Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New Poem entitled "I Believe in ME!"

Greetings, Dear Ones!

      I pray that you are all faring well on this lovely day!

     There are beautiful blue skies, the raucous chirping of many of our feathered friends, the hum of the fans and air conditioners as they try to cool the air, and the occasional sound of an offended cat to let me know that, yes, I am still alive, and thankful for it!

     Today's offering is a poem entitled I Believe in Me! which needs no explanation.

     Enjoy, and don't forget to share!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New Poem entitled "Talking to Jesus"

Greetings, Dear Ones!

    I hope that you all enjoyed the three-day weekend off!

    I have written a new poem entitled Talking to Jesus which pretty much summarizes the kinds of conversations we all have every now and again with our Jesus.

    Not so long ago, I had a conversation with a neighbor who told me that she "quarrels" with Jesus when she asks for help and He "ignores" her requests! I thought she had lost her mind!

    Another time she was complaining about some other problem, and I asked her why she had not prayed about it. She looked me dead in the eye and said: "I am not talking to Him, and He knows why!" Now I was really sure that she had lost her mind!

    In high indignation, I really thought she had not gotten the "memo" which said that the Lord always answers His children's prayer, and the answer could either be: "Yes!" "No!" "Wait!" or, as I coin it "Welcome to the pain!" i.e., My Grace is sufficient for you!

     After much thought, I realized that she was vocalizing what we all do at one time or another, and that she was being honest about her true feelings. She believed the Bible when it said that she was a child of the Heavenly Father, and because He said we may cast our every care on Him because He cares for us. And besides that, our Bible told her that outside of Jesus being Savior, Redeemer, Lord, and King, He was also our very Best Friend which meant that she could say anything to Him, without fear.

    Please have yourself a read, and "hear" her Best Friend's response. Also, if you have ever had yourself one of those "coming to Jesus meetings" with Jesus about your life and living, please drop me a line or two, I would love to hear from you on this topic!

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,



Monday, September 1, 2014

New Poem Added

Hello, Dear Friends:

     I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend, and that the new work week has gotten off to a good start.

     The new offering today is a poem entitled The Publican. 


Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


Greetings, and Welcome!

Greetings, and Welcome to All!

Welcome, Dear Friends, to the first of what is hoped to be many uplifting and comforting posts from SingOutMySoultotheLord!

This blog is being  published as my Missionary Contribution to our Brothers and Sisters in the Faith of Our Lord, Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and also as a means of spreading the Good News to those who are seeking after Christ and His Righteousness.

Everything that is written here is FREELY available for you to use in your Missionary Work. All I ask is that you do NOT sell anything that you acquire here. It is FREE for the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ, and should be used to bless others.

I appreciate your visit, and I look forward to seeing you again in the days, and weeks, ahead.

Be well, and be Gloriously blessed,


Pray or Party

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     I hope that all is well with you, and yours!

     For those of us in the United States of America, this is the last holiday before the start of the Fall season. This holiday is Labor Day which means barbecues, picnics, family gatherings, and more. It is also marks the "end" of Summer, and points to back-to-school time.

     If you live in Brooklyn, New York, this is the day of the biggest party in the United States. This day - the first Monday in September - for the last 50 years is the celebration called West Indian Labor Day Parade where it is expected that some 1,000,000 people will participate.

     It is because of this, and other reasons relevant to us Christians, that I have written a new poem entitled Pray or Party. The song of Praise is Take My Hand, Precious Lord.

     Let us as one body in Christ raise up the revelers to the Throne of Grace, and pray that by the end of the festivities, some soul will be drawn to call the Good Lord, Blessed.

     Please enjoy your day with your families, and endeavor in all things to put Our God first.

     May Holy Spirit comfort and guide you this day, and always, and may Jesus Christ be praised.



Sunday, August 31, 2014

New Poem entitled "The Blame Game" added

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     Isn't it amazing that in less than 24 hours it will be September 1st!

     Summer is almost over, the children will soon be returning to school, and (sniff) we shall soon be back in cool weather clothing. Ah, well, that is life!

     Let us enjoy what we have in our hands today, and let tomorrow - when it comes - take care of itself.

     I have added a new poem entitled "The Blame Game" to the Uplifting Poetry Page. This poem is all about how some adults look at our young people totally forgetting that it is adults that gave these young ones life, and released them upon an unsuspecting world.

     Please have yourself a read, and please feel free to share and comment.

     Enjoy, and

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


Monday, August 25, 2014

New Page Added entitled "My Testimony"

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     I hope that your day was blessed, and that all is indeed well with you, and your loved ones!

     I have added a new page entitled "My Testimony!" It is indeed my personal testimony, and it is written as poetry.

     "My Testimony!" is the story of my journey toward finding my way back home to the Family of Faith (not that I ever left), and it was written about eleven (11) months after I came close to losing my life in an accident.

      I have one very clear memory of that event when, as I was in a crosswalk, a vehicle picked me up and tossed me out of my shoes and sent me flying through the air: I remember being physically, and very slowly and gently, let down to the ground.

      Afterward, I was told that I should have been dead BUT The Lord obviously had very different plans for me.

     My health, life and living were changed drastically, but I am thankful to be alive.

     I believe with all my heart that I am, and have been, kept alive for a purpose, and I am willing, The Lord knows when He will be ready for me, and He will ensure that I am able to perform whatever task He has ordained for me.

     It is my prayer that some one soul may be blessed by this outpouring,



Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Lovely Reminder based on Scripture, of course!

Greetings, Dear Ones, Again, Again!

    I am on a roll today!

    Three posts in one day! I like how this feels!

    We know that there is a being "out there" that takes pleasure in attempting to make us doubt the Living Word of Our Holy Lord. Well, here is a short work, based on that Living Word, to remind of the positions and assistance of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God the Father - He provides!
God the Son - you know He died!
God the Spirit - is the Guide!
Satan - well, you know he lied!

Almighty God - He sees, He knows!
Jesus Christ - He bears our woes!
The Holy Spirit - Comforts, restores!
Satan - tempts us to ignore!

Satan says "Your battle's lost!"
Jesus says: "NO! I PAID YOUR COST!"
Holy Spirit, He abides, and
Almighty God still reigns on High!


A Short Prayer - Humble Promise

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     It's Me, again!

    Here is a really short prayer promise, just for you.

    Please feel free to use, and share.

Humble Promise

Humble promise, gracious praise,
Oh, Lord, I'll love you all my days!
Let not Your Spirit from me depart,
Your Word to others, I will impart.

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


In Faith - a Little Ditty just for YOU!!

Greetings, Friends!

     I hope that all is well with each and every one of you!

    The following is a little ditty that I wrote as a means of celebrating my faith in The Holy Lord.

    If anyone would like to put this to music, please feel free to do so, and, PLEASE, share same with the rest of us if you do!

In Faith

In Faith I see The City,
That Jesus calls my home.
On earth I have not plenty,
In Heaven I'll not know want.
By faith, I'll hold the promise,
Of land to call my own,
In a beautiful, wonderful City,
From where I'll never roam! 

Enjoy, and be gloriously blessed!


Friday, August 8, 2014

Happy Sabbath!

Greetings, Dear Ones, and Happy Sabbath to you and to yours!

     Another Sabbath Day has arrived where we come together to tabernacle with the Lord, to sing His praises and to rest in Him!

    Let us all give thanks to Our Almighty God for this time we can spend together, and for the myriad blessings He, in His Mercy, provided to us throughout the week just past.

    The offering today is a poem entitled The Raindrops and the Song of Praise is Be Strong in the Lord. You will also find A Prayer of Thanksgiving!

    I pray that you all will have a Blessed Sabbath day!

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Another New Poem Added

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     I hope your day was lovely!

     I have added another new poem entitled “Lord, Speak to Me!” which treats to the fact that we do indeed needThe Lord, and that we can't run far enough, nor be in too much trouble that He cannot fix!

Be blessed,


Saturday, August 2, 2014

New Page Added

Dear Friends:

     I have added a new page entitled "Beautiful Worship Music!"

     Enjoy, and

Be gloriously blessed,


Friday, August 1, 2014

Remember the Sabbath Day!

Happy Sabbath!

     Thanks for coming in to rest a while!

     In honor of the seventh-day Sabbath, I have added a new poem called, Sabbath, and a prayer for the Sabbath.

     I pray that you will, indeed, find your Sabbath blessing, as our Lord promised.

     Rest, Dear Ones, and blessed.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why me? and Rescue Workers!

Hello, Again, Dear Friends!

     I hope all is well with you and yours!

    I have a question. How often have you heard sirens passing around your home, or place of work, or when you were out shopping, and it never dawned on you to think of the rescue workers as those who are in need of our prayers?

     Well, there was a time when I heard sirens going by, that they were just that. Sirens going by.

     It was like that for me until just over a year ago when it suddenly entered my consciousness that those sirens were on vehicles carrying sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers, and it gave me pause.

     Now, whenever I hear a siren, I find myself praying for these men and women in the rescue services and, today, I am sharing one of those prayers with you all.

     And then, there is the poem, I Never Asked: Why ME!?  which came about as a result of all the times I wanted to know why me? when things were not going so well, but NEVER when things were going swimmingly. It surely made me think!

     I hope you enjoy these new offering and, don't forget to share them!

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Impossibilities and Teenagers

Greetings, Dear Friends!

     Welcome back - if you have visited before, and Welcome! if this is your first visit!

     Today we have added another new poem, and a new prayer. The new poem is entitled Impossible, and the new prayer is a Prayer for a Wayward Teenager.

     At this time in our lives, we find that many of our young people are severely stressed, bullied, feel aimless, and often lost and lonely. The problem is that when these feelings occur, our young ones feel so overwhelmed that those within the home are the first ones upon whom they take out their frustrations, and they become impossible to handle alone.

     So, if this scenario sounds familiar to you, please visit our Prayers and Uplifting Poetry pages for these new offerings. You will be glad you did!

     And please don't forget to access the link at the bottom of each prayer for the Song of Praise for that day!

Be well, and be gloriously blessed, as you take everything to Jesus,


New content Added

     Greetings, again!

     This is just a short note to let you know that a new page, a new prayer and a new poem have also been added to the Blog!

     The new poem is entitled My Self Worth, and the new prayer is entitled A Prayer for the Healing of a Troubled Soul.

     The new page is entitled Sabbath Rest - The Fourth Commandment of The Decalogue.

     May your heart be blessed by these new offerings! -**BJC**