Thursday, March 4, 2021

Stop Re-Arranging The Facts!

Speech Belongs To Almighty God! 
Respect Is Due To A Dog! 
Rules Are Not Made To Be Broken 
Rearranging The Facts Of A Matter 
Does Not Turn A Bold, Base, Lie Into The Truth! 


We May Do What We Want 
We May Not Do It To Whomever As Long As We Want 
The Judge Of All Flesh Reigns ... And Rules 
In The Living, Glorious, Kingdom! 

All Too Often 
In The Mistaken Belief That The Sun Rises 
Sets At Our Personal Behest
We Do Unconscionable Things To Others 
In Order To Feel Good About Ourselves! 
Just Stop Already! 

External "Thrills" Will Never Satisfy A Spiritual Desire 
So Let's Take All Of Our Burdens To Our God In Prayer! 

Just In Case You Are Doubtful
Look At The Published Record Of All Those 
Whom Satan And His Lost Legion Have Goaded
Tempted To Indulge Gross Folly 
To The Point Of Hospital Bed
Prison Cell
Or Death! 

Let's Not Be Lawless! 

Let's Remember That 
Our Lord Has Promised Never To Leave Us
Nor Forsake Us 
Let's Dare To Pray Without Ceasing 
Even When We Don't Feel Like It 
Or Just Don't Know What To Say! 

We Do Not Know How To Pray As We Ought!


The Holy Spirit Interprets Our Prayers!

Be Careful, Though! 

Praying Only Works For Those Who Believe That 
The Promises Of Almighty God 
- Through Jesus Christ The Lord - 
Are True 
And That 
He Is Real, Able And Available 
Willing And Ready To Deliver Us
Deliver For Us! 

Do Right ... And Prosper!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Love Others: Vanquish Evil!

We Cannot Touch Love 
We Are Touched By Love! 

We Cannot Measure Love 
We Are Measured By Our Love For One Another! 

We Cannot See Love 
Love Can Be Seen Through Us! 

We Cannot Weigh Love 
The Weight Of Love Can Be Felt By Us Enough 
To Make Even The Most Oppressive Existence 
Feel As Light As Air! 


We Cannot Go To The Mall Or The Corner Store 
Purchase A Pound, A Penny Or A Pinch Of Love 
We May Go To A Friend
A Family Member
A Stranger 
Even Our Favorite Enemy 
Minister To Their Need Compliments Of Love
The Everlasting Love Of The Eternal God 
Be Made More, Not Less, For The Experience! 

Expressing Love Is Not A Sign Of Weakness: 
It Is Strength! 

Expressing Love To The Unlovable Is Not Folly: 
It Is Faith! 

Loving Others 
A Part Of Our Work To Bless Others 
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! 

Love Others: Vanquish Evil! 

Brethren, Beloved 

Never Forget That Almighty God Is Love 
When We Love
We Are "Using" Almighty God 
As We Are Led By God The Holy Spirit! 

To Be Loving
To Have An Amazing Gift, Talent, Blessing, Privilege: 
Don't Squander It By Neglect, Misuse
Disbelief Or Doubt! 

Dare To Minister Grace
- The Living God's Everlasting Love -
To Some Dear Soul Today!

Find Your Peace In Love!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SEXUAL SIN: Superfluous Naughtiness!?!

There Is Nothing Cute About Naughtiness 
Since It Is Attached To Filthiness
Which All Refer To Sexual Sin! 

Sexual Sin 
Always Against Your Self! 

Anything That Is Superfluous 
Does Not Serve Any Good Purpose 
Should Be Avoided At All Costs! 

Sad To Say ...

In These Times In Which We Live
Naughty Is Nice
Superfluous Is A Necessity 
Filthiness Is De Rigueur Aka Fashionable! 


We Have At Our Fingertips 
The Sure Word Of Almighty God Known Able To Save Us 
If And When
It Is Engrafted Aka Cut Into
- Made A Part Of Our Lives -
To Make Us Sweeter, Stronger
Act And Live Better
To Profit Us Eternally! 

You Are Not Alone ...

We Are Encouraged To Meekly Seek The Eternal God 
By Righteousness Aka Right-Doing
Inner Humility ... Not The Public Kind For Praise

What You Put In
What You Get Out!

Let's Permit Patience To Do Her Perfect Work In Us 
To Thoroughly Prepare Us 
To Meet Our Lord, God And King
The Final Judge Of All Flesh! 

Be Wise ...

No One Can Force You To Be Naughty 
No One Can Force You To  Be Nice! 

We Are Free-Will Agents 
With Freedom To Choose To Do Right ... Or Not! 

We Who Choose To Be Free In Jesus Christ 
Will ... By Saving Grace
Separate Ourselves From Sexual Sin 
Even If We Are Called Prudes And Killjoys! 

Jesus Christ Paid For Our Peace:
Don't Squander It!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Double-Minded Christian!?!

Just In Case We Conveniently Forgot The Fact
Neither Love And Hate
Good And Evil
Truth And Error
Light And Darkness
Friend And Foe
Faith And Doubt
Cowardice And Courage
Nor Bitter And Sweet 
Can Exist In Or Proceed From 
The Same Source At The Same Time: 
These Things Cancel Out Each Other! 

We Cannot Bless And Honor 
Curse And Humiliate A Person In The Same Breath 
It Is Certain That We Cannot Praise God 
Pet Satan At One And The Same Time! 


A Double-Minded Aka Two-Faced 
Aka Deceitful Christian 
Has To Be Most Miserable, Unhappy
Dangerous Traveler Under The Sun: 
We Cannot Live Like That And Rise Up To Glory! 

Wittingly Building Our Dream House On Sinking Sand 
Marks Us As Devoid Aka Empty Of Wisdom 
Her Understanding 
Patently Shows Us To Be Incapable 
Aka Unable To Use Received Knowledge For Profit: 
This State Of Affairs Should Not Exist 
There Are No Fools In The Kingdom Of God! 

We Cannot Go Forward By Walking Backward 
We Cannot Show Love By Serving Hate! 

Jesus Christ The Lord ... The King ... The Judge
Truth, Love, Light, Life 
The Only Way Home To The Father's House!

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

We Are Jesus Christ's Followers
The Salt Of The Earth 
Light Of The World 
We Are Being Blessed To Become Like Him 
So Dare To Firmly Fix Your Focus On Your Father 
Who Is The Same Yesterday, Today And Forever!

Digging Down Is Death: 
Look Up
Build Up
Live To Rise Up To The Heavenly Glory Of Our Lord!

Christians Committed To Christ
Do Not Scatter What He Has Sown
Faithfully, Diligently
Sow Good Seeds With Him
With The Hope For An Abundant Harvest!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

TEMPTATION: You Know The Devil's Devices!

There Is No Sin In Being Tempted
There Is A Problem With 
Being Regularly Tempted By The Same Sin!

Falling Into Divers Aka Different Temptations 
Suggests Onward, Upward, Mobility In Our Christian Growth! 
All Christians Must Grow Up In Grace!


Nobody Plans To Fall! 
Falling Happens When One Is Unaware Of A Pitfall
Is Careless About One's Surroundings 
Or One Just Loses One's Balance! 

We Are Warned Of The Devil's Devices 
We Know 
Should Be Within The Hedge Of Protection That 
The Lord Provides For His People! 

When We Find Ourselves Being Tempted By 
Giving Into The Same Temptation 
Committing The Same Sin Repeatedly
We Need To Take Stock Of Our Thoughts
Look At Those With Whom We Are Walking
Reevaluate Our Commitment To Christ 
Our Growth In His Grace! 

The Temptation
That Is Not
Forcefully Resisted
The First Time That It Appears
Comes Back Harder And Harder To Resist
Each Time That We Fail To Overcome It!

Think Carefully ...

A Healthy And Fit Person Crawling Like A Baby 
Has A Problem Which Must Be Patiently Corrected 
Likewise The Christian Who Is Not Forcefully
Patiently, Prayerfully
Daily Conquering The Minor Temptations 
To Grow Strong Spiritual Muscles 
To Deal With The Major Temptations Known Up Ahead! 

Be Wise ... 

Don't Play With Temptation! 
Chop Off Temptation's Head By The Word Of Truth
Stay Constantly In Prayer:
Take Your Burden To The Lord
Pray For The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit
Take The Living God At His Holy Word
Dare To Walk ... Enduringly ... In Unfailing Faith!
Jesus Christ ... Alone ... Saves!

Your Temptation
Dressed To Thrill You!
Have A "Thus Saith The Lord"
At The Ready To Decimate It!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Best Doctors Are Free Today!

We Are Told That 
The Six Best Doctors For Good Physical Health Are 
Sunlight, Water, Rest, Air
Exercise And Diet! 

By The Word Of The Lord
For A Healthy Spiritual Life
We Need Truth, Faith, Peace
Love, Trust And Prayer! 

The Truth Of Almighty God 
The Light Of Life That 
Guides The Soul To Eternal Life! 

Faith In The Living God 
The Water Of Life That 
Cleans And Calms The Soul! 

Peace With The All-Seeing God 
The Rest That Restores The Soul! 

The Love Of The All-Knowing God 
Our Love For Ever-Present God 
The Pure, Clean, Air 
Without Which We Will Surely Die! 

Trust In The God Of Grace And Glory
Targeted, Vigorous, Exercise 
For Mind, Spirit 
Bodily Strength For The Strenuous Journey 
To Our Forever Home In Zion! 

Heartfelt Prayer To The Giving And Forgiving God 
Food To Make Us Alive 
For It Takes Us Up To The Lord Of Life 
Who Gives Us Abundant Life Now
Promises Us Eternal Life Hereafter! 

A Christian Who Doesn't Pray
Is Easy Prey Aka Cheap Meat
For Satan The Damned!


The Six Best Doctors ... Medical And Spiritual
All Work In Tandem Aka Together 
To Keep Us In Optimal Aka Good Health! 

If You Neglect One Doctor
He Will Not Complain 
You Will Feel The Lack And The Loss 
You Will Become Unbalanced In Your Experience: 
Don't Be Like The Prettified, Over-Stuffed, Three-Legged Chair! 

The Chair You Can't Sit Upon
The Tree That Will Not Fruit
Are Both Utterly Useless!

Let's Be Wise 
Bless The Lord Who Blesses Us With Perfect Doctors 
Whose Services Are Free-Free 
To Me And Thee ... Today 
Tomorrow's Sun Will Never Rise!

Friday, February 26, 2021


We Who Wait Upon The Lord 
Shall Renew Our Strength! 
We Who Diligently Seek After The Lord 
Shall Surely Find Him! 


When You Choose To Wait Upon The Lord
It Is Because You Know, Believe, That 
You Will Receive Some Desired Blessing From His Holy Hand: 
You're Waiting Patiently 
On Him Who Is Faithful To His Word! 

When We Seek After The Lord 
It Is Because We Desire To Know 
To Be Known 
By Him Who Already Knows Everything About Us! 

The Difference There, Then
That There Is Give And Take
Hear And Listen
Rest And Refreshment
Direction And Correction
Provision And Protection 
All Because We Choose To Have Communion
A Committed Relationship With Him Who Calls Us
Able To Help Us
Has Bought Aka Redeemed Us 
Is Waiting To Reform
Recreate Us In His Image
In His Likeness 
So That We May Dwell In Peace With Him Forever! 

Waiting On The Lord Christ 
Not Laziness 
But Is 
A Time Of Preparedness! 
Get Ready ... And Stay Ready
Don't Fall The 
"Nothing Has Changed Since The Fathers Died!"
Crock O' Snot That Willful Minds Employ
To Ignore Correcting Bad Habits
To Reject Pursuing Truth
To Dismiss Doing What's Right In The Living God's Holy Sight!

Be Ye Warned And Blessed ...

The Door Of Mercy 
Open For Business Now: 
Use The Door! 
Reach For And Touch The Hand Of Mercy 
Until The Connection Is Dynamic! 

The Day Is Coming When Mercy Will Demit 
Aka Get Up From The Throne Of God 
Man Will Have No Intercessor:
It Isn't That No One Is Interceding!
It Is That There Is No One To Intercede
There Is No One To Intercede For
All That Is Left Is Dread Judgment!

Confess And Repent Of Known Sins Now!
Take Christ As Your Eternal Portion!
Be Humble
Hold To God's Unchanging Hand Of Grace
- The Bringer Of Mercy -
Which Has Hope, Help And Healing
Available For Whosoever Desires
To Believe The Word
Receive The Abundant And Infinite Blessings!

Brethren, Beloved

Dare To Seek For 
Wait On The Savior  ... Now
While Grace And Mercy Are Kissing!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

CHRISTIANS: Peculiar Privileged People

The Word On Everybody's Tongue Today 

We Are Being Asked To Check, As In Arrest, Our Privilege 
As Though Privilege 
A Bad Thing!
All Privileges Are Not Created Equal!


We Are Christians ... Christ's Followers
By Virtue Of Our Faithful Association
We Have Access, Reach, Grasp And Hold!
We Are Peculiarly Privileged
So I Encourage Us All To Embrace 
The High And Holy Privilege That 
We Each Have Been Accorded By The Lord Of Life
The Creator-God
The Joy Of Every Man! 

Consider That We Are The Apple Of The Eternal God's Eye 
Even As He Holds The World In His Hand 
He ... Personally Invited
Lives In Each Of Our Hearts! 

Think On These Things ...

We Have The Free And Open Invitation 
To, At-Will, Boldly Approach The Throne Of Grace 
In The Heavenly Sanctuary! 

We Are Encouraged To Reason With Our Maker! 

We Are Asked To Let Our Requests 
Be Made Known Unto The Living God! 

We Are Given Freedom
Free Will 
The Choice To Worship Him
- Or Not Worship Him - 
Who Could Easily Deprive Us Of Life: 
No Force Is Employed! 

If These Things Are Not Privileges
We Will Never Ever Know 
What Makes Something A Real Privilege! 

Our God Is Holy, Kind, Loving
Giving, Forgiving
The Mighty Healer
The Sealer Of Souls
The Revealer Of Truths That Never Die!

We Are Invited To Enter His Courts ... Without Fear
So Let's Dare ... Today
To Ignore The World 
Choose To Embrace The Privilege 
Personally Given To Each Of Us 
To Become A Son Or Daughter Of The God Of Love 
Who Inhabits Eternity 
Has A Personal Place Prepared For Each Of Us 
In His Heavenly House Of Peace And Joys Forevermore! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Earthly Privileges Are Ours To Enjoy
We Please ... Or Are Of A Benefit To ... The Giver
Heavenly Privileges Are Ours 
To Accept Or RejectUse Or Ignore!
No One Can Force Us To Use Our God-Given Privileges
No One ... Human Or Spirit
Can Force Us Not To Use Our Privileges! 

The Lord God Almighty Calls Us To His Side
To Be Like Him
By Taking Hold And Fully Utilizing 
The Privileges He Lovingly Accords Us! 

We ... Taught Of God And Faithful ... Know Who He Is! 
We Know Who We Are Because Of Sin! 
We Know Who We Will Be By, In, And Through Him
Through His Free-To-All Salvation! 

The Final Outcome ... Our Final Outcome
Will Always Be According To Our Exercised Sovereign Will! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Choose Your Final Port Of Call Wisely!
Having ... And Being In ... Perfect Peace With 
The Eternal God Of Grace And Glory
The Blessed And Sacred Privilege Of
The Saints Of Almighty God And Jesus Christ The Lord!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

TINY TERRORS: Jesus Christ Is The Joy Of Living!

Answer The Door! 

"But There's No One Knocking!" 

Listen Again, Beloved! 
Jesus Christ The Lord Is Softly Knocking! 
He Wants To Be With You
He Is A Gentleman 
He Will Never Barge Into Your Life! 

Think About It ... 

Things, Mostly Good, Happen In Our Lives 
We Walk Around Glad, Grateful, That 
We Are Blessed Of The Lord! 

But, Then, Other Things Happen 
Which Are Often Hurtful
Sometimes Harsh
Many Times Downright Cruel 
We Cry Foul, Asking The Lord 
"Why Me!" 
Without Realizing Or Even Understanding That 
These Events Are Actually Knocks At Our Door 
Encouraging Us To Invite Dear Jesus Into Our Homes
Into Our Hearts
Into Our Confidence 
To Appeal To Him To Be The Kindly Light That 
Will Lead Us Safely, Gently, To His Heavenly Home 
Despite The Tiny Terrors
Gruelling Griefs
Sorry Situations Of Daily Living! 

Dear Ones, 

When The Storms Of Life Are Shaking Your Lemon Tree 
You Have An Unexpected And Bountiful Crop Of Lemons
Open Your Mind
Your Heart
Your Hand 
Your Home To Jesus 
Bid Him To Take Control Of
Sweeten Your Life! 

Storms Don't Control Our Lives: 
Jesus Christ The Lord, The King Of Love, Does 
Since He, The Lord Of Life, Gives Us Life
Let's Let Him Be In Total Control Of Our Living! 
He Is Our Creator And Re-Creator!

Jesus Christ The Righteous Judge
The Kind And Faithful King
The Joy Of Living 
So Choose To Bless Yourself Today
By His High, Holy, Helpful And Healing Hand!
He Thinks On You Personally!

Open The Door 
Enjoy Peaceful Living For Sure! 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Let Your Light Shine Before Men!

We Christians Are Called ... By Jesus Christ
The Light Of The World! 
How Sad It Is Then, That 
Most In The World Look Questioningly, Cross-Eyed
Or With Raised Eyebrows 
Wondering What Kind Of Christians Many Of Us Are
Asking What Kind Of "Light" We Are Shedding! 


Let's Take Heed To Ourselves!
Be Careful How You Walk! 
Be Mindful Of What You Say And Do! 
Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation 
See To It That Your Behavior 
Is Not 
Causing A Longing, Wandering, Seeking Soul 
To Turn Away From Saving Truth 

... And ... 

Be True To Your Calling 
To Be An Honest Steward
A Willing Witness
A Loved, Loving, Child Of The Eternal God 
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord! 

From This Moment On
By The Available Grace Of Our Loving God
By The Holy Spirit's Leading, Teaching, Feeding 
Let No One Have Cause To Question Your Christianity 
Or Your Commitment To Our Lord Christ! 

You Didn't Buy Your Name: 
It Wasn't On Sale! 
Your Name 
Blessed, Holy, Everlasting
A Gift Of The Holy God
A Deposit ... If You Will ... Toward The Great Day 
When Having Assimilated The Total Character Of Christ
You, Perfected, Immortalized, Glorified
Shall Enter The Family Home On High 
To Live Eternally! 

Pray For Oil And Light Up! 
Shine, Dear Christian!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Don't Be Free Food For Satan!


When The Angel Of The Lord Sets Up Shop In Our Vicinity
We Can Rest Assured That 
Deliverance Will Be The Outcome For Us 
Who Fear Aka Hold The Almighty God In Awe: 
We Reverence His Majesty And His Power! 

Conversely, It Is Safe To Say That 
Those Persons Who Do Not Fear The Living God
Are Subject To The Malevolence Of Satan And His Fallen Angels 
Who Are Determined To Accomplish Their Destruction! 


The Angels Of The Living God 
Are Here To Minister To Us 
Who Shall Be The Inheritors Of Christ's Free Salvation! 

Those Who Choose To Walk Under Their Own Banner
Doing Everything That Carnal Flesh Desires 
Are Free Food For Satan
The Roaring, Always-Hungry, Lion 
Looking For Someone Easy To Devour! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

You Forfeit The Protection Of Holy Angels 
When You Walk In Willful Disobedience To  
"Thus Saith The Lord" 
By Going Where You Shouldn't 
Doing What You Ought Not To Do! 

The Holy Fear Of The Lord In Our Hearts 
Our Sure Safeguard Against Indulging 
In Presumptuous Aka Planned Sin Aka Iniquity! 

Doing Wrong When You Know To Do Right 
Lawlessness Is Sin 
The Wages Of Sin Is Death! 

Be Wise: 
Walk Enduringly Faithfully 
In The Will Of The Lord Of Life 
Who Constantly Blesses Us With Awesome Goodness! 

Dare To Fear Almighty God 
Choose To Be Eternally Blessed!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Don't Rob Yourself!

Who Are You!?! 

Are You A One-Talent
Or A Five-Talent Servant In The Service Of Our King!?! 

Are You ... Like The One-Talent Servant
Not Even Trying To Work 
Are Condemning Your Lord 
Burying Your Talent In The Cold Earth Like It's A Dead Rat!?! 

Are You Like The Two And Five-Talent Servants 
Who Multiply Their Talents 
By Willing Service 
Giving To Their Lord Double His Investment Upon His Return!?! 

Are You Being Wise And Faithful 
Being Blessed For Having Trust In Your Lord 
Embracing The Confidence That He Reposed In You 
By Doing Well In Your Work For Him!?! 


None Of Our Lord's Workers 
Should Be An Unprofitable Servant! 

The Lord Our God ... Our Creator
Who Knows Us Each Better Than We Know Our Own Selves
Gives Us Talents According To Our Ability 
So Don't Look, Or Stop Looking, At What Others Have 


Stop Judging The Living God 
By Your Corrupt Thinking And Innate Laziness:
We All Suffer From The Same Disease!

 We Are Free Agents With Freedom 
Free Will! 
We Know Right And Wrong: 
Because Of Sin We Know Good And Evil! 

Please Don't Short-Change Aka Rob Yourself! 
Please Deny Sinful-Self 
Choose To Be A Saint Of God In This Age 
Using Your Gifts, Talents, For Our Lord! 
The Fields Are Ripe For Harvest
The Available Workers Are Few!

Be Warned ... 

Like It ... Or Not
Accept It ... Or Not
Whatever Talent We Receive From Our Lord
- Improved Or Not - 
Must Be Accounted For In The Judgment
So Do Yourself ... Your Soul ... A Favor
Willingly Choose To Know Your Gifts
Use And Improve ... Increase ... Them 
In The Service Of The Great King Blessed Forever! 

I Beseech Us All, Brethren
Dare To Work Wise Until Jesus Christ Comes! 
The "Well Done Good And Faithful Servant!" 
Awaits You, And Me, Too! 

Every Child Of Almighty God
Every Servant Of Almighty God
Has A Work To Do For Almighty God!