Friday, August 26, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Don't Join Satan's Circus!

Your Father Is The King Of Glory! 
You Are Away, On His Footstool, To Attend School! 
Your Teacher At The School Of Hard Knocks Academy 
Gives You A Supply List 
Which Requires You To Bring Extras! 

Your Father The King, The God Alone Who Is Wise
Gives You Custom-Made Everything 
Which Has Your Name 
The Deep Impress Of His Character On Your Supplies 
For Your Use! 

Your "Teacher" At Hard-Knocks Assured Academy, MeSa Tan
Writes A Nasty-Gram 
After Having Dragged You Over The Coals For Being Selfish 
Wanting Everything To Be About You! 

Your Good Stuff Would Have Gone Into A Pool 
To Be "Redistributed" To Other Class-Members 
Guaranteeing That You Would Never Get
What Your Father Provided For Your Personal Use! 

You Would Then Have To Be "Satisfied" With Cheap Knock-Offs 
"Officially Sanctioned" Dupes 
Which Would Never Stand Up During The Testing Time 
Or The Final Examination! 


Be Wise! 
Never, Ever, Permit The Gifts That Your Father Has Given To You 
To Leave Your Hands To Gain The Approval Of 
"The Everybody Gets A Participation Trophy 
For Being Present Even When They Choose To Do Wrong 
By Refusing To Do Right 
No One Should Feel Bad About Feeling Bad For Doing Badly Confederacy!" 

Dear Ones, 

Keep What Your Father Gave You 
No Matter The Pressure Applied 
Choose To Tell Others 
How To Get Adopted By Your Father 
To Get Their Own Supply Of What You've Got! 

Don't Join Satan's Circus 
Don't Be Satan's Clown! 


Thursday, August 25, 2022

There Is No Hiding Place Down Here!

"The Benefits Of Breaking The Law 
Are Greater Than The Cost Of Breaking The Law!" 

This "Ideal" Could Only Have Come From 
The Black Heart Of Satan The Damned! 


You Of The Band Of The Blessed And The Brave
Know That There Is No Benefit To Wrong-Doing
No Profit In Sin
No Happily Ever After For Framing Up The Backside 
In Opposition To The Holy God! 

All Of Us Are Called To Be Holy 
Even As Our Father In Heaven Is Holy! 

We, As Committed To Christ Christians
Are Not To Allow Ourselves To Be Charmed 
By The Means, The Methods, Or The Madness Of The Worldly-Wise 
Who Would Convince Themselves That 
"Do What Thou Wilt Is The Whole Of The Law!" 
a La Satan! 

Satan Has Nothing To Lose 
By Encouraging Us To Break The Law 
For So-Called Aka Perceived Gain! 

We, Christ-Followers, Have Everything To Lose 
By Accepting This Presumption By Assumption! 

Dear Ones, 

The "Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Our Safe-Guard
Our Yard-Stick
Our Walking-Stick
Our Pointy Stick
Our Sticking-Point 
When Dared, Encouraged, Or Enticed 
To Belly-Up To Some Psychedelic Hog-Trough 
Supposedly Filled With Gotta Have It 
Can't Live Without It "Goodies" From 
The False God And His Minions On This Earth! 

Please Let Us Today Choose To Choose Nourishing Food 
Not Imbibe Well-Dressed Poison! 

Law-Breaking Always Costs 
Law-Breakers Always Pay Physically
Financially, Emotionally, And Spiritually! 
Never Doubt It! 

Be Wise And Not Lawless 
There Is No Hiding From The Living Holy God 
Who Always Sees Us! 


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

We Now Have The Opportunity To Do Love!

Amazing Grace For Us 
Comes From The Heart Of Abiding Love Toward Us! 


Even Though Our Human Known Carnal Hearts 
Are Toward Committing Evil Continually
The King Of Love 
- Who Is Our Only Shepherd And Savior - 
Freely Decided To Give To Us The Way
The Opportunity To  Know, Experience
Do Love Right! 

Not One Of Us In Our Right Minds
Having Been With The Lord Christ
Will Choose To Be Unlovely Aka Ugly
Unloving, Unkind, Or Uncaring! 

Jesus Christ Is The Perfect Example Of Love! 
He Is Love Personified 
Will Not Reject Any Of Us Who Choose To Find A Home 
Under His Banner Of Love! 

To Know Jesus Is To Love Jesus 
To Love Jesus Is To Love Our Brethren 
- As We Love Ourselves - 
By Blood, By Faith, By Affection
By Reason Of The Fact That 
They Are Created By The God Who Sees, Feels, Hears
Sees Every Single Thing That We Think, Say, And Do! 

Dear Ones, 

Without Our Blessed Lord's Amazing Grace And Abiding Love
We Would Not Exist! 

We Now Have The Opportunity To Do Love 
To Stand Firm In The Unfailing Faith That 
Jesus Christ Daily Gives To Us To Be ... For Him! 

Please Do Not Permit The Damned One 
To Encourage You To Scorn Your Daily Blessings 
From The Eternal One God 
Who Gives Grace Aka Favor Aka Power! 

Please Let Love Abide With You 
Dare To Abundantly Share It With Others!  


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Don't Work For PIG-Corp.!


We Are To Work Until Jesus Christ Comes! 
Everything That We Do Should Be Done To The Glory Of God! 

With This Said
With The Elders Having Persistently Warned Us That 
The Devil Finds Work For Idle Hands
We Cannot, Therefore, Sit Around Engaged In Idleness
Eating Like Food Is Going Out Of Style
Puffing Up Our Over-Stuffed Stomachs With Satanic Pride
Feel Pleased With Our Non-Accomplishments! 
How Special! 


Be Wise! 
Be Vigilant! 
Be Circumspect! 

Please Don't Go To Work For PIG-Corp.! 

Pride, Idleness, And Gluttony Are Nothing To Embrace
Brag About
Or Espouse!  

The Lord, In Mercy Upon Us Over Our Wretched Estate
Gave Unto Us The Blessed Gift Of Work! 

Please Do Not Let Us Play Word Games 
Make The Living Word Of The Eternal God A Lie 
By Saying That Whatever We Find To Do
We Should Do It With All Of Our Might! 

Our Saving Work
Our Honest Labor
That Which The Lord Will Bless NQA 
Aka No Questions Asked! 

Rahab Started Her Career As A Harlot: 
She Restarted It As A Servant Of God 
Ended It As The Ancestor Of Our Own King Jesus! 

Pharisee Saul Was A Murderer 
Who Became The Apostle Paul
A Prolific Writer, Preacher, Teacher
Ultimate Martyr For Jesus! 

Christians Are Called Servants Of Christ: 
How Are You Serving Your Lord Today!?! 

We May Be Proud Of Our "Pleasant" Work 
Will Our Savior, The King Of Glory
The Judge Of All Flesh
Be Pleased!?! 

Let's Seriously Think About It! 


Monday, August 22, 2022

DENY THE LIAR: Don't Ever Be Presumptuous!


Please Do Not Be Presumptuous! 

You Are Not Called To Be Yourself! 
You, Me, We Are All Called To Be Like Jesus Christ! 

Don't Sit ... Don't Stand ... And Boldly Say: 
This Is Who I Am! 
I'm Changing For No Man! 

Are You Not Aware That 
When One Is In The Godly Relationship That
For Love, Not Fame, Fashion, Or Favor
Grace Causes One To Change 
So That Love Is A Sweet-Smelling Savor
For Joy, For Peace ... For Sweet Release!?! 

Do You Not Know
How Can You Not Understand That
To Be In A Committed Relationship With The Son Of God
The Son Of Man
You Come As You Are
That Way You May Not Stay!?! 

Love Works! 
Love Worked! 
Love Is Working So Love Cannot Permit The Beloved 
To Remain Unclean: 
Holy Is The Lord Most High! 

To Be Like Him
We Must Self, Sin, And Satan Deny! 

We Must Cling To Truth With New Washed Hands 
If It Is Our Heart's Desire To Enter ... By Right
The Blessed, The Beautiful, Beulah Land! 

Justification Is Instant Change! 
Sanctification Is Continual Changing! 
Glorification Is Instantaneous Change
None Of These Can We Do For Ourselves! 

Since We Are Living To Love The Lord
We Must Let The Love Of God Abide In Us 
Or Else In The Great Day Of Small Things
We Shall Be Like Him Who Saw Heavenly Love 
Through Self-Serving Eyes! 

That One Shall Surely Cry And Die! 

Dear Ones, 

Let's Do Right 
The Father Liar's Lies Defy 
It Is Home With Christ Jesus That 
We Choose, By Appointment, To Fly! 


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Blessings Flow: Almighty God Knows!


Sowers Reap! 
Givers Get! 


There Is An Old Saying Ever New Which Says That 
If You Sell All That You Have
Then You Must Buy All That You Need! 

We Used To Call People Stingy For Having Abundance 
Never Wanting To Share
Now It's Called Looking Out For Number One! 

We Could All Learn A Lesson From Old Ms. Bee 
Who Had A Wonderful Mango Tree 
Which Bore Really Small But Extremely Sweet  Fruit! 

Every Mango Season 
Ms. Bee Would Give Out Free Bags Of Mangoes To The Neighbors 
Everybody Knew That After That 
You Would Have To Buy What You Wanted: 
Ms. Bee Always Gave Extra When You Bought Mangoes! 

Ms. Bee Also Never Had A Problem 
Getting Anybody To Run Errands For Her! 

Dear Ones, 

If You Want A Friend
Be A Friend! 

If You Want To Know A Subject Better
Teach Aka Share What You Know! 

If You Want A Blessed Harvest Of Abundance
Be Very Careful Of The Seed That 
You Choose To Plant And Nurture
Make Sure, By The Grace Of The Eternal God, That 
Your Plantings Are Such As Will Be Blessed Of The Lord 
Will Not Only Benefit You
Will Also Bless And Benefit Others! 

Flowers Grow And Show! 
Character Grows And Shows! Blessings Flow: 
Almighty God Knows! 

Give And Gather! 


Saturday, August 20, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Father Gives: Let Praise Be What You Do!


The Father Gives! 
Jesus Christ Provides! 
The Holy Spirit Reveals! 

And Thee, Oh, Man Of Flesh
What Dost Thou Do!?! 

Every Saint Of God And Christ
Comforted And Taught Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Daily Protected By The Holy Angels
Those Beings Of Excellent Strength
Should Have A Song Of Praise And Thanks 
Ringing In The Portals Of Heaven Through And Through! 

Are You A Sinner ... Saved!?! 
A Child ... Loved!?! 
A Student ... Taught!?! 
A Servant ... Employed!?! 
A Saint ... Sanctifying
Going From Death To Life
From Lying To Truth By Grace
With Mercy
For Love
With Light
Eating Good Food ... Truth Satisfying
Drinking The Water Of Life From The One Without Guile
The Lord Of Life ... No Denying!?! 

Then Raise The Song! 
Sing The Song! 
Let Your Heart's Song Fill The Air! 
Let Your Light From Almighty God Shine! 
Let Your Love For The Eternal God Be Everywhere! 
Let Your Faith In The Glorious God Testify
Daily Do A Damage Against The Adversary Of Your Soul: 
See To It That You Make The Devil Cry! 

Let The Spirit Of The Lord In You Rise
Our Great And Giving God Graciously, Thankfully
Joyfully Glorify! 

Let Praise Be What You Do 
Jesus Christ Willingly Died To Personally Save You
Me, Too! 


Friday, August 19, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Read The Word With Wisdom And Understanding!


We Have To Dare And Choose To Read The Living Word
With Wisdom And Understanding 
So That The Knowledge Which We Receive Will Bless Us
By Our Desire To Serve Our Lord With Love And Faithfulness
Bless Others! 

How Often Have We Read The Words Of John 12:26
Have Only Accepted Two Things: 
"If Any Man Serve Me
... He Will Be With Me 
... Him Will My Father Honor!?!" 

How Often Have We Ignored The Fact That 
We Are The Lord's Servants 
We Are To Follow Him Where He Leads
As He Leads!?! 

The City Of God Whereto We Are Being Led
Also The City Of Life, Love, Gold, Beauty, Abundance
The Craved Joy And Perpetual Peace! 

Why Then, Dear Ones
If We Have Jesus Who Is Our Everything
Who Will Give To Us All Things
Are We Choosing To Follow The Famous, Fabulous
Known-Foolish Greedy Ministers Of 
The Other Gospel Of Another Jesus 
Who Preach Unrestricted Prosperity Now
Ungodly Power Here
Unrestrained Passion Anyhow!?! 

Let's Choose To Learn From The Lesson Of 
The Rich Young Ruler 
Who Turned Away From The Eternity Of Bliss 
To, Instead, Love-Up His Money-Bags 
Despise His Brethren Of The Poor-Man Class 
Whose Care By Him, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
Would Have Blessed Him For All Eternity! 

Let's Not Get Ahead Of Ourselves 
Or Be Beside Ourselves! 

We Need Our Lord Jesus 
To Get To The Father 
To Be Honored By The Father! 

Self-Serving Is Satanic! 

The Sure Pay-Day 
Comes After The Honest Work-Day! 

Let's Humbly Follow Our Jesus ... In Love! 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Free For The Taking!

Do You Possess The Whole Armor Of Almighty God!?! 
Are You Presently And Continually Caught Wearing It Publicly!?! 

Do You Pray The Promises Of The Faithful, Giving
Blessing, Forgiving, Holy God
Meditate Upon The Eternal Word
Searching And Digging As Though You Are Seeking Hidden Treasure!?! 

Are You Seeking To Go Deeper With The Eternal God!?! 

If Your Answer Is A Definitive "Yes!" 
"I Am Trying By The Father's Great Grace
And I Am Requesting The Always Available Heavenly Help!" 
Then Heaven's Storehouse Has
Another Amazing Blessing Available To Gift To You!

Free For The Taking
From The Inexhaustible Supply
Available Today Only
(Tomorrow Is Not Promised To Anyone) Are: 

Uplifting Thoughts: 
Looking Unto Jesus! 

Elevated Aspirations: 
Heading To The Heavenly City! 

... And ... 

Unclouded Perceptions
Living Truth And Christian Duty: 
Sight, Understanding,  Recognition! 

No One Is Too Young! 
No One Is Too Old! 
All Are Welcome! 
No One Is Turned Away! 

Come Boldly To The Throne Of  Grace
You Shall Not Be Turned Away! 

You Are Welcome At Any Time
In Any Condition
In Any Attire Or None
You Are Welcome Everyday
Aka Today
Tomorrow's Sun Never Rises! 

Come, And You Will A Sure Blessing Receive!

Receive ... And Be Eternally Blessed!


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Don't Become An Unprofitable Servant!


I Don't Know About You
I Have No Desire To Hear The Lord Call Me An Unprofitable Servant 
So I Am Determined ... By Almighty God's Saving Grace
Not To Anymore Indulge In Any Habit, Practice, Pursuit 
Which Will Not Glean For Me Some Type Of Eternal Profit! 

Think About It! 

Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Gossiping
Backbiting, Gainsaying, Doubting
Defiance, Whoremongering, Idolatry
Distrusting The Lord Christ Will Not Give Me Any Profit 
Aka Interest To Give To Our Lord Christ 
Who Entrusted Me To Handle His Property 
When He Returned To Our Father's House Of Love 
After The Most Expensive Shopping Trip 
Aka Rescue Mission In History! 

Dear Ones, 

As In All Things, We Have Free-Will And Freedom To Choose! 

We May Decide To Do Nothing 
Consort With The Careless Who Don't See Anything Profitable 
In Emulating Jesus Christ Our Savior
The Hope Of Every Man! 

We May Also Choose To Use The Lord's Property
His Talents
His Gifts Given To Us 
In A Manner Sure To Get Gain For Our Master
- Which Also Means Ourselves - 
Which Will Gain For Us The 

"Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant! 
Enter Into The Joy Of Your Lord!" 

I Sincerely  Beseech Us All
Dare And Do Good! 
Choose To Live Right! 
Determine To Humbly Serve The Lord 
Gratefully Bless Almighty God! 

May The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
Continue To Guide Us On The Holy Way! 


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Stop Chasing Perfection Of The Man-Made Sort!


It Must Be Said: 
We Really Need To Stop Chasing Perfection Of The Man-Made Sort 
Pleasure Derived By Ungodly Means
Prominence To Be Seen And Heard And Cooed Over
Start Studiously Seeking The Savior 
Who Sanctifies Aka Sets Us Apart
Seals And Secures Us To Be Able To Stand Before Him 
In The Heavenly Sanctuary! 

There Is No Profit In Pride! 

Man's Approval Isn't The Same As The Lord's 
Man's Arm Is A Poor Weapon In Battle! 


Self-Serving Sinners May Become Working Saints 
Be Saved 
Serving Saints Who Again Become Willing Sinners 
Seeking All-About-Me Success And Temporal Security 
Will Assuredly Be Damned! 

Dear Ones, 

Anyone May Make A Mistake 
When A Mistake Becomes A Deliberate 
Turns Into A Way Of Life
That Is When It Shall Be Said: 
"Christian, We Have A Problem!" 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Allow The Prideful Idea Of Self-Made 
To Become Your Ideal 
Turn You Into A Cast-Off Cast-Away From The City Of God! 

Pretty Isn't Always Beautiful
Pleasure Isn't Always Sweet
Prominence Isn't Ever Perfection!

Every Man After The Eternal God Should Avidly Seek! 

Our Perfection Comes From Jesus Christ The Lord, Our King! 


Monday, August 15, 2022

Don't Indulge The Mentality Of The "Heard!"

There Is A Road Called The Way Home 
Which Is Divided Into Three Parts! 

If The Blessed-Forever Children Of The True And Living God 
Stay In The Middle Of The Road
They Will Be Confidently Walking In The Truth Of Him Who 
The Word Of God
The Open Door! 

If We Stray To The Right Of Center
We Will Find And Will Be Following Contradiction 
Be Tied Up In Satan's "Nots" 
Which Are Only Severable By The Sword Of The Savior 
Aka The Word Who Is The Truth! 

If We Stray To The Left Of Center
We Will Be Found To Be Following Error 
Aka "Truth" With Black Dots 
Which Says A Lot Of Nothing And Gives Most People The Hots! 


Are You On The Road!?! 

Do You Know What You Are Following, And Why!?! 

Which Do You Love
Or Are In Love With
Or Are Excited By 
Are With Conviction Sharing: 
Truth, Error, Or Contradiction!?! 

Would It Even Bother You If You Found Out That 
You Are Not Now Following The Truth!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The Holy Spirit 
Available And Ever Ready To Lead Us
Lead You
Lead Me
Into All Truth ... No Gaps! 

Let Us This Day Choose To Be Wise For Our Selves
For Our Own Soul's Salvation
Let The Holy Spirit Do His Saving Work In And On Us! 

Don't Indulge The Mentality Of The "Heard:"
Know The Truth 
Do What Is Right! 
The Eternity Of Peace Is Up Ahead! 


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Enjoying The Patience Of Almighty God!?!

We Serve The Amazing God! 


Consider, If You Will
What It Means To Us Born-Sinners That 
We Are Permitted To Serve The Eternal God 
Who Is Exceedingly Patient With Us In Our Ungodly Behavior! 

The Lord, In Mercy, Has Made Two Options Available To Us: 
We May High-Mindedly Prove Our Ghost-Written By Satan Thesis 
Which Encourages Us To Belly-Up To Any And Every Hog-Trough 
Its Contents Please Our Then-Present Jaded Desires 
Subsequently Die Like Dogs Outside The Holy City 
Humbly Accept His Unchanging Word
Sovereign Will
Holy Way
Being Obedient Unto The Death That 
Appointed Once For Every Man
Subsequently Live Forever With The Glorious King 
At The Hour Of His Appointing! 

Dear Ones, 

The Wilfully Wicked 
Will Be Punished When The Lord Decides 
The Obliging Obedient 
Will Be Wonderfully Rewarded At The Hour Appointed! 

Will You Listen To The Siren's Sensually Seductive Song Of Sin 
Will You Walk In Wonderfully Wise Ways 
Trusting The Sure And Secure 
"Thus Saith The Lord!?!" 

We Cannot Love And Serve Two Masters 
If You Choose To Be Double-Minded
Please Remember That The Holy One
Jesus Christ Our Lord
Will Never Share His Glory With Another! 

Working Love Does Right Always 
Ever Blesses The One Dearly Loved! 

Love The Lord Of Life
The King Of Love! 


Saturday, August 13, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Do You Ever Wonder What You Are Being Saved From!?!


In All That Happens To You
No Matter What Happens To You On Your Travels 
Toward The Eternal City
Never, Ever, Despise The Blessings Of The Lord Christ! 


When Things Happen To Us
We Are Apt To Cry, Cuss, And Carry On! 
We Never Seem To Wonder What It Is That 
We Are Being Saved From
What It Is That We Are Being Carried Through! 

When We Were Children
We Would Cry About Some Minor Matter
The Elders Would Ask What We Were Crying For! 

Our Response Would Then Cause Them To Say: 

"Stop Crying Right Now 
Or I Will Give You Something To Really Cry About!" 

It Worked Like A Charm! 

Dear Ones, 

Things Can Always Get Worse Than They Are At Present: 
Be Thankful Now! 

Things Will Only Get Better With Christ In Control: 
Go For Grace Now! 

The World Of Sin Naturally Walks In Darkness: 
Head To The Light Of Life Now! 

The Light Of Life Is Jesus Christ The Lord: 
Come To Jesus Now And Be Blessed And Saved! 

Dear Ones, 

Share Your Bread Even If It Is Dry 
Share The Bread Of Life! 

Dry Bread Cast Upon The Waters 
Will Never Come Back To You Dry! 

Bread On Water Multiplies 
Becomes A Soup 
Which, Blessed By The Eternal God
Comes To Your Table 
Seasoned ... And With All The Inclusions
Don't Forget The Dumplings! 

A Thankful Heart 
A Grateful Spirit Make For A Contented Life In Christ 
Who Blesses His Well-Beloved Aka You! 

Keep Walking, Working, Watching
Trusting, Praying, Hoping
Believing, Obeying
Enduring All Things! 
Our King ... Your King ... Is Coming! 
