Monday, March 20, 2023

Confess Your Sins To Who!?!


James 5:16 Clearly, Plainly, Unambiguously Says To Us Readers
- Competent Or Otherwise - 
To Confess Our Faults One To Another 
Lo And Behold
We Are Swallowing Wicked Men's Commands
- As Dictated By Satan - 
To Confess Our Sins One To Another! 

Lord, Have Mercy! 


Sin Is The Transgression Of Almighty God's Laws 
So, Pray Tell
Why Would You Be Confessing Your Sins To A Man, A Woman
A Created Being!?! 

Did They Die For You!?! 

Are They Faithful And Just To Forgive You Of Your Sin 
Able To Cleanse You From All Unrighteousness!?! 

Dear Ones, 

It Is Time To Get Off Gullible-Man Bus 
Turn To The Wisdom Of The Only Wise God 
Do Exactly What He Commands! 

Go To The Father In The Name Of The Son Who, Alone, Saves! 


Those Who Change The Word Of The Lord 
Are Agents Of The Devil Who Desire To Know Your Secrets 
So That They May Hold Them Over Your Head 
Bend You To Their Will ... And
For Their Profit! 

The Lord Jesus Christ Calls Us To Confess Our Sin 
For Our Own Personal Purification, Peace, And Profit ... Prosperity! 

We Are To Have Faith In Jesus 
Offer Our Repentance To The Father! 

When You Do The Man-Command And Confess Sin To A Man
To Whom Are You Offering Your Repentance!?! 

Are You Even Repentant!?! 

A Glove Without A Hand In It 
Is Just Fabric With A Fancy Name! 

Confessing Sin To A Sinner 
Selling Out The Savior 
Elevating A Living Dead Man 
Whose Input Can't Even Rent You A Look-See Into Glory! 

Don't Waste Your Time! 

Stick With The Lord Of Life Who Gives Salvation 
Which Saves In The Day Of Strife! 

Men Are Profiteers! 
Jesus Christ Is Profitable! 
The Holy Hand Of Help Holding Healing Marks The Difference! 


Saturday, March 18, 2023



Good Or Evil, Everything In This Life Grows! 

Just Like Wheat, Weeds Grow! 
Just Like Faith, Doubt Grows! 
Just Like Love, Hate Grows! 


Be Wise For Your Own Self 
Understand And Accept That 
For Every Good And Perfect Gift That 
The Lord God Almighty Provides To Us For Our Upliftment
Satan The Damned Has A Counterfeit "Good" To "Gift" To Us 
To Manufacture Our Destruction! 

Dear Ones, 

Consider That The Farmer Does Not Have To Either Tend Or Water 
The Weeds That Appear Amongst His Wheat! 

Left Alone, Those Weeds Will Wreak Havok 
Soon Overwhelm The Good Wheat! 

Wickedness, Like The Weeds
A Wanderer 
Uncaring For Whom, When, Where, And Why It Entangle, Ensnares! 

Goodness, Like The Cherished Wheat Crop
Must Be Meticulously Cared For, Cherished, And Protected! 

Think, Beloved! 

Would You Prefer A Life Of License To Indulge The Liar 
Who Is The Loss Leader, The Judas Goat
Would You Prefer The Love And Care Of The Lord Of Life 
Who Leads His Dear Children With The Sacrificial Love 
Which Leads Them To Grow In Grace 
In The Beauty Of Holiness 
Which Opens The Pearl Gates Of The Eternal City 
Where Cherished Faith Becomes Everlasting Sight!?! 


Only The Lord's Stock Is An Infinity! 
Get It Now! 


Friday, March 17, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Good Is Good As Long As It Stays Good!

It's Absolutely Mind-Bogglingly Amazing! 

You, Me, We Have A Reputation For Let's Say
Being Punctual To Work
On Time To Complete Assignments
Ever On Task Aka No Tomfoolery Indulged! 

With This Solidly Intact Reputation
You, Me, We Decide That We Are Going To Do Some "Things" 
Get Away With Them 
Well, The Reputation Speaks For Itself 
Wrong-Doing Ain't Your Way
Until You Get Caught And Fuzzed Out Like A Cheap Carpet! 

Now Picture, If You Will
The Committed To Christ, Psalm-Singing, Tithe-Returning
Righteous Person 
Whose Once Stellar Reputation Gives Way To A Stink-Ball Of 
Almighty God Knows Me 
I'm His Person No Matter What I Do Self-Righteousness 
Which, Most Definitely, Is Not The Righteousness Of Our Lord Christ! 


The Lord Does Not Stutter
Does Not Take Bribes
Does Not Play Favorites! 

Good Is Good As Long As It Stays Good! 

Good Turned Bad 
Relying On Yesterday's Good To Earn Tomorrow's Paycheck 
Is Not Going To Fly You To Glory! 

Remember The Old Adage ...

"Good, Better, Best
Never Let It Rest
Till The Good Is Better
And The Better Best!" 

Please Stay On The Path That Is Lit By The Living, Holy, Word Of Truth 
Do Not Permit The Adversary Of Souls To Convince You That 
Receiving His Fool's Gold "Participation Trophy" 
As Good As Receiving The Crown Of Life From The Lord Of Life
The King Of Earth And Glory! 

Stay On The Son's Side Of Life 
Be Enduringly Good To The End ... By Grace Through Unfailing Faith! 


Saturday, March 11, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: There Is Infinite Wisdom In Salvation!

There Is No Wisdom Outside Of The Savior 
There Is No Salvation In Sin! 

There Is No Hope Outside Of The Helper 
There Is No Blessing Falling Upon Team Goat! 

How Often Are Tears Falling When We Decide That 
We Know More Than The Lord Our God
When We Decide That Worldly Wisdom Is Heavenly 
Heavenly Wisdom Is Not Worthy Of Assent's Nod!?! 


It Is Time To Awaken From Sleep! 
It Is Time To Strengthen The Weak Knees! 
It Is Time To Hold High The "Thus Saith The Lord!" 
All Things Despoiling To Boldly Deny! 

Our Blessed Jesus Saves 
Even As Accursed Satan Does Rage 
So Step Away From Sin And Sinning 
Do Not With The Eternally-Damned One Engage! 

Remember Lot's Wife: 
Don't Despise Your Blessing! 

Remember Eve, The Mother Of All Living! 
Talking Serpents Are A Lie 
They Can't But Lie! 

Remember Achan! 
There Is Never A Goodly Babylonish Garment
Stolen Riches, Though Hidden, No Man Will Keep! 

Jesus Christ Saves! 
Please Have This Wisdom Running In Your Heart 
On Permanent Repeat! 


Friday, March 10, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Gain The Whole World!?!

If You Knew Without A Doubt That Pursuing And Achieving Worldly Success 
Would Cause You To Forget Almighty God And Goodness
Would You Go After Worldly Success!?! 

If You Knew That Depending On The Lord Christ For Every Need Of 
This Short And Eventful Life 
Would Surely See You Saved At The Last Trumpet's Call
Would You Choose To Live On The Love Of The Glorious God 
Or Would You Opt For The Liberty Of License 
Do Whatever You Want To 
You Have Free-Will  ... And Freedom To Choose!?! 

Choices And Chances
Graces And Paces!


How Will You Stand In The Presence Of The Judge Of All Flesh
- The King Of Every Human -
In The Appointed Hour!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Look To Jesus Christ And Live 
The Command Of Almighty God To Fallen, Finite Man!

Despising Everlasting Gifts To Enjoy Pea-Soup That 
Disappears At The Potty Bar 
Not A Decision To Be Taken Lightly ... Or At All! 

The Question Needs To Be Honestly Answered: 

"What Does It Profit A Man
To Gain The Whole World
Lose His Own Soul!?!" 

Have You Got The Answer!?! 

Please, Right Now, Today, Talk To The Lord Jesus
The Word Who Gives The Words Of Life: 
You Have Eternal Life To Gain! 


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Know Your Value ... in Jesus Christ!

Our Value To The Eternal God 
Is Not Set On The Double-Booked Balance Sheet 
Or The Lying Scales Of Fallen, Finite Man 
Who, Himself, Is Weighed On The Balances Of Almighty God 
Is Found Wanting! 


Believe The Scriptures Of Truth! 

He Who Made You In His Own Image 
Knows How Much You Are Truly Worth! 

He Who Allowed His Own Innocent Blood To Be Spilt To Save You
Redeem You From Sin, Self, Death, The Grave, And Hell
Knows What Your Life Cost Him 
He Expects Us All To See Our Value 
Through His Holy, Eternal, And Undefiled Eyes! 

Dear Ones, 

The Adversary Of Our Souls
Aka The Adversary Of The Holy One
Would Have Us To Doubt Our God And Our King 
Believe The Word Of Himself Aka The Damned One
- The Father Of Lies - 
That We Are But Disposable Units 
Easy To Use Up And To Be Turned Into Refuse
Ultimately To Be Placed on The Garbage Dump
The Burn Pile Of The Universe
To Be Lit Afire On The Day That 
Not Even He, Himself, Has Prior Knowledge! 

Know It All
Knows Nothing At All ... 

So Much For Knowing What One Is Worth 
When One Didn't Keep Their Personal Place In The Living Kingdom 
They Thought Too Highly Of Themselves 
Not Of The Value That Their Creator Had Placed Upon Them! 

You Are Redeemed ... 

Please Look To The Everlasting King Whose Scars 
- Head, Side, Hands, And Feet - 
Will Forever Publish Your Price
His Cost
Your Value! 

Please Turn Away From Team Goat: 
Today's Money Is No Longer Called Groat
Salvation Is Not A Float! 

Jesus Christ Elevates! 


Saturday, March 4, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Lift Up To Push Out!?! + Prayer


Nothing Has Changed For The Better! 

Wicked Men Wax Worse And Worse 
So  Stop With The Self-Promotion 
Wait For Someone To Promote You! 


Just Because Someone Is Promoting You
It Does Not Mean That They Love You, Or Your Work Ethic
Or Your Devotion To The Lord
Or Are Desirous Of Your Righteous Upliftment! 


Never, Ever, Forget That Corporate Boondoggle Called 
Lift Up To Push Out 
Or Elevate To Dessicate 
Which Does Yoeman Service In The World 
Sadly, In The Church! 

Dear Ones, 

Satan Is The World's Biggest, Most Adept Promoter! 

He Does Not Have Any Affection For Anyone Born Of A Woman
Beloved Of The Lord Jesus Christ
Bound For Glory! 

Why, Then, Are The Young And The Old
Men And Women 
Boys And Girls
Preachers And Parishioners 
Accepting Poison-Apple "Gifts" From The Enemy Of Souls
The Arch-Deceiver, The Wannabe God 
As Though It Is From The Holy God!?! 

Not Everyone Who Wears White And Displays Light 
Are Holy And Clean, Good And True
Not Everyone Who Is Covered In Dirt Is Dirty And Destructive! 

Let Us Conscientiously ... Diligently
Pray For The Spiritual Gift Of Discernment 
For The Blessed Lord's Pure Wisdom 
- Which We Are Commanded To Ask For 
When We See Our lack Thereof - 
To Be Our Companion Until Christ Comes Or Death Parts Us! 

Look Up To The King Of Love Right Now!




Please Take The Starry Wonder Of And For The World
Out Of Our Heads, Hearts, And Eyes
Help Us To Hunger After You
The Things Of Almighty God
Now, Today, And Always! 


Friday, March 3, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Almighty God's Gifts: "Yes, Lord, I Will Taste And See!"


We Seriously Need To Wake Up And Smell The Fragrance Du Jour 
Which Causes Our Eyes To Open Wide! 

What Is A Gift!?! 

When A Gift Is Given To You By Your Grand-Parent The Queen 
She Subsequently Dies
Does Her Successor As Family Head Known King 
Have The Right, The Authority
To Evict From Your Personal Property 
"Give" It To Their Own Sibling 
Known Despised With Just Cause!?! 


Love The Lord Jesus
The True And Faithful King! 

We Serve The Creator-God
The Redeemer-Friend
The Savior-King
The Judge Of All Flesh
Our Only Hope For Glory
He Is Not An Indian-Giver! 

All Of Our Gifts Received From Our God And King Known Holy 
Are Our Own 
To Use Or Misuse, Neglect, Or Reject! 

The Lord Jesus Has Given Unto Us The Gifts Of 
Faith, Truth, Love, Speech
Wisdom, Understanding
Music, Salvation, Justification, And Sanctification
To Name A Few! 

Does The Loving Lord Take These Gifts Away From Us 
When We Offend Him 
By The Exercise Of Our Also Gifted Free Will 
Our Freedom To Choose
Give Them Away To Others 
Who Have More Grossly Offended His Holiness 
Just To Throw His Weight Around 
To Prove Who Is Boss!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Thank Almighty God For His Being Faithful 
For His Invariable Nature
His Steadfast Love
His Constancy And Consistency! 

Remember This ... 

Every Good And Perfect Gift That 
The True And Living Holy God Freely Gives To Us
Satan The Damned Aka The Wannable God
Has A Notable Counterfeit! 

Nothing In This World Happens Because Of Coincidence! 

Read The Signs Of The Times 
Through The Clear And Perfect Lens Of The Holy Scriptures 
Learn Humble Lessons 
Which Testify Of Our Lord's Goodness Which Profits Us Eternally! 

Rejoice And Be Glad That The Lord Jesus Christ 
The One True King, Faithful, Gracious, Merciful, And Kind 
Whose Word, Character, And Works Are One! 

Let The Things Of This World Stay With The Worldly-Wise! 

Seek After The Things Of Almighty God Who Promises Us
In The Shed Innocent Blood
The Sure And Secure Expected End! 

Trust In The Lord Always! 


Thursday, March 2, 2023

Walk Worthy Of Your High Calling To The Glorious Kingdom!


Dare To Be Kind! 
Valiantly Choose To Be Loving! 

You Are Freely Given Everything From The Lord 
So Gratefully Give A Lil' Something To Somebody 
Just Because You Want To And Can! 

You Have Been Forgiven Much By The Lord 
So Generously Be Forgiving! 

Be Faithful Until Death: 
The Life-Giver Will Awaken You! 

Be Hopeful All Day Every Day! 
Bless The Holy God Who Infinitely Blesses You! 

Humbly, Gladly, Give Praise To The Lord 
He Deserves It! 
Praise Is What We Do!

Bless Yourself By Praying To The Almighty God 
Who Desires Communion And Communication With You 
Of Heavenly Love! 

Walk Worthy Of Your High Calling To The Glorious Kingdom! 

Endure All Things For The Lord Jesus 
Who Endured All Things To Gain For You 
The Right To Become A Son, A Daughter, Of Our Father God, The Almighty
To Sit At The Table At The Feast For The Forever Blessed ... By Right! 


Almighty God's Love ... Jesus Christ The Lord
Our Own For The Taking! 

Open Your Arms And Freely Enjoy The One Gift That 
All The Wealth Of The World 
Not Enough To Initiate The Sale 
Or Finalize The Purchase! 

Sing "Hallelujah!" 
Our God Is Good And Faithful! 


Saturday, February 25, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: We Are Not Alone! Thank You, Lord Jesus!

Why Would We, As Committed To Christ Christians, Go To Our God
The Living Holy God
The Creator-God
Ask Him To Chase Down, Arrest, And Destroy The Storms In Our Lives 
When They Are Permanent Subjects Of 
Entirely Answerable To Him Always!?! 

Aren't They  Always In His Sight And Ever In His Presence!?! 


Do You Believe, Honor, Trust, Worship, And Obey The Lord 
Do You Disparage, Doubt, Disbelieve, And Disclaim The Lord!?! 

Hint, Hint ... 

We Cannot Straddle The Fence 
Believe  ... And Doubt
Honor  ... And Disparage The Lord! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

We Cannot Get Sweet Water ... And Bitter Water 
From The Same Source! 

Dear Ones, 

Being A Christian Is Both Simple And Profound: 
Accept The Gift
Take Your Position
Hold The Line 
The Life Lived For And In And With The Lord Christ 
Cannot Fail! 

The Storm That The Lord Brings You To 
The Storm That By Your Exercised Faith In Him
In His Word
Through His Love For You
He Will Successfully Carry You Through! 


The Lord Is Not A Loser 
His Love Can't Lie: 
Abide In The Lord Of Life 
Live Your Life For The Lord 
So That You Will Enjoy Eternal Life With The Lord! 

Take This To Heart ...

Storms Always Die 
Our Savior Ever Lives! 


Friday, February 24, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + The Position Of Strength!

Iffy, Sniffy, And Since Belonged To The Same Family! 
Even Though They Had Been Brought Up 
With The Same Rights And Privileges, Opportunities, And Access
Their Chosen Paths To Glory Were Divergent! 

Iffy Had Aligned Himself With Heel-Biter
That Snake In The Grass Who Unapologetically, Unashamedly
Unafraid To Break Voice 
Silkily Demanded That Savior Dear Prove That 
He Was His Father's Child! 

Sniffy, Now, With The Parfumer's Nose 
The Delicate Skin Of Princess And Pea Fame
Put Doubting Thomas To Rout 
By Baselessly Elevating Her Level Of Doubt Over Divine Dignities 
Even Though The Truth Bit Her On Her Perky Perfectly Positioned 
Current-Direction Indicator Smell-All Pointer: 
Hail The Nose! 

Since Since Is A Saint Of God And Christ 
- Forgiven And Cleansed -
Who Stands Sincerely, Safely, And Securely On The Word That Works 
Tells Of The Faith In Christ That Cannot Fail
You Should Know That 
He Is Treated Like A Plague Rat By His Brethren 
Is Blessed And Beloved By His God: 
Jesus Reigns And Rules In His Life! 

Dear Ones, 

Understand This: 

The Lord
Doesn't Save Families
Nor Societies!

The Lord Saves Individuals As A Result Of 
Their Desire For Him
Their Journey To Him
Their Walk With Him! 

Exercised Faith
Willing Obedience
Patient Endurance 
Will See Individuals Wearing The Crown Of Life 
From Jesus Christ ... The Lord Of Life! 

Who Are You!?! 
Trust In God! 

How Are You!?! 
Guard Your Heart! 

Keep The Holy Faith! 
Jesus Christ The King Of Earth And Glory 
Soon Coming Again! 


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

AMAZING WORDS: Who Can You Turn On!?!

Words Are Amazing! 

Look At This ...

Who Can You Turn On!?! 

This Sentence Has Multiple Meanings 
Depending On Context, Occasion, Or Association
We Will Know How To Behave! 

Let's Set Aside The Sensual 
Look At The Anger Caused By Betrayal! 

What Is Your Response When You Feel Betrayed!?! 
Is Your Response Christian Or Criminal!?! 

Moving Along Briskly, Please Consider 
Who Can You Turn On ... To The Lord Jesus, Our Savior And King!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Have You Considered That The Lord God Almighty
In The Person Of Our Blessed Jesus Christ 
Worthy Of Our Excited Proclamation Of His Goodness And Grace 
He ... Being Love And Light
Only Ever Commands Us To Do What Is Right 
Always Ever Makes Promises To Us Of What Is True!?! 

Do You Know That Doubting And Distrusting The Lord 
Unbelief And Disobedience!?! 

Since The Lord Is True ... And The Truth
His Word Is The Truth
Our Having The Double-Mindedness Of The Doubter 
Who Is Unstable In All His Ways 
Causing Us To Tread On Dangerous Ground 
We Are Become As Satan
As Adversaries Of The Living Holy God
As Betrayers Of Truth And Righteousness! 

In This View, We Are As Deceitful Bows
Which Look Right And Pull Left! 

Words Are Amazingly Powerful! 
How Are You Using Your Words!?! 
Who Benefits When Your Mouth Opens And A Story Jumps Out!?! 

Words Work And Words War! 
Please War Against Sin 
Work As An Ambassador For Christ Today! 


Saturday, February 18, 2023


One-Eighty And Three-Sixty Were Running Through The Town! 
Repentance Took One-Eighty And
Three-Sixty Valiantly Tried To Get Repentance 
To Do A Hard Rebound!

Three-Sixty Loved Anything Circular!
He Loved Anything Fat And Round
He Sincerely Hated That One-Eighty 
Who Had A Knack For Making All Sinners With Repentance
Do A Sharp Turn-Around! 

Three-Sixty Loved The Status Quo! 
He Loved No Need To Change! 
He Worked For Beelzebub, That Dragon
Who Loved To Keep Born Sinners In Locked And Heavy Chains! 

You May Well Ask Yourself The Question:
One-Eighty Or Three-Sixty, Who Cares!?! 
So Let Me Tell Me You What Love-Dove Peace Told Me 
You May Decide If It Does Anything Explain! 

Sinners Are By Nature Born
But When They Seek And Find The Lord Christ 
They Cannot Willing-Sinners Remain! 

Encountering Christ Convicts Of Sin 
And Causes The Desire To Change! 
That Change Is Called Repentance, My Friend, 
Which Means That One Must Wheel And Come Again! 

Repentance Is A You-Turn Even On The Crooked Road Straight! 
A You-Turn Is A One-Eighty, You See
Beelzebub Has People Convinced That 
Repentance Is A Full Three-Sixty! 

Lord, Have 'is Mercy! 
I U-sed To Think That The Three-Sixty Was The Deal 
But I Is Now Understand That 
That Three-Sixty Does Lef' Me In The Round-About Land 
Without The Off-Ramp! 

Bingo, Beloved! 

You Done Got De Thing! 

Doing That Three-Sixty 
Does Left We With De Bull-Cow Brass Nose Ring 
With Beelzebub, That Satan, That Deceiver, Bearing The Hook 
And Dragging We Helter Skelter 
As He Waiting Fuh We Goose To Get Cooked! 

You Speak Truth, My Friend! 

I Know The Real Friend 
Who Encourages Us To Embrace Real Repentance 
So That We May Rightfully Enter The House Of 
The Dear One Who Was Born To Be The Everlasting King! 

His Name Is Truth! 
His Way Is Peace! 
He Gives Wisdom And Understanding
As Regards Our Shackles
It Is He Who Does Our Chains And Locks Release! 

I Like That One-Eighty Repentance! 

Three-Sixty Is Free To Go To Hell! 
I Will Trust The Truth That Matters 
And Depart From The Lies That Splatter! 

The Final Word ... Perfect Love Gives Free Grace 
Strict Justice Terminates Available Mercy! 
Please Think Of These In Real-World Terms
You Will Not Your Pick For Heaven 
Carelessly, Callously, Spurn! 
