Saturday, July 27, 2024

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Love Is Not Idolatrous Sensationalistic Emotionalism!

KJV John 14:21
21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

He Had His Foot On The Brake
I Had My Foot On The Gas
It Didn't Take Rocket Science For Me To Realize That 
I Was Going Nowhere Real Fast! 

Very Soon I Was Glad 
For It Became Evident That Without His Asked-For Intervention
I Would Have Been Wearing, At The Very Least
A Personalized Body-Cast! 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, For The Save, For The Love! 

Time Changed! 
I Had Had My Foot On The Brake 
He Escorted My Foot To The Gas 
I Soon Came To Realize That 
I Was The One Who Had Asked, Again
For His Intervention, Again
Had Harkened Aka Listened To And Done What He Had Asked 
Which Was "Be Very Courageous: Press On To Victory!" 

Brethren, Beloved, 

How Often Have We Acted Craven Aka Cowardly 
When The Plain Voice Of The Eternal God Said: 
"Be Brave! I AM With You!?!" 

How Often Have We Lion-Heartedly Roared 
Enthusiastically Run Into Inevitable Disaster 
When The Good Lord Had Said: "Stand Still!?!" 

Are You Seeing The Pattern!?! 

The Lord Said: "Stop!" AND We Went! 

The Lord Said: "Go!" AND We Planted Our Feet In Quikrete Mortar Mix 
Became Statues Of Willful Disobedience! 

Dear Ones, 

Be Very, Very, Careful! 

The Lord Jesus Made It Plain When He Said That 
Our Obedience Is The Mark Of Our Love For Him! 

Plainly Put, 
Love Is Demonstrated! 
It Is Not Idolatrous Sensationalistic Emotionalism! 


Look Around! 

We Don't Naturally STOP At GO Signs 
We Don't Naturally GO At STOP Signs: 
Consequences Apply! 

Let's Think On These Things 
Pray For The ... Our ... Good Lord To Help Us 
To Do As He Commands 
No Matter The Earthly Cost 
Heaven With Our Blessed Lord Jesus Awaits ... For Love Demonstrated! 


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