Friday, October 7, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Reject Evil To Live In The Bright Presence!

We Should Be Very Afraid To Do Anything That 
Even Remotely Has The Aroma, Fragrance, Stench
Or Stink Of Wickedness ... Evil! 


The Lord God Almighty Does Not Have A Lisp
A Stutter, A Stammer, A Tied Tongue
Nor Is Dumb 
So Let Us Not Play Fast And Loose 
With The Living Word Of Saving Truth 
Which Can Both Shame And Cut Us Apart 
Also Liberate And Elevate Us! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lord Is Not A Monster 
Is Master Of All He Surveys
All That He Has Created
So We Should Hear And Heed What He Says 
He Means It
And Because 
He Loves Us
And Because 
His Holy Love Does Not Hurt Or Cause Sorrow 
And Because 
We Seek To Return His Undying Love 
By Showing Him Our Willing Obedience! 

Almighty God's Laws Are Few 
Eternity Is Long! 

Sin Has A Shelf Life 
Salvation Is Everlasting! 

The King Of Love Is Glorious 
The Usurper, The Wannabe God
A Base And Bold Fraud! 

Please, I Beseech And Encourage Us All 
To Humble Ourselves Before The Lord 
So That We May Enjoy The Now Unimaginable Blessings 
Reserved For The Pilgrim Band Known Righteous! 

Reject Evil 
Dare To Let The Lord Embrace You With Eternal Love 
To Live In His Bright Presence! 

Pray, Dear Ones! 
Pray ... And Stay Focused On 
The Goodness And Good News Of Our Lord Jesus! 


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Being With Jesus Christ The Lord ... All The Way ... Every Day!

When We Realize That Our Desire 
To Be With Our Lord Jesus Christ
We Should, Effectively, Have The Overwhelming Need 
To Change Everything About Our Then Present Lives! 


When The Leaders Of The Temple 
Had  Conflict With The Disciples
They Observed The Change In Them
Made Note That They Had Been With Jesus  ... The Messiah! 

Judas And The Rich Young Ruler 
Are Two Persons Who Had Been Near To The Lord 
Were Left Unmoved And Unchanged 
They Wanted Things Changed To Please Them
Including The Lord Jesus! 

Dear Ones, 

The Popular "Fake It Till You Make It!" 
Will Never Work In The Life Of One 
Who Is With Jesus ... All The Way! 

We Will Make Mistakes 
We Have An Advocate With Our Father To Intercede For Us 
He Is For Us! 

Pretending Christians Are Avowed Sinners 
As There Can Be No Fakery In The Family Called Faithful! 

Pretense, Fakery, Deceit, And Deviltry 
Are All In The Realm Of Satan! 

Truth, Right,  Holiness, And Helpfulness 
Are In The Realm Of The Holy One! 

We Don't Change Dirty Clothing, Sin
By Putting Clean Clothing, Salvation, Over The Dirty! 

We Change By Getting Rid Of The Dirty Clothing
Washing Ourselves In The Word Of Truth
Donning The Garment Of Righteousness 
Which The Lord Himself Provides! 

Let Us Dare And Truly Identify With Christ Today 
In Thought, Word, And Deed: 
Physical Change Is Going To Come ... Soon! 


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Cut Off My Nose!?!

Take A Good Long Look In Your Mirror! 
Don't You Just "Hate" Your Nose!?! 

Would You Simply Cut Off Your Nose To Spite Your Own Face 
When You Know Of A Surety That 
Doing So Will Do You More Harm 
Than Keeping Your "Hated" But Needed Nose!?!  


Think Before You Act! 

Thinking To Hurt Anyone 
Like Thinking To Cut Off Your Own Nose!  

Think Before You Overreact! 
Think Of The Mental/Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Pain 
Think Before You Do Something To Spite Someone
Or To Take Revenge Against Someone
Whom You Believe Has Done Something To You
Real Or Imaginary! 

Dear Ones, 

Have You Not Seen
Have You Not Heard That 
Vengeance Belongs To The Lord God Almighty
It Is He, Alone, Who Will Repay All Debts Owed!?! 

We Need To Grow Up As Christians 
If It Is Our Heart's Desire To See Jesus Christ The Lord
The King
The Judge Of All Flesh
In Perfect Peace! 

Let's Never Again Denigrate And Disfigure Ourselves 
In The Vain Hope Of Destroying A Life 
- For Which Jesus Christ Died - 
That We Can Neither Give Back Or Repair! 

Remember ... 

When Digging Graves For Others
We Also Dig One For Ourselves! 

Take The High Road To Christ's Surpassing Glory! 

Keep Your Nose! 


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Promised To No Man!


We Always Have Choices 
But Chances ... Not So Much! 

We Have The Choice To Make Today: 
Live In Love And Light With The Lord Of Life 
Land In The Lake Of Fire 
Through Lust With The Lord Of Lies! 

As Regards The Chance To Make Our Choice ... Tomorrow
That Day Is Indelibly Stamped: 
"Promised To No Man!"
Oh, What A Horror! 

In The Olde Days
When Some Young Village Ram 
Was Prancing Around And Doing The Dog
Some Elder Would Call Him Out About His Behavior 
And Ask When He Was Going To Change 
Or Give His Life To The Lord
The Patented Response Was Invariably: 
Which, Inevitably, Never Came 
The Grim Reaper Came First! 

Remember, Dear Ones, 

We Can't Buy Life 
We Can Neither Stop Nor Sell Death! 

We Were Constantly Cautioned: 
"What You Can Do Today, Do Today!" 
Or Put Another Way
"Never Put Off For Tomorrow 
What You Can Do Today 
Because Tomorrow's Sun Never Rises!" 

This Is Sound Bible Teaching Worthy To Be Accepted 
Acted Upon 
No Matter What The Naysayers Bray! 

The Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work 
So Let Us Permit The Holy Spirit 
To Do A Good Work In Us Today! 

Let's Lean On The Lord 
Learn The Word 
Which Reveals The Thoughts And Intents Of Our Hearts 
Is Able To Cut Out The Unprofitable 
It Is Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword! 

Live Today ... Today! 


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Remember The Price Paid For Our Peace!


Be Wise Enough To Care About Others
Care Enough About Others To Care About Yourself 
Your Relationship To And With The Holy God 
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Reliably Informed By The Scripture Of Truth That 
After Jesus Christ Died To Save Us
Ascended To The Father
He Took Captivity Captive
Gave Gifts Unto Men! 

Jesus Took Away Sin's Power To Bind Us Up In Its Thrall 
Gave Us The Power
The Strength
The Gift ... That Unmerited Favor
To Call Upon Saving Grace 
To Obtain Free Mercy And Grace To Help Us 
In Our Time Of Need 
Which Is Every Moment Of Every Day Of Our Lives! 

Dear Ones, 

Never Doubt Pride's Power To Cause Your Downfall 
Never Doubt Humility's Ability 
To Lift You Up To The King Of Glory! 

Humility Is A Gift Of God 
And So, Too
Is The Ability To Approach The Throne Of Grace 
To Pray In Faith For Help And Healing With Hope! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Never Forget The Price Paid 
For Us To Receive The Promise Of Peace With Almighty God 
Everlasting Life In The Paradise Of God! 

Trust The Word! 

Pray, Care ... And Press On! 


Saturday, October 1, 2022


Glamorous Christian And Humble Christian 
Live In, Share, The Same House! 

When You See Glamorous Christian
Envy Rises In Your Poor Heart 
You Say: 

"Wow! They Living Large!" 

When You See Humble Christian
You Say With Native Pride: 

"That Poor Soul! 
Thank You, God, For Your Blessing On Me! 
I Know How To Strive!" 

To You, I Say: 

Think Again! 

"You Talking Real Rubbish! 
The Lord Desires All Of His People 
To Be Prosperous-Looking, Rich
As Befitting Those Who Are The Recipients Of 
His Love And Grace!" 

To You, My Misguided Friend, I Say: 

Wheel ... And Come Again! 
The Lord, Himself, Said: 

"It Is Easier For A Camel To Get Through The Eye Of A Needle 
Than For A Rich Man To Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven!" 

"The Poor Will Be With You Always!" 


"The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth!" 


Self Is A Pride-Filled Sinner! 

Proud People Love Display 
They Find It Hard To Give To Those 
Who Cannot The Debt Repay! 

Which Glamorous Christian Do You Personally Know That 
Has A Heart For God 
Is Willing To Dirty Clothing, Head, Hands, And Feet 
To Condescend ... As Our Lord Christ Did
To Wash Another's Stinky Feet!?! 

Service For The Lord Does Not Consist Of Pontificating
Sermonizing, Voguing, Closet Organizing
Or Jewelry, Dress, Shoe, And Big Hat Sizing! 

By Contrast, I Present To You Humble Christian
A Sinner Known Confessing
Seeing His Need For His Savior Dear
Determinedly Striving For The Lord's Glory
Petitioning His Maker To Help Him To Get There! 

He Prays! 
He Pleads! 
He Helps Others! 
He Plants Good Seed
He Walks And He Talks With All And Sundry
He Has No Problem Doing Another Person's Foul Laundry! 

He Visits The Sick, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
He Has No Fear Of "What If!?!" 
He Serves His Dear Lord Willingly, Patiently, Gladly! 

Glad Rags Are One Thing 
Glamorous And Glitzy Belong In The Trade Mags
All Who Want To See The Lord ... In Peace
Must Their Hold On This Dying World Decidedly Release! 

Humility Is A Virtue: 
Pride Is Not! 

Look At Old Satan And See For Yourself That 
A Resident Of Holy Heaven He Most Assuredly Is Not! 

Please Do Not Get Me Wrong 
For There Are Those Who Carry Humility Too Far 
Which Then Becomes A Thing Of Pride: 
These Also Shall Not In Heaven Abide! 

Please Emulate The Master 
Be Grateful For What You've Got! 

Do Not Expend Your Blessings On Excess 
On Being Faithful, Obedient, And Enduring 
So That You Shall Surely Become A Spiritual Success! 

Boast About Jesus  Christ The Lord! 


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Do You Smell That!?!


Do You Smell That!?! 

I Cannot Understand 
Why People Who Do  Little To Nothing For Anyone 
Boldly Expect A Lot To Be Done For Them 
By Others Whom They Hold With Scant Respect! 


I Sincerely Pray That 
None Of Us Walks Around Polluting The Atmosphere 
With The Stench Of That Aromatic Called 
Air Of Entitlement 
If We Do
I Again Sincerely Pray That 
We Will Rid Ourselves Of It 
As We Would Get Rid Of The Stink Sprayed By A Skunk! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lord Jesus Has Provided Innumerable Gifts To Us 
With The Prime One Being The Gift Of Salvation! 

Let Us By Grace Recognize And Accept That 
The Gift Is Given 
We Must "Dirty" Our Hands To Open, Appreciate
Lovingly, Daringly, Gratefully Utilize It! 

Again, I Sincerely Pray For Us All That 
We Will Not Be So Drunk As To Believe That 
We May Accept The Savior's Unspeakable Gift
Live Like Pigs In Slop
And Then On Judgment Day 
"Accuse And Castigate" The Lord Christ 
For Not Letting Us Into Heaven 
When He Had The Moral Duty To Do For Us 
What He Had Given Us 
The Strength And Wherewithal To Do For Ourselves 
With His Blessing Of Grace And Mercy 
Which Gave Us Place, Position, Provision, And Protection! 

We Are Definitely Entitled To Destruction, Death, And Damnation 
So The Attitude Of Gratitude Adjustment 
Decidedly In Order! 

Don't Let The Devil Turn You Around!


Monday, September 26, 2022

Let's Get Rid Of Our Toss And Buy-Back Way Of Life!

We Are Broke ... And Broken
And Yet 
We Live In A Discard And Replace Society! 

Our Father, Almighty God
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord
The King
Creator Of Everything, Is Not Broke 
Operates A Repair And Regenerate Plant! 

Why The Discrepancy!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Our God Is The God Of Order Who Knows Everything 
Including The End From The Beginning
Sees Everything Including Seeing Us Better Than We See Ourselves
Knows Who We Can Become If We Accept His Help
Is Always Present 
Which Means That He Is Available To Hear Our Faintest Cry 
Answer Our Prayers Of Faith For Help And Healing! 


Our God Doesn't Count The Heads Of Cattle That He Owns: 
He Counts The Number Of Hills Upon Which His Cattle Reside! 
He Knows Us Each By Name And By Nature 
He Counts The Number Of Hairs On Our Head! 
He Knows Every Mistake That We Will Make 
He Has One Thousand Ways To Save Us! 


We Are In Good Hands 
With The Lord Of Love, Life, And Light! 

Let's Get Rid Of Our Toss And Buy-Back Way Of Life 
Start Using The Lord's "Set Aside Sin And Pray To Be Saved Plan" 
Which Permits Us To Use His "My Life For Yours" Eternal Profit Account 
Which Has No Limit! 

We Can't Fool The Lord! 

He Will Work With ... And On Us 
We Will Unashamedly Cooperate With 
Stand Our Ground By His Riven Side! 

Please Believe The Truth That Saves
Do Right
Live Eternally!


Sunday, September 25, 2022

Prayer For Blessings!


I Bless Your Holy Name In The Matchless Name Of 
Your Only Begotten Son
My Savior And King, Jesus Christ The Lord! 

By Your Holy Hand
I Have Blessings Innumerable, Immeasurable, And Infinite
I Can't Count Them
I Can't Measure Them
It Is For Certain Sure That 
I Will Never Live Long Enough To See The Verified End Of 
All That You Have In Mind And In Store For Me 
As Long As I Remain True And Faithful And Obedient
Which Is My Heart's Abiding Desire! 

I Beseech You For That One Blessing
Which Will Give Me Strength
To Endure All Things For My Jesus
Against That Devil, Satan, Known Damned
Assuredly Bound For Hell!

I Give You Praise Because You Are Worthy To Be Praised
I Bow In Worship
You Are God Almighty, Wise, Alive, Giving, And Forgiving!

Please Bless Me Also To Accept Your Gentle Corrections
They Are For My Eternal Good! 

Please Help Me Not To Tempt You
By Being Presumptuous And Doing Wrong
Using Your Holy Name As Cover! 

Please Help Me To Bend Myself To Your Will
So That The Day Will Never ComeWhere I Will Be Broken
Cast Out Of Your Glorious Presence! 

In Faith, I Humble Myself Before You
Accept Your Gift Of Grace
Through Which I Will Arrive Safely At The Heavenly Home! 
In Jesus' Name, I Pray And Plead:
Please Hold My Hand!
I Love You!

Saturday, September 24, 2022



Please Tread Softly In The Presence Of The Lord! 

Disobedience Is Not Just About Our Disregarding Authority
Rules And Regulations
Or About Provoking Wrath! 

Disobedience Is Also About Our Attitude And Conduct
Our Belief In Or Regard For The One Whose Rules 
We Are Choosing To Ignore, Breach, And Disrespect! 

Laws And Directions Are Not Put In Place 
To Make Us Miserable! 
They're There 
Someone Cares About Us And Our Well-Being
Desires To See Us Safely Prosper! 

Let's Consider What We "Gain" When We Get Caught 
Are Caused To Bear The Known Consequences 
For Our Willful Disobedience: 
Shame, Pain, Expense
Public Ridicule
Regret, Misery
And Then 

Disobedience, Just Like Doubt
Generated In The Mind Propelled 
By The Unbelieving, Unfaithful Heart That 
Pleases The Likes Of Proud, Lying, Murdering Satan! 

Lying To Oneself 
The Mark Of Pride 
Which Is The Feather In The Cap Of Disobedience 
Which Dances With Death! 

Dear Ones, 

Death By Disobedience 
The Murdering Of Hope 
Denies The Purchase Of God A Future ... With The Expected End 
As Promised By The Law-Giver, Our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Our Published Future 
Heaven At The Last Trumpet
Plus A New Name, Immortality, Incorruptibility
The White Robe Of Christ's Righteousness
A Gold Harp
A Starry Crown
A Personal Place In The Father's House! 

Our Expected End 
The Eternity Of Peace With Jesus! 

The Price For Disobedience 
A No-Return Place 
In The  Lake Burning With Fire And Brimstone 
As Prepared For Satan And His Angels! 

Do Not Your Own Soul Cheat! 

Disobedience Is Optional 
Judgment Is A Given!


Friday, September 23, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH: Follow The Lord Without Regret!

When Are We Going To Realize That 
Earthly Power Has No Power 
With Jesus Christ The Lord, The King!?! 

When Are We Going To Accept That 
Earthly Titles Cause No Wrinkle To Form In Almighty God's Will!?! 

When Are We Going To Come To Terms With The Fact That 
Only Man's Willing Obedience 
To The Will And The Ways Of The Eternal God 
Has Any Currency In The Sight Of 
The All-Knowing, All-Seeing, Ever-Present God 
Who Inhabits Glory 
Rules Over All Of His Creation!?! 


Let Us All Be Wise To Recognize That 
No Created Being Can Alter The Plans Of The Living God 
Nor Set Aside His Sovereign Will! 

Dear Ones, 

Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary ... By Faith! 
Faith Can Move Mountains! 
Doubt Will Decimate The Strongest, Best Outfitted
Most Obscenely Funded Army! 

... And ... 

The Enduringly Faithful One Claims The Eternal Prize! 

When Will We Realize That 
Wisdom Without Understanding To Use Knowledge 
Will Make For A Very Poor House, Family, Business, And Kingdom!?! 

We Are Instructed To Taste And See That The Lord Is Good 
So Surely We Should Know By Now That 
Looking At Food Does Not Fill Our Stomachs
Nourish Our Bodies
Or Strengthen Us To Be Overcomers: 
The Lord Is Food Indeed And Drink Indeed! 

Let's Do Ourselves A Solid This Very Moment 
Just Do As The Lord Asks, Commands, Pleads
Encourages Us To Live! 

Almighty God's Great Grace Is Sufficient For You
Me Too! 


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION: Cooperate With The Lord Christ!

Even Though Jesus Christ Paid 
The Full And Final Price For Our Souls' Salvation
There Is Something That Each Of Us Must Do
To Complete The Transaction! 


An Unopened Gift 
Just A Present Present! 

An Opened But Unutilized Gift 
A Dust-Catcher 
It Makes You Work But Pays No Salary! 

An Opened And Utilized Gift That 
Despised, Disparaged, And Discounted 
Will Ultimately Be Discarded 
That Person Who Acts So Disrespectfully 
Towards Almighty God's Good And Perfect Gifts 
Will, On The Day Appointed, Be Destroyed! 

Dear Ones, 

Let's Back-Up To Go Forward! 

The Lord Always Gives Us A Part To Play 
In The Receipt Of Our Own Blessing: 
Ask ... To Receive
Obey ... And Be Blessed
Be Perfect ... As Your Father In Heaven Is Perfect
Turn Ye ... At My Reproof! 

When We Ask The Lord To Lead Us
We Are Informing The Lord That 
We Are Willing To Follow Where He Leads! 

When The Lord Says 
"Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor ... And I Will Give You Rest ...!" 
It Is Because He Has What We Need 
Our Recognizing 
Accepting This 
Gives Us Wings, Energy, Desire To Reach Out 
Touch The Living God 
Who Hears Our Cries
Heals Our Hurts 
Blesses Us In And For Our Belief In Him! 

There Is No Profit In Useless Pride 
No Benefit In Base Behavior! 

Please Wisely Accept The Gift Of Grace Gratefully:
Cooperate With Christ! 


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Praying ... In Love

My Heartfelt Prayer For Us All Today Is: 

Heavenly Father, 
Please Continue To Grant Us
Our Daily Gift Of Unfailing Faith
To Help Us To Stand Rooted And Grounded In The Truth! 

Please Grant Us Strength To Walk Away
From Things Which Cannot Spiritually Profit Us
From People Who Curse The Name Of The Lord
Choose Not To Hear Of Or Know About Him
Or To Walk In His Ways! 

Please Grant Us The Needed Courage 
To Endure The Barbs And Reject The Dishonest Doings Of
Those Who Have Chosen To Walk In Darkness
Despising The Light That Leads To Eternal Life!

Oh, Father, 
Please Supply Us With The Love We Need To Have Hope
We Have Chosen To Hope In The King Of Love
The Shepherd Who Leads Us To Eternal Rest! 

Please Help Us In Our Desire To Do All That You Ask Of Us
As We Willingly Choose To Do
What Is Good And Right And Holy! 

Finally, Dear Father,
Please Provide To Us, Out Of Your Riches In Glory
The Innumerable Blessings Needed
To Continually Pursue The Promise Of
A Place In Your House
In The Paradise Of God
Which Includes Immortality, Incorruptibility
Fruit From The Tree Of Life
Water From The River Of The Water Of Life
Which Flows By The Throne Of God! 

Thank You For The Unspeakable Gift! 

In Love, We Ask For All These Things 
Bless You
In Jesus Christ's Holy And Matchless Great Name!