Saturday, February 11, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Satan Says: "Plant What You Want To Grow!"


The Lord Says: "Always Obey!" 
Satan Says: "Obedience Is A Crutch!" 

The Lord Says: "Always Walk In Truth!" 
Satan: "Truth Is A Clown's Hat!" 

The Lord Says: "Grow Where You Are Planted!" 
Satan Says: "Plant What You Want To Grow!" 

The Lord Says: "By Faith, Endure!" 
Satan Says: "If You Can't See, That's A Big "No!" 

Brethren, Beloved, 

I Hope And Pray That You See That 
The One Who Loves You Is Looking Out For Thee! 

The Adversary Of Your Soul Is He, The Father Of Lies
He Desires Your Destruction
Hence His Urging You To Live Through Your Eyes! 

Satan Desires You To Break-Off Communication 
With The Lord Who Gives You Life 
So That He, Himself, Can Break-Through 
Have Total Control Of Your Life! 

No One Whose Life Is In Satan's Control 
Will Ever See The Breaking Of The Great Day In Peace 
Break Bread In The Glorious Feast 
Where Our Dear Lord Is The Head! 

A Bre'k-Down Merchant Is In Misery
So He Eagerly Desires To Have Company
So Satan ... Of That Ilk
Desires To Take Your Honey And Your Milk 
And, Thereby, Beloved
Out Of The Happy Eternity 
He Seeks To Have You Bilked! 

The Lord Says: "Pray!"
Satan Says: "Prey!" 

The Lord Says: "Care!"
Satan Says: "Crave!" 

The Lord Says: "Love!" 
Satan Says: "Lure!"

The Lord Says: "Learn!"
Satan Says: "Spurn!" 


Be Wise! 
Be Faithful! 
Be Clean! 
Be Useful! 
Be Helpful
On The Lord Of Life Lean 
For Blessing
For Favor
For Peace And For Rest
Deny That Liar, Satan
If You Desire To Be The Spiritual And Forever Blessed
Glory-Bound Success! 

Obedience To Jesus Christ Is A Necessity 
In Order To Live In The Redeemed Saints And Holy Angels' 
Heavenly Paradise Community! 

Satan Won't Be There 
So Do Not His Bombast, Roaring, Raging, And Snarling Fear! 
Keep The Lord Christ In Your Manager And Director's Chair! 
For Going To Almighty God's Glory 
Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready ... Prepare! 


Friday, February 10, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + B.Y.O.G Aka Build Your Own God!?! + PRAYER: Dear Lord, Please Disappoint The Evil-Doers!

The Sign On The Glass Door Just Barely Caught My Eye 
It Was Enough To Stop Me Dead In My Tracks As I Said Aloud: 
"What The Hell!?!" 
This Was Too Big For The Euphemistic 
"What The Heck!?!" 

I Turned Back And Whipped Out My Phone And Took Two Photos! 
I Was Stunned! 

Not Even 100 Yards From A Very Large Church, And On The Diagonal
A Local Art Space Was Having An Exhibition! 

The Sign Said: 

"B.Y.O.G. Build Your Own God
Other Ideas For A Kinder World!" 

The Picture On It Had The Face Of 
One Of Those Egyptian-Type Animal Gods With The Wolf Face! 

Talk About Bold-Face Daring! 

The Artist's Bio States That 
She Will Be Making More And New Gods And Goddesses! 

Excuse Me!?! 

Where, I Ask, Is The Fear Of The Living God!?! 

Do Not These People Crack Open The Holy Bible!?! 

Do They Not Know The First Commandment!?! 

Have They No Shame Concerning Encouraging People 
To Sin Against Their Own Creator 
By Encouraging Them To Worship 
Lifeless Objects Out Of Their Imaginations 
Which Are Totally Useless 
They Have Eyes But Can't See
Have Ears But Can't Hear
Have Feet But Must Be Carried
Hands But Can't Comfort! 

Where Is This Artist's Love For Saving Truth!?! 

Why Would This Artist Want To Maliciously Send 
Patrons Of Her Poison-Plate To Christless Graves!?! 

I Wondered How Much She Was Being Paid 
To Get Followers For Satan's Camp For The Damned!?! 

Does She Even Care That She's Doing Satan's Dirty Work!?! 

Does She Not Know That There Is Nothing Kind About Idolatry!?!


Dear Lord, 
In Mercy, Please Disappoint The Evil-Doers
May Their Diabolical Plans Come To Naught 
Fall Back On Their Own Heads! 

Oh, How I Pray That It Is Not Too Late
For Their Darkened Eyes To Be Enlightened
Their Stone-Cold Hearts To Be Enlivened 
So That They Will Have Opportunity, Strength, And Courage 
To Confess And Repent Of Their Known Sin
So That They, Being Willing, May Take Jesus Christ
As Their Everlasting Portion! 

I Also Pray For Their Beguiled Patrons
Petition You, Father, For Help For Them
So That They May Be Turned
Toward The Path Of Righteousness! 

May Your Holy Spirit Abide With Your Faithful People
The Holy Angels Excelling In Strength Protect Us
Also Influence Us To Do What Is Good And Right
And, Therefore
Pleasing In Your Holy Sight! 

Oh, Lord, Let Your Name Be Ever Glorified
Jesus Christ Be Continually Lovingly Praised
In Whose Precious And Holy Name
I Humbly And Sorrowingly Plead!


Sunday, February 5, 2023

"I Will Go With My Jesus All The Way ... Home!"

Any Person, Any Christian To Be Exact, Who Is Heading Toward 
Hill Zion ... To Sweet Beulah Land
Must Recognize, Understand, And Accept That 
All The Footsteps Taken Will Be Our Very Own Footsteps 
The Pathway ... The Only Way To Get There Safely
The Way Marked By Our Blessed Jesus ... Alone! 

Dear Ones, 

Be Not Dismayed, Nor Amazed
By Those Who Choose To Walk In Ways Contrary 
To What Says The Lord! 

Lustful Hearts
Itching Ears
Willful Blindness
Deliberate Disobedience By The Self-Willed
The Gurus And The Gainsayers 
Will Always Have Appeal For The Like-Minded! 


The Lord Jesus Did Not Create Clones 
Nor Does He Shepherd Goats 
Who Go According To Their Own Inclination! 

When We Humbly, Meekly, Follow Our Good Shepherd
The Path Which He Takes Us Along 
Will Always Be The Safe, Best, Most Beneficial, Blessed Path 
We May Whole-Heartedly Commit Our Way To His Leading 
Say With The Saints Of All The Ages 
"I Will Go With My Jesus All The Way ... Home!" 
Don't Forget That 
Over-Heated Furnaces Become Pleasant Places
Hungry Lions Become Purring Pussy Cats
Boiling Oil Is Rendered Stone Cold! 

We Are Safe In The Arms Of Our Lord Jesus 
Will Enjoy Glorious Feasts In The Presence Of Our Enemies! 

Let Us Give Almighty God His Glory 
Utter Heartfelt Thanks To Him 
For Being A Refuge For Us From The Raging Enemy Of Our Souls! 

Remember, Beloved, That 
Our Dear Savior Ever Shepherds His Saints On Solid Ground! 

Dare And Keep The Holy Faith! 


Saturday, February 4, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: What Are You Celebrating!?!


What Is There About Your Life That 
Has You "Celebrating!?!" 

Are You A Humble Saint Of God And Christ 
Celebrating "Christ In Me My Hope For Glory!" 
Are You An Unrepentant Sinner Indulging Willful Blindness
Excited About "Pastor, Priest, And Pope Said ...!" That 
There Is No Victory Over Sin 
We Will Be Sinning Until Christ Comes 
God Is Going To Save Everybody In The Great Day!?! 


Does Not The Preserved Word Of God
The "Thus Saith The Lord" Count 
When We Decide What To Celebrate About Our Lives And Living!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The Willful Wandering World 
Celebrates The Sensual, The Sinister, And The Sinful! 

The Saints Of God Celebrate Salvation
The Sinless Estate 
We Are Called To Do So By Prince Shiloh, Our Only Savior! 

Shouldn't We Daily Celebrate The Life Of Christ
Our Lives In Christ
Our Hoped-For Future Lives With Christ!?! 


Any Celebration Of The Human Condition That 
Is Not 
Prefixed By "By God's Great Grace!" 
Wrapped Up In His Manifold Blessings 
A Celebration Best Set Aside! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Us Who Choose To Make Jesus First, Last, And Always
Choose To Look Up And Press On To Glory 
Celebrating Our Daily Victories Over Sin, Self, And Satan! 
Almighty God Is With Us! 


Friday, February 3, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Life Ain't Fair!?!


We Like To Say That Life Is Unfair! We Also Like To Say That 
Life Is What You Make It! 
We Also Seem To Forget That Jesus Christ The Creator-God 
The Way, The Truth, And The Life! 
No Jesus, No Life! 

Should Not We Therefore Realize That 
It Is The Life Lived Without Jesus Christ, The Life-Giver 
The Light Of The World
That Causes People To Behave Inappropriately 
Thereby Cause Still Other People To Accuse Life Aka The Lord Jesus!?! 

Dear Ones, 

We, As Committed To Christ Christians
Are Asked To Live In Peace With All People ... Where Possible! 

We May Choose To Let People Embitter Our Lives 
We May Choose To Live For And In Jesus Christ ... Our Peac
Who Freely Gives Unto Us His Peace 
Which Passes Human Understanding! 


Have You Not Realized That 
It Is Man's Unregenerate Heart 
Aka Man's Heart Unimproved By Grace That 
Causes Us The Problems Which We Say Cause Life To Be Unfair!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us From This Day Forward 
Choose To Be Part Of The Solution 
Not The Cause Of The Problems In Other People's Lives 
Our Own! 

When We Let The Light Of Almighty God's Truth 
Be The Center Of Our Lives
It Is Guaranteed That The Devil Aka Our Adversary 
His Minions 
Will Have No Part In Us! 

Be Encouraged ...

Our Relief Is Jesus! 
Our Release Is From Jesus! 
Our Refuge Is Jesus! 

Dare To Rest In Christ Jesus 
Be Relieved: 
Eternal Life Is Peaceful! 

Jesus Christ Saves! 


Sunday, January 29, 2023

There Is No Wrong In Right Living!




The Fact That The Creator, Our Savior And Redeemer
Willing To Try Us, To Test Us
To See If We Are Worthy To Be Forever Members Of 
The Family Of Almighty God 
Should Cause Our Joy In Jesus To Bubble Up And Over-Flow! 

Dear Ones, 

When You Think Of The Tests Of This Life 
As You Would A Car Being Test-Driven 
To See If It Checks All Of The Boxes On Your Deal-Breaker List
You Will Lovingly Understand 
Totally Appreciate
Willingly Accept That The Way Of The Lord Is Perfect 
Is An Infinite Blessing Upon You! 

The Lord Knows That Righteousness ... Right Living
Exalts Aka Lifts Us Up ... To Him
Only Those Who Humbly Accept The Call To Rise Up Higher 
To Meet His Known And Unchangeable Standard Of 
Holiness Unto God 
Shall Enter The Holy City Of God! 


Let's Understand And Never Forget That 
Jesus Christ Died To Save Us From Our Sins 
No One Choosing A Life Of Wickedness And Violence 
Will See Him In Peace! 

Almighty God's Law Is Immutable
His Love For Us Is Everlasting
His Hatred Of All Sin Is Inviolable
His Desire To See Us, His Children, Enter His Haven Of Rest Is Infinite! 

By The Way, Our God, The Almighty God
Equips Us To Accomplish All That He Asks Of Us! 
We Are Not Alone! 
Keep Pressing On! 


Saturday, January 28, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Don't Be Blind To The Light Or Deaf To The Message!


Since Light, Physical Or Spiritual, Is There ... Is Here
To Show Us The Safe Way To Walk
Why Would We Choose To Be Blind To The Light 
Prefer To Walk In Darkness That Leads To Death!?! 

Since The Lord Jesus Has Given Us His Living, Holy Word 
As A Message Of Salvation With Its Attending Call To Repentance
Why Would We Choose To Ignore, Reject, Reinterpret
Refuse That Message Which Is Truth That Saves!?! 


Our Blessed Jesus 
Our Only Savior And Our Only Healer
The Onus, Duty, Responsibility ... Burden ... Is Upon Us 
To Choose To Accept The Unspeakable Gift That 
Laid Out Before Us From The Hand Of Him Who Is Our Provider! 

Dear Ones, 

When The Lord Of Life Says To Do "It" 
Do It! 

When The Lord Of Love Says "Go!" 
Get To Stepping! 

When The Lord Calls Your Name
He Is Personally Calling You So Answer! 

Our Salvation Is Free And Available 
Our Healing Is Free And Efficacious! 

The Lord Is Not Deceitful 
Neither Should We Be 
When We Accept His Healing And His Salvation
Nor When We Offer Up Our Praises For His Bountiful Blessings! 

The Lord Jesus, The Truth
Our Light And Our Salvation
Our Only Way Home To Our Father's Home On High! 

Please, Beloved, Accept And Act On The Message
Walk In The Living Light That Leads To Everlasting Life


Joyfully Praise Almighty God 
From Whom All Of Our Blessings Continually Flow! 


Friday, January 27, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + "That's My Story And I'm Sticking To It!?!"



Are You Amongst Those Who Love To Use That Catch-Phrase 
"That's My Story And I'm Sticking To It!" 
You Are Caught Dead To Rights 
Aka Found To Be A Liar By Plain Proof!?! 

Shouldn't We As Committed To Christ Christians Know That 
Unrepentant Liars Are Denizens Of The Dominion Of The Damned 
Who Will Not Be Permitted To Enter The Haven Of Rest!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Let It Not Be Found Amongst Us That 
Our Default Position 
To Lie For Fun, Fame, Fortune, And Friends! 

Do Not Deceive Yourself Into Believing That 
Short-Term Advantage Is Best Acquired By The Lie 
Which Is The Language Of Satan! 

Also, Do Not Indulge That Devilish Preference 
To Be Comforted With A Lie 
Rather Than To Be Hurt By The Truth! 

Brethren Beloved, 

Think Long And Hard
And Long Again 
Plead With The Lord For Help 
You Hot 'n Sweaty Lustfully Decide To Offend Almighty God 
By Telling The Euphemistic White Lie Of Convenience That 
Greases Satan's Putrid Palms! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Dare To Speak The Hard Truth At All Costs 
Jesus Christ Is The Truth 
What Is Of Him Lasts Forever! 

The Truth Saves! 

Live In And For The Truth 
So That At The Appointed Time 
You Will Rise Up To Forever Live 
With Jesus Christ Our God And King! 


Saturday, January 21, 2023


Your Name Identifies You
Speaks To Your Reputation
Announces Your Character! 

Does Your Name ... Right Now
Announce To Friends, Family, Foes
The Fraternity Of The Faithless Fiend That 
You Are A Committed Member Of The Household Of Faith 
Does It Say That 
You Have Itching Ears 
And That 
You Are One Who Follows Every Wind Of Doctrine 
Is An Explorer Ever Seeking After Something New,
Spectacular ... And Sense-Tingling!?! 


Your Name Means Everything To The Lord Jesus 
As Shown In The Letter To The Church At Sardis In Revelation 3:4  
Where He Says That There Were A Few Names 
Who Had Not Defiled Their Garments! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Names ... As Christ's Followers 
Should Distinctly Set Us Apart 
From Those Amongst Whom We Dwell 
Or With Whom We Associate! 

There Is The Great Day Coming 
When We Shall See Our Lord As He Is 
We Shall Be Like Him! 

We Are Called To Be Perfect 
Even As Our Father In Heaven Is Perfect! 

We Are To Be Developing The Character Of Christ Now 
By Letting The Holy Spirit Lead, Teach, Feed
Correct, Direct, Protect
Use Us In Almighty God's Service! 

Please Deny The Liar Who Offers License 
Accept The Lord Who Gives Everlasting Life! 

Live Now As Though You Are Going To Be Living 
In Heavenly Light Later! 

Please Polish Your Name Here 
So That You Will Receive The New Name 
On The Peaceful Shore! 


Friday, January 20, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Be Angry ... And Sin Not!

Imagine What Uncontrolled Anger Can Do! 

In A New Pregnancy
It Can Cause Spontaneous Expulsion Of The Fetus! 

The Anger Caused By Strife-Makers 
Can Cause The Offended Party To Strike A Blow That 
Can Maim Or Kill Another! 

The Anger That Wafts Off Those Who Would Make Men Slaves 
- To Their Various Lusts - 
When Their Plans Are Thwarted 
Can Lead To Murder! 

The Anger Of Those Who Would Force Others 
To Think, Believe
Act As Their "Betters" Have Commanded 
Demonic In Its Rancor, Rage, And Range! 


The Bible Tells Us To Be Angry ... And Sin Not 
We Can Get Angry ... And Sin 
Which Opens Us Up To All Kinds Of Problems 
Which We Would Do Well To Avoid! 

Dear Ones, 

We May Call King Saul A Fool 
He Somehow Believed He Could Control The Hand Of God! 

King Saul Wanted To Kill 
The Ordained, Appointed, And Anointed Future King, David
When He Could Not
He Killed Eighty-Five Of The Eighty-Six Priests Of God At Nob! 

King Saul Added Sin Upon Sin 
By Hob-Nobbing With The Witch At Endor 
At The End Of His Time On Earth
He Committed Self-Murder Aka Suicide! 

Let Us Be Wise To Recognize That
As Christians Committed To The Cause Of Christ
We Should Let The Lord Fight Our Battles 
Instead Of Going Into Murderous Rages! 

We Should Be Angry Enough To Not Indulge In Wrong-Doing 
Should Instead Get Angry And Rage Against Sin And Sinning! 

Don't Be Hasty To Get Angry! 

Self-Control Is A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit: 
Exercise It 
Ask The Lord For His Indwelling Spirit 
To Help You To Walk Rightly, Wisely, In The Light Of Life! 


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

HOW DO YOU STAND: Standing On OR Standing Up On ... The Promises Of Almighty God!?!

What Is The Point Of Being Given A Promise 
Not Being Bold Enough To Remind The Person Of Their Exact Words 
At The Time When The Receipt Of The Benefits Of Said Promise 
Will Immensely Profit You!?! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have Been Given An Open Invitation 
To Appear Boldly At The Throne Of Grace 
To Obtain Mercy 
Grace To Help Us In Our Time Of Need! 

Should We Not Appear Before The Lord's Magnificent Throne 
Awe-Inspiring Glory 
With The Lord's "Yea!" And "Amen!" Promise For The Moment 
Securely Held And Ready To Be Offered Up To The Promise-Keeping God 
Whom We Say And Believe Is Our Everlasting Portion!?! 


The Promises Of God Given To Us For Our Blessing 
Are Only Of Benefit To Us As We Believe That 
The Giver Is Faithful And True! 

The Promises Given Will Profit Us 
When We Present Them For Settlement 
Like A Check Or A Bearer Bond! 

Be Warned, Though
Don't Ask For A Promise To Be Kept By The Lord Jesus 
When You Are Deliberately Living Contrary To The Will Of Almighty God! 

The Lord Jesus Will Never Fatten You For Satan To Feast Upon Because 
Our God, Holy
Neither Deceitful ... Nor A Liar! 

Choose To Believe The Lord's Word 
Dare To Present It To Him! 

Bring Your Dirt, Your Trouble
Your Trial
Your Test Or Torment! 
Let Your Request Be Known ... By Faith! 
Believe You Will Receive Your Request 
According To The Father's Will And Way 
Pray Without Ceasing! 

The Character Of Christ Is Our Guarantee: 
"Cash In" Your Promise Today! 


Saturday, January 14, 2023


Beware Of The Cushy, Comfortable, Can't Be Refused Pleasure! 

Dear Ones, 

We All Know That 
No Human Being Wants To Live On An Ant's Nest 
Or Cuddle Up Next To A Snake Pit! 

We Also Know That Not One Of Us Would 
Wide-Eyed, Willingly, Wantonly Allow Ourselves 
To Fall Into An Obvious Trap! 

Isn't It Obvious, Then, That 
The Adversary Of Our Souls
The Arch-Deceiver, Satan The Forever Damned
Will Not Entice Us To Sin 
By Setting Up A Mall With Signage Which Says: 

"Good Sins Inside! 
75% Discount For Doubters! 
BOGO Free For Christ's Faithful!?!" 


We Are Called To Live By The Faith Which Works By Love 
Purifies The Soul! 

When We Live By Our Daily Gift Of Faith For The Day 
Which We Receive From Our Dear Savior
By That Faith 
- Which Does Not Work By Lying Eyesight - 
Ask The Lord For Discernment
We Will Neither Fall For The Lies 
Nor The Sophistries Of The Devil! 

The Lord Jesus Has Not Left Us To Swing In The Wind 
Has Provided Us With The Infallible Word Of Truth 
As Our Guide To Daily Living 
Which Makes Us Fully Aware Of The Devil's Devices! 

Jesus Christ Warned: 

"Let No One Deceive You!" 

That's A Command
The Word Of Our King, The Judge
So Let's Honor Him 
Bless Ourselves! 

Open The Book! 
Believe The Word! 
Live By Faith! 
Trust The Lord! 
Resist The Devil Who Is Already Trapped! 
Endure All Things For Jesus Christ's Sake
Be Blessed And Forever Saved! 
