!?! 

We Take Our Humble Position In Your Holy Presence 
As Members Of The Household Of Faith
Faithful, Obedient, Enduring, Hoping
Ever Remembering What You Did For Us Yesterday
What You Are Doing Today
- Most Of Which We Will Never Know About In This Life -
We Lean, Strong In Your Word
On Your Blood-Bought Promises Of
A Grand And Glorious Tomorrow 
As We Choose By Saving Grace To Trust You
Our Creator, Savior, Sustainer, Maintainer, Redeemer
Lord, God, Kind King, And Forever Faithful Friend! 

Please Help Us To Remain Steadfast, Strong
Very Courageous
Knowing That Your Blessings Cannot Fail
That You Are The Good Shepherd Always On Duty And Vigilant
That Your Refuge For Us Is Guarded By Your Holy Angels Invincible
Knowing That We Are Safe In Your Secret Place Of Prayer 
Where All Is Well
Will Be Well With Our Purchased-From-Sin Souls! 

Please Help Us To Faithfully See To
The Care And Keeping Our Own Souls 
So That We Will Be Overcomers Of Self And Sin
Hear You Say In The Glad Day:
"Welcome Home, My Child
My Good And Faithful Servant!" 

Please Speak Peace Over Us, Lord
We Love And Worship You!

Friday, August 5, 2022


Our Today Behaviors Will Impact Our Tomorrow Outcomes 
There Is Nothing That Is Done Today 
Which Will Change What Transpired Yesterday! 


As Says The Scripture
Where There Is Life, There Is Hope 
So, Obviously, We Who Are Alive 
Should Take Pleasure In Living Our Lives With Hope
The Blessed Hope
Our Can't-Fail Hope In The Lord Jesus Christ 
Who Shall Come The Second Time In Blazing Glory 
As King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords 
To Receive Unto Himself 
All Who By Sacrifice Have Made Him Their Everlasting Portion! 

Dear Ones, 

Every Now-Alive Person 
Given One Day Aka Today, To Live Today: 
Tomorrow Is Not Promised To Any Created Being! 

We Are Given Today To See For Ourselves What Sin Is 
What Sin Does 
The Opportunity To Choose Salvation Aka Life In Christ 
Which Offers To Us The Better Way To Live Now 
Eternal Guarantees Of Everlasting Life 
Unsurpassed Glory In The Land Of No Night 
Where All Is Peace, Love, And Joy! 

We Are Not To Live Like Heathens And Dumb Animals 
Who Have No Hope! 

Our Hope Is In Our Lord God Jesus Christ 
Who Gently Calls Us 
Warmly Invites Us To Believe Him At His Word 
Choose To Enter The Haven Of Rest! 


No One But You May Make Your Eternal Decision For You: 
Keep Hope Alive 
Live For Jesus Who, Alone, Saves And Seals Us 
By His Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Us Into All Truth! 
Hope In God! 


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Instant Justice!?! + PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, For The Blessings That Give Forever!

Never Get Comfortable In Or With Sin! 


Think For A Moment Of What Our Lives Would Be Like 
Our Savior Dear Dispensed Instant Justice - No Mercy - 
For Every Unchristian, Unholy, Unauthorized Thing That We Did 
Consider Where You Would Be 
Given Your Checkered Personal History! 

Also, Think About What Your Life Would Be Like 
"Do To Others What You Want Them To Do Unto You!" 
Was Instantly Activated In All Facets Of Your Life 
Given Your Present Attitude, Outlook
Personal Practice! 

Dear Ones, 

Aren't You Glad That We Have The Savior
Our Blessed Jesus
Who Is Touched By The Feelings Of Our Infirmities 
He Knows The Weight We Carry 
Because Of 
Sin Inherited From Our Fore-Parents Adam And Eve!?! 


We Give You Thanks And Praise 
For The Privilege Of Praying To You
The Holy God Who Has Given Unto Us
The Blessed Gifts Of Confession And Repentance
The Hedge Of Protection That Is
The Ten Commandments
The Promises Of The Beatitudes
The Blessings That Give Forever! 

Please Help Us To Choose The Way Of The Cross 
To Choose To Cross The Road  To The Other Side
When We See Known-Sin Approaching! 

Please Help Us To Do Good Because It Is Right
To Love Others As We Love Ourselves
Willingly Do All For The Love Of Jesus Christ
Our Savior, Lord, God
Soon Returning King!

Peace, Beloved!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

What Comes Out Of Us Is What Is Already In Us!

How Stunning!
Being Polite 
Treating People How You Desire To Be Treated 
Now Considered Unbelievable, Amazing
A Pleasure To Behold! 

How Can This Be Possible 
If We, As Committed Christians, Are Walking In The Light That 
Leads To Eternal Life!?! 


Is It Possible To Discern From Your Words And Your Deeds That 
You Are A Member Of The Pilgrim Band 
On The Narrow Way On The King's Highway 
In This Vale Of Tears!?! 

Harsh Words
Faces Rendered Ugly By Internal Conflict
Rage, Envy, Hatred
Greed, Insincerity, Unkindness
Other Ungodly Thoughts 
Are Causing Our Conversations And Actions 
To Be Harsh, Cruel, And Unprofitable! 

Dear Ones, 

Remember, Remember, Don't Ever Forget That 
What Comes Out Of Us 
What Is Already In Us 
It Is What Comes Out Of Us That Defiles Us! 

Again, There Is No Law That 
Able To Stand Against A Meek And Gentle Spirit! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Choose To Be Soft-Spoken 
When Loud And Aggressive Persons Berate You! 

Choose To Be Soft-Spoken, Gentle, Kind
Loving To Whomever, Whenever, And Wherever 
You Do Not Know If Your Voice 
Going To Be The Last Kind And Tender Voice That 
Some Dear Soul May Hear Before They Depart This Life! 

Kindness Is Not Weakness! 
Kindness Always, Always, Pays Dividends! 

Set-Aside Self: 
Please Be Kind! 


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Servers Will Get Served: Sow And Show Mercy!

Life Is Amazing! 

Can You Imagine Being A Person 
Who Acts Like Judge, Jury
Executioner Against Anyone That 
You Feel Has Not Given You The Requisite Hat Off
Ring Kiss
Great-Toe Lick You Know That You Deserve 
You Are King This, Queen That
Doctor See Me, Or Lawyer Give Me!?! 


Behold King Saul
King Ahab And His Wife, Wicked Queen Jezebel
Jezebel's Apple Don't Fall Far From The Tree Daughter
Queen Athaliah 
Consider The Lives That They  Embittered 
Ultimately Ruined By Deceit And Deviltry 
They Didn't Keep Mercy At Home In Their Hearts!  

When You Set Yourself Up To Be "God Of All" 
When You're Nothing But A Non-Paying Tenant 
On The Lord's Beautiful Though Despoiled Blue Ball Aka Earth
You Never Have Reason To Believe That 
You, Yourself, Will Be Eventually Judged 
Will Undoubtedly Cry Out For ... Mercy! 

Dear Ones, 

We Will All Do Well To Remember The Adage: 

"Do What You Want Done To You!" 

The Only Being Having No Cause To Receive Mercy 
He Who Is The Merciful God 
The Judge Of All Flesh

And Therefore

We Should Stop Thinking That We Are The Cat's Meow 
Realize That Givers Will Eventually Be Receivers 
Aka Servers Will Get Served! 

Please Be Very Careful 
About What You Dare To Do To Others! 

Our Lord Jesus Sees, Hears
Knows All Things! 

Judgment Day Is Up Ahead: 
Sow And Show Mercy ... Now! 


Monday, August 1, 2022

Contented With Or Contemptuous Of ... The Lord Of Life!?!

Have You Ever, By Will Or By Accident
"Mistaken" The Words Content And Contempt!?! 

Have You Ever Neglected To Be Contented 
With What The Good Lord In Mercy Has Provided For You
Even If It Is Biscuits Aka Crackers 
And Not Your Favored Raisin Bread With Pretend-Chicken Salad 
And By So Doing
Shown Contempt For Almighty God!?! 


The Air Of Discontent Is Perfuming The Atmosphere 
Infecting People 
With The Attitude Even Unto The Character Of Contempt 
Which Causes Many To "Show" Themselves As "God" 
And Thus 
Captain Of Their Own Ship 
Master Of The Winds Of Strife 
The Unstable Waves Of Life 
Driven And Tossed By Said Winds Which Have No Destination 
Predetermined By Finite, Frail, And Fragile Man! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us This Day Disabuse Ourselves Of 
The Fallacious Aka False "Knowledge" That 
We May Hold The Eternal God In Contempt
As A Being Of No Value
Escape Unscathed! 

Jesus Christ Is Almighty God In Flesh 
We Are Because He Is 
We Are Fed Because He, In Love, Provides! 

May We Consider 
Find Satisfaction, Rest, And Refreshing In Knowing That 
All That We Have ... And Are
Our Blessed Jesus Provides! 

Please Hold Sin ... And Self ... In Contempt 
Not Our Dear Savior Jesus
By Whom We Live And Breathe And Prosper
For Whom We Should Live To Honor, Worship, And Serve! 


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Know The Way And Employ The Meek And Gentle Spirit!

Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Only Savior, Redeemer, Friend
King, Lord, And Holy God
Told Us That Our Love For And Obedience To His Will 
To Walk In His Perfect Way 
Would Incur For Us The Malice, Hatred, And Wrath Of 
The Worldly-Wise Unmoved By The Holy Spirit's Call 
To Free-To-All Salvation! 

Our Lord Also Told Us Not To Be Dismayed 
He, Himself ... Divinity Clothed In Humanity 
Walking In Humility
Had Overcome The World For Us! 


We Will Be Called To Endure As Jesus Christ Endured
We Will Be Equipped To Endure And Overcome 
As He Endured And Overcame The Malice, Cruelty
Unkindness, Torment, Torture
Deprivation, Denial, Dismissal, Disrespect
Denigration Of The Masses 
By Employing The Meek And Gentle Spirit 
- Against Which There Is No Law -
Praying To The Father Without Ceasing
Working Whilst It Was Yet Day
Walking In The Will And Way Of The Father Of The Faithful
Unwavering Obedience Unto Death! 

Dear Ones, 

Jesus Christ's Mission To Mankind For Mankind's Blessing 
Was Successful 
He Knew The Plan
Stuck To The Plan
Worked The Steps Of The Plan 
The Foundation Upon Which He Walked 
Stood Sure And Secure On The Ancient Of Days! 

Do You Know Of
Remember Why
Recognize That
Walk Wisely In
Work Diligently On
Watch Untiringly For The Plan's Unfolding 
While Being Readied For Your Part In Its Finishing!?! 

Let's Repair To Prayer 
Let The Good Book Be Our Guide! 
Look Up! 


Saturday, July 30, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH : There Is An Elevator In Endurance!

There Is No Point To Pride
No Satisfaction In Sin
Nothing Graceful About Greed! 

There Is A Mattress In Mercy
A Pillow In Peace! 

There Is An Object In Obedience
An Elevator in Endurance! 

There Is A Push In Perseverance
Amazing Love In Following The Lord
Worth In Walking Wisely! 

There Is Power That Comes 
From Praising Him Who Calls Us To His Side
We Are Blessed Beyond All Measuring 
When We Walk In The Way That 
Leads To His Eternal Life! 

There Is A Train In Truth 
So Get On Board To Avoid Damnation's Gloriless Horde! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lord Jesus Saves Us One By One 
So Do Not Follow The Loud-Mouthed 
So-Called Powerful 
Known Wayward, Winsome, Wicked, And Wild 
Just Because You Want Things! 

The Loud-Mouthed Will Have Nothing To Say
The Powerful Will Be Powerless 
In The Wondrous Presence Of Our Glorious King
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

Choose Wisely: 
Early, And In Earnest, Seek The Savior! 


Friday, July 29, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + GRATITUDE: Let Your Tongue Be A Ready Writer!


How Often Have We ... In The Euphoria Of Blessings Received
Chosen To Do A Show And Tell Of The Things We Have Gotten 
Have Totally Forgotten
Ignored, Disregarded, Or Dismissed 
The Grace, Mercy, Love
Kindness Of The Giver Of All Our Good Gifts!?! 

Where Is Our Gratitude!?! 

Do We Not Realize That If Our God Took Offense 
At Our Graceless Oversights, And Downright Devilish 
"I Deserve This!" Attitude, That 
He Could Take Away Our Pride And Joy 
Leave Us Useless, Homeless, Penniless
Powerless For Our Boldly Base Behavior!?! 

One Leper Out Of Ten 
Knew And Truly Understood Where His Blessing Came From 
Turned Back To The Master To Give Him
To Give Almighty God
Real Praise! 

Good King Hezekiah
After He Was Raised Up From His For-Sure Death-Bed
Instead Of Telling The Babylonian Strangers 
Inquiring About His Blessings That 
It Was The True And Living Holy God 
Who Blessed And Kept Him And His Nation
He Showed Them His Things! 

After They Left To Return To Their Nation
The Sentence Came From God
- Through The Prophet Isaiah - 
That All That The Babylonians Had Seen 
Would Follow Them To Their Homeland! 

Dear Ones, 

Be Wise! 

The Lord Of Life Giveth 
The Lord Calling Us Home To Himself Taketh Away 
So Let A Thankful Heart Keep Your Bountiful Blessings On You 
In Your Home! 

Give Almighty God His Owed ... And Deserved ...  Praise: 
Let Your Tongue Be A Ready Writer! 


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Sin ... The Gussied-Up Porker

Sin Is Criminal 
But It Is Not Justifiable ... In The Eyes Of Almighty God! 

Sin Can Be Accidental 
But It Is In Our Best Interests 
To Decidedly Consider Its Embrace To Be Suicidal! 


No Christian Truly Trusting The Faithful Holy One
Will Ever Consider The Journey To Jesus And Joy 
To Be A Suicide Mission
A Mission Of No Return
Deftly Decide To Have A Last Ditch Hurrah Blithely Sinning!

To Do Such Would Be To Give The Devil 
His Dastardly And Destructive Desire: 
We Can't Afford The Fall-Out 
For The Dues Are Usurious! 

Dear Ones, 

No Matter How Many Times You Wash A Porker
No Matter How Expensive The Pearls
Or How Rare The Perfume
A Gussied-Up Porker 
Will Always Be A Wallow In The Mud Besmirched Hog!

If We Do Not See Sin Through The Eyes Of Our Savior
Sin Will Always Be Enticing
Worth Following
Worth Excusing
Worth Our Wholehearted Participation! 

Let Us, Instead, Look To Jesus Christ
The Author And Finisher Of Our Faith 
Who Died To Rid Us Of Sin
And Ever Lives To Have Us 
- Cleansed And Forgiven - 
Ride Home To Be With Him! 

Let's See Sin 
Walk On By On The Other Side Of The Road 
To Stand Where Salvation Is Stationed 
Tenderly Calling To Us! 

Please Pray For Power ... And Press On To Glory! 

Jesus Saves Us From Sin: 
Walk In Accord With Him! 


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Walk, Work, And Watch In Obedience!

The To-Christ Order Of Operations: 
What To Do First! 
Do We Behave And Then Believe, Or Vice Versa!?! 

Our Holy Bible Tells Us That 
All Who Come To God Must Believe That 
He Is God And A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek Him! 

Simply Put:

"If We: Then He!" 

Put Another Way
If We Confess Our Sins
Then He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins 
To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness! 

Dear Ones, 

On Your First Day At Your New Job That 
You Chose 
Was Accepted For
You Do Not Receive Your Future To-Be-Regular Paycheck 
Plus Overtime
And Bonus
And Travel And Entertainment Allowance! 

Only Performance Pays Off! 

Our Savior Dear Is Able To Say "If We" 
He Already Did The Necessary To Grant Us Free 
Open Access To The Throne Of Grace
So We Must Know Who We Are Without Christ: Sinners Damned
Who We Are In Christ: Sinners Saved Aka Saints Of God And Christ
The Requirements 
To Be Able To Wear The White Robe Of His Righteousness! 

In Order To Have ACR-A Clean Record Next To Our Name
We Must Accept The Offered Gift Of Salvation
Confess Our Known Sin
Repent Of The Evil
Walk, Work, And Watch In Obedience! 

The Humility Of Worked Faith Keeps Us On The Way! 
Overcomers Are Faith-Working Believers! 
Never Forget It! 
