Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Great Pretender!

Today I had Two Customers
Walking in my Heart Stomach Shop
They were paying customers
And had lots to talk shout about!

The One was Happy En Jolly
The Other Rabid Tu Hate
It was hard for me to understand
How could these two be out on a date?

Happy En Jolly ate quite sparingly!
She was grateful easy going!
She graciously accepted her offerings -
Her heart seemed easily satisfied!

Not so Rabid Tu Hate, The Great Pretender
Who ate and ate and ate
And ate and ate voraciously
But got no bigger
No matter what how much how late he ate!

He ate his last landlord
Out of his house and his family's land
Out of real love and deep affection
Out of "God Sends A Helping Hand!"

And ... NOW

This Scavenging Glutton
Had taken up residence in My Heart Stomach Shop
And was demanding of dainty morsels
For Things which recipes I had not!

I didn't have a recipe for Contention!
I didn't have a recipe for Station Stature Elevate!
I didn't have a recipe for Grudge My Brother!
I didn't have a recipe for What An Idiot! She's a Flake!

I had no recipe for Dodge Dog Biscuits!
I had no recipe for Brazen Body Bakes!
I had no recipe for Craven Cookies!
And definitely no recipe for Lousy Loser Meringue Cake!

I was now becoming quite angry!
I didn't want to manufacture Unkind Swill!
I didn't want to make Marbled Madness!
And I didn't want to anything to do with Deadly Dongle Dangles and 
Mismatched Mates Gooeyness Mess!

I politely asked to be excused
I went into My Quiet Rest Place
And, to God, I beseechingly humbly prayed
In the Blessed Name of My Jesus
With The Holy Spirit holding sway
I rejoined That Full In-Swing Battle -
I laid my Jesus on The Skirmish Line:

I Poured Forth 
The Heart of The Believer
And Mixed In 
Strong Angel from The Divine!
I Then Added 
Jesus for Joy - This Battle was Hopping -
Rabid Tu Hate started Acting Like He Had A Hot Behind!
THEN ...
I added 
With God There Is No Fear
God's Grace Is Sufficient For Me!
When I Added 
Peace Passing All Understanding
Rabid Tu Hate had Left Black Smoke in his Broken Chair!

Happy Jolly and I had a good hug laugh cry!
We were Delirious with Know Ye Real Joy!
Jesus Christ - The Sage of The Ages
Had Represented! And ...
I know Love
I know Peace
I really, really know Jesus ... for Joy!

Dear Ones:

Give no place to Rabid Hate UNLESS ... It is Rabid Hatred of Sin and Satan! Then ... you can let it ALL hang out!!

Hate hates Joy!
Hate hates Hope!
Hate hates Happy!
Hate hates Peace!
Hate Hates Love!
Hate helps Hell!

Inhale: "Love For Jesus!"
Exhale: "Cruel Hate!"
Give Satan a Black Eye -
He's got an Eternal Death Date!


WHATEVER you plant will ... grow!
You will not know where it will go
But you can be assured - God knows
Be careful what you sow.

I planted me a little - and rare - seed
I watered it - it grew
It picked up speed
And before I knew it
It had grown leaves
And beautiful buds of its own ... with seeds.

The birds of the air
Took up seats in the leaf chairs
They picked on the seeds - it was their caviar
And before I knew it
My grand-seeds were deposited - near and far.

One day, I said a verse!
It was really a curse!
I thought nothing of it!
I'd often repeated it!
It was just words
Said in anger and oft in jest!
I thought nothing of It ... until I heard it used to ... "bless!?"

I uttered a prayer!
A beautiful prayer!
Calling on Jesus
To fix Me and to undo
The damage I caused by my callous mien!
He said to Me:
"Once done, Sin cannot be undone."

I learned a hard lesson on that day!
Oh, how I repented! - I still had to pay!
Forgiveness is sweet!
Remembrance is bitter - sharp knives cut swift and clean and deep!

I sought from then
To carefully sow
Seeds of Gladness
Hope, Love, and to show
All that behold My Garden - how it grows
That good seed can't produce corrupt fruit
No, that does not flow!
Good seed - Good Fruit
Good fruit - Good seed ... and so it goes!

You can't plant Guinea Corn and from it Indian Corn reap!
What goes in comes out!
Do I need to repeat?

Jesus IN! = Jesus OUT!
Satan IN! = Satan OUT!
Garbage IN! = Garbage OUT!

The Problem ... again
The Solution ... again
Know what You Sow!
It Grows!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rational Nonbelievers ... Dying To Live Free!?!

I am not a Humanist!
Neither am I "Dying to Live Free!"
Jesus Christ IS My Creator -
I Follow Him! I'm Signally FREE!

I am no Freethinker!
I cannot Walk by My Sight!
Jesus is My Pathway -
His Word is the Lamp lighting My way!

I am no Illuminated Highness!
I am no Self-willed Sin-loving Slave!
I Believe in Jesus Christ, My Lord!
I will Rise from Death! I'm by Jesus Christ Saved!

I do not need books to "Prove The Godhead!"
I will not seek to be Rational and Freewheeling re: GOD!
I Trust God's Word! I had have Sin - Jesus is My Cure!
I will be Lifted Up! Almighty God IS The Lord!

Do not try to "MOVE My Mindset" from Believer to Nonbeliever!
I "Came OUT" of Sin - not to Sexual Immorality Deviancy!
I will not use "God's Understanding"
To cover Licentiousness with Dr. Dog, Honor de Cat
Biggie Horse, Striped Stripped Human and Decaying Duppy!
Get away from Me! I'm not Sipping Deada with You and Satan!
I'm Blissfully, Happily in Jesus Christ FREE!

Divine Intervention IS My Bulwark -
Keep Pragmatic Interventions out of My Way!
I Trust Believe in The Living God - not Wicked Sin-loving Man
Who can't keep himself off the Can!
How, then, can he keep My Soul from being Damned?

Rational Nonbelievers a/k/a Freethinkers
Atheists, Satanists, Witches, Warlocks and the Like
Are in for a Rude Awakening
When Jesus Christ Returns ... As "The Thief In The Night!"

SO ...

Don't use your Corrupted Education as a Smoke Screen for Sin!
You do not have an excuse for Non-Belief for
God's Message of Love, Help, Hope and Healing
Salvation, Sanctification, and Redemption
Is written in Each Soul -
You WILL ANSWER for Disbelief when Jesus Christ breaks through The Clouds!

I am Free!
You can be Free - Give up Your Idols!
Stop bowing before the god of Sales, Self
Self-Aggrandizement, Free Sex, Gratify Me and Me Satisfy!
Give up your altar to That Demon and 
Bow before Almighty God -
He WILL Your Suffering Soul Surely Securely Satisfy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Flattering God!?!

I can't Flatter God with: "I Love YOU!"
I can't Coerce God with a Screaming Fit!
I can't Disappoint God with My Human Failures
But I will Anger God with Malicious Presumptuous Sin!

I can't Fool God with a Sham Confession!
I can't Hoodwink God with Repentance Fake!
I will Tempt God by Walking Outside of His Will
And by Playing with Sin Kitty and Calling 
"Save Me, I Fell Over Playing Devil Dodge Ball by Fire Lake!"

I Please God with Genuine Repentance!
I Celebrate God by Walking in Jesus' Faith!
I Bless God by Accepting Jesus' Blood Sacrifice!
I Honor God by Praying and Singing "His Name Be Ever Praised!"

Sing to Him Praise!
Stand Tall!
Walk Humble!
Head for The City - Victory IS Assured
Jesus Christ will Reign!
Get on board The Train
Satan, Death, Hell and Unrepentant Sinners 
Will be Utterly Destroyed!

Monday, July 20, 2015

God's Transcript

Mercy, Love and Grace
Are in the transcript of the Character of The True and Living Only God
And it is because of their Presence
That I can defeat The Arch Deceiver - Satan, Belial, Beelzebub
The Piercing Serpent, The Liar, The Fraud.

I have no need for Timidity
I have no need for Fear
I, by Grace, am going to Live in The Holy City
And Satan can't stop My Arrival there.

I have no need for Trembling
I have no need for Kid Gloves
I have The Love of Jesus with Me -
Which casts out The Fear - I've got The Dove!

I have Made My Confession -
My Repentance laid down at its side
Mercy picked Me up - I am Rejoicing
God Reigns - Spirit Comforts
Because, to Save Me, Jesus Died
Raised Himself, and IS Glorified!

I AM Delivered!

Praise The Lord!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Get Away From Me, Satan!

Get away from Me, Satan!
Your World taught Me "The Lesson" too well, so
You cannot tempt to follow you anymore and
You're not going to see Me in Hell!

You cannot offer Me any more Trinkets
No more Skewed Knowledge, no more Fair Deals, no more False Hopes!
You are a Bold-Faced Liar - You're a Murderer!
I will swing no more on your Gaudy
Glittering, Death-Dealing, Twisted, Hell-bent Rope!

Don't tell Me that I'm too sinful -
That worked on Me only yesteryear!
Today I'm walking humbly with Jesus
Not proudly with The Prince of The Power of The Air!

Don't send anybody to flatter Me
I'm no longer working for applause from Fallen Man!
My Boss is The God of Creation
Jesus Christ, The Beloved, The Great I AM!

You can no longer rob Me of God's Truth
I've confessed My Sin! I've taken Jesus for My Portion
So any Sin you cast up in front of Me
Jesus Christ, Himself, cast it into His Forgetfulness Sea!

Let Me spell it out for You!
I've accepted Jesus - He is holding My Hand!
He is Faithful and True - Not Deceitful like You!
Take a hike! I'm sticking to Jesus Christ like Super Glue!

Do not attempt to talk with Me anymore!
I have a good Word for You!
Jesus Christ Saves! His Heart I now crave!
I'm through being a toy pet upon which you horribly chew!

Give up Your Fight!
My God Is The Light 
His Love for Me has No Limits
I will Him give My Praise
Forever and Always
Forget You!
You have only a few more short days!

IF You Don't Understand ...

Let Me Paint You A Picture:

Jesus Loves Me 
You Can't!

Jesus Drew Me Out Of Sin 
You Encouraged Me To Sin!

Jesus Inspires Hope 
You Inspire Dread!

Jesus IS Love 
You ARE Hate!

Jesus' Love Causes Me to Look Up
You Encouraged Me To Lower My Head!

Jesus Plants Faith
You Planted Despair!

Jesus has prepared an Eternal and Happy Home for Me
You Offered Cheapo Fun and Eternal Death!

Jesus Comforts Me by The Holy Spirit
Your Minions Sought to Disturb My Head Bed!

Jesus Died for Me
You Killed Him AND, yet, He LIVES!

Jesus Is Alive and will Redeem Me
Who's Crying Now?

Jesus Forgave Me
Where is YOURS!

Jesus IS Coming For Me
Who Can't Go Home?

Jesus IS My Hope For Glory
You Can Keep Your Trap For Hell!


Just In Case You May Have Forgotten Your End:



Saturday, July 18, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END Of THE SABBATH: People! Wake Up! Almighty God Ain't No Fool!

My Almighty God IS Just!

My Almighty God IS Gracious!

Many are The Ways
In which We Weave
Chords - Cords of Music -
To bring us, Humbled, to Our Knees!

We - Bold and Arrogant - think Self Grand and
Behave as though 
God and Human
Pitch Marbles on Hard Sand!

Look at Yourself!
Jaundiced, Petty, Judgmental, Unkind
Living as though You and God
Have a Meeting of The Minds
Where You do The Talking
He Listens - and Obeys
And Gives You Nice Trinkets
To Block Correction from Your Ears!

You Lift Your Head -

You Stiffen Your Spine -
Back Square!

You Hawk up the Phlegm of Cold Heart 
And You Spray
Acid and Bile
Hatred and Strife
As You Stick a Sharp-pointed, Dull Knife into Your Brother and 
Hug Him as He Suffers Horribly ... and Dies!

You Go to The House of Assembling!
You Say All the Right Words!
Your Hands in your Pockets -
The Cat ... at Your Feet ... Purrs
As You Utter Sardine
And Yourself Eat Beefsteak
And Tell all The People
Payday ain't Got No date!

You Lie, Cheat and Steal!
You Maneuver, Meddle and Make
All Sorts of Deals with The Devil -
Your Pretty Sweet Date
Who, with Great Malice
Strokes You, and Fake Smiles
And Thinks Fondly of What She Will Do
To Make you Lie while you Wait to Slowly Die!

You Act like The Idiot!
You Smell of The Goat!
Your Name Must be Judas - You're Wearing 
His Coat 
Of Betrayal
Of Wanton Greed for Small Non-gain!
Take Care You don't Get Tarred Marked 
With his Same Pay 'n Black Paint!

You Walk like The Christian
You Waddle like The Duck
Be Careful
You May End Up 
Like The Chicken that Gets Plucked
Or - Worst Yet - like The Goose
Who Done Get Herself Picked!
Stop Being a Useless Heathen -
Experience got Tricks, and 
Share Licks!

The Time for Repentance
Confession and Rebirth
Is when The Four Winds of Strife
Are being Held Back -
Off The Earth!

Stop Playing with That Kitty!
Kitty has got Sharp Claws -
She does Scratch - and
When She Sinks ALL Her Claws in You
There ain't a Fellow that's Going To Do Jack
To Help You
To Save You
To Comfort You
To Care!
The Good God You've Been Abusing
Sits in Yon Judgment Chair!

God Does Not Play Favorites!
He Does Not Bend Rules!
He has a "Big Stick"
To Belabor The Backs of 
Confident, Educated Fools
Who Think He is Foolish
Who Believe He Can't See
Who Reason His Looking Out for Humans
Is Way Beneath He!

Get a Grip of Your Self
Sit Down on Your Company Chair
Jesus Christ is Returning
Whether or Not You Care or Fear!

God has is Keeping Good Records!
The Angels Keep Watch, hear!
Trust God for Your Cleansing
Or Your End will be
Out There
Amongst The Dogs and Whoremongers
Lovers of The Life
Licentious, Immoral
Or You Die
For Always
Separated from God
You are not The Big Wheel
You are only a Cog! Get New Life!

Confess All Your Evil!
Repent Like You Care!
Seek Salvation like it's Nourishment
It's Free! Take it ... IF You Dare!

You didn't Make Yourself!
Bow to Him - He's Your Master Maker -
And be healed ...
You can't Heal Yourself!

The BuilderMakerCreator 

Who Does Not Have 

Kill Switch




A Fool!

Almighty God Ain't No Fool!

Who Can Catch The Wind?

John 3:3-8King James Version (KJV)

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Leaf, Wind and Bird are best friends!
Since time immemorial, Bird and Leaf have been trying
To beat Wind at their favorite pastime -
Catch The Wind!
It hasn't happened yet!


Well, it is like this:

Wind always starts out first.
Bird and Leaf can hear him coming, and
They can even feel him from afar off

But ...

Before they see Wind
Before they can catch Wind
Wind Tickles Leaf ... and he dances and sings
Wind Ruffles Bird ... and he's aloft and soaring before he knows it

Leaf and Bird love Wind - they just can't see him 
To catch him!

It's terribly frustrating
And fun
And invigorating!
They love Wind.

Sometimes Wind can get rambunctious
And move around mightily!
Sometimes Wind scares Bird and Leaf -
When he howls
And kicks up dust
And throws thing around!

And then ...

There IS Quiet and ... Peace and ... Rest.

So moves The Holy Spirit!
He's Our Friend
And we will never catch Him ... in a Lie!

He moves Gently and Confidently
When we walk ... in His Will!

He moves Rambunctiously 
When The Soul is calling to The King Eternal 
When The Soul contemplates The Worldly Tour
When The Soul is struggling with Active Sin
When The Master demands we Clean The House within 
When we are bearing The Message to The People for Him
When Faith is Faltering
When Grief is Exulting
When The Grave is Calling

The Holy Spirit Moves ...

Upon Us

In Us

For Us

For You

For Me!

Oh, Lord, Help Us to

Let Your Holy Spirit Lead

Always and Forever


Friday, July 17, 2015


Father, have Mercy on Me?!
I am Looking in My Mirror -
Who is it that I see?
A Vile Sinner?
A Sinner Saved By Grace?
A Self-Righteous Saint?
Who Am I Truly?
Would You Help Me See Whether
I Am Truly Walking With and In Thee?
Sometimes I'm Humble!
Sometimes I Self-Elevate!
I Often Don't Know My Own Mind -
I Calculate and I Vacillate!
But, Lord, even as I Contemplate
My Great Quandary
As I see My Own Self
Through My Looking Glass Darkly
Please Help Me Put Aside 
Pride in Self
Pride in Possessions
Pride in Skill and 
Pride in Prosperity, and
Please Help Me to Gain 
Lawful Entry Into Your Gates for 
This Sinful Nature's Pressing and Pulling On Me!
In The Name of King Jesus, Please Save Me!
I Love My Savior, Lord!
Please, Please, Clean and Heal! 
Help Me!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

PRAYER: I Am Blessed!

Father, My Heart is Thankful for
You Do So Much for Me Each and Every Day -
I Am Blessed.

I don't have to Ask for Favors!
You Favor me with Your Blessings 
Even when I don't Pray -
I Am Blessed.

I Bless You, Father
And I Offer You My Praise and Worship -
Please Bless Me More -
In Jesus' Holy Name

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Personal Puzzle: Who Am I?

When I was a Child My Eyes were Clear!
I did not know "NO!"

I Grew up and was Introduced to "NO!" and "NO NO!" and
Everything with "NO!" Greatly Displeases Me!

I Became Jaded with The Passage of Time!

My Eyes are now Dull!
My Heart is now Hard!
I Want what I Want when I Want it, and
I Want "IT" NOW!!

I Am Not to Be Denied!
Don't you Understand Who I Am?

I will be SATISFIED!
At All Costs!

Costs to Me?!
I Get What I Want!

Costs to You?!
Should I Care?

Works of Charity?!
To whom?
For what?

Everyday ... to My Self!

Yes, yes! Of course!
I am Totally in to Me!
I Just Love Me!

Who Am I?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

DECLARATION: God's Grace IS Sufficient ... for ME!

Because God IS Love
He shows Me Mercy!

Because God IS Merciful
He provides Me Grace!

Because God's Grace is Sufficient for Me
I can accept #God'sFreeOfferOfSalvation!

Because Salvation was Purchased for Me with Jesus' Blood
I will accept Free Salvation!

God's Free Salvation Requires Cleanness
But there is No Cleanness in Me
So I must
"Come Clean" to King Jesus
And that means
Confession and Repentance of All Sin for Me!

I can't go to God except through Jesus!
I won't be Saved carrying on, and living, in Known Sin!
God is Holy, and I must live Holy
But I can't ... in My Own Strength!

I need Jesus - who Died on Calvary -
To set me Free!

Jesus was Lifted up, Died and was Raised Up to Glory!
I Died too - I was Baptized!

I rose from the Watery Grave 
To walk in The Renewal that Jesus' Life gives and
One day I, too, will be Raised all the way up to Glory
Provided I'm Faithful and 
Live in The Light of ... The Promise
Inked on Life
Sealed in Death and
Wrapped by Raised from The Grave
Held by He Lives
Guarded by Certain Hope and
Trumpeted by He Is Near!

I love The Lord!
I laid my Burden down!
I trust The Word's Word!
I walk by Jesus' Faith!
I lean on The Comforter!
I sleep in Peace for
Eternal Rest is Secured and 
I am Assured of
God's Provision
So the World has no more 
A Brief holding for Me
For Righteousness is Mine, and
Jesus Christ, Himself
Is carrying Me!

Oh, yes!

God's Grace IS Sufficient for Me


My Soul







Monday, July 13, 2015

By beholding, I Was ... Changed!

By Beholding, I was ... Changed!
Not for the Better - I was Ashamed!
I Looked upon Evil!
My Eyes Became Dull
And not long thereafter
Sin entered - I forgot The Shed Blood!

First, I started Brooding
About What Was Not Mine!
My Faith in The Master 
Went on the Decline!

It didn't take long
For Longing To Live and Let cried
And put me on a Path that would 
Could cause My Demise!

I started to Bend
The Rules of The Light!
I started walking with The Friends of The Night
And that is when Spirit and Flesh started to Fight
And then The Fleas of Real Sin on me did Bite!

My Skin was covered in Welts - some did leave Scars!
My Ears were going Deaf - I almost couldn't hear The Devil's Sports Car
Which was Revving and Roaring
As it came to My Gate!
I didn't hear it Sounding until it had Dropped me off Late
On My Day of Decision
For Good or For Ill
I'd ignored My Jesus
I'd Taken Swallowed The Sweet Rough Bitter Pill!

I then Drank a Deep Draught of 
The Waters of Regret
And Raked in the Leaves of
Would've Could've but Didn't Yet
Then And If, But and Annie
Came Carrying The Stoat
Which carried the Scissors which Cut Through My Coat
Covering My Callous Behavior
Which Covered My Need
And that is when, Broken, I Fell on My Knees
And Cried:

"Lord, Jesus, Save Me! Please!!?!!
I'm Truly Fit to be Tied
Up, and Dropped In
Your Cleansing Tide!"

"I'm Sorry for My Actions!
I Believed Satan's Lies
Of Great Fun and Frolic
Free - No Money to be Paid!
But, Lord, it was all Deception for
I have a Foot - and Four Toes - on the Banana Peel 
That is at the Edge of My Grave!"

"Great Father, Please Rescue Me!
I'm Pleading! Please, Save!
Without You, Dear Jesus
My Home is Slaving to Be Graved
Departed from You!
Lord, Jesus!
Please, help Me?!
Get Me out of this Stew!"

My Child
How I love YOU!
For YOUR LIFE I died
And how it blesses Me when to Me YOU do cry!
I give YOU Forgiveness!
I wipe clean YOUR Stain!
Cling unto Me -
Don't go in again to The Fast Lane!

YOU cannot fight Satan!
YOU'RE not strong enough!
I offer YOU My Weapons -
Not Powder Puffs and Bluffs!
Truth is The Belt to gird up YOUR loins!
Faith and Love make The Helmet to protect YOUR head from Above!
And Hope is YOUR Breastplate
Assuring Salvation - God's Love!
Love from The Divine
The Creator, The Judge!

However YOU Come to Me - come, I won't reject for
YOU are My Child
I knew YOU before YOU were a Speck
In the love of YOUR parents
Before they were born
But this is YOUR Day!
Confess! Repent!
Be Reborn!

I know of YOUR Needs
I provide for YOU every day
Reject the Things of The Earth
They just bring Decay!

Take My Yolk Easy upon YOU - My Burden is Light
Cast off the Works of Darkness
Shine YOUR Light bright
So that I may be Glorified
When men see YOUR Good Works
Stay close to My Altar
Like The Bride in The Church!

I'll treat YOUR eyes that are blinded!
I'll replace YOUR clothes that are sin-shorn!
I'll place in YOUR pocket
Pure Gold from My Throne!

Dear Child, look at These Hands
Look upon my Scarred Brow
Look upon my Holy Holey Feet
Touch This Rent in My Side!
These badges I earned
To save YOU, My Love!
Come into My Covert!
Give Satan The Shove - Raise High The Dove!

I conquered That Bold Sinner
The Day that I Died
The Day I was Risen
Was The Day Satan Cried
For He knows the Battle is Over
My Victory is Won!
My Kingdom, Great and Glorious is, for YOU, Coming Down!

Walk Holy - I'm Holy!
Walk Right - I'm Light!
Trust Me - I'm TRUTH!
 I'm Faithful!
I'm Life!
I'm Savior, Redeemer
The Conquering King!
I've got YOU, My Darling!
So, Cling to Me! Cling!

Walk on in Majesty!
My Kingdom Awaits!
Neither dogs nor whoremongers
Will get in at The Gate!

Keep YOUR Lamp Bright Burning
Filled with The Pure Oil of Grace!
Don't dance with The Devil - keep Marching
Even if YOU March Alone and in Place!

I've provided YOU an Angel Guardian
Who excels in Great Strength
And My Holy Spirit
Will comfort, guide and chide
Time and again!

Take all that I give YOU
Take it, and Peaceful Rest!
Stay with Me Faithful!
You will Enter My Blessed, Eternal Rest!"

I Gave up the World!
I Threw off The Chain!
I Trust in My Jesus
Where Sacrifice IS Great Gain!

I have what I Need
With an Occasional Want
It does not overwhelm me
I no longer need want to Flaunt
Things to be Paid for
Promises to be Broken
So that I would Jaunt
Up down and sideways
Frustrated and Dreading
The thoughts 
That oft' came cascading o'er me 
When I laid down my head!

I can Rest in Sweet Peace
In Comfort
Feeling Joy
For I am Redeemed
I am a Child of The Eternal God
Who Made Me
Who Minds Me
Who Comforts My Days
Who is Giving Me a Bright Mansion
At The End of Earth's Days!

His Promise is Faithful!
His Word is Sure!
He Provides Me with a Watch Angel - I feel Secure!
Join Me, I beseech you!
Let go of The World!
The Cup of Sin Runneth Over
#JudgmentIsAtThe Door!

Take Jesus - He Rescues!
Take Jesus - He Saves!
He is The King - Eternal
The Ancient of Days!
Render True Praise unto Him
Forever ... and ALWAYS!