Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Nobody Owes Us A Gift Or A Gift Of Our Choosing!

We Have Surely Lost Our Way! 

In The Name Of The Lord Jesus
Why Would We, As Committed Christians, Believe That 
A Free-Will Gift Of Almighty God 
Should Be Returned To The Sender Expressing Our Dissatisfaction 
It Is Not A Brand Name
It Is Not What We Wanted
It Is Not To Our Taste Since Only Money Excites Us!?! 


Yes, There Are Gifts That We May Specifically Ask The Lord For 
Think Carefully About All The Gifts, Benefits
Blessings That We Have Received Of The Lord 
Without Our Prior Knowledge And Approval!?! 

Was Calvary A Part Of Your Desire Or Aesthetic!?! 

The Cross Was Not By Gucci 
The Holy Spirit Is Not Prada! 

Dear Ones, 

If We Blindly Continue 
In The Despicable, Entitled, Attitude 
Now Being Publicly Expressed
It Is Certain That We Will Not Want Or Accept 
The Now Available Gift Of Everlasting Life! 

It Is Also Certain That We Will Also Roundly Reject 
The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit 
They Do Not Come Wrapped 
In A Warhol Or Michelangelo Hand-Drawn Wrapping Paper! 

No One Owes Us A Gift
And For Sure
Nobody Owes A Gift Of Our Own Choosing! 

The Gifts Of God Should Be To Us

"Thank You, Jesus!
Bless You, Lord, For Thinking On Me!" 

The Good And Perfect Gift From God To Us 
Good And Perfect, As Is, For Us ... Always! 

Let Us Not Behave Like Idolatrous Ingrates 
Treating The Lord's Bounty Like Hog Food! 

Let Us Gladly Accept The Best Of Heaven 
Like We Know That 
We Are The Blessed On Earth! 


Monday, October 17, 2022

Lean On The Lord Of Love Who Loves You!


As Practicing, Fundamentalist Aka Bible-Believing Christians
We Should Know That The One Being That 
We May With Unimpeachable Confidence Repose Our Hopes 
Have Unfaltering Trust In 
Jesus Christ The Lord 
Who Will Tell Us The Truth
Show Us The Holy Way
Carry Us Safely To The Glad Day! 
From His Undying Love
Do Not Stray!


We Should See
We Should Know That The Strong Arm Of Man 
A Poor Weapon In A War! 

We Should Know And Accept That 
In Your Time Of Plenty 
When You Are Lady Bountiful And Lord Sharer
Everybody Is Your Best Friend 
In Your Time Of Dearth, Of Need
It Is You Alone With Your God! 

Dear Ones, 

Let's Be Wise For Our Own Selves 
Operate As The Old Time Shop-Keepers Used To Declare: 

"Trust God:
Everybody Else Pays Cash!" 

The Lord Doesn't Lie! 
Horses Don't Fly! 
Rats Eating Onions Do Cry
Enduring, Trusting, Faithful, Committed Saints Of God And Christ 
Shall Arrive At The Holy City By And By! 

Put Your Confidence In The Living God 
Stop Relying On Dying Man 
Who, To Save His Own Skin, Will Readily Tell A Lie 
The Holy God Deftly Defy! 

Please Elevate Your Expectations: 
Raise Your Gaze By Faith To The King Of Glory! 


Sunday, October 16, 2022

You Are In The Center Questioning ... Yourself!

You Are In The Center! 
Voices Are Calling You! 
The Loud, Obnoxious Yet Hugely Compelling Voices 
Are Those Of The Careless, Wicked
And All-Around Worldly-Wise! 

The Calming, Gently Calling, Clearly Unambiguous Voice 
That Of The Only Wise God Of Grace Who Inhabits Glory! 

You Are In The Valley Of Decision 
No Caller May Force You To Walk With Them! 

For Some Strange Reason, You Feel Conflicted 
And Find Yourself Questioning  Yourself: 
Do I  Stand With The Brave And Offend These Worldly-Wise 
And Known Wicked People 
Or Do I Offend My God Who Alone Is Wise
Who Provides For, Protects, And Gives Me Peace 

... Or ... 

Do I By Willfulness And Wickedness
And Practicing Evil Just Because
Basely Offend The All-Wise God 
Who Is My Soul's Desire And Salvation
And Eternal Security
In Order To Please The Worldly-Wise Amongst Whom I Live
And Who Can Daily Make My Life A Living Hell 
If I Cross Them By Using Holy Words And Doing Faith-Based Deeds!?! 


This Is Not A Hard Decision To Make! 

The Worldly-Wise ... Motivated By Satan
All Have The Stench Of 
Eternal Separation From The Life-Giver Attached To Them 
Unless They Confess And Repent Of Their Known Sins! 

The All-Wise God 
Love, Light, Life
The Life-Giver
The Creator And Recreator
The Fragrance Emanating From Him 
Joy, Peace, And Rest! 

He Makes Life Worth Living
Raises The Dead 
He Personally Loves You, And Me! 

Dear Ones, 

Flesh Will Fail! 

Faith In God Cannot Fail! 

Please Pray And Decide For Christ
Physically And Spiritually Thrive! 


Saturday, October 15, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Let Your Request Be Made Known!

We Serve The Living, Loving, Holy God Who Cannot Lie! 

By His Own Admission
He Declares That He Is The Truth! 

Out Of His Own Mouth
He Plainly Invites Us To Come Boldly Before His Throne
The Throne Of Grace
To Obtain Mercy
Find Grace Aka Unmerited Favor, Aka Power ... His Gift
In Our Time Of Need! 

He Even Showed Us How To Pray! 

He Has Said That He Is The Good Shepherd
Our Refuge
Our Strength
Our Strong Tower
He Has Made It Abundantly Clear That 
He Cannot Change
That He Loves Us, You, Me, We
With An Everlasting Love! 

He Declares That His Banner Over Us Is Love
That He Is Light ... And Life
The Only Way To The Eternal Father's House! 

His Name Is Prince Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace
He Is Our Perfect Peace! 


Today Is The Day To Choose Not To Harden Our Hearts 
To Take This Holy God At His Eternal Word
Using His Words
Which Are A True Transcript Of His Character
Plead For The Very Help That You Are In Need Of 
At This Very Moment! 

Let Us Pray In Faith ... Nothing Wavering
Try The Lord 
Who Says That There Is Nothing Too Hard For Him To Do! 

Know The Right ... 

Our Request
His Word
His Will
His Way
Our Good
His Glory
His Timing
Our Enduring Faith: 
All Will Be Well! 

Thank You, Dear Lord! 


Friday, October 14, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Be Careful Little Tongue What You Say!

Humans Are  Strange Creatures! 

We Have A Penchant For Calling People Dumb
Slow, Stupid, Ignorant, Uneducated, And Backward, 
When They Do Not Immediately Grasp 
Or Understand Something That 
We Are Setting Forth For Their "Education!" 


We Should Energetically Curb Our Enthusiasm In This Regard 
Get This
If Almighty God Had The Same Dank Attitude Like We Do
He Would Rightly Call Us Uneducatable Ignoramuses 
For How Very Many Times He Has To Correct Us 
For Making The Exact, Same, Identical, Documented Mistake That 
Myriad Millions Of Men Have Made For Millennia 
Even Though The Right Way To Walk 
Known And Documented
The Corrective Measures To Be Taken 
Are Also Known And Documented! 

Dear Ones, 

Even Though The Lord Has Made It Plain That 
He Will Not Always Strive With Mankind
He Nevertheless Leads Us Gently
Corrects Us With Fatherly Love
He Well Remembers That We Are Dust
Also That He Gave Up His Only Begotten Son 
To Save Us From Self, Sin, And Satan
Death, The Grave 

Should Not We Also Learn And Exercise Patience 
When Dealing With Others Less Swift 
Than We Ourselves May Be 
When We Know For Sure What It Is That We Do 
In The Plain Sight Of The Holy God!?! 

Tenderly Think Truthfully About It! 


Thursday, October 13, 2022

Can You Write A Review About Jesus Christ The Lord!?!

Everybody Is A Critic 
Everybody Is A Reviewer Of 
Somebody, Something, And Somewhere! 

We Are Christians Aka Ambassadors For Christ! 
As Ambassadors - 
Telling The Good News, The Gospel
The Truth About The Truth 
Who Is The Son Of God
Our Savior, Redeemer, Forever Friend
King, Lord, God, And Judge - 
We Should Be Able To Write, Record
Give A Review About The Lord Jesus Christ
Clearly Telling Who He Is To All
Who He Personally Is To Us
What He Has Done
What He Is Doing
What He Will Do
His Ability To Provide
Feed, Dress, Shelter, Comfort, Care, Correct
Teach, Lead, Guide, Carry, Lift Up, Lay Low
Rest, Refresh
Raise The Dead To Life
Take The Willing Home To The Father's House 
To Live In The Mansions Of The Blessed Forevermore! 


Jesus Christ Saves 
He Is The Only Answer To All Our Questionings! 

How Would You Personally Review The Lord That 
You Claim To Love More Than Life 
To Benefit A Lost Soul Seriously Seeking Salvation
The Savior Forever Blessed!?! 

Will Your Love Shine Through!?! 

Will Your Hope Be High And Holy!?! 

Will Your Longing For The Holy Hills Of Heaven Be Fully Felt!?! 

Will Your Gratitude For Grace Be Gloriously Apparent!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Remember Your Fervent Prayers 
Uttered By Exercised Faith! 

Review The Lord! 

Review Your Love For Christ! 

Share Your Faith! 

Call A Wandering Child Home! 


Only Those Persons
Who Have A Real, Knowing, Relationship
With Jesus Christ The Lord
Can Write An Honest Review
Jesus Christ The Lord!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Man's Tongue Is Not The Bible!

The Narrator's Voice Is Soothing! 
The Learned, Distinguished, Published, Commentators 
Deliver Their Lines With Apparent Conviction! 
The Production Is High-Budget Smooth And Engagingly Slick! 

They Are Eagerly Discussing 
Jesus Christ's Words Concerning The Endtimes 
As Found In The New Testament Books Of 
Matthew, Mark, And Luke! 

The Research Is Apparently Thorough 
As It Covers Bible Prophecy Already Unfolded
Unfolding, And To Be Unfolded
History As Proof
Scholarly Writings 
Wishful Thinking
Willful Ignorance
A Zealous Appeal To Believe And Propagate 
"Pastor, Doctor, Writer Said" 
As Holy Writ For Lazy Christians 
Who Love "Cliff Notes" Bible Readings! 

There's A Major Problem! 

By Their Own Words
Neither The Narrator Nor The Commentators 
Have Any Faith In Or Love For 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Are Selling Their Swooning Viewers 
A Hollywoodized Version Of Endtime Events 
Which Pleases The Senses 
Imperils Men's Souls! 


If Man Was Wise 
Man's Tongue Was A Bible
The Lord Would Not Have Left Us 
The Preserved Word Of Truth! 

If Group Think Was A Thing
We Would All Share One Brain! 

Please Let Us Read 
Think About The Infallible Word For Ourselves! 

Let Us Fact-Check The Gurus And Sages 
Who Are Nothing But Snake-Oil Salesmen For Dollar Bill! 

The Gurus Aren't God
The Sages Aren't Our Savior!

Know The Truth For Yourself 
The Truth Will Set You Free! 

The Holy Spirit Is On Duty: 
Ask Him To Lead You Into All Truth
Whether It Is Pleasurable Or Problematic! 
The Lord Is Not The Liar! 


Sunday, October 9, 2022

Be Mindful To Get Rid Of The Froward Heart!

To Have A Froward Heart 
To Be Habitually Disposed ... Given Over
To Disobedience And Opposition! 


Why Would Anybody Calling Themselves 
A Committed To Christ Christian 
Want To Be Labeled An Abomination 
In The Eyes Of Their Maker, God, And King 
When They Know What Opposing Almighty God 
Cost Lucifer And One-Third Of The Heavenly Host 
What Disobedience Cost Adam And Eve 
And, By Extension, All Of Mankind!?!

Dear Ones, 

Whether A Rebel With A Cause
Or An Opposer For Opposing's Sake
Or To Avoid Being Called Goody Two Shoes
When We Know Better We Must Avidly Seek To Do Better 
Dire, Deadly, On Up To Damnable 
Are The Known And Noted Consequences! 

In The Old Days
When One Was Known For Flapping Their Yak 
Without Reason Or Invitation
People Would Call Them A Foreign Radio Station 
For Being Where They Shouldn't Be! 

The Lord Of Life
Knows All Of His People! 

We Are Of The Household Of Faith
We Should Be Learning ... And Knowing 
How To Comport Ourselves 
As Upright, God-Fearing, Humble
Obedient Children Of The Father! 

Let Us Remember Whose We Are 
Be Mindful To Behave 
As The Name We Bear Commands! 

Be Humble And Holy To Reach Home! 

Delight The Lord! 


Saturday, October 8, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Choose To Eat Grass With The True And Living God!

To Be Wicked
To Do Wickedness
Which Is To Free-Will, Knowingly, Do Evil 
Abhorrent In The Eyes Of The Holy God 
Anyone Who Blithely Says: 
"You Don't Know How Wicked I Can Be!" 
Boldly Branding And Condemning Themselves 
With Their Own Tongue! 


Before You Choose To Be Flamboyant 
Indulging In Sin Because You Can
Being Wicked And Acting Like You Are God Almighty 
You Want What You Want When You Want It
Choose Instead To Eat Grass
With The True And Living God! 

Don't Go Eating Lamb With The Father Of Lies 
Who Would Have You Believe That 
The Lord Of Life Is Loose
Is Not Looking At You
Will Not Call You To Account 
For All That You Do In Your Flesh! 

As Regards The Terrible Ones Who Instill Fear 
Seemingly Live Above Reproach
They And The Wicked Will Meet The Same End 
They Don't Confess And Repent Of Their Known Sins! 

Dear Ones, 

I Urge Us All To Never, Ever, Cover-Up, Condone, Or Conspire 
To Be Participant With The Wicked And The Terrible 
Who Would Have Us Believe That 
The Lord Is Just Like Them 
Is Blessing Them! 

They Lie: 
Prosperity Does Not Translate Into 
Nor Indicate Heavenly Approval! 

Let's Choose To Do Right 
It Is Right
The Lord Requires It
Because We Love Our Savior Dear
Choose His Will To Ever Obey! 

Live To Live Forever! 


Friday, October 7, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Reject Evil To Live In The Bright Presence!

We Should Be Very Afraid To Do Anything That 
Even Remotely Has The Aroma, Fragrance, Stench
Or Stink Of Wickedness ... Evil! 


The Lord God Almighty Does Not Have A Lisp
A Stutter, A Stammer, A Tied Tongue
Nor Is Dumb 
So Let Us Not Play Fast And Loose 
With The Living Word Of Saving Truth 
Which Can Both Shame And Cut Us Apart 
Also Liberate And Elevate Us! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lord Is Not A Monster 
Is Master Of All He Surveys
All That He Has Created
So We Should Hear And Heed What He Says 
He Means It
And Because 
He Loves Us
And Because 
His Holy Love Does Not Hurt Or Cause Sorrow 
And Because 
We Seek To Return His Undying Love 
By Showing Him Our Willing Obedience! 

Almighty God's Laws Are Few 
Eternity Is Long! 

Sin Has A Shelf Life 
Salvation Is Everlasting! 

The King Of Love Is Glorious 
The Usurper, The Wannabe God
A Base And Bold Fraud! 

Please, I Beseech And Encourage Us All 
To Humble Ourselves Before The Lord 
So That We May Enjoy The Now Unimaginable Blessings 
Reserved For The Pilgrim Band Known Righteous! 

Reject Evil 
Dare To Let The Lord Embrace You With Eternal Love 
To Live In His Bright Presence! 

Pray, Dear Ones! 
Pray ... And Stay Focused On 
The Goodness And Good News Of Our Lord Jesus! 


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Being With Jesus Christ The Lord ... All The Way ... Every Day!

When We Realize That Our Desire 
To Be With Our Lord Jesus Christ
We Should, Effectively, Have The Overwhelming Need 
To Change Everything About Our Then Present Lives! 


When The Leaders Of The Temple 
Had  Conflict With The Disciples
They Observed The Change In Them
Made Note That They Had Been With Jesus  ... The Messiah! 

Judas And The Rich Young Ruler 
Are Two Persons Who Had Been Near To The Lord 
Were Left Unmoved And Unchanged 
They Wanted Things Changed To Please Them
Including The Lord Jesus! 

Dear Ones, 

The Popular "Fake It Till You Make It!" 
Will Never Work In The Life Of One 
Who Is With Jesus ... All The Way! 

We Will Make Mistakes 
We Have An Advocate With Our Father To Intercede For Us 
He Is For Us! 

Pretending Christians Are Avowed Sinners 
As There Can Be No Fakery In The Family Called Faithful! 

Pretense, Fakery, Deceit, And Deviltry 
Are All In The Realm Of Satan! 

Truth, Right,  Holiness, And Helpfulness 
Are In The Realm Of The Holy One! 

We Don't Change Dirty Clothing, Sin
By Putting Clean Clothing, Salvation, Over The Dirty! 

We Change By Getting Rid Of The Dirty Clothing
Washing Ourselves In The Word Of Truth
Donning The Garment Of Righteousness 
Which The Lord Himself Provides! 

Let Us Dare And Truly Identify With Christ Today 
In Thought, Word, And Deed: 
Physical Change Is Going To Come ... Soon! 


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Cut Off My Nose!?!

Take A Good Long Look In Your Mirror! 
Don't You Just "Hate" Your Nose!?! 

Would You Simply Cut Off Your Nose To Spite Your Own Face 
When You Know Of A Surety That 
Doing So Will Do You More Harm 
Than Keeping Your "Hated" But Needed Nose!?!  


Think Before You Act! 

Thinking To Hurt Anyone 
Like Thinking To Cut Off Your Own Nose!  

Think Before You Overreact! 
Think Of The Mental/Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Pain 
Think Before You Do Something To Spite Someone
Or To Take Revenge Against Someone
Whom You Believe Has Done Something To You
Real Or Imaginary! 

Dear Ones, 

Have You Not Seen
Have You Not Heard That 
Vengeance Belongs To The Lord God Almighty
It Is He, Alone, Who Will Repay All Debts Owed!?! 

We Need To Grow Up As Christians 
If It Is Our Heart's Desire To See Jesus Christ The Lord
The King
The Judge Of All Flesh
In Perfect Peace! 

Let's Never Again Denigrate And Disfigure Ourselves 
In The Vain Hope Of Destroying A Life 
- For Which Jesus Christ Died - 
That We Can Neither Give Back Or Repair! 

Remember ... 

When Digging Graves For Others
We Also Dig One For Ourselves! 

Take The High Road To Christ's Surpassing Glory! 

Keep Your Nose! 


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Promised To No Man!


We Always Have Choices 
But Chances ... Not So Much! 

We Have The Choice To Make Today: 
Live In Love And Light With The Lord Of Life 
Land In The Lake Of Fire 
Through Lust With The Lord Of Lies! 

As Regards The Chance To Make Our Choice ... Tomorrow
That Day Is Indelibly Stamped: 
"Promised To No Man!"
Oh, What A Horror! 

In The Olde Days
When Some Young Village Ram 
Was Prancing Around And Doing The Dog
Some Elder Would Call Him Out About His Behavior 
And Ask When He Was Going To Change 
Or Give His Life To The Lord
The Patented Response Was Invariably: 
Which, Inevitably, Never Came 
The Grim Reaper Came First! 

Remember, Dear Ones, 

We Can't Buy Life 
We Can Neither Stop Nor Sell Death! 

We Were Constantly Cautioned: 
"What You Can Do Today, Do Today!" 
Or Put Another Way
"Never Put Off For Tomorrow 
What You Can Do Today 
Because Tomorrow's Sun Never Rises!" 

This Is Sound Bible Teaching Worthy To Be Accepted 
Acted Upon 
No Matter What The Naysayers Bray! 

The Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work 
So Let Us Permit The Holy Spirit 
To Do A Good Work In Us Today! 

Let's Lean On The Lord 
Learn The Word 
Which Reveals The Thoughts And Intents Of Our Hearts 
Is Able To Cut Out The Unprofitable 
It Is Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword! 

Live Today ... Today! 


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Remember The Price Paid For Our Peace!


Be Wise Enough To Care About Others
Care Enough About Others To Care About Yourself 
Your Relationship To And With The Holy God 
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Reliably Informed By The Scripture Of Truth That 
After Jesus Christ Died To Save Us
Ascended To The Father
He Took Captivity Captive
Gave Gifts Unto Men! 

Jesus Took Away Sin's Power To Bind Us Up In Its Thrall 
Gave Us The Power
The Strength
The Gift ... That Unmerited Favor
To Call Upon Saving Grace 
To Obtain Free Mercy And Grace To Help Us 
In Our Time Of Need 
Which Is Every Moment Of Every Day Of Our Lives! 

Dear Ones, 

Never Doubt Pride's Power To Cause Your Downfall 
Never Doubt Humility's Ability 
To Lift You Up To The King Of Glory! 

Humility Is A Gift Of God 
And So, Too
Is The Ability To Approach The Throne Of Grace 
To Pray In Faith For Help And Healing With Hope! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Never Forget The Price Paid 
For Us To Receive The Promise Of Peace With Almighty God 
Everlasting Life In The Paradise Of God! 

Trust The Word! 

Pray, Care ... And Press On! 
