Thursday, December 17, 2015

"Fraudian" Speak!

"Greed IS Good!"
"Greed IS God!"
Greed Gonna Getcha
Compliments The Friendly Lying Fraud!

Self-Preservation is
The Order Of The Day!
Self Before Other
Is What The Fraudster Says!

Me, Myself and I is
The Only Way to Fly!
Think Self - Forget Other!
Believe The Lie, and in Lovely Sin Die!

My Story - My Truth!
I'm Sticking To It - Standing Aloof!
Got A Problem With That?
Don't Matter To Me for
The Lord Of Lies Is My Ultimate Camp Buddy -
Not A Boring Old Christian Fuddy-Duddy!


There Is A Chink In The Armor ...

Ding Dong! - Something Wrong!
Look About - Big-Able Snake Slithering Along!
Wanted to Run - Feet Nailed To The Ground!


A Plaintive Cry Is Heard:

"Lord Jesus, Help Me
Before I'm Swallowed Headlong!"

As Always, Men Brag
Of Their Vaunted Prowess
Until All The Chips Are Laid Down
They Are Facing
King Flawed, The False God!

Stop Acting Like a Chump!
You Can't Win That Game
Until The Lord Jesus Christ
Becomes Your Captain!

"Fraudian" Speak
Bolsters Only The Dishonest Weak!
No Matter How Strong They War
No Matter How Loud Their Clothing Speaks!
Do Not Be Intimidated - They Really Emit Squeaks!
Get Our Your Good Book!
Say Your Prayers to The Heavenly Father
And, Friend, Deny The Call and 
Dump That Crock From The Crook!

Jesus Is The Captain
The Master Of The Meek
The Humble
The Lowly
And, Yes, The Honest Weak!
Self-Sufficient Don't Need Him
For Self-Love Don't Care
For Self Is Its Own God, and
It Has Its Own Lively Cheer!

Self Sits On The Chair
Decorated and Carved
With Fine Writing
Meaning Loud
Best Rest For Its Own Eyes
Capturing Real Lies:

Lovely and Vaingloriously

Soaking up
Lusciously Sinful

BUT ...


Experiencing the Burn of The
Lake of Brimstone and

Drop The Fake Love 
The Real Fraud!

Call Out 
Jesus Christ
Experience The True Love Of God!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Author AND Finisher of Our Faith!

My Always Available Companion
My Forever Faithful Friend
My Happy Hope For Heaven
To My Life's Journey's End!

This Well-Describes My Jesus
The Author and
The Finisher of My Faith!
By God's Grace
My Faith Will Be Faithful
He Will Carry Me To His Home
When Earth's Travail Shall End!


Jesus Walked His Path Alone


I Will Walk Only If Jesus Carries Me! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

They Are Calling God A Liar!!

I Have No Sin!
God IS A Liar!

I Have Not Sinned!
God IS A Liar!

What Did You Just Say?
God IS A Liar!

Why Would You Say Such A Horrible Thing!?
I am Just Repeating What YOU Said!

I Said No Such Thing!!
So What Did You Say, Then?

I Said That I Have No Sin!
God IS A Liar!

Stop Saying That!

What Else Did You Say?

I Have Not Sinned!
God IS A Liar!

Stop Saying That!!

Why Should I?!

You Are Blaspheming God's Name!
So Are You!

No,  I Am Not!
Are, Too!

This Is Total Rubbish!
I Am A Bible-Believing God-Fearing Christian!
I Would Never Call God A "Liar!"  -  That's Satan's First Name!

You Did Call God A Liar!

Come On!
How Did I Do That?!

1 John 1:8 and 10

8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 

10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Is Your Name Jesus Christ?

Did You Become Sin For Mankind?

Did You Die On The Cross?

Are You Human?!

Weren't You Born In Sin?!

Weren't You Shaped In Immorality!?!

No!  No!  No!  Yes! Yes! Yes!

So Why Do You Say You Have No Sin
That You Have Not Sinned?

Well, ....

A hmm...

Because,  well ...  Ahhm

Good Answer!!

Don't Be Cruel!

Me?  Cruel?!
I Am Simply Pointing Out To You The Error In What You Are Saying About God! <<>>

Dear Ones:

This Scenario is The Result of Believing in "The Other Jesus Gospel" wherein One is - in essence - told to 

"Be as You are and 
Continue Doing What you are doing 
God Knows YOU and Accepts YOU as YOU are 
YOU Cannot be a Sinning Sinner because 
YOU Are Saved 
In YOUR Sin now Christened Salvation!"

Please ... Deny The Liar and Accept The Good Lord and His Truth that He Loves The Sinner BUT He Hates The Sin!

Please ... Accept Jesus Christ at His Word in 1 John 1:9:

  • Confess YOUR Sin for
  • God IS Faithful and
  • God IS Just and
  • God WILL Forgive OUR Sin! AND
  • God WILL Cleanse US From ALL Unrighteousness!
There Are NO Shortcuts To Acquiring YOUR Soul's Salvation, and The Person - Pastor, Priest, Prophet, Pope, President, Poseur, Prognosticator nor Parasitic Personage - who Claims Otherwise is THE Satan-Motivated-Actuated Liar!

A Word (of Truth) To The Wise Should Be and IS Enough!

Be Well, and Be Gloriously Blessed,


Monday, December 14, 2015

TRUTH SPEAKS: Every Day Is Not As Today! + PRAYER: Let My Hope In Jesus Ever Hold Sway!

Truth Spoke Her Piece: "Peace Is In Jesus Christ!"
Hearer Did Not Listen!
Hope Called a Vote, and
Courage Called for Action
Who Knew Not The Way
Nor Knew How to Pray, and
Behaved As If
Every Other Day Is As Today!

Pride Is Aggressive
In The Face of Humble Hope!
Courage Is Amazing
For He Is - By Faith
Learning to Cope!

Hunger Is Hampering
The Walk Into Truth, and 
Necessity is Dealing
With The Intense Pain
Found in The Loose Tooth
That Demands
Total Attention, and 
Won't Hear
Of The Facts
The Fabrications nor
The Outright Lies in The Air
Where True Truth and
Long Lies are  Compared, and 
One Has The Need
For Spiritual Ears!

Truth Speaks!
Hearer Listens
There is Now-Known Fear
Among The Assembled
Grace - Herself - Appears
Pointing To Hope
While Looking At The Strife
She Holds Out 
Leading to Eternal Life!

Truth Speaks!
Stony Heart Creaks!
Deaf Ears Waste Leak!
Blind Eyes Peak
Weary Legs ... Though Weak
Find Courage in The Spirit
Humbly Speak:

Dear Lord, Most Holy
I Bow Before You and Pray
That My Hope in King Jesus
Will Forever Hold Sway!
My Courage is Faltering, and
My Body is Near to Break!
Lift Me Up and
Protect Me,  Lord
From The Petty Pretty Snake
Who Preys on My Weakness
Who Tries to Hinder Me From Pray
Who is Always Underfoot
Telling Me That Partying Pays -
Not Abstention
Not Rejection
Nor Refusal To Play!
Please Tell him, Dear Father
From Me to Get Away!
I've Been There!
I've Done That, and
I've Got The Tee-shirt and The Scars!
Father, Please Save Me for
I want to Live With You and 
Travel Through The Vastness Of Space
Amongst The Myriad Stars!
Please Give My Hope Courage 
To Act On Your Unfailing Love for
I Truly Love You, Lord!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

TRUTH FOR TODAY: "They" Say That God IS GRIM!!

I know that you are trying to teach me about The Love of God but, ooh mama, 
Your God IS Grim! Grim, I tell you! GRIM!




Are You Mad!?!


But, but, I just told You That That God YOU Believe in IS Grim!!

Uh huh!


I'm Sorry!
I could not Resist!
It's a Longstanding Joke among Believers,  and I Forgot Myself for a Moment!

Okay! Okay! So what is "The Joke?"


Yes,  Frannie?!

Can you tell our dear Tina, here, where in The King James Bible it says that Our Almighty God is Grim?!

Sure!  That is easy!
Psalm 116 Verse 5! Shall I recite it as well?!

Please do!!

"Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; 
yea, our God is merciful."

Okayyyy ...?!?
I think ...
I don't get it!

One More time,  Ms.  Heather!

"Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; 
yea, our God is merciful."

Come on! Be serious!
That text does not say one earthless thing about God Being GgrriiMMM!! ....
Wait a cotton-picking Minute!!

Graci ...
Right ...
Merc ...



God IS Gracious!
God IS Righteous!
God IS Merciful!

God IS GR-M!

I got it! 
I got it!! 
I REALLY get it!

You've got it!

Alright, then!

Hmmm ...?

Sooo ...

The God "WE" Believe in IS The Almighty God AND ...


"He IS Gracious, Righteous and Merciful!"

Do not ever Forget it, and do not Permit Anyone to Teach you Otherwise!!



Saturday, December 12, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: God Personally Contends for His People's Loyalty!

A Young Prophet
As Called Of God
Had Youthful Strength and Agility
Lacked The Experience and Authority
Which Came With The Passing Of the Years!

Time Travels On ...

This Prophet - As One Faithful
Lived An Honorable Life
Often Fell Into Dishonor
For Calling "The Good Life" A Lie!

Said Prophet Fell Into Disfavor
With The Lofty and Lowly Alike
For Delivering The Message
That The Living God Has Eternal Sight!

Our Faithful True Prophet
Had - with His God - A Good Report
With The "Good" People
Who Choose Willful Ignorance
The Comfort Of The Ostrich's Head
Gave The Poor Prophet
A Very Bad Report Instead!

All Messengers and Ministers Of God
Maintain Their Personal Godly Integrity
God Personally Contends for His People's Loyalty!
Man - At This Time - Falls into The Hands of God
With Continued Disobedience 
Dismissal Of God's Word
The Living God Allows Us
To Fall into The Hands of Men
Who Become The Rod Of God!


The Rod of God Enforces
What The Word of God Explains!


The Holy Spirit Opens The Ear and Heart 
Accept Instruction and Correction!

God Did Nothing Without Telling His Servants
Those Worthy Prophets of Old
Who Cried Lamented and Pleaded
For God's People to Remain With God 
Who Graciously Provided for Those who
His Precious Word Straightly Heeded!

Prosperity is No Indication of God's Favor!
Poverty is No Indication of God's Curse!
Problem is Like So Many Others
Man Believes Quite The Lying Reverse!

Have We Not Seen Oh, So Often
Outer Beauty Hiding An Internal Rotten Putrid Dead Core?
Have We Not Seen Runny Icing on Hot Ginger Bread
Bright Gold Covering Dead Lead?

So ... 

It Is Today With God's People!
Sumptuous Prosperity
Covering An Inner Dead Core!
Praise So Polluted It's Mind-boggling
"Worship" Dressed-Up Like An Blousy Common Street Whore!

Have We Not Learnt Anything from Hosea?
Have We Not Been Counseled by Jeremiah's Lament?
Are The Only Lessons Relevant Those of Isaiah's Immanuel,  and
Ezekiel's Chariots with Wheels Not By Human Hands Bent?

Will We Not See?
Will We Not Hear?
Will We Not Learn
From Jesus Christ 
That The Holy God Cares
About His People
That They Holy Remain
So That In The Coming Judgment
They Won't Go Down In Flames?!


A Pig In A Palace
A Pig Still Remains!
A Pig In Pearls and Bouncy Curls
IS Still
A Pig which Always Returns to his Hole
To Wallow and To Rut
To Root and To Grunt Squeal!
Do The Wrong Thing 
Pig's Wrath
You Will Surely Intensely Feel!

The Point Here is Simple:

  • Dressing As A Woman Doesn't Change A Man Into A WoMan! (Truth IS Truth)
  • Following Another Gospel Won't Make You A Christian Saved! (Lie IS Lie)
  • Christianity Based On Felt Needs Will Not Lift Jesus Up (Flavor IS Feisty)
  • Baubles and Beads Will Not To God Lift You Up! (You Lie AND You Die)

If You Call Yourself A Child Of God
Cut Off The Pair
Bow To God's Sovereign Will
He Will Your Lowly Life Fill!

WHOM DO YOU SERVE: Living Loving God OR Lying Dying God!

Living God!
Dying God!
One is The Fake!
One is The Lord!
Choose You Today
Whom You Will Serve
See That You Don't Make 
The Fatal Mistake!

Living God Creates!
Dying God Abominates!

Living God Seals!
Dying God Sells!

Living God Heals!
Dying God Steals!

Living God Leads!
Dying God Needles!

Living God Truly For Us Feels!
Lying God Falsifies What He Truly For Us Feels!

Living God Cries!
Dying God Lies!

Living God Gives Real Hope!
Dying God Gives Real Dope!

Living God Sacrificed Himself for Believers in Him!
Dying God Sacrifices His Believers in Him!

Living God is Coming To Earth Again!
Dying God is Going to Hell's Flames in Shame


The Living Loving God


The Lying Dying Fraud!

Make Sure That The God That YOU Pick


The God That Will Save YOU


The God That Makes Time 
Forward Tick!

Friday, December 11, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH! + HEAR YE! HEAR YE: Another Gospel?!?

The Hottest Group In Gospel Town
Prosperity Sin and Security
Their Raps Are Truly Worldly 

Their Rhythms Are Rocking!
Their Dance Moves Are Sweet!
Their Manager Narcissus
Is A Gamester Super Geek!

Their Resource Book is A Hodge Podge
Of Popular Theories and Random Thoughts
Not Encumbered by
Soul Searching 
Given Over To 
Publicly Acting As You Will Want!

Prosperity And In Sin
Were in The Group First!
Prosperity Bought Security
Security Kissed Sin 
Prosperity Sin and Security Became The Gospel's Hot Throuple
That Everybody Is Following 
Wanting to be their Follow-Fashion Double!

Sadly ...

Unbeknownst to Blinkered All
Prosperity Sin and Security
Are A Plant Raised Up By That Fraud
Who Has Not A Single Problem
Selling His Bill Of False Goods
That Doing Sin Is Expected From Man
That Prosperity Is Heavenly Approval, and
That Security Is The Meal of
Young Lamb
With Fresh Herbs
Basmati Rice
Avocado and Cucumber
Peas Carrots and Beans
Ice Cream and Apple Pie and 
Sparkling Cider on Cracked Ice!

"It's Too Yummy!! Nice! Nice!"

To All Who Love Jesus
The Christ Crucified
Get A Grip
Please Remember
Sin Carries Around A Vice
That Immobilizes and Locks
Sets One Apart
As Part of The Rabble
Outside The Safe Ark
Where Those Who Love Trust and 
Follow The Lord and His Word
Are Safe From Condemnation
When They Shall Stand Before 
The Lord of All Creation!

Please Do Not Let Fleeting Pleasures
Lock You Up and
Then Block
You Off From Your Blessings 
As A Member of God's Flock!

Sin IS A Fire Sale!
Prosperity Has Rubber Legs, and
Security IS An Illusion That Makes You Pay As You Beg
For Comfort and Affection
Colored Real Pretty and Neat Neat
Leaves You All Blackened
Crawling On The Floor As You Weep:

"Please,  Someone!
Please Save Me!
I'm Down On The Hard Floor!
I'm Weak!
I'm Tired!
I Can't Take Any More!"

Don't Be Fooled By Emotions
Thrills and Loud Noise
That Cover Up Nothing but 
Emptiness and Lies!

"Doth Says The Lord!"
Is The Modus Operandi
Anything Else
Is Hear and Live Lie, and Then
Eternally Die!

Another Gospel 
For Those 
Who CHOOSE To Believe 