Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jesus Wants To Be First!

Jesus wants first place!?
Who does He think He is?!

My life is my own
And my business!
Why won’t He leave me alone?

I asked, and asked
And got the response
When Jesus, Himself, answered me!
He said that I was created for His pleasure
And that His dying justifies me!
He said that He set me apart
That He sanctified me
That He called me to be a joint heir with Him
In the Kingdom of Light
His Father’s delight!
Jesus talked, and talked, and I listened.
But ... there was another voice
On the Channel Carewave
That Voice!
It was loud. melifluous. proud.
It was making Jesus’ voice seem far in the cloud
But, I - strangely, somehow, no longer had a taste
For the loud voice interrupting
My so sweet commune
With Him who took the blame
For things of which I’m ashamed -
Screamed: “Be gonnnne! You’re not crowding Him out!”

“Master, I’m sorry
For my sin, even my folly and
I yield my decision to You!
You can be First
In this life I’ve rehearsed!
Please change me, Lord!
Clean out this hearse!”

(Sung to the tune of Jesus Loves Me This I Know):

Jesus loves me
He’s my First
Cleansed my heart
Reversed sin’s curse
Don’t let Satan your bubble burst
His only gifts
Will leave you needing to be nursed!


Jesus must be first!
Jesus must be first!
Jesus must be first!
Always! Only! Everyday!

Jesus Christ must be the First
For His death reversed the Curse
Let Him in your life hold sway
He’s The Answer!
Come to Him today!

Jesus is The Shepherd
He’s your Redeemer!
He is your Savior!
He’s calling! Please don’t delay!

C hoosing
H ell
A s the better
O ption to choosing
H eaven!


C hrist 
A lone gives Heavenly Hope and honestly
L oves
M e despite me!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I Met A Man

Today I met a man!
He said he could free me from Sin!
He said he could make my life over, and
That he'd clean me from within!
Today I met a man!

Today, I met a man!
Oh, what pleasures he offered!
The joys! What laughter!
He said forget the Hereafter!
Today I met a man!

Today! Two Men!
Two Joys! One Plan!
Calm and Elan!
Today, I met a man!

Today I must choose a man!
Choose sorrow and pain
For later Joy Unrestrained, or
Wild gaiety, and tomorrow
What will be, will be!
Today, I must choose a man!

I asked each one a question
But only one replied!
He said He chose to die for me
To spend Eternity with Him so
Today, I chose The Man!

All that glitters is not gold!
All that laugh often oft' hide bare souls!
I choose to take the sorrows now
For one day I will no more plow
For I'd have reached the furrows' end, and
I'd have planted and tended my ground
And at Harvest Celebration
I'll wear a Victor's Crown
Rewarded for my battle long
And Joys Everlasting will be my song!
Thank God! I chose The Son of Man!
Have you met a man?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I Love You!

I love you!
I love you, today,
Not tomorrow, but today.

I love you, today, for
Tomorrow is not promised to me.

I love you, today, for
Tomorrow's sun may never rise ... for me.

I love you now, this moment, this minute
This hour.

I can't love you tomorrow, but
I promise you that
I truly love you, and
I give what I own
My Love, my love ... today!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hate You?!

Hate you?! Why should I hate you?
Hate leads to murder
And that price is way too rich for my blood!
And if you don’t believe me
You need have a look at the time of the Flood where
Murder, mayhem, malice and mischief
Greed, graft, and gotcha
Carnage, caprice, and callous cons - no peace
Put pitiful people to call out: "Help!?! Police!!

I am following Jesus, for He said
Do good! It’ll attend you!
Shun evil companions, bad language disdain
And don’t the name of the Father ever, or once, profane!

Sure, I use four-letter language - to bless, not curse!
My words are love, aide, kind, best
Help, balm, cure, able
Everything else, I aver!
I want to be like my Master,
And that is not a chore!
He loves me, and I love Him
And He guides me day by day!
So hating you, my friend
Is not an option in my lore!

H indering, harassing
A ggravating, abusing and
T ormenting
E verybody and anybody to achieve ecstacy!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Donor Body?!? Hmmmm...

Hey, Doc!?
Are you really so foolish to think
That the God of all Grace
Would allow you to attach a donor body
Under a another man's head space?

Your arrogance is mind boggling!
Your testicles are brass!
And you are behaving
Like a godless jackass!

Give God His Glory!
Lower your flag of dishonorable estate,
Bow your head in shame,
And you won't suffer The Vile Instigator's just fate.

Don't let Satan's lies blind you!
Don't let blind guides guide you!
Your plan for immortality will only succeed
IF it's the one that Jesus Christ conceived!

Humble yourself today!
There's no godhood for you - you can't buy, so don't pay!
God is Almighty -  each and every day -
And He won't let you Satan's dark fantasies play out today!

Pray to Almighty God!
Repent for linking your life to The Fraud!
Turn back! Get out of The Devil Dog's fog!
Honor Jesus and He will forgive you instead of flog!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: God Bless, Build, Burden and Blind and Help Us!

Gaining Heaven Is A Participatory Endeavor!

We cannot, and should not, believe or behave as though, live or die, win or lose, lie or deny, Heaven - like turkey on a sumptuously laid celebration table - is waiting for any and all, whether early to commit or late to arrive!

Heaven awaits those who R.S.V.P. their acceptance of the Formal Invitation by the specified Due By date - which is upon receipt of the Spirit's Call - and we will not be permitted to call up a friend's father's favorite frat brother to bounce another person and get us a preferred placement.

Each Invitation To Live In, With, and For Jesus Christ is Private and Particular and Personal and Pointed:

Private to YOU, ALONE! 
Personal for YOUR HEART ONLY! 
As finite beings of dying dust, energized by The Creator's Life's Breath, we can at any moment expire without a prior written, and received, and accepted, and filed, Notice of Immediate Action.

There is no appeal. There is only acceptance, and compliance.

So, with this eventuality in mind, let us accept that:

God's Mercy is Faithful. 
God's Goodness is Love. 
God's Angels watch over His Children
And the Light of Life shines from Heaven Above.

And let us ask God to:

Bless the Heart that shares God's Word. 
Bless the Head that seeks to reason with God. 
Bless the Feet that walk in Right Paths. 
Bless the Eyes that seek to do Good. 
Bless the Hands that work to show God's Love.
Bless the Body which is traveling to The Home Above. 

Let us, therefore:

Bless Our God for His Sacrificial Love
which gives us the Right to go Home!

And let us ask Our Father to:

Build up in us a dynamic Hope for our Heavenly Home. 
Blind our Eyes to Sin and its leaven. 
Burden our Hearts with Love for our Fellow man. 
Help us to do Right while Life shall stand. 
Let us a Help to our Brothers and Sisters be while
Showing the same love as Christ in Galilee.

Heavenly Father,
Let our Bodies boldly bear the brights beams of the bracing beauty of Beulah
Let our Ears eagerly extend to entrap Eternity's Enlightenment
Let our Eyes eagerly envisioning Everlasting Life
Let our Feet freely follow The Father in Faith
Let our Hearts hold heady hope for Heaven
Give us Helping Hands that hold Healing and Hospitality
Hold our Lives as Lost in Love for the Living Lord
Let our Mouths make Majestic and 
Meaningful Music on our Mission for The Master
And, at the end, Lord, let the
Saints' Spirits spiral in unmeasured satisfaction in the splendor 
of the Sacrificed Savior as we go ... Home! AMEN.

Friday, April 17, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Free Will and Wild Ways!

IF I am living for my body
It must be because I am lacking in Department Brain
Which means that I, therefore, lack reason and thus
Behave like a starved animal in chains
Hungry, restricted, abused
Abusing myself for lack of a  meal feel
Which gives stomach-Satan the upper hand
To make me do whatever he please.

God made us in His Image.
God gave us Reasoning Free Will
Not to be used like currency
On hypochondriacs needing placebo sugar pill.

Problem with this thing called Free Will
Is that we can use it however we please
To help, to hurt, to hound
To turn a frown upside down
Thence to cry foul when Free Will wastes
Wounds, wrecks, and rebounds.

Thought is to think
What foul is to stink,
And Free Will is tied to - and tried by - Responsibility.

You know right from wrong -
It is written in your Code
So living like a Lush in lard will clog up Free Will and
Waste your Living Soul.

Okay. Let us think this through once more!

I don't meant to be a bore
But Free Will wastes if used solely on food 'n mood!
Food fattens off a feed!
Mood maddens off a need!
And Greed is Old Satan's pet steed!

Everything about Freewill is summed up this way:

Food - either for the body, or for the soul.
Give The Giver your Will and
He'll guide your Way
Fill your Soul
And the needs of your Body
Will be met under His loving control!

Free will
Self will
Won't Self set free.
Pray to The Father
Get on the knee
Deny your Self
Put your "wise ways" on the shelf
Do it willingly
And then - by God's Grace - you will be set free.

WILL means:

W hat
L ove, I
L oad - Good in bowl - Bad for the soul!

Just Because You Didn't 
Pay A Penny 'n a Pound
Your Free Will
It Doesn't Mean You Should 
Sell IT To Sin 'n Satan for a (s)Cent!

Take the "I" out of WILL and add an "L" and it now means:

W illingly
L etting the
L ord
L ead.

Let us All strive to 
Our Almighty God 
to True Liberty by 

Jesus and Gin!

Jesus is Joy!
Gin is Sin!
Who will choose Jesus?
Who will come in
Out of the wilderness
In from the sea
Who will stand for Jesus
Forsaking what their eyes see?

Jesus - the Joy of Living
Gin - Satisfaction of Sin
Disparate leaders and followers
Some climbing high up
Some out on a brittle limb.

Jesus leads o’er the tumult
Gin benumbs the heart
Jesus lifts High To Glory
Gin lays you out in a refuse cart!

Joyous in Jesus
Peaceful slumbering
Sinful with Gin
A vat of crap falling in
Then Judgment Day dawning
The King all will see
The Joyous in Jesus
Unto Heaven filled with glee
But those pickled in Sin’s Gin
Scales fallen from their cloudy eyes
Will behold the Great Blessing
That Sin’s Gin 'n Lies did hide
That Heaven’s coming came
That Satan’s promises lame
Have cost them - the Sinful
The Saint’s bold and stout refrain:

Jesus the Joy
Loving hearts did employ
With work, wrestling, and walking
Showing Heaven was no ploy
Now that Time’s end has sounded
The Saved safe and firm grounded
Singing Praises to King Jesus
Are on to His Glorious Home bound!

Glory be to find the joy that Jesus Is!
Glory be to be saved by The Son!
Heaven is the abode Of God
Where we are welcomed Home! AMEN!

will do
no good
Drinkin' IN Jesus
Justifies, Sanctifies
and, at the End,

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Teach Me To Pray?!?!

Hi! Wanna perfect formula that will get all your prayers answered?

Why? Is something wrong with how I pray?

Well... not wrong, but not exactly right either! 


Yes! Are you getting all the things that you pray for? 


Then, don't you want to know how to make sure you get what you pray for from God? 


Why not? 

 Because I don't "need" to get all my prayers answered for the things I think I want.

You're kidding! Right? 

No, I am not!

Jesus said to pray without ceasing.
He said let our requests be made known.
He said that we don't know to pray as we should.
He said the Spirit intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And He gave us a model by which we ought to petition God.
He said to pray to God in His Name.
He also said to ask, and to ask to receive according to God's will for our lives.
He also said to believe that we receive and we will.
And He said to ask nothing wavering - no doubting!

God said that He will provide for our needs - not the luxuries of our wants!

I learnt my lesson long ago about praying for things, and getting them, and then being bitterly sorry afterward, and then blaming God for my cock-ups!

 I am content with what I have, and I pray about things just so I can talk to God about everything in my life, not because I want everything that my greedy eyes see!

God said that I should, in all my ways, acknowledge Him, and that He will direct my paths so I tell Him about everything in my life!

He is my Friend and my Father, and I trust him, and so we sometimes just talk, and just because I pray about something doesn't mean that I need it!

Oh, really!?

And what's wrong with my just telling things to my Friend?

We don't have "fill in the space," nor particular Monday, Wednesday, Friday, nor between two and five and six and nine, morning or evening sessions, to have a request heard and answered!

Oh, my!

I trust God's Word - I am His child - and He is my God.

I bow to His will, and He protects me from my own folly, and provides for my daily needs.

I pray from my heart - not from a plan!

I bow before my God for He is not man
To fool me, confuse me and lead me astray
He sits on His Throne
And I meet with Him there.

I open my heart - He looks deep inside
He clears out the cobwebs, deceits and the lies
He gives of His love - my burdens He bears
And He has no need of spit 'n polish
Nor graces and airs!



God needs me to be honest
Open and true
Not behave like an idiot
Who has not a clue
Who follows the world's ways
Who lauds the wisdom of man
Who has forgotten that the Good Book proves
That Jesus Christ died to save man!

I don't need your theses
Your prayer shawl nor holy oil
For you are wearing a card hat
That's covered in tin foil!

I won't attend your next seminar!
I won't buy your book
For you are nothing but
A fancy liar, and a old crook!

I'm not paying for your mansion
I'm not paying for your sweet ride
You need to get on your knees
And in Jesus Christ confide
That you've lost your way
That you've been trusting in your own eyes
That you need to be converted and need to
Stop telling your bold-face lies!

Jesus said: 
"Come to me as you are!
I know how you feel!
I, too, have been tested
And I can reveal 
That I overcame the world so
That sin's flag may no more be unfurled;
That big lusting eyes just give you a whirl 
But, afterward, you'll fall on your bed curled up in despair
So, come unto Me and be healed."

Open your heart to Him
Deny yourself, let Him enter in
No formula, just say "Lord, I give in!"
And He will be your everything
Not things, bought, sold, and decaying
Trust Him!
Speak from your heart!
Live for His Tomorrow!
Learn from Him today
And, on Judgment Morning
You will really see that prayer - from your heart
Truly pays ... in spades!

So, sorry! YOU can't teach me what to say when I - to My God - pray!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRAYER: Father, Why Are Cast-off Burdens Coming Back and Bothering Me?

Greetings, Dear Ones!

Today's offering is by Special Request of one of our Fellow Travelers who is bothered, as the title suggests, by certain burdens which, though given up, are forever in view and causing problems.

I pray that this response will not only be a blessing to the Requester, but also to others of us who may be similarly "assaulted!"

I also encourage the Brethren to visit the following link:

May your hearts be blessed this day, and always!


Lord, I laid down this burden last week last night, AND,
today, I find that it’s still here! 
I know for sure that I sent it to You
BUT, Father, here it is in plain sight ... again!
Father, some of my burdens, it seems, when dropped, soon die
But others sent away grab my shoe
And, wherever I turn, look around, or sit on a pew
There they are, sticking to me like super glue!
My loves, my hates, my problems with dates -
Calendar and opposite sex -
Are chewing on me
Begging compromise
As if love’s a commodity!
Father, You said in Your Word
To say a prayer - it will be heard -
So, please, deliver me of my load
On this day of decision
For life and hope are on a course for massive collision.
You say that You care and that
All I need to do is give You of my load.
I gave You the load which is now acting the goad
And, Father, now my circuit is on overload!

My Child, I have told you before
That burdens are like sin at the core.
If a whiff in the nose
Or a speck on white clothes
They will always announce
Pronounce and control.
Cliches from all man
"Let GO and let GOD" and
"Trust and Don't Pay!"
Are not as trite as they appear.
Trust Me with the burden -
Don't pay for the solution.
Walk by your Faith in Me
Not by the sight you see
Nor by the worldly wisdom of those 
Who now seek to lead Thee.
Give Me ALL your cares -
ALL of them - not just shares.
Go commando - bare it all!
Liberate your skin from sin -
Go all in!
Child, look at Me!
Not the date - but the Tree.
I AM big enough
And have Love enough
To comfort you in all ways.
Don’t be like Lot’s wife
Who believed things her soul satisfied
And perished for pride 
Of life, and lust of flesh and eye which -
Instead of Me - were glorified.
Mrs. Lot, even though warned
Took no heed and did scorn the
Prohibition which upon her had been laid.
Instead of running away
She dragged her feet, and looked back
And a pillar of salt is how she forever stayed.
Believe, Child of Mine, that
I AM Kind, Love Divine
For, for love of YOU, I suffered and died!
You are on My Heart inscribed
You are The Nail Holes in My Hands and Feet
The Spear Mark in My Side
The Thorn Scars on My Brow
The Apple of My Eye
I love You! Trust ME
And the Over-comer you will forever be!
Let Me set you free
For you can’t help yourself
But I - The Son of Man
You know that I - alone - can!

In moments of seeming despair, 
Choose to REMEMBER that
burdens, like Me, were lifted at Calvary.

So, give Me that load
Let it go - no more to goad
You to despair
For I AM - alone - forever here for You,
My Blessed and Greatly Beloved Child!

BLED to give you New Birth
Was CRUCIFIED for your Consecration
Is Faithful to give you Grace
Is Just to forgive you your Sins
Was Sacrificed to Sanctify you for Salvation
Was Glorified to give you a Crown

So, if you Trust Me
Give Me 
your bewildering burdens which
bewitch belief, benumb the brain
harden the heart and seek to
strangle the Spirit.
Give Me
that darkening dust of despair, 
dread desire, and damning delusion!
Let GO of the Burden!
Place the Burden, in faith, on Me - I AM able!
Don't take back the Burden!
Walk away from the Burden
Do Not Look Back!
I AM ... The Lord Almighty to Save
I CAN ... Bear your Load, and
I DO ... It for Love

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Let Me Tell YOU and ME Something!

The Preachers are saying that The Church is "Rapture-Ready!"
But, surprise ... The Church isn’t ready for the Coming of the Lord
Because of the lies from the Pulpits
Spewed by charlatans, thieves, and two-bit frauds!

If  WE are rapture-ready
Shouldn’t WE be watching unto prayer
Instead of playing Peanut and $25 Bingo and
And having carnal, and occasional emotional, affairs?

Who do YOU think WE are fooling?
Surely YOU don’t think it is ME?
Worse yet, YOU can’t believe that WE are fooling Jesus
For He has eyes in front, behind, and around looking at all o' WE!

Anyhoo, let ME tell US something:
Putting on a show doesn’t make the Church "rapture-ready," and
Not walking our talk, and
Not talking our walk will catch up with US e'er long!

Soooo ...

WE must tear our hearts!
WE must cleanse our minds!
WE must clothe ourselves in King Jesus, and take a drink
From The True and Living Vine!

And, with that said, WE need to:

Pray without ceasing!
Sing glad songs until we're weeping!
Keen, and lament!
Cry aloud!
Plead to be saved! And
Wrestle with the Lord -
He accepts every charge!
He will take care of US!

Just remember - the Preachers may be living large
But Almighty God is ALWAYS in charge!

So let US let God lead US from sin, and
Change our hearts, and
Fill US with Him!
He can, and will, take US off of
Sin's thin, and brittle, and always breaking limb!

Oh, by the way, WE can't write a paycheck and
put God's name on it - He does not work for US - so WE need to stop acting like WE can really issue orders for God to follow!


-*-*- HE -*-*-


Monday, April 13, 2015

Life: Plaintively Juxtaposed

THE CALL                                THE CRY
My eyes see, yet I am blind to the sights
My ears hear, yet I am deaf to life’s clamoring call
My heart beats, but I need to be more compassionate
My feet walk, but I won’t compete with this world!

I thirst, but it isn’t for water
I hunger, but it isn’t for bread
I love, but my love has limits
Christ died, so that I may have New Life instead!

Give me, Lord, a heart like my Master
Filled to the brim, with compassion today
Teach me to love, Lord, even the unlovely
And bless me, Lord, let me be fed
From unbroken cisterns,
Not vessels of clay
Nor from untrustworthy servants
Hiding white-washed tombs filled with dead
Words, dead hopes, delusions, confusion
Save me, My Father, else I, too, will soon be dead!

Give Grace to the grateful
Give Rest to the weary
Give Peace to the poor
Bring Love to the fore
Front of Ministry
Meeting the miserable
Greeting the grudgeful
Soothing the cold!

Red and yellow
Black and white
Pretty people in God’s Sight!
Made for blessing
Come confessing
Laud the Master
On His High Throne!

Heaven is waiting!
Time is deflating
Sin is escalating
Loving has grown cold!

Hearts are all stony
Bodies fat are bony
Sound is overwhelming
Houses are crowded
Yet people are alone!

Lord, You are merciful!
Our tempers are mercurial!
Saints face the tribunal!
Hate is on overload!

Lord, Death is demanding!
Two make a couple
Three wild a throuple
Sex is assignable
Bold Mummies young are stonily cold and old!

Daddy is a test tube
Granny is a rented womb
Priest is a parasite
Oh, Father, Judgment is for gold!

Up down means sideways
Over there means back-back
Your Children are being stacked!
Evil is feeding the flack!

Come, Lord, I beg You!
Until then, I beseech You
Let us continue to receive You
Keep watch, for we believe You
Please, Lord, let The Redemption commence!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

and ... when my race is run, my heart shall say:

Sunday, April 12, 2015

PRAYER: Protect Me, Father, From Self

Father! Hellllpp!
Self is bothering me, and I don’t like it!
Everywhere I go all I see is Self!
Everything I do all is hear is Self!
And every comfort I seek is always about Self
And I am getting really tired of this!
Why can’t it - just for a change - be about Other
Or even Somebody Else?
Lord, I am willing, but Self is winning
And this is killing me ... slowly.
Grant me Your Grace
That I may replace
The disgrace in my face
With love for the fearing
Light for hearing
Sight for the daring
Comfort for the burden-bearing
Caring for the soul-sick and searching
And friendship for the former foe now friendless.
Help me, Father, to forsake Self and to

Seek an
Life of
Faith - not feeling.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - God's Grace Brings Peace and Healing!

Hope and Blessing are sisters!
Truth and Beauty are fast friends!
Friend Friendly and Faith Faithful are brothers
On whom the sisters and friends can surely depend!

Mustard-Seed Hope and Longing-For-Glory are inseparable
‘Tis Grace and Gladness-of-Heart likewise
For without these bonded companions
Neutral and Impossible bring with them Demise!

Hope-For-Glory brings with her Gladness
Faith and Truth hold fast to them Mighty Grace
And Beauty-of-Spirit brings with her, her buddy Blessings
From The Father whom them all did create!

Faithful and Friendly find Favor
For those two Feeling Frazzled and Frayed
Their duty each day holds Neutral and Impossible at bay
So Sin can’t come out playing with Holding-Sway!

Neutral claims Fame by holding No-Position
Impossible has Lime-light by elevating Weak
Who everyone know is twin Siamese
With Cowardice, and brother to Bothersome
Bewildered, Awful, Awesome and Life-Is-Bleak!

At times, one can meet Travail-of-The-Spirit
At times, one will meet Keep-You-Eye-On-The-Goal
But whether you meet, Goodness or Defeat
Constant Companion keeps you - along with Faithful - on steady feet!

So, when Life is plucking your nose-hairs
And The-Enemy-Of-Your-Soul steps with nails on your corns
And Devilish-Delight is flaring fire on your hemorrhoids
Know that Peace-In-The-Valley and Balm-of-Gilead
Are carrying Healing and Prayer in Godly-Hands!

Don’t give Losing-Hope and definitely not that Vain-Glory
Pity-Party nor Deadly-Pain to Strangle-Hold
For the Minions-Of-Hell
Will summon that dreadful Death-Knell
So Get-A-Grip, and
Say-A-Prayer and choose
Deny-The-Liar, then
Spit God’s-Gospel-Is-Heavenly-Fire
And step out with Faith
I’m-Holding-To-Hope and

Friday, April 10, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + When God Looks Upon This Face

From you I rate no second glance
Nor even a small, kind word
But when God looks upon this face
He sees beauty unreviled.

To you I rate no deep concern
To you I have no merit
But when Jesus looks upon this face
He says my life has His upon it!

You look outside!
You use earth-eyes!
You judge me on the surface!
But Jesus, bless His Holy Name
Decided His Love had no such limits!

He loves me not for what I do, or did, today
Or on some distant shore
He loves me for He knows I’m ill
And that He, Himself, is my only cure!

I see His look of love each day
And am blessed to know I - without merit -
Can ask Him for some favor small
And know He’ll not put strings upon it!

He loves me, and I love Him, too, and
In the grand scheme there's no need to shout about it!
But glory be to God on High
I’m blessed, and I don’t care who knows about it!

Christ looked inside!
He bled! He died!
And because He did, one day
I’ll be hailed in new body, perfect and glorified!

From Jesus and Granny ... With Love

I didn’t believe my Granny loved me
Until the day I had to pray!
I didn’t know how much Jesus loved me
Until I needed a listening ear!

My Granny showed she loved me
By what she taught me by the old rocking chair
And Jesus proved His love for me
By answering this wayward child’s prayers!

I was walking right in the sight of my own eyes!
I did what was seemed right in my cloudy sight!
But, oh, what a mess I made of my life
Seeing the unnecessary stresses that I had to fight!

Doing whate’er I wanted no end pleased me!
I was in charge of my own destiny!
I was made in the image of the Living God
So what better god to follow than the god that was me?

Things didn’t turn out so great, but
I am woman! I was running the show
And would, until my very soul
Was about to be given the old heave ho!

Then I knew I had to let go, and let God
Almighty - He of the Godhead Three -
For I needed comfort, guidance, and love
That could only come from the Unseen, from High Up Above!

Well, Granny’s praying ways finally shone through
And I realized what a favor she’d done for me!
I could, in distress, bend the knee, and beat the chest
And cry out of my soul:

“Oh, God, please help me!
 I need to confess!”

And, believe it, or not, all of Granny’s praying ways
Had sunk deep inside - held in quiet reserve
Until, finally, misbehavior and pigheadedness
Nearly got me what I truly deserved!

But ...
The God of The Mountain
The Valley, The Deep,
The Good Father, yes
The Shepherd of the Sheep
Had pity on my plight
All caught up in sin tight, said:

“Enough! Come My Child!
Come thou unto Me!”

My friends were long gone and
The old heart had no song
And I knew I had been wrong
And had been so - all along!

In sin, and disgrace, with
Distress on my face
I pitifully cried:

“Lord, save me!
I can’t run anymore!”

And He said:
“Come aboard! I will lead you to the Shore
And you are Mine
From now on, and evermore!”

Yes, Jesus loves ME!
And, yes! My Granny did, too!
So, please, don’t ever doubt
The prayers of YOUR Granny
For, all along, she's been looking out
For You, too!



Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lord, Just Let Me In

I don’t have to be a herald
Nor a watchman at the gate
Lord, just let me into Heaven
And help me not be late!

I don’t have to be a song leader
Please, Lord, just let me in the Choir sing
I want to sing for my Jesus
Father, just let me into Heaven get in!

Lord, I don’t need a mansion
But, I know that You’ve prepared me one
I don’t need it to be special
It's enough that its Jesus-made, and in Heaven belongs!

Lord, my heart it is longing
For my home in Glory to see
Lord, whatever You do today
Have mercy, and remember me, for I need Thee!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

No Brittle Heart Can Cry!

Today, I had a thought
And, I must confess
That a heart that can cry
Is a heart that is blessed!

Today, I met a man
Who was bouncing a pretty ball
And he sought by his actions
To cause me to fall!

Then, I met a man
Who was wearing working jeans
Who set out with vileness and acidity
To make me feel unclean!

Then, yonder was the man
Good-looking, and striking, tall
Who, in dulcet tones and cultured vanity
Tried to make me answer Satan’s call!

And then, I met ... Him
Who prodded, and me open pried
And with love and gentle touch 
Oh, how He me tried!
My still-longing heart broke
And, with body heaving, I cried:

“Lord, save me!
I’m helpless! 
I’m tired!
I feel pain! 
Lord, my soul is so poisoned
And I duly so complain!
I worry, and wonder -
I’ve wandered - gone astray!
Please, Father! Please help me!
I don’t want to go out in sulphured flames!
You gave me great treasures!
Yes! Laughter and tears!
Tears for my cleansing
And Laughter’s healing claims!
I laugh for Your healing!
I cry - for, Lord, You cleanse!
Please, put a pin in Old Satan!
Please, Lord! Defend! Defend!
Put my tears in Your Bottle!
Hold my heart in Your Hand!
Shelter me with Your Wings!
Save me! I bought #TheJesusSavesPlan!
I deposit my sins
My repentance, my will, and my way
And eagerly await
Compound-compound interest
And dividends so grand
When the Pearl Gates are swung open
By Your Great and Mighty Hand
For my triumphal entry into 
My Heavenly Home in Beulah the Land!”

Monday, April 6, 2015

There's No Need To Glam-Up For God!

People! People!
There is no need to glam-up for God!
Just get your head out of the sand
Where Satan has man
Believing that God’s head
Is a veritable tin can!

He does not need a fan
To cool his skin
When He is thinking
For He is Thought
And His Son bought
Eternity for man
And so we ought to -
Without fear, and having fought
The good fight of Faith -
Press on calmly, and await
Our delivery in state
To enter Heaven
Through His Pearly Gates
To inherit our new estates
Bought without price
Decorated without dice
Not infested with lice
Nor haunted with sin
Camoflaged as an electronic device!

There is no need to glam-up for God!
But, you should make it a point to remember that:

Matter to Our Master if we aspire to