Saturday, October 17, 2015


Wolfie was Caught Between Christ The Rock and Hard Place Cash!
He loved The Cross!
He loved The Cash!
But ... For Good and For Better
He is Building Up The Best Stash!

Ruled by Two Desires and
"Blessed" with High Flown Tastes
Something had to give for
The Cross was Proving a Hard Case!

Wolfie had Huffed and
Wolfie had Puffed
But he could not Bring God's House down
So, he thought up a New Game Plan
And became The Architect of Church Town!

He became The Real Estate Magnate
He became The Banker Extraordinaire
And he became The Public School Principal
And The Good Works Volunteer!

He owns The Food Processing Company
He owns The Farm Land too, I hear
He owns The Transport and The Airport
And of The Town Council he owns one or two
And it is said by The In-crowd
He owns of The Preachers many more than a few!

Things around Town are in Turmoil
Hearts are in a Roiling Stew
Problems are a-Boiling
And Prayers are Going Up by for Me and for You!


Divide and Conquer
Command and Commandeer
Cut-off and Separate
Subsume and Obfuscate!

And ...


Prayer and Supplicate
Repent and Confess
God Validate
Love Your Brother - Don't Hate!

The Faithful are God Trusting
The Trusting have Jesus Christ's Faith
All are Beloved of The Master
And none Fall for Things that Titillate!

Wolfie was in Church Town's Sheep-Fold
And even gave Great Offerings
But, his Singing was so Off-key
The Believers have No Problem
His Song Discovering!

Forewarned, The Believers had No Trouble Accepting
That Sheep and Goats Together Will Grow
That Tares and Wheat will Show at The Harvest
With Tares Separated out for The Burning
And Wheat to The Barn to Safely go!

Sooooo ...

"Wolfie, your Days are Numbered!
Wolfie, your Beard you may let long Grow!
Your Heart is not Benevolent, and
Your Garments are not Blood-washed
To Render them White as The Driven Snow!

We may only be a Remnant
But we are cut of God's Linen Cloth, and
We are Maintaining Integrity!
We don't Bend to, Bow for, nor Worship
Pretty, Putrid, Polished Gold Calves!

Get Thee, Hence
Thou Spawn of The Devil!
Divide and Conquer will indeed Carry The Day
Jesus Christ Conquered Your Master The Devil
And just like him, you will for Your Sins Personally Pay!"


Don't Cross The Dividing Line!!



Friday, October 16, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Preaching Of and For God?!?

At any given Divine Service, you will find The Pastors pontificating on "The Merits of The Gospel" as though The Gospel has Inherent Demerits!

If you heard one of them speak, you heard all of them speaking  - with a few idiosyncrasies, of course.

Pastor Vain spoke ad nauseum of his "foine" self and his mastery of Biblical "Mustyries!" If you found a mention of Jesus or God in any of his sermons, count yourself blessed!

Pastor Lain was, well, a poseur who knew a lot of nothing about trifles ... and he was a ladies man! He sold the congregation on his personal merits as a passionate purveyor of the Gospel, particularly The Song of King Solomon ... "be...oot...i...fulllll!"

Pastor Drain always wanted donations for this, that, and the other project which was always just short of goal, and when you left his service, you were physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially drained.

Pastor Paine was never satisfied unless somebody in the congregation was on the floor howling for help, hold me, and hallelujah! "Water from Stone!" is his motto!

Pastor Plain was of the position that The Plain Word was Plainly Powerful, and Exposition was execrable! He saw no need to help the Seekers to understand anything. He seems to have forgotten that Jesus Christ "taught" the People!

Pastor Inane was The Boss: Pray. Pass the plate. Say two iffy words - done Preach! He done gone! ...So is his mind!

Pastor X. Plain could, well, explain the moo out of a cow! He always has diarrhea! His mouth doesn't stop running, and he never arrives at The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter! He leave the congregation well, empty.

Pastor Disdain has never met an act of an Apostle with which he could not find fault, nor the Discipline of Discipleship that he will not denigrate. He probably writes his own bible ... on demand!

Idiosyncrasies aside, these Pastors were one:

1. Don't ask them questions.

Who is The Pastor here?
Read my lips!

2. Don't correct their errors.

Who called YOU?
When were YOU called to be The Pastor?

2. Don't ask them the significance of Christ's Baptism, nor its significance to a Believer desiring to be baptized.

Christ was baptized, and so should you!
End of story.

Dear Ones:

Jesus Christ said "Repent and be baptized everyone of you!" ... to pay for your sin.

Almighty God said "Come let us reason together ..!"

The Spirit says "Come!"

The Flesh says "Go!"

The Heart says "So?!"

The Devil says "Enjoy my Show!"

We need to know Jesus for ourselves, and what He represents to, and for, us!

Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, The Light and The Life.

Jesus calls all His Children to renounce the Old Man (Sin) and put on New Life (Salvation).

Jesus calls us to Walk Holy for He IS Holy.

Jesus also calls us to be Wise.

Since Our God did not say "Do!" because He said so, but gave us all a reason To Do because He wants an "educated consumer of The Gospel," let us indeed be wise unto Saving of Our Own Souls by not accepting "food" that is only of the "cut and swallow" persuasion.

Let us not permit ourselves to be made merchandise of by The Carnal Purveyors of The Gospel.

Let us lift up God so that His Light shines upon us, and in us.

Let us Study to Show that we are worthy of our Hire (Salvation) for, in Heaven, all residents will have given "Satisfied With Jesus Christ Consent" after having been given "Full Disclosure to The Transaction for The Acceptance of a Home In Glory Land."

Almighty God needs us to be in "The Know!" 

Let us not let The Hirelings cheat us of Our Daily Bread - The Water of Life!

Almighty God Preserved His Word to The Saving of Our Souls, so

Let's Eat!
Don't Let The Eye-Servants Cheat
Us of The Bread of Life!

Let us The Word Chew
To be Renewed!

Let us The Living Word Swallow
So that Our Soul-Ground will not be Fallow!

Let us of The Water of Life Drink
Let us Thank God, and for Ourselves Think
So that The Devil can't cause us to Stink and Sink!

Come On!!
Let's Eat ... and Repeat!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Holy Is Our Lord!

Hear  Ye!
Hear Ye!
Fear The Lord!
Hear Ye!

You are Distinct - Not Animals

You are Born Dignified!
Don't Trust The Devil!
He Forever is The Father of Lies!

God Gave His Word

Spoken by THE WORD
One With The Father
Trustworthy - THE LORD!

Life and Light

By Living Faith not Blind Sight!
Deny The Devil
Consign him to The Fire of Eternal Night!

We are Saved!

Jesus Christ His Life for Us Gave
So Let's Turn Away from The Past
And Don't be Sin's Trussed-up Slaves!

Peace and Rest are Ours

After Sin is Confessed so
Let's Give Our Backs to The World
And The Spirit Will Help Us Pass The Test!

Holy Is The Lord!

Let's Join The Glad Throng in The Accord
And We Will Get Our Golden Crowns when
We Walk as Those Highly Favored and 
Truly Blessed 
Holy is Our Lord!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

WHAT DO YOU SAY? - From Thoughts To Destiny


I Think Therefore I Am!

I Wonder If The Learned Ones Even Understood/Understand What It Was/Is That They Were/Are saying!

If The Statement Was/Is Understood, Did/Do They Perceive The Gravity of The Indictment?

Did/Do They Care?

Is Not "I AM" The God of Heaven?

The Arch Deceiver Is Mixed Up In All Of This For Sure!!


QUESTION: What Is It - According To Popular Psychology - That I Am?

My Words Speak To Who I Think I Am!
My Actions Show Who I Am!
My Habits Make Me What I Am!
My Character Broadcasts The Truth of What I Truly Am!

AND ...

My Destiny Is
Where My Character
Formed By My Habits
Occasioned by My Actions
Actuated by My Words
Inspired by My Thoughts
Led Me!

Since It Is Believed that ...
Our Lives Are What Our Thoughts Make Us

It Must Be Surmised, Therefore
That We Live Where We Think What We Are
Our Words are Where Our Thoughts Fake Us
Our Habits are Where Our Actions Betray Us
Our Destination is Where Our Character Drapes Us!


Where Is God?

Do We Need God?

What Purpose Does God Serve In Your Life?

What Do You Say To These Things? 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Think Grace and ... Thank Mercy!!

The Plan Has a name
Salvation The Fame
The Lord Ever Glorious
Accepts all even The Notorious!

Hear The Glad Story
Listen Well and Accept
That God is Ever Faithful
More Than Even We See or Can Ever Expect!

Repent of All Sin - Don't Hold 
To Self Please Don't Pin
Hopes, Trusts and Aspirations or
We'll Satan's Trap Fall Right In!

Confess Sin and Be Saved
Jesus Christ Our Way Paved
With The Blood of His Sacrifice
So The Father Will Accept All Christian Believers True!

Be Baptized! Be Made Anew!
Away With Flesh! Old Life Eschew!
Think Grace and Thank Mercy for
Blessings From God on All Faithful Believers True!

Walk By Faith in New Sight
On The Glory Road of God's Light
Be Faithful! Be Faithful!
Jesus Christ Is Returning To Take To His Home 
The Faithful Departed and All Living Believers True!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Trust God and Obey

Read Your Bible!

Read Your Bible!
Read Your Bible ... Every Day!

Know The Word!
Know The Word!
Let The Spirit's Voice be Heard!

Live In The Light!
Live In The Light!
Do Not Trust Human Blind Eyesight!

Pray Every Day!
Pray Every Day!
Be a Part of The Flock! Love Jesus! It Pays!!

Don't Comprise!
Don't Comprise!
Don't Fall For Satan's Litany of Lies!

Don't Be Self-wise!
Don't Be Self-wise!
Self Above God Leads to Permanent Demise!

Trust God and Obey!
Sin Does Not Pay!
Heaven's Gates Only Opens To Those Who Trust God and Obey!

In The Sweet By and By!
In The Sweet By and By!
Eternal Life Awaits The Faithful ... In The Sweet By and By!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Prayer: Lord, Open The Gates

Father, we are Christ-Believing Christians
But we have not yet resisted unto Shedding of Our Blood
Have Mercy
Have Pity, and 
Protect us, Lord
From The Demonic Horde
Pursuing like The Great Drowning Flood!

Lord, grant us Your Grace - You Promised!
Grant us Your Peace - Jesus Shed His Blood!
Give us The Battle Win - The War is Already Over!
Hasten, Lord - Open The Gates of Heaven
We can hardly wait
To Enter The Home Jesus Won for us
By Dying to Save us
From our own Just Fate!

We know that You Can't Be Late!
Even So, Come, Lord Jesus!

The Relationship

We Met
I was Leery ... but Looking
My Needs were Many
His Needs were Few
If I Will Agree to be Solely His
If I Will Bow to His Will
If I Will Let him My Fickle Heart Fill
I Will Be for This Life Set!

The World Will Be My Oyster!
Money Will be My Pet!
I Must Ask No Questions!
I Must Not Think of Tomorrow
Nor Utter Words of Yesterday and Regrets!
Today Is Our Day!

His Name is Stan
He Plays Rock n' Roll in a Jazz Band
He Plays Hard
He Whispers Sweet and 
He Touches Low!

The Two-Step Is his Favorite Dance
Bait and Switch Is His Favorite Cologne
Mash Up & Buy-Back Is His Favorite Ring Tone, and
Smoke & Mirrors Is The Home Screen Theme On his Gold Cell Phone!

In his World Whatever Feels Good
Is Locked Down, and Marked: "GO!"

"Today is The Only Day!"
And "To Play Is To Live!"
Are his Favorite Things to Say - He Seriously Excites Me!

BUT ...

He is Craven and Cruel
And Fascinating
With Dark and Sharp Edges
Volatile and
Sweet and
Menacing and
Enticing ... Enthralling
Exposing Wants from Where I Don't Know
Revealing Hungers I Fear To Fill
Putting Me In Dangers
Where I Could Get Killed
And Laughing, Laughing
When Dread My Heart Fills!

He is Wicked!
He Is Wild!
He Will Not Be Denied!

Last Night I Broke Down and ... I Cried
For He Finally Showed himself To Be 
Evil ... Personified!

YET ...

I Feel ...
I Feel ... LUST!

I Hate him ... But ...
I Need to Get Away from him ... But ...

What Do I Do?
Where Do I Go?
Who Do I Turn To ... to ... ?

My Heart Is Seeking
A Place To Call Home
A Love That It Can Cherish
My Heart to The Heart
Together - ALONE!

Time Marched On ...

And ...!?!

We Meet
I Am Calm ... but
I am Leery ... but Still Looking
My Needs are So Very Many
His Needs are So Few
If I Will Agree to be Solely His
If I Will Give My Will to Him
If I Will Walk Faithfully In His Way
Along The Marked Straight and Narrow Pathway
If I Will Let Him My Hurting Heart Heal
If I Will Let Him My Troubled Soul Make Still
If I Will Believe His Truth and Let It Fill
Me With Peace and Rest to My Fill
I Will Be for Eternal Life Set
And I Will Have Never A Moment's Regret!


Too Good To Be True?!


What Did I Have To Lose?

Okay ...

I'll Give Him A Chance ...

We Walked In a Beautiful Garden
We Held Hands and Gently Walked Along
He Spoke of A Life Filled With Sacrifice
But Said that With Him I Will Never Be Alone!

He Spoke of The Longing In His Heart
To See Me At Peace in His Rest
I said: "I Have Known Many Regrets!
How Come You Can Speak of Blessed Rest!"

He Told of The Years He Had Been Pursuing
Me As I Roamed From Pillar To Post
Looking, Longing, for A Resting Place
But Ignoring Him Because of His Homely Face!

He Told Me His Name - It was So Grand
Jesus Immanuel Prince Holy Lord
His Father Is Of The Ancient Days
His Kingdom Is Glorious
And He Said He Sought Me Out
For He Believes We Could Will Be
In One Accord!

We Sat In The Shade of a Grand Cedar
A Crystal Stream of Water Running By
The Gentle Wind Sung
Of Angels' Wings One Could Hear a Hum
And He Proceeded To Give Me Full Disclosure
Not One Thing Was Left Out Of The Sum!

I Will have a Mansion Home In His Paradise
I Will be a Princess of The Realm
I Will have Guardianship by "Excellent Angels" and
I Will Wear White Linen Robes and A Gold Crown!

Oh, My!!

One Day He Gave Me A Beautifully Bound Book
And He Read Me The Most Amazing Poetry
From a Segment Called Solomon's Song.

I Am His Rose of Sharon
And His Banner Over Me Is Love!
I Am His Love and
His Fair One!

My Heart Is Full for
I Am Beloved and
I Am Glad!

BUT ...

Before I Will Enjoy The Heavenly Pleasures:

I Must Walk Worthy of His Undying Love For Me
I Must Repent of All My Wicked Yesterdays
I Must Believe That He Is True To His Living Word
I Must Have Faith That He Unwaveringly Loves Me
I Must Turn My Back on The Vanities and The Vexatious Things of Earth
I Must Walk Holy - His Name IS Holy!
I Must Study To Show Myself Approved
I Must Have Faith
I Must Not Trust In The Things That I Can See
I Must Trust Him and In Him Even When I Don't See Him, and
I Must Set Aside The Titillating Trifles Offered By Stan The Old Fraud!


How Did He Know Stan?!

Are You God?!

He Smiled ...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

PRAYER: I Come To You, Lord

Dear Lord,
My Soul is Laid Bare Before You
Nothing can I Hide
Remake, Reform, Renew
Remind Me, Lord
That You are Gracious and Oh, So Divine!

Jesus Bore My Honest Shame - I Escaped Scotch-free
And all that is asked in return 
Accept New Life - It's Bought and Paid for
With The Blood of The Sacrifice - Willingly!

I come to You, Dear Lord, My Father
I come Willingly, and Bold
You said: "Come!"
And, Lord, I Answer:
"I'm Coming In Out of The Cold!"

I'm Yours, Lord!
I Seek Shelter in Your Fold!
I Bless You, Lord!
I Raise You up
I Offer You Praise from Unclean Lips, but
I Seek The Coal!

Send The Angel, Lord
I am Asking Bold:
"Will You Clean Me so My New Praise of to You
Can by Truthfully Told?!"

I Live Your Love!
I Crave Your Life!
Bless Me for I Love You
Please Lead Me Home Through The Strife
And when The Day is Over
Grant Me The Eternal Life!

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Is God Really Real?! + PRAYER: Remind Me Who Daily Blesses Me!

How is it that we Find it so Easy to Trust  Man Born of Woman, but find it so Difficult to Trust The Good God who Made The Man and The Woman?

How is it that we Put so Much Faith in a Relationship with a Faithless Human Being but Find it so Very Hard to Trust Him Who is Ever Faithful?

How is it that we Trust The Profane and Doubt The Holy?

Why are we so Lacking in Faith when The God of All Grace Shows His Hand Time and Again as The Great Physician, The True Provider, and The Loving Shepherd, The Faithful Friend?

Why is it that Our Faith Is Not Increasing?

Is Our God Really Real?

We are Not Called to Blind Obedience!

We are Called to Reason with God - there will be not one Soul in Heaven who gets there "Just Because...!"

We are Called to Know God through Jesus Christ!

We are Called to Repentance!

We are Called to a Saving Knowledge and Faith in Jesus Christ!

We are called to Trust and Obey God!

We are Called to Walk by Faith and Not By Sight!

We are ... CALLED!

If we Say we Love God, then we MUST Trust God which, by extension, means we MUST have Faith in God!

We have Heard The Word - The Word is Truth!
We have Faith in The Word Delivered 
We Doubt The Giver of The Word
Who is Himself, THE WORD!

This Does Not Compute!


"Sanctify them through thy Truth. Thy Word is Truth!" John 17:17


  • Live in The Light
  • Walk by Faith
  • Distrust Eyesight
  • Pray for Provision of Peace, Rest, and Quiet Night
  • Keep Heart Focused on The Father
  • Don't fall for Satan's Hoaxes
  • Dismiss Christ Deniers and Man-made Gods as Liars and Lies

Time is Coming
When Believers will be The High Fliers
And Unbelievers will be The Gut-wrenching Criers!

FAITH and TRUST go Hand in Hand:

If You Know God ... Go to God!
If You Want to Know God ... Go to God!
When You Go To God ... TRUST GOD!
When You Trust God ... WALK 
By God
In God
Through God
For God
Because God 
Settle All Accounts! 


The Good Word Eternally Stands!


The World Often Seeks to Overwhelm Me
Even Unto Wanting Me to Distrust Deny Thee!
Please Have Mercy 
Even Though I am of Myself Not Worthy
And, Again, Remind Me 
Why I Know and Believe that You are 
The Almighty God 
Who Daily Blesses Me!
I Love You, Lord.