Thursday, July 16, 2015

PRAYER: I Am Blessed!

Father, My Heart is Thankful for
You Do So Much for Me Each and Every Day -
I Am Blessed.

I don't have to Ask for Favors!
You Favor me with Your Blessings 
Even when I don't Pray -
I Am Blessed.

I Bless You, Father
And I Offer You My Praise and Worship -
Please Bless Me More -
In Jesus' Holy Name

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Personal Puzzle: Who Am I?

When I was a Child My Eyes were Clear!
I did not know "NO!"

I Grew up and was Introduced to "NO!" and "NO NO!" and
Everything with "NO!" Greatly Displeases Me!

I Became Jaded with The Passage of Time!

My Eyes are now Dull!
My Heart is now Hard!
I Want what I Want when I Want it, and
I Want "IT" NOW!!

I Am Not to Be Denied!
Don't you Understand Who I Am?

I will be SATISFIED!
At All Costs!

Costs to Me?!
I Get What I Want!

Costs to You?!
Should I Care?

Works of Charity?!
To whom?
For what?

Everyday ... to My Self!

Yes, yes! Of course!
I am Totally in to Me!
I Just Love Me!

Who Am I?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

DECLARATION: God's Grace IS Sufficient ... for ME!

Because God IS Love
He shows Me Mercy!

Because God IS Merciful
He provides Me Grace!

Because God's Grace is Sufficient for Me
I can accept #God'sFreeOfferOfSalvation!

Because Salvation was Purchased for Me with Jesus' Blood
I will accept Free Salvation!

God's Free Salvation Requires Cleanness
But there is No Cleanness in Me
So I must
"Come Clean" to King Jesus
And that means
Confession and Repentance of All Sin for Me!

I can't go to God except through Jesus!
I won't be Saved carrying on, and living, in Known Sin!
God is Holy, and I must live Holy
But I can't ... in My Own Strength!

I need Jesus - who Died on Calvary -
To set me Free!

Jesus was Lifted up, Died and was Raised Up to Glory!
I Died too - I was Baptized!

I rose from the Watery Grave 
To walk in The Renewal that Jesus' Life gives and
One day I, too, will be Raised all the way up to Glory
Provided I'm Faithful and 
Live in The Light of ... The Promise
Inked on Life
Sealed in Death and
Wrapped by Raised from The Grave
Held by He Lives
Guarded by Certain Hope and
Trumpeted by He Is Near!

I love The Lord!
I laid my Burden down!
I trust The Word's Word!
I walk by Jesus' Faith!
I lean on The Comforter!
I sleep in Peace for
Eternal Rest is Secured and 
I am Assured of
God's Provision
So the World has no more 
A Brief holding for Me
For Righteousness is Mine, and
Jesus Christ, Himself
Is carrying Me!

Oh, yes!

God's Grace IS Sufficient for Me


My Soul







Monday, July 13, 2015

By beholding, I Was ... Changed!

By Beholding, I was ... Changed!
Not for the Better - I was Ashamed!
I Looked upon Evil!
My Eyes Became Dull
And not long thereafter
Sin entered - I forgot The Shed Blood!

First, I started Brooding
About What Was Not Mine!
My Faith in The Master 
Went on the Decline!

It didn't take long
For Longing To Live and Let cried
And put me on a Path that would 
Could cause My Demise!

I started to Bend
The Rules of The Light!
I started walking with The Friends of The Night
And that is when Spirit and Flesh started to Fight
And then The Fleas of Real Sin on me did Bite!

My Skin was covered in Welts - some did leave Scars!
My Ears were going Deaf - I almost couldn't hear The Devil's Sports Car
Which was Revving and Roaring
As it came to My Gate!
I didn't hear it Sounding until it had Dropped me off Late
On My Day of Decision
For Good or For Ill
I'd ignored My Jesus
I'd Taken Swallowed The Sweet Rough Bitter Pill!

I then Drank a Deep Draught of 
The Waters of Regret
And Raked in the Leaves of
Would've Could've but Didn't Yet
Then And If, But and Annie
Came Carrying The Stoat
Which carried the Scissors which Cut Through My Coat
Covering My Callous Behavior
Which Covered My Need
And that is when, Broken, I Fell on My Knees
And Cried:

"Lord, Jesus, Save Me! Please!!?!!
I'm Truly Fit to be Tied
Up, and Dropped In
Your Cleansing Tide!"

"I'm Sorry for My Actions!
I Believed Satan's Lies
Of Great Fun and Frolic
Free - No Money to be Paid!
But, Lord, it was all Deception for
I have a Foot - and Four Toes - on the Banana Peel 
That is at the Edge of My Grave!"

"Great Father, Please Rescue Me!
I'm Pleading! Please, Save!
Without You, Dear Jesus
My Home is Slaving to Be Graved
Departed from You!
Lord, Jesus!
Please, help Me?!
Get Me out of this Stew!"

My Child
How I love YOU!
For YOUR LIFE I died
And how it blesses Me when to Me YOU do cry!
I give YOU Forgiveness!
I wipe clean YOUR Stain!
Cling unto Me -
Don't go in again to The Fast Lane!

YOU cannot fight Satan!
YOU'RE not strong enough!
I offer YOU My Weapons -
Not Powder Puffs and Bluffs!
Truth is The Belt to gird up YOUR loins!
Faith and Love make The Helmet to protect YOUR head from Above!
And Hope is YOUR Breastplate
Assuring Salvation - God's Love!
Love from The Divine
The Creator, The Judge!

However YOU Come to Me - come, I won't reject for
YOU are My Child
I knew YOU before YOU were a Speck
In the love of YOUR parents
Before they were born
But this is YOUR Day!
Confess! Repent!
Be Reborn!

I know of YOUR Needs
I provide for YOU every day
Reject the Things of The Earth
They just bring Decay!

Take My Yolk Easy upon YOU - My Burden is Light
Cast off the Works of Darkness
Shine YOUR Light bright
So that I may be Glorified
When men see YOUR Good Works
Stay close to My Altar
Like The Bride in The Church!

I'll treat YOUR eyes that are blinded!
I'll replace YOUR clothes that are sin-shorn!
I'll place in YOUR pocket
Pure Gold from My Throne!

Dear Child, look at These Hands
Look upon my Scarred Brow
Look upon my Holy Holey Feet
Touch This Rent in My Side!
These badges I earned
To save YOU, My Love!
Come into My Covert!
Give Satan The Shove - Raise High The Dove!

I conquered That Bold Sinner
The Day that I Died
The Day I was Risen
Was The Day Satan Cried
For He knows the Battle is Over
My Victory is Won!
My Kingdom, Great and Glorious is, for YOU, Coming Down!

Walk Holy - I'm Holy!
Walk Right - I'm Light!
Trust Me - I'm TRUTH!
 I'm Faithful!
I'm Life!
I'm Savior, Redeemer
The Conquering King!
I've got YOU, My Darling!
So, Cling to Me! Cling!

Walk on in Majesty!
My Kingdom Awaits!
Neither dogs nor whoremongers
Will get in at The Gate!

Keep YOUR Lamp Bright Burning
Filled with The Pure Oil of Grace!
Don't dance with The Devil - keep Marching
Even if YOU March Alone and in Place!

I've provided YOU an Angel Guardian
Who excels in Great Strength
And My Holy Spirit
Will comfort, guide and chide
Time and again!

Take all that I give YOU
Take it, and Peaceful Rest!
Stay with Me Faithful!
You will Enter My Blessed, Eternal Rest!"

I Gave up the World!
I Threw off The Chain!
I Trust in My Jesus
Where Sacrifice IS Great Gain!

I have what I Need
With an Occasional Want
It does not overwhelm me
I no longer need want to Flaunt
Things to be Paid for
Promises to be Broken
So that I would Jaunt
Up down and sideways
Frustrated and Dreading
The thoughts 
That oft' came cascading o'er me 
When I laid down my head!

I can Rest in Sweet Peace
In Comfort
Feeling Joy
For I am Redeemed
I am a Child of The Eternal God
Who Made Me
Who Minds Me
Who Comforts My Days
Who is Giving Me a Bright Mansion
At The End of Earth's Days!

His Promise is Faithful!
His Word is Sure!
He Provides Me with a Watch Angel - I feel Secure!
Join Me, I beseech you!
Let go of The World!
The Cup of Sin Runneth Over
#JudgmentIsAtThe Door!

Take Jesus - He Rescues!
Take Jesus - He Saves!
He is The King - Eternal
The Ancient of Days!
Render True Praise unto Him
Forever ... and ALWAYS!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Call Of The Shepherd - The Rock of Ages

I wanted to be Really Rich
Until I saw the Decay
That was present, and oh, so rampant
Amongst those with whom Wild Riches held Sway

I wanted to be Really Famous
Until I saw the Decay
That was present and oh, so rampant
Amongst those with whom Notoriety held Sway

I really wanted to be Powerful
Until I saw the decay
That was present, and oh, so rampant
Amongst those with whom Earthy Corrupting Power held Sway

I wanted to be Seen
To be Heard
To be Welcomed ... Understood
Until I saw what the Herding Mentality
Did to those Bathing in its Murky Water of Dragon Blood

I came upon a Plain Altar
Made of Undressed Stones and Plain Rocks
Tended by a Gentle Shepherd
Face marred, hands and feet sullied - I stood in shock
He looked at me - His smile ... I saw Glory
He talked with me - His voice ... Slow Water
Flood Raging Checked Welcoming Pure Gold
And I heard The Call of The Ages

"Come To Me! 
Let Me Wash You! 
I Shed My Living, Eternal, 
Saving, Blood for You!"

To say I was shocked ... Understatement!
To say I was horrified ... Let me get away from here!
To say I was sad, happy, afraid, moved, running away ... I walked to Him!
He help out His Arms ... I fitted in The Cleft
I knew no alarm!

I felt At Home. 
I felt Comforted.
Truly Blessed.
So Joyous. 
My Jesus ... The Shepherd ... of  Eternal Rest!

I no longer felt I wanted The World's Goods
Its Applause
Its Stress
I needed to be with My Jesus
At Home ... with The Eternal ... The King of The Blessed.

I gave The Wants the old "Heave Ho!"
I gave Pressure To Succeed The Seven G's!
Good Gracious! God Is Mine!
Go Graze Green Grass!
And showed The Wicked World
The Front of my Behind!

I need to Live with My Jesus
I need to Worship My God
I need a Gold Crown to Wear in Glory
Where I'll spend enjoy Eternity 
Eternity with My Lord as My Eternal Reward!








Saturday, July 11, 2015


Children of The Light and Day
Watch! And be Sober!
Wear your Helmet of Faith and Love
And your Breastplate - #TheHopeOfSalvation!

You are not Appointed unto the Wrath of God
But to the Salvation of Christ Jesus
Who, whether we live or die
Will take us to His Heavenly Home on High!

Don't be Deceived by Sin's pretty words of
Healthy Peace and Filling Safety!
These come from the Destroyer of Souls!
Don't be Deceived for Sudden Destruction comes!

Comfort you yourselves together!
Educate you one and another!
You know who truly is Your Father, so
Rest in Him, and be at Peace!

Comfort the Feeble-minded Soul!
Warn him who is Unruly!
Support the Weak
And show Kindness to Every Man!

Rejoice you Ever and, indeed, Always!
Sing Praises to The King of Days!
Glory, Honor and Prayers are His, so
Bless His Holy Name!

Render evil for evil to no man!
Pray without ceasing!
They may cutoff your head but - UNDERSTAND - you will Stand for
The King of Glory Is holding your trembling hand!

In everything #GiveThanksToGod
For this is His Will in Christ for you!
Quench not His Holy Spirit!
Despise not Prophesyings
Almighty God is with keeping You.

Prove All Things - Hold to the Good!
Abstain from the Appearance of Evil
Walk Holy as you Know you should for
Destruction is coming like a flood!

Hold to God's Unchanging Hand!
Lift up your head and
Sing! Sing! Sing!
He who Promised to Save you, will
Clothe You with Life Everlasting!

Give the World Your Back!
Look Up - don't Back Back
Even though Evil and its Weapons are behind you!
God is The Lord!
He ALREADY Defeated The Fraud!
Trust Him whose Chariot is a ... Cloud!
Behold ... He COMES!!

The Belt of Truth
The Word of God
Is here for Your Soul's Saving -
Trust in The Lord!
Let not Night Crawlers nor 
The Drunken and Depraved
Turn You from Jesus who - ONLY -  
Deliver from Death
Perfect Peace
Pleasant Pastures!





Eternal Life is Assured!

Rejoice and Pray!

Pray every day
In sunshine or in shadow!
Jesus Christ is Lord!
He has The Reward! 
He Conquered Defeated Sin, Death, and Satan - The Fraud!

Cry and Sigh!

Sigh for Sin is a Lie against Your Soul!
Cry to be Freed!
To King Jesus plead!
He is Faithful - He will fill the Repentant Sinner's need.
Live for God and Love the Sinner - Hate the Sin
Show him that Jesus Truly Saves!
Trust God and Stand
On His Holy Word - He is not man!
His Word is Faithful - Rely on Him
He Commands on it that you Boldly Stand!

Victory is Assured!
Crowns are Assured!
White gowns of Righteousness are Assured!
Eternal Life is Assured!
Don't let Satan take yours - It won't help him
He can't be restored!

So ...

With all that's been said
Stand, sit, lie on your bed and
Pray, Reason, Decide and then Stand
Firm ... in Jesus' Faith!
Give Him His Glory!
Give Him Your Praise
Heaven is Coming and
Eternal Glory Days!

Jesus is my Joy - I sing!
His Praise forever I will sing
Forever to His Cross I cling
His Blessing is Mine ... FOREVER!

Friday, July 10, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Bait and Switch: When Idols Walk and Talk ... for "Real!"

I recently read an article - and viewed a video - concerning the Ghost Cities which are prevalent in China as a result of a cycle of Destruction, Construction and Abandonment. 

The situation struck a note with me because it epitomized what will be the coming onslaught to be faced by the World, and foisted on God's People!

The Cities are beautiful BUT lack STAR POWER and STAR STATUS!

The way to "sell" the Properties is to LIE and to provide an ALTERNATE REALITY to get buy-in from those potential buyers who are AWED by Brand White American (expensive) and Brand Black American (cheap) with both available to BE REAL FALSE ACTORS and PROFESSIONAL ANYTHING for a price! 

Chinese buyers as bait just don't cut it so they need the foreign component!

Get an American tourist of any stripe, furnish him/her with a script, hold a grand function and let the Buy-in and Buying begin! It works!

The Concept of Image as Real is threefold:

1. Real - as it stands - is not working as we desire to our projected, anticipated profit = Dead R.O.I.

1. What am I getting from serving the Invisible God? = Nothing I can see, feel, touch, taste, hold, display, brag about right this very minute!

2. Insert The Image as Scripted and Choreographed Reality with its Appended Accoutrements + Compensated "Real" Actors = Goal of "Success" Accomplished

2. Get your "god-of-the-moment" to give you great, immediate, visually appealing, braggable gains and glories and you are "It!" and "Hip!" and "Happening!" - and everybody wants what you have, and to be who you are! Winning Formula!

3. End Result: People Purchase Looks Over Substance  - no matter the Value ... for the time being ... because, well, it gives the "Appearance" of Good Value to ...!

There will be Time For Regrets ... later!

3. Bow before the Image of Satan which has the Power to cause all, great and small, free and bond, rich or poor to receive the Mark ( of Approval!! ) of the Beast, the name or the number of the name of the Beast be killed if they won't WORSHIP the Image of the Beast. (Revelation 13:17). (Emphasis mine!)

Everybody wants the Crown - nobody wants the Cross! They don't want to do exploits or wait for "Tomorrow Land!"

Note that the Mark is to be received in either the Hand (convenience, to be able to work, i.e., go along to get along - nothing believable in this, just give me what I need to "live!") 


the Head (the "seat" of the Soul wherein is belief i.e., you have made a decision for real; this is important to your spiritual well-being)!

Christians are NOT to trust in, nor depend upon signs and wonders (appearances) to bolster their Faith in the Living God!

Christians are NOT to Trust in emotions to make #DecisionsForJesusChrist. God said:


Signs, and Wonders, and Emotions, are easily counterfeited, and Satan is a past master at generating these smoke and mirrors showings:

The Hook (your Desire) is Baited!
Your Eye is Filled
Your Hand is Full and then ...
The Switch is Performed and ...
You are Left "Holding" a Lead Bag
Filled with Gold-painted Lead Bricks 
Flying in a Lead Balloon Full of Holes
Wearing Lead Boots
With a Wholly Holey Parachute
To "Save" Your Life!?!

Christians need to REMEMBER that God said that our bread and water are assured! We need to stand firm and let "the king" keep his meat, sacrificed to idols!

We must not defile our selves!! Read Daniel 1.

The Word of the Lord is a Strong Tower; the Righteous run to it and are saved! Proverbs 18:10. No MAYBE'S!! DEFINITIVE, STRONG, SURE WORDS OF HOPE!

Read the Word! 
Learn the Word! 
Live the Word! 
Ignore the World! 
Embrace Faith in Jesus Christ for Provision and ...
Keep Walking ... FAITHFULLY in FAITH ... toward Zion!



Why should I bow to an Image?
Image is not the Real!
Can't you tell the Difference?
Image is only On Stage!

Reality is a Lie -
Everything Pretty Pork Pie In Rainbow Sky!
On Image-god You Can't Rely
Trust him ... and YOU Will SURELY Forever Die!

That Image is not Self-incarnate -
It has an Ungodly Energy Source!
His desire is not Your Welfare!
He is working to get You to lose Your Soul!

Food is made for the Belly!
Faith is made for the Lord!
Stand Firm with the Heavenly Angels!
Give all Glory to The Living God!

Faith in God will Fill Soul and Belly!
Faith in God Brings Blessing and Reward!
Filling up on "Something Without Substance"
Is like feeding rain water to a cord - no reward!

Let me make it plain for You!
God will His Glory claim!
You may play all you want with the Shadows -
Your living will be in vain!

Nine is a six upside down!
Orientation makes the value plain!
Worshiping an Image has No Value

Ask God to set His Seal upon You!
Ask The Spirit to Comfort and Reign
Within Your Soul to Your Salvation
Let not Satan make Your Living a sham shame!

Worship God!
Wear a Crown!
Sing Glad Song!
Don't TurnAround!

Lot's Wife loved Life
But not enough to give up her Loot
Hence, she choose to look back at what she was losing
And instead lost her loot and her life to boot!

How Foolish! 

Let us not be foolish, too! 

Choose Real God for Real Value

Get Over Give Up The Ashes! 

Take God's True Beauty!


Get God!
Give Up The Crap!
Get Great Gain in Glory!


Do Not PERMIT Satan 


Destroy Your Faith in God!

He Will Construct for You 

A Mansion Made of and on Sand!

He Will Then Abandon You to 

Your Just Fate 


Eternal Separation from God!






God - whose Name is Jealous - 

Is The Jealous God!

Almighty God Will Not Share 

His Worship nor His Glory 

with another 

"Real" Imaginary God! - Neither Should YOU!

Isaiah 43:9-10 King James Version (KJV)

9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth.

10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.








and to