Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRAYER: Father, Why Are Cast-off Burdens Coming Back and Bothering Me?

Greetings, Dear Ones!

Today's offering is by Special Request of one of our Fellow Travelers who is bothered, as the title suggests, by certain burdens which, though given up, are forever in view and causing problems.

I pray that this response will not only be a blessing to the Requester, but also to others of us who may be similarly "assaulted!"

I also encourage the Brethren to visit the following link:

May your hearts be blessed this day, and always!


Lord, I laid down this burden last week last night, AND,
today, I find that it’s still here! 
I know for sure that I sent it to You
BUT, Father, here it is in plain sight ... again!
Father, some of my burdens, it seems, when dropped, soon die
But others sent away grab my shoe
And, wherever I turn, look around, or sit on a pew
There they are, sticking to me like super glue!
My loves, my hates, my problems with dates -
Calendar and opposite sex -
Are chewing on me
Begging compromise
As if love’s a commodity!
Father, You said in Your Word
To say a prayer - it will be heard -
So, please, deliver me of my load
On this day of decision
For life and hope are on a course for massive collision.
You say that You care and that
All I need to do is give You of my load.
I gave You the load which is now acting the goad
And, Father, now my circuit is on overload!

My Child, I have told you before
That burdens are like sin at the core.
If a whiff in the nose
Or a speck on white clothes
They will always announce
Pronounce and control.
Cliches from all man
"Let GO and let GOD" and
"Trust and Don't Pay!"
Are not as trite as they appear.
Trust Me with the burden -
Don't pay for the solution.
Walk by your Faith in Me
Not by the sight you see
Nor by the worldly wisdom of those 
Who now seek to lead Thee.
Give Me ALL your cares -
ALL of them - not just shares.
Go commando - bare it all!
Liberate your skin from sin -
Go all in!
Child, look at Me!
Not the date - but the Tree.
I AM big enough
And have Love enough
To comfort you in all ways.
Don’t be like Lot’s wife
Who believed things her soul satisfied
And perished for pride 
Of life, and lust of flesh and eye which -
Instead of Me - were glorified.
Mrs. Lot, even though warned
Took no heed and did scorn the
Prohibition which upon her had been laid.
Instead of running away
She dragged her feet, and looked back
And a pillar of salt is how she forever stayed.
Believe, Child of Mine, that
I AM Kind, Love Divine
For, for love of YOU, I suffered and died!
You are on My Heart inscribed
You are The Nail Holes in My Hands and Feet
The Spear Mark in My Side
The Thorn Scars on My Brow
The Apple of My Eye
I love You! Trust ME
And the Over-comer you will forever be!
Let Me set you free
For you can’t help yourself
But I - The Son of Man
You know that I - alone - can!

In moments of seeming despair, 
Choose to REMEMBER that
burdens, like Me, were lifted at Calvary.

So, give Me that load
Let it go - no more to goad
You to despair
For I AM - alone - forever here for You,
My Blessed and Greatly Beloved Child!

BLED to give you New Birth
Was CRUCIFIED for your Consecration
Is Faithful to give you Grace
Is Just to forgive you your Sins
Was Sacrificed to Sanctify you for Salvation
Was Glorified to give you a Crown

So, if you Trust Me
Give Me 
your bewildering burdens which
bewitch belief, benumb the brain
harden the heart and seek to
strangle the Spirit.
Give Me
that darkening dust of despair, 
dread desire, and damning delusion!
Let GO of the Burden!
Place the Burden, in faith, on Me - I AM able!
Don't take back the Burden!
Walk away from the Burden
Do Not Look Back!
I AM ... The Lord Almighty to Save
I CAN ... Bear your Load, and
I DO ... It for Love

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Let Me Tell YOU and ME Something!

The Preachers are saying that The Church is "Rapture-Ready!"
But, surprise ... The Church isn’t ready for the Coming of the Lord
Because of the lies from the Pulpits
Spewed by charlatans, thieves, and two-bit frauds!

If  WE are rapture-ready
Shouldn’t WE be watching unto prayer
Instead of playing Peanut and $25 Bingo and
And having carnal, and occasional emotional, affairs?

Who do YOU think WE are fooling?
Surely YOU don’t think it is ME?
Worse yet, YOU can’t believe that WE are fooling Jesus
For He has eyes in front, behind, and around looking at all o' WE!

Anyhoo, let ME tell US something:
Putting on a show doesn’t make the Church "rapture-ready," and
Not walking our talk, and
Not talking our walk will catch up with US e'er long!

Soooo ...

WE must tear our hearts!
WE must cleanse our minds!
WE must clothe ourselves in King Jesus, and take a drink
From The True and Living Vine!

And, with that said, WE need to:

Pray without ceasing!
Sing glad songs until we're weeping!
Keen, and lament!
Cry aloud!
Plead to be saved! And
Wrestle with the Lord -
He accepts every charge!
He will take care of US!

Just remember - the Preachers may be living large
But Almighty God is ALWAYS in charge!

So let US let God lead US from sin, and
Change our hearts, and
Fill US with Him!
He can, and will, take US off of
Sin's thin, and brittle, and always breaking limb!

Oh, by the way, WE can't write a paycheck and
put God's name on it - He does not work for US - so WE need to stop acting like WE can really issue orders for God to follow!


-*-*- HE -*-*-


Monday, April 13, 2015

Life: Plaintively Juxtaposed

THE CALL                                THE CRY
My eyes see, yet I am blind to the sights
My ears hear, yet I am deaf to life’s clamoring call
My heart beats, but I need to be more compassionate
My feet walk, but I won’t compete with this world!

I thirst, but it isn’t for water
I hunger, but it isn’t for bread
I love, but my love has limits
Christ died, so that I may have New Life instead!

Give me, Lord, a heart like my Master
Filled to the brim, with compassion today
Teach me to love, Lord, even the unlovely
And bless me, Lord, let me be fed
From unbroken cisterns,
Not vessels of clay
Nor from untrustworthy servants
Hiding white-washed tombs filled with dead
Words, dead hopes, delusions, confusion
Save me, My Father, else I, too, will soon be dead!

Give Grace to the grateful
Give Rest to the weary
Give Peace to the poor
Bring Love to the fore
Front of Ministry
Meeting the miserable
Greeting the grudgeful
Soothing the cold!

Red and yellow
Black and white
Pretty people in God’s Sight!
Made for blessing
Come confessing
Laud the Master
On His High Throne!

Heaven is waiting!
Time is deflating
Sin is escalating
Loving has grown cold!

Hearts are all stony
Bodies fat are bony
Sound is overwhelming
Houses are crowded
Yet people are alone!

Lord, You are merciful!
Our tempers are mercurial!
Saints face the tribunal!
Hate is on overload!

Lord, Death is demanding!
Two make a couple
Three wild a throuple
Sex is assignable
Bold Mummies young are stonily cold and old!

Daddy is a test tube
Granny is a rented womb
Priest is a parasite
Oh, Father, Judgment is for gold!

Up down means sideways
Over there means back-back
Your Children are being stacked!
Evil is feeding the flack!

Come, Lord, I beg You!
Until then, I beseech You
Let us continue to receive You
Keep watch, for we believe You
Please, Lord, let The Redemption commence!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

and ... when my race is run, my heart shall say:

Sunday, April 12, 2015

PRAYER: Protect Me, Father, From Self

Father! Hellllpp!
Self is bothering me, and I don’t like it!
Everywhere I go all I see is Self!
Everything I do all is hear is Self!
And every comfort I seek is always about Self
And I am getting really tired of this!
Why can’t it - just for a change - be about Other
Or even Somebody Else?
Lord, I am willing, but Self is winning
And this is killing me ... slowly.
Grant me Your Grace
That I may replace
The disgrace in my face
With love for the fearing
Light for hearing
Sight for the daring
Comfort for the burden-bearing
Caring for the soul-sick and searching
And friendship for the former foe now friendless.
Help me, Father, to forsake Self and to

Seek an
Life of
Faith - not feeling.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - God's Grace Brings Peace and Healing!

Hope and Blessing are sisters!
Truth and Beauty are fast friends!
Friend Friendly and Faith Faithful are brothers
On whom the sisters and friends can surely depend!

Mustard-Seed Hope and Longing-For-Glory are inseparable
‘Tis Grace and Gladness-of-Heart likewise
For without these bonded companions
Neutral and Impossible bring with them Demise!

Hope-For-Glory brings with her Gladness
Faith and Truth hold fast to them Mighty Grace
And Beauty-of-Spirit brings with her, her buddy Blessings
From The Father whom them all did create!

Faithful and Friendly find Favor
For those two Feeling Frazzled and Frayed
Their duty each day holds Neutral and Impossible at bay
So Sin can’t come out playing with Holding-Sway!

Neutral claims Fame by holding No-Position
Impossible has Lime-light by elevating Weak
Who everyone know is twin Siamese
With Cowardice, and brother to Bothersome
Bewildered, Awful, Awesome and Life-Is-Bleak!

At times, one can meet Travail-of-The-Spirit
At times, one will meet Keep-You-Eye-On-The-Goal
But whether you meet, Goodness or Defeat
Constant Companion keeps you - along with Faithful - on steady feet!

So, when Life is plucking your nose-hairs
And The-Enemy-Of-Your-Soul steps with nails on your corns
And Devilish-Delight is flaring fire on your hemorrhoids
Know that Peace-In-The-Valley and Balm-of-Gilead
Are carrying Healing and Prayer in Godly-Hands!

Don’t give Losing-Hope and definitely not that Vain-Glory
Pity-Party nor Deadly-Pain to Strangle-Hold
For the Minions-Of-Hell
Will summon that dreadful Death-Knell
So Get-A-Grip, and
Say-A-Prayer and choose
Deny-The-Liar, then
Spit God’s-Gospel-Is-Heavenly-Fire
And step out with Faith
I’m-Holding-To-Hope and

Friday, April 10, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + When God Looks Upon This Face

From you I rate no second glance
Nor even a small, kind word
But when God looks upon this face
He sees beauty unreviled.

To you I rate no deep concern
To you I have no merit
But when Jesus looks upon this face
He says my life has His upon it!

You look outside!
You use earth-eyes!
You judge me on the surface!
But Jesus, bless His Holy Name
Decided His Love had no such limits!

He loves me not for what I do, or did, today
Or on some distant shore
He loves me for He knows I’m ill
And that He, Himself, is my only cure!

I see His look of love each day
And am blessed to know I - without merit -
Can ask Him for some favor small
And know He’ll not put strings upon it!

He loves me, and I love Him, too, and
In the grand scheme there's no need to shout about it!
But glory be to God on High
I’m blessed, and I don’t care who knows about it!

Christ looked inside!
He bled! He died!
And because He did, one day
I’ll be hailed in new body, perfect and glorified!

From Jesus and Granny ... With Love

I didn’t believe my Granny loved me
Until the day I had to pray!
I didn’t know how much Jesus loved me
Until I needed a listening ear!

My Granny showed she loved me
By what she taught me by the old rocking chair
And Jesus proved His love for me
By answering this wayward child’s prayers!

I was walking right in the sight of my own eyes!
I did what was seemed right in my cloudy sight!
But, oh, what a mess I made of my life
Seeing the unnecessary stresses that I had to fight!

Doing whate’er I wanted no end pleased me!
I was in charge of my own destiny!
I was made in the image of the Living God
So what better god to follow than the god that was me?

Things didn’t turn out so great, but
I am woman! I was running the show
And would, until my very soul
Was about to be given the old heave ho!

Then I knew I had to let go, and let God
Almighty - He of the Godhead Three -
For I needed comfort, guidance, and love
That could only come from the Unseen, from High Up Above!

Well, Granny’s praying ways finally shone through
And I realized what a favor she’d done for me!
I could, in distress, bend the knee, and beat the chest
And cry out of my soul:

“Oh, God, please help me!
 I need to confess!”

And, believe it, or not, all of Granny’s praying ways
Had sunk deep inside - held in quiet reserve
Until, finally, misbehavior and pigheadedness
Nearly got me what I truly deserved!

But ...
The God of The Mountain
The Valley, The Deep,
The Good Father, yes
The Shepherd of the Sheep
Had pity on my plight
All caught up in sin tight, said:

“Enough! Come My Child!
Come thou unto Me!”

My friends were long gone and
The old heart had no song
And I knew I had been wrong
And had been so - all along!

In sin, and disgrace, with
Distress on my face
I pitifully cried:

“Lord, save me!
I can’t run anymore!”

And He said:
“Come aboard! I will lead you to the Shore
And you are Mine
From now on, and evermore!”

Yes, Jesus loves ME!
And, yes! My Granny did, too!
So, please, don’t ever doubt
The prayers of YOUR Granny
For, all along, she's been looking out
For You, too!



Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lord, Just Let Me In

I don’t have to be a herald
Nor a watchman at the gate
Lord, just let me into Heaven
And help me not be late!

I don’t have to be a song leader
Please, Lord, just let me in the Choir sing
I want to sing for my Jesus
Father, just let me into Heaven get in!

Lord, I don’t need a mansion
But, I know that You’ve prepared me one
I don’t need it to be special
It's enough that its Jesus-made, and in Heaven belongs!

Lord, my heart it is longing
For my home in Glory to see
Lord, whatever You do today
Have mercy, and remember me, for I need Thee!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

No Brittle Heart Can Cry!

Today, I had a thought
And, I must confess
That a heart that can cry
Is a heart that is blessed!

Today, I met a man
Who was bouncing a pretty ball
And he sought by his actions
To cause me to fall!

Then, I met a man
Who was wearing working jeans
Who set out with vileness and acidity
To make me feel unclean!

Then, yonder was the man
Good-looking, and striking, tall
Who, in dulcet tones and cultured vanity
Tried to make me answer Satan’s call!

And then, I met ... Him
Who prodded, and me open pried
And with love and gentle touch 
Oh, how He me tried!
My still-longing heart broke
And, with body heaving, I cried:

“Lord, save me!
I’m helpless! 
I’m tired!
I feel pain! 
Lord, my soul is so poisoned
And I duly so complain!
I worry, and wonder -
I’ve wandered - gone astray!
Please, Father! Please help me!
I don’t want to go out in sulphured flames!
You gave me great treasures!
Yes! Laughter and tears!
Tears for my cleansing
And Laughter’s healing claims!
I laugh for Your healing!
I cry - for, Lord, You cleanse!
Please, put a pin in Old Satan!
Please, Lord! Defend! Defend!
Put my tears in Your Bottle!
Hold my heart in Your Hand!
Shelter me with Your Wings!
Save me! I bought #TheJesusSavesPlan!
I deposit my sins
My repentance, my will, and my way
And eagerly await
Compound-compound interest
And dividends so grand
When the Pearl Gates are swung open
By Your Great and Mighty Hand
For my triumphal entry into 
My Heavenly Home in Beulah the Land!”

Monday, April 6, 2015

There's No Need To Glam-Up For God!

People! People!
There is no need to glam-up for God!
Just get your head out of the sand
Where Satan has man
Believing that God’s head
Is a veritable tin can!

He does not need a fan
To cool his skin
When He is thinking
For He is Thought
And His Son bought
Eternity for man
And so we ought to -
Without fear, and having fought
The good fight of Faith -
Press on calmly, and await
Our delivery in state
To enter Heaven
Through His Pearly Gates
To inherit our new estates
Bought without price
Decorated without dice
Not infested with lice
Nor haunted with sin
Camoflaged as an electronic device!

There is no need to glam-up for God!
But, you should make it a point to remember that:

Matter to Our Master if we aspire to

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Super Christian!?

Your broad hat nearly took out my eye!
Your high heel nearly severed a toe!
The baubles on your dress dug a hole in my side
And, Lady, I must confess that your words
To sweet, old  Brother Joe were offesive
And they have me feeling mighty sore
Since you say that you’re a super Christian -
Which designation the Holy Bible doesn’t spell -
And your current behavior, my Sister, is that of a bat outta hell!

Gizmos and gadgets do not a Christian make!
Loving grace, and a quiet spirit
Is all that it really takes
To point a dying soul to The Lord Of Love Has No Limits!
So take off your war paint, and
Lower the volume of your voice!
Look to the Lord Jesus, and learn to rejoice
For the soul who is reaching for His Savior to find
And get a grip on yourself - your behavior is asinine
And behave like a real Christian
Like Jesus Christ in really thine!

Today is a new day!
Another opportunity to a good example set
And stop misbehaving! You're acting like a whelp!
Jesus gives the victory over all that besets!
So take a page out of my book
And seriously get yourself some help!

I once was just like you!
But, bless Jesus, I have changed
Or else, believe me, I tell you
I would rearrange your face with my shoe!

You don’t kick little puppies
And you don’t survive on lies!
So get thee behind me, you child of Satan!
You’re making me itch like I’ve got hives!

Father, have mercy on us Your people
Satan is walking among us today!
Lord, oh how we're being led astray!
Renew in us gentle spirits!
In straight paths Lord, let us glide!
Lord, give faith to the faithful, and
Lord, let Your sweet love in us all abide
For we are fast, fast, failing, and
The searching soul we depress!
The needy is seen as an eyesore, and
The poorly dressed is to us a laugh fest!
Have mercy, Dear Lord, I beg You!
Please renew us! Please make Thou us clean!
And while you are at Your remaking, Dear Father
Start with me, and that wicked Isalene!

Dear Ones:

A simple question: What example have we set OR are we setting for those seeking after our Master?

I sincerely pray that it is the example that says "I'm a Child of The King of Love who shepherds me!"

Let's think on this!


Saturday, April 4, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - Teaching The People About Prophecy

Joel 2:31
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and terrible day of the LORD come.

Matthew 24:29
Immediately AFTER  the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

Pastor, why don’t you teach about prophecy?
Why do you preach prosperity to the class
Instead of teaching that Jesus is soon coming
And that He is coming very fast?

Matthew 24:21
For THEN shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Why do you keep telling the people
That they have nothing to fear
That the Great Tribulation is for another people
That they will not be even here because of a catching-away?

Don’t you know that that is one great delusion
That has been perpetrated on the people of God!
The Great Tribulation has already occur-red
And what’s preaching today is an all-out fraud!

Jesus Christ never promises His people
That they will be absent from the face of strife
And if you read your Bible carefully
You will see that He will protect them THROUGH the strife!

John 17:15
I pray NOT that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." (Jesus’ words!)

Great hope to His people, comes from Jesus, and swelling
In Psalms Chapter 91 and Verse 10
"There shall no evil befall thee
Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling."

The Great Tribulation spoken of in our God’s Bible
Covered a period of 1,260 years - AD538 to 1798!
Please let me explain that estimates of 100,000,000+ people were murdered
And the like will not occur ever again!

The Lisbon Earthquake occurred in November 1, 1755
Look in the historical archive!
The Dark Day was May 19, 1780
Some people were - some people weren’t - afraid for their lives!

The same night of that famous and Dark Day
Saw the moon appearing to all as of the color of blood
Oh, how the people’s hearts must have trembled
Like those of the people faced by Noah’s flood!

November 13, 1833
Saw the Great Falling of the Stars
Which originated in the Constellation Leo
And fell almost like snowflakes on modern cars!

Matthew 24:15,16
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains.

The Abomination of Desolation as we all know of it
Occurred in AD70
When Jerusalem, itself, was completely surrounded
And there 1.1 million people died who denied the AD66 sign by staying behind!

All told, the next trouble we are awaiting
Is Jacob’s Trouble that be of Little Time
Which will be predicated upon the passing
Of the Sunday Law to worship one who is assuredly not divine!

Be sober, be vigilant is the call, then
To all who in Jesus Christ believe
For your adversary - the Devil - is coming
And has some wily, vile tricks up his sleeve!

Please don’t let dishonest shepherds deceive you
Read and study the Bible for your self
Ask the Holy Spirit to instruct you
And, please get the Word of God inside you and off the shelf!

"Behold, I come quickly!" says King Jesus
I am bringing my reward with Me for all!
Matters not whether you believe or believe not
Rewards will be delivered - rise or fall!

Rise up all ye faithful into my pleasance!
You who kept My Faith - I bid you enter in!
Fall down into the lake all ye reprobates!
Destiny’s eternal death is all you rate!

Dear Ones:
Our Father is Just.
Our Father is Faithful.
Our Father is Kind.
Our Father is Love.
Our Father is Hope.
And Our Father holds the Keys to Glory!

Don’t be presumptuous!
Don’t be slow and tardy!
Don’t put off for tomorrow the request you are receiving today!

Our Father, whose home is in Heaven, is condescending at this very minute to call you, me, and all who are weary, worn, tired, trembling, feeble, forlorn, friendless and fed-up, desperate, delusional, lost, lonely, to everyone, and anyone who feels that he or she needs the Savior.

When you hear His Voice, do not harden your heart!

Answer, and say: “Yes, Lord! I am listening!”

He surely loves you, and even lil' old me!

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


Friday, April 3, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + My God Is A Jealous Lover!

My God is a jealous lover -
He doesn’t ever His affections share!
And He has no blessing for a so-follower
Who choses to sit in the adulterer’s chair!

My God is not into brekkin’ up fractions
He is seriously into all  - or none
So if you feel that sharing your affections is appropriate
You are looking down the barrel of The Coming King's gun!

My God plainly says to all who would love Him
How the relationship is going to progress
He states up front everything that He is going to give you
And that He expects nothing less in return but your best!

For My God your best is your whole heart
Not a heart torn with "What if?", and "Maybe possibly!"
His chosen phrases from all who would follow Him are
"My God, I forsake the world!" and
"My God, I follow only Thee!"

Now, to my mind the request of My God is not a burden
For the reward on my investment pays infinite returns
All My God gets in exchange is ruined merchandise
For which He's paid the ultimate price!

It must be love that My God is feeling!
Why else would he put up with any such as me
Who is fickle, black-hearted and decidedly foul-mouthed
Whether I’m looking north, east, west or just plain south?

My God wants me to pray to Him! - I can do that!
My God wants me to praise Him! - I can sing a song!
My God wants me to have and show faith in Him! - Hmmm... I’m working on that!
And He wants me to read The Good Book from which He says Faith comes along!

My God does not require much of me!
He says being yoked to Him is easy and any burden He wants carried is light!
So, considering all the treasures He has long-lense glimpsed me
I’m determined to join in whatever cause He fights!

My God warned me about a fallen angel
A powerful and deceitful creature marked for eternal death
Who covets everything that My God possesses
And chooses to see all My God’s lovers dead!

My God told me the fallen angel’s name was Lucifer n/k/a Satan
His claim to fame is that he is the Father of Lies
He also is the Author of Chaos and Confusion
And the base/bold Denier of Jesus Christ, The Son of God - Love crucified!

Blind the eye and deceive the heart are Satan's modus operandi
Divide and conquer - and separate and sully - his stated goal
His determination is that Jesus Christ should not have a servant, and
To rain death on believers, and even those who are looking to take a-hold
Of faith, of redemption, of the Redeemer, and
To seize salvation, and stake a claim on real estate of bright gold, and
To receive a new name, a harp, and righteous, white, garments
And entry into God’s Eternal Fold!

So, if you want in on My God’s action
Deny Satan and self, and let My God make your sorry soul whole!
You must keep yourself from false gods, and useless idols
And one day, My God - in His Glory -  you will assuredly behold!

Salvation Is NOT For Sale!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Come and get your salvation
Salvation for sale!

Salvation on sale!!
Salvation on sale!!
It only cost its Creator
A cross and three nails!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Get yourself your own salvation
Forget the burial detail!

 And then ...

I turned the corner
And there whom I should see
But Jesus, The Creator
Saying so softly ...

“Salvation is free!
Salvation is free!
Get your soul’s salvation
I give it to all freely!”

“No money, no price!
No lie! No device!
Get your free Salvation!
Don’t roll The Liar’s Dice!”

“Salvation is mine!
I paid for your crimes!
Get your free salvation
No need to mortgage or even buy twice!”

“Free Grace!
Undying Love!
Untrammeled Mercy!
These come not from the Pastor
And assuredly not the Pope!
I, the Creator
I, your True Friend
I offer you an inheritance
Not vain promises of men
Who speak lies for a profit
Who profit when you've  paid
Whose sole motivation
Is to acquire money and fame!
I offer no early riches!
I offer you Earth’s hatred and disdain!”

“And when your battle hard
Is victoriously won
I offer you My Crown
A seat upon My Throne
A mansion of your very own
A new name plus sweet peace
And a walk never alone
Living in Glory - Almighty God’s Home!”

“Come along and walk with Me!
No! Don’t buy salvation today!
Son of Man - He alone gives it away!”

“Salvation is free today!”



“Please pray!
Don’t pay! Don't pay!
I, alone, can make the Way!
Salvation is free to you ... today!”


“Salvation is free to you!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

What Means THURSDAY?

Help and
Understanding and
Rest and
Salvation and
Deliverance are freely
Available from
Yeshua (Jesus)!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Harvest

There is going to be a harvest
And all mankind will be there
There is going to be a separation
That some will have to fear!

One part harvest is a reaping
One part harvest a gathering, it's true
Look sharp! It may be painful for some men
But it doesn't have to be painful for me and you!

First Harvest is of the Wheat field
Beautiful grain for Heaven’s Granaries
Jesus Christ, Himself, is the reaper
And, oh how He is going to be pleased!

Second Harvest is of the Vineyard
Bountiful Grapes quite bursting with juice
And after the Angel puts in the sickle
Angry God’s Wine-press will be running profuse!

Difference in these two harvests
Is that the First Harvest leads unto rest
The Second Harvest that goes into Angry God’s Wine-press
Is of those who made Christ a joke at The Laugh & Roll Comedy Contest!

Those of us who accept Jesus
And His Sacrifice on Calvary
Will be going Home to live in the Household of Heaven
And will be going there Special Delivery!

Those who laughed and rolled in denial
Of Jesus Christ and His sovereignty
Their blood will be running down the roads for 1600 furlongs
And carrion birds will be feasting! - God called them to throng!

Choice is yours! This much I will tell you
Wheat grass, wheat juice, wheat bread, wheat kernel
I know that I am staying in Jesus’ Wheat Fields
My intention - God’s Grace - is to be of a beneficial nature to the Kingdom
So home to Glory, Jesus Christ will me safely lead!

I pray, my friend, that you won't choose to be a grape that
On the cluster will be thrown into the Press
For to be trodden upon by God’s great anger
Seems to me to be a thought I wouldn’t want to ingest/digest!

You are not me nor am I you
Each man has his own salvation to work out
Salvation is to save what no salvage is to cast out
Garbage to be burned - no rubbish to be left about!

So think! Think hard! Think harder, longer!
Reach for Jesus - He is reaching out to you!
He calls, and calls, ever so gently
Don’t let Satan’s beat box and TV block Jesus Christ from view!

Pray to God, in the name of Jesus
Invite the Holy Spirit to teach and guide your way
Bow your head and hail the Master
The offer of Salvation could close any day!

Calling is Jesus’ way
Pleading for you not to delay
Promising a bright future
Jesus is calling - please don’t turn away!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Prayer: Bless Mommy and Daddy

Heavenly Father,
Bless Mommy and Daddy!
Help them to be good to themselves 
And to each other!
I pray that they will daily seek Your Face, Lord
And that they will teach us to be praying hearts by their good example.
Please continue to show them
Your Love, and Your Hand of Provision.
Grant them grateful hearts, loving and gentle hands
And hopes focused upon Jesus Christ and 
His soon return, and prepare them, Lord,
to meet our God for He will not be silent.
Keep them in Your care
Until the Day Breaks
In Jesus’ name and for His sake.
We love you, Lord.

Miracle$ For $ale!

Father, I needed - and still need - a miracle, and
I went to the Man in the center Altar chair!
When he found out that I didn't have two pennies together rubbing
He said: “You really need to talk to the Man Upstairs!”

So, Father, I am coming to You!
I am bringing to You all I have!
I present to You, Lord, my only payment!
I present to You my faith in Jesus Christ - Your Only Son - Dear God!

Yes, Lord, I believe in Christ Jesus!
I believe in the efficacy of prayer!
I believe that You, Almighty God, are able
To bring relief to my achingly bad despair!

I ask You, Lord, to deliver!
I ask You, once again, to show me that You care!
I present my faith in this lil' mustard seed, and
I beseech You, Lord: “Please make the way clear!”

My ways are not Your Ways, Lord!
My thoughts are definitely not Your Thoughts!
But my heart is humble, my Spirit’s willing, my will yielding
To Your guidance where'er my weary feet will travel o’er!

Forgive me, Father, for not coming to You directly in the first place!
Forgive me for believing that the Pastor had my back!
Forgive me for forgetting that with You all things are possible
And for bypassing You and turning to that miracle-pimping hack!

Never again, Lord, will I ever
Put the Man of the Cloth before the Son of Man!
Open my eyes, ears, heart and my reason
To the promptings of The Shepherd with whom this life began!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

I Am Who I Am!?!

I seduced that pastor
I had him on his knees
He worshiped at my altar
He was always begging
Please take me to the pinnacle
I promise I won’t resist
Take me, please, I’m yours!
Oh, my! This is bliss!!”

Today, he was here again
With his begging
Wanting me to do more
To take him to that place where
Only the preeminent
Could come to shore!

But, I had gotten tired
Of his constant cry “Please! More!”
And being a fickle lady
I kicked him in his core!

He fell to the floor!
He vomited!
He writhed in pain - I didn’t care
For there is always another preacher/pastor/teacher
Who will willingly do whatever I say!

So if you know of any ministers
Who want to go to the top
Who will sell their soul for a penny
Not to be called a right-living flop
Give me a call - you know my number
I am the best joy-juice
Taste of me now - I’m delicious!
I am buck wild, free and foot loose!

I owe allegiance to no one!
Preacher, you want me! You'll do as I say all day in every way!
Forget the faith of the Bible and
Just say some mantra - don't pray!
Kick those church members to the curb, and
Sit in this prostitute’s chair
Where money, and access, and brown nosing
Half-truth, and carnality hold sway!

Denial of the Lord is the order
Of things that can't keep me at bay!
Everybody knows that I am jealous
I destroy/kill who would taste, and walk away
From me! - You know you can't!
Kiss my feet! I'm sweet!
Don’t you know who I am?

I AM important!
And my name ends with a bold capital “E” - ecstasy
The third from the start is “M” - mindless mastery
Number two, aaah, is “A” - achieve
For my grand start there is drop capital “F” - fabulous
Now you know.- look 'n see
I AM an art!
I AM the drug of many a choice
I AM sweet in the mouth - belly burn follows
What a lesson you'll learn -
I AM, and can't be spit out!

Imbibe at my well and you will learn that

The Fabulous Achieve Mindless-Mastery through the Ecstasy

that is ME!