Showing posts with label Beast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beast. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024


KJV Psalms 49:20
20 Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.

Beauty ... Exposed A Beast! 
The Beauty Of That Beast Called Lucifer, Renamed Satan
Wrought Pain For Me And Thee! 

To Rid Me And My Kind Of The Pain That Is Sin 
Which Causes Death And Ultimately Damnation
The Truly Beautiful Savior ... The Eternal God
Took Our Sin, Our Pain
Our Death
Our Damnation Into Himself
Gave Us His Ineffaceable, Ineffable
Fadeless, Immortal, Incorruptible Beauty 
... If ... We Would But Ask 
It Is Free! 

Our Savior's Pain Purchased For Me, For You
For Us All Willing
True Beauty
The Kind Of Beauty Which Is Righteous
Holy, Grace-Filled 
Comes Of Obtained Mercy 
Which Welcomes Us To The Throne 
Seats Us At The Table Of The King Of Love! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have A Choice To Make 
Which Has An Inherent Challenge To Overcome! 

Are You Going To Party On Easy Street 
Or Live On Hard Way!?! 

Are You Going To Go Easy And Immoral 
To "Gain" Short-term Benefit To Please Your Lusts 
Impress The Wicked And The Gullible 
Or Are You Going To Make The Hard Decision 
Which Gleans For You The Eternal Weight Of Glory 
As You Bless Your Savior With Your Obedience To His Will 
... Even As You Walk In His Way 
Blessing His Called And Chosen Ones 
Who Are Diligently Seeking His Face And His Extended Hand 
Which Bring Hope, Help And Healing
... As We Head, With The Endurance Of Faith
To Our Father's House 
Which Is Our Forever Home!?! 

Jesus Christ Is Love Is Beauty ... Beautiful! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Him Envelop You 
As You Bury Yourself In Him 
To Be Like Him Now, Today ... Forever! 