Tuesday, April 26, 2022

LIES NEED SCAFFOLDING: Truth Stands ... Alone!

You, Me, We Have To Love The Truth! 

We Should All Know By Now That 
People Get Punished For Speaking The Truth! 

We Should Also Know That 
Even If The Crud Is Beaten Out Of The Truth
And Its Back Is Shredded Into Ribbons
It's Spat Upon
Its Beard Is Ripped Out
And A Crown Of Thorns Is Driven Into Its Head
And It's Made To Bear Its Own Cross
And It's Pinned To A Tree Reserved For The Cursed 
With Nails Driven Into Its Hands And Feet 
And It's Suspended Between Heaven And Earth
And A Spear Is Driven With Malice Into Its Side 
Causing Innocent Blood And Cleansing Water To Gush Forth
And It Dies 
And Is Wrapped Up And Placed In A Borrowed Tomb 
And Shut Up In Deep Darkness To Be Unseen For A Time
Truth Will Never See Corruption 
Will Rise Again 
To Publish Glad Tidings Of 
Peace With Almighty God! 

Lies Are Generated In The Darkness 
Will Never Survive The Light Of Truth! 

Lies Need Scaffolding: 
Truth Stands ... Alone! 

Please Stick To 
Stand Up For The Truth! 

The Truth Is Jesus Christ: 
He Is Life And Light! 
Love Him! 


Monday, April 25, 2022

Trust The Shepherd Of Rest!

Let Us Not Live Like Bewildered Sheep 
Who Have No Shepherd
We Were Bought At A Great Price 
By The Shepherd Who Is Our Rest
Who Leads Us To Green Pastures
Restores Our Souls! 


I Beseech Us All 
To Internalize The Ideal That Is Trust 
As Gleaned From The Good Book Of Truth 
From The Lord Of Life 
Who Is The Truth 
Dare To Rest Sheltered And Protected
Comforted And Cared For
Blessed And Bettered! 

Let's Be Thoroughly Refreshed 
In The Calm That Comes From The Knowledge That 
Our Creator Is Our Recreator
Our Savior Is Our Sanctifier
Our King Is Kind
The Good Shepherd ... Our Good Shepherd
Ever Present And Available Always! 

We Are Never Alone!

Our Shepherd, The Lord God Almighty
He Who Gives Us Time To See And Personally Know Him! 
He Dwells In Eternity And He Never Sleeps! 
He Is Our Peace
We May Sleep Soundly In Peace 
Be Refreshed And Strengthened 
To Be Refined Into Beautiful Jewels For His Crown! 

The Good Shepherd Calls Us:
It Is Our Choice To Answer Him!

If We Don't Stand Firmly By Faith 
On The Foundation Of Trust In The Lord Christ
We May As Well Be As Those Idolaters 
Who Are Worshipping The Man-Made Abominations That 
Cause Jealousy In The Heart Of Our Living Holy God! 

No Idolator Will Ever Enter
The Beautiful City Of God!

You Are Blessed! 
Our God Is Real And Returning! 
Please Dare To Live As One Dearly Loved Of The Good Shepherd
The Lord Jesus Christ! 


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Tears Are A Language That God Understands!

We Have The Perfect Example Of 
How To Live On This Earth 
In The Person Of Our Blessed Jesus! 

Even Though He Was High And Mighty
Divine And Holy
The King Of Earth And Glory
He Was The Willing
Trustworthy, Caring, Able, Capable
Approachable Servant 
Who Knew His Mission
Who Stuck To The Plan
Who Maintained Constant Contact With His Leader
Was Not Afraid To Touch The Untouchable
Was Undeterred By Dirt! 

He Was A Friend 
To All Who Appreciated Him As Such ... Or Not
He Was Not Influenced By Who Had Stuff And Pedigree 
Or Dismayed By Who Was A Non-Entity Aka A Nobody! 

Jesus Prayed And Pressed On! 
He Knew That Quiet Time With His Father In Heaven 
Was The Key To Success On His Mission! 

Jesus Knew That The Living Word From On High Spoke Life 
Imparted Vigor, Strength 
Incentive To Accomplish The Mission! 


Think On These Things 
Remember That We Are Not Better Than Our Master
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

We Have A Work To Do 
A Destination To Get To! 

We Have An "Employee" Aka Servant Review To Pass 
So That We Will Keep Our Pick 
So That We Will Remain On Track For Promotion 
To The City Of God! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Paychecks Aka Rewards Are Determined By Performance: 
Let Your Gift Of Daily Faith Work For You 
As You Choose To Willingly Work For The Lord!

 Tears Are A Language That God Understands! 


Saturday, April 23, 2022


If We Do Not Correct Our Children
They Will Corrupt Themselves! 
If We Do Not Pray For Our Children
They Will Be Prey For Someone Else! 


Prayer And Correction Go Hand In Hand: 
We Receive This Good Teaching From Jesus Christ The Lord!
Refusal Of Correction Is The Philosophy Of Satan The God-Fraud!  

Our Father Is In Heaven And His Way For Us Is Clear! 
He Teaches Us The Way To Go 
And He Gently Corrects Us When We Go Astray! 

Dear Ones, 

When You Have Done The Thing Foolish
Let Your Repentance Be Swift! 
Forgiveness Is Only By The Lord Given 
And It Is The Blessed-Forever Gift! 

God's Forgiveness Cannot Be Bought Or Bartered
And We Cannot Play With It 
Because It Is Never Casually Bestowed! 

Correction Is Never Pleasant 
But It Is A Necessity 
And It Will Be Humbly Accepted And Followed 
By All Who Desire To Enter The Eternal City! 

We Are Called To Pray Without Ceasing
To Humbly Repair To Prayer
To Spend Time In Sweet Communion 
With Him Who Does Our Every Burden Bear! 

We Are All Children Of Someone
Be It By Blood, By Faith, By Affection, Or By Adoption
And That Means That You Are Loved By Someone 
Who Desires Your Blessing And Entrance Into The Courts Above! 

Correction Cures! 
Praying In Faith By Following The Word
Makes Our Motives Pure
So Do Not Permit Lack Of Correction
Into Bold Sin Our Children Lure! 

Pray For Someone!
I Am Praying For You! 


Better Than Rejection!

Friday, April 22, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Eternal Implications!

There Are Only Two Concepts That 
Have Eternal Implications For All Mankind! 
These Are Good And Evil 
Aka Salvation And Sin! 

There Are Only Two Leaders: 
The Savior
Aka Our Creator, Redeemer, And Forever Friend
Satan The Damned
Aka Our Adversary ... The Destroyer! 


Sin Comes From Satan 
Is Against Us 
Will Negatively Impact And Destroy Us 
We Do Not Diligently Seek Our Savior Who Is For Us 
Will Cleanse And Purify Us Of Every Sin Aka Defilement! 

Satan Rabidly Encourages People 
To Build Their Own Cities Which Cannot Flourish 
Since They Lack A Food Supply
A Water Supply
A System Of Defence
A No-Toll Road! 

Sin Always Costs!

Jesus Christ Invites Us To Himself As 
He Is 
The Bread Of Life
The Water Of Life
The Rock Of Refuge
Our Strong Tower Aka Our Defence
The Sure Road 
Aka The Only Way To The Eternal City Of The Living, Holy, God! 

Let's Learn The Lesson Taught By Nimrod, The Mighty Hunter
That Abomination Built On 
The Foundation Of Disobedience And Putrid Pride
The Tower Of Babel Aka Confusion!

Going Against The King Of Glory
The Lord Of Life
Making Yourself A Tasty Treat For King Fraud! 

Be Wise: 
Do Not Let Ungodly Desire 
Become Your Ultimate Destruction! 


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Choose To Eat Grass From The Lord Of Life!

When You Are Doing Something Good And Right 
In The Sight Of The Living God
You May Rest Assured That The Lying Leaping Lizards
The Hissing Snakes
The Flaming Arrows
The Sticky Stinky Tar Balls
The Ever-Hungry Vultures Are Going To Be Abroad
On The Wing
In Your Face! 

Praise The True And Living God! 


When People Who Believe That 
They Should Be Sun, Moon, And Stars In Your Eyes 
Cannot Manipulate You 
Bend You To Their Dank, Depraved, And Devilish Will
Dare To Expect Their Toothed And Edged Weapons 
To Be Boldly Unsheathed! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Lord Christ 
The Only Trustworthy Constant In Our Lives! 
He Is Not Capricious 
He Is To Be Trusted Always! 

Embrace The Gifted Favor Of The Lord 
Eschew The Friendship Of The World! 

Do Not Allow Yourself To Be Deceived! 

Committed-To-Christ Christians Should Always Be Able To Say: 
"I Choose To Eat Grass From The Lord Of Life 
Than To Feast On The Damned Devil's Dainties!" 

Do Not Be Unstable Like Water Which Finds Its Own Level! 
Stand Firm On Faith! 

Let's Walk Our Godly Talk
Live Out Our Heavenly Love For Our Blessed Jesus Today! 

Let No One Encourage You To Sin! 


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Purge!

I Don't Know About You
I Distinctly Remember That "Abomination" Called The Purge That 
We Had To Endure Every Sunday Morning
At The Beginning Of The School Term
Coming Off School For Vacation 
May The Good Lord Help You 
You Were "Foolish" Enough To Utter Those "Damning" Words: 
"My Belly Hurting Me!" 

Some Families Dished Out A Spoonful Of 
Shark Oil And A Quarter Of An Orange! 

My Family Dished Out Castor Oil And The Orange! 
A Leather Belt Was On The Table To Motivate Me To Cooperate: 
I Roundly Despised Castor Oil!

Strangely Enough Though
After That Disaster Called The Purge Aka The Cleansing
You No Longer Felt Like An Old Hard-Mout' Goat 
Had The Joy And Energy Of A Young Spring Lamb! 
Oh, The Ode To Joy! 


The Purge Is Needed 
To Get Rid Of What Hurts, Harms, And Hinders! 

The Purge Is Necessary For Physical, Spiritual
Emotional Health And Well-Being! 

If We Are Not Purged Of Our Sins, Our Dead Works, Here
We Will Never Enter The Joy Of The Lord Over There! 

Sin Is Waste 
So Let's Take The Good Word That Purges Aka Cleans Us 
Let The Waste, The Sin
Go Out In The Draught! 

The Pain Is Temporary 
Pleasure Aka Joy And Peace In Paradise Are Forever! 

Let Jesus Christ Be Praised! 


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Crisp Cross-Hairs Of Calamity!

KJV Proverbs 10:22
22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

There Is This "Strange" Phenomenon 
Where A Person's Blessing 
Becomes Their Very Own Curse! 

How Is This Possible!?! 


The State Of Being Is Progressive 


There Is That "Nasty" Little Issue That 
Revolves Around Conjugating The Verb To Be! 

First, Last And Always 
The Fact That The Only "I AM!" Worth Talking About 
The Living God! 

When We Take Our Blessing 
Corrupt Ourselves By Asking 
"Don't You Know Who I Am!?!" Because We Have Got Stuff 
While "Forgetting" That The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away
We Put Ourselves In The Crisp Cross-Hairs Of Calamity! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Job Is To Worship The Giver, Not The Gift Aka The Blessing!

Forgetting, Ignoring, Dismissing This Truth 
Makes Us Idolaters 
We Will Receive The Idolaters Progressive Share 
Aka Correction, Chastisement, Condemnation
And Finally
Sure Damnation! 

We Are Because He, Jesus Christ, Is ... The Great I AM! 

Role Reversal Is Disallowed 
So Please Don't Get A Big Head! 

The Lord Is Eternal: 
He Inhabits Eternity! 

We Are Temporal: 
We Dwell In Time! 

Please Choose To Always Bless The Lord: 
Keep Your Priorities In Order 
Remember That His Blessings Bring No Sorrow! 

Put Jesus Christ First! 


Monday, April 18, 2022

YOLO Is A Rabbit-Hole To Sure Destruction!

If We Would Choose To See 
Recognize Our Value 
Through The Eyes Of The Living God
We Would Never Use The Expression 
YOLO Aka "You Only Live Once!" 
To Encourage Ourselves And Others 
To Live In The Realm Of Sense And Self 
Which Is The Rabbit-Hole To Sure Destruction! 

Look At Lucifer The Light-Bearer: 
Behold Satan, The Adversary ... The Damned! 


Living For Self And By Sense 
To Live The Life Of A Drug Addict 
Who Must Get A Fix Of More And Stronger 
To Attain Minimal Satisfaction! 

Drug Use Starts Cheap To Get You Hooked 
Then Costs Everything Up To And Including One's Liberty 

Dear Ones, 

There's A Better Way: 
A Life Lived In And For Jesus Christ
A Life Lived On The Upward Way That Leads To Beulah Land 
Where One Lives Eternally! 

To Get There
Change Must Start Here! 

We Must Discard The Old Man, That Sinful Self
We Must Put On Christ
Our Creator Who Made And Remakes Us
Our Savior Who Died So That We, Willing, May Live Again
Our Redeemer Who Bought Us Back From Sure Damnation 
Invites Us To Embrace Sure Salvation! 
What A Gift! 

We Have Today ... A Present! 
Unwrap Your Gift! 
It's Priceless! 


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Recall To Mind!

Remember, Remember, Don't Ever Your Faith Regret
The Lord  Christ Will Never A Faithful Child Forget! 
He Doesn't Forget The Good! 
He Doesn't Forget The Bad! 
Do Good And Good Will Attend You
Over Your Trials Be Glad!

All Things Work For Our Good! 
Jesus Christ Shed Innocent Blood
When On Calvary's Cross He Unwaveringly Stood
So That Satan By Your Worked Faith
Could Be Valiantly Withstood! 

Okay, Class! 
Let's Recap: 

Jesus Saves! 

Mercy Is Free! 
Grace Is Sufficient! 
Don't Fret About Evil-Doers! 
Faith Cannot Fail! 
Hallelujah Is The Highest Praise! 
Obedience Is The Highest Form Of Worship! 
Blessings Await The Faithful! 
Prayer Raises Us Up To God! 
Salvation Came Down! 
Justification Is Instantaneous! 
Sanctification Lasts A Lifetime! 
Sin Is A Reproach To All People! 
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart!
From The Workers Of Iniquity Choose To Depart! 

Wait, Work, Watch: 
Don't Wonder After The Beast!
We Have An Invitation
To Enjoy Jesus Christ's Welcome Home Feast! 

Perfect Peace Is The Gift Of God! 
God Is Our Refuge And Strength! 
The Heavens Declare God's Glory! 
The Good Book Tells The Good News Gospel Story!

Doubters Deny!
Evil Men And Seducers  Will Not To Glory Fly! 

Don't Tempt God! 
There Is No License For Sin! 

Guard Your Heart! 
No Man Can Tame The Tongue! 

There Is No Reason For, Nor Profit In, Pride! 

Grave-Diggers Serve  Grave-Diggers! 

Satan Can't Force You To Sin! 

The Lord Won't Force You To Not Sin! 

Lust Is A Lie Wrapped In A Sinful Desire That Deals Death! 


The Word Of God Aka The Love Of God 
Works Wonders For The Wise! 

Be Wise! 
Be Humble! 
Be Bold! 
Be Blessed And Be A Blessing! 

Believe The Truth And Love In Deed And In Truth! 


Be Confident In Christ! 
In This Is Peace!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Voice Of The Martyr Stephen!

The Life Of Stephen 
- The First Martyr For The Faith Of Jesus Christ - 
Should Inspire Everyone Of Us Who Trusts In The Lord 
For Our Eternal Salvation! 


Stephen's Life Accused Those Who Knew Not The Lord 
He Was Hated For It! 

Stephen's Ways Pleased The Lord 
The Lord Blessed Him With The Heavenly Vision 
As His Days' End Visibly Approached! 

Dear Ones, 

In The Earthly Court
As Long As The Judge Is Seated
Both Accuser And Defendant Have Opportunity To Speak 
When The Judge Stands Up
Judgment Has Been Rendered 
The Case Is Over! 

Stephen Saw Jesus Christ Standing At The Right Hand Of God 
He Went To His Long-Sleep Knowing That 
The Lord, The Judge Of All Flesh
Had Rendered Judgment Against Wicked Men 
In His Favor! 

Dear Ones, 

Hold On To Your Blessed Hope In The Lord! 

The Wicked May Escape Justice On Earth 
They Cannot Escape The Court Of Heaven! 

Please Dare To Live Your Life 
With Heaven Ever Always In Your View! 

In The Name Of Jesus
Pray And Please Almighty God 
He Will Surely Bless You To All Pleasing! 


Friday, April 15, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Embrace The Square!

Unclean Food Looks Pretty On A Plate 
It Doesn't Mean That We Should A Bite Take! 

Just Because Someone Has On Pyjamas 
It Doesn't Mean That For Us It Is Night-Night! 


As Christians Called, Commissioned, Committed, And Caring
Are We To Jump On Every Band-Wagon Going Down The Road 
Just Because Pretty, Important, Monied, And Posh Persons Are Partying!?! 

Christians Are To Embrace The Square! 

We Are To Be As Square Pegs In Round Holes 
Aka We Are Not To Fit In With Folly! 

We Are Not To Follow 
The Fashionable Frauds Who Teach And Preach 
The Gospel Of Convenience 
A Social-Justice Fireman Jesus! 

When We Look At The Life Of Our Lord Jesus
We See The God-Man Who Did Not Go Along To Get Along
Who Did Not Follow But Led
Who Stood Out Because He Did Not Blend It! 

Our Jesus Knew Who He Came From
Who He Was
His Assignment
The Cost Of Completing The Work
The Reward For Success
He Walked Straight, Undeterred, Unwavering, And Focused 
As The Needle To The Pole On The Compass Of Eternity! 

Are You Of Steadfast Faith 
Or Are You Only As Strong As The Sun-Shiny Day 
No Showers Expected!?! 

Let's Be Like Our Lord Christ! 

Please Don't Get Side-Tracked By The Trivial And The Trite! 


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Don't Let Satan Piss In Your Pot!

Is Anger Eating You 
Is It Causing You To Want To Eat Somebody 
Raw ... Without Salt!?! 

Our Lord Commands Us To Be Angry 
And Not Sin 
We Are Quite Capable Of Getting Angry 
Boldly Sinning 
Without Regard For Either The Cause Of Our Anger
Our Heart's Condition
Or The Real Consequences Of 
Unrestrained, Runaway, Anger! 


The Statement Has Been Uttered 
When People Have Become Angered That 
"The Blood Rushed Into My Head And I Saw Red!

Others Have Said, After The Fact, That 
"I Lost My Head!" 

Heads Up, People! 
Satan Found It! 

Some People Have Spoken Of Raging Anger As 
"The Devil Pissing In Their Pot And Them Wanting Blood!" 

Still Others Speak About Not Getting Mad 
Getting Even! 

Dear Ones, 

Satan Loves, Loves, Loves This Kind Of Language: 
The Lord Of Life Does Not! 

Let Us Remember That 

Misunderstandings Over Mistakes 
Make Minor Matters Major
Man Miserable! 

Think Before You Talk! 
Use Wisdom Before You Walk! 
Apologize Before You Antagonize! 
Pray Before You Prey On Someone 
Or Become Someone's Prey! 

A Moment With Jesus Christ 
Always Saves Your Sanity 
Your Day! 



Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Vessels Of Honor: Be Ye Clean!

A New And Clean Heart 
A New And Right Spirit 
Are Present And Available Gifts To Us 
From The Eternal God! 


Why Would You Ever Trust Someone 
Who Encourages You To Live A Life Of Stagnation
In Putrid Pride
Given To Constantly Reinventing Yourself 
To Remain Relevant 
To The Worldly-Wise 
Who Neither Know The Lord Nor Their Own Minds!?! 

Our Lord Christ Calls Us To His Side As We Are 
We Cannot Remain In Sin 
In The Holy Presence Of The Glorious Savior! 

We Must And Will Change In The Lord's Sight 
We Are True-Hearted 
Not As The Deceitful Bow 
Which Sends Its Arrows To Everywhere Else
Save Its Known Target! 

There's A Blessing For Us 
Who Choose Not To Walk In The Counsels Of The Ungodly! 

There Is New Life In Christ 
For All Who See Their Need 
Trust Their Savior-Redeemer To Lead
Correct, Protect
Provide For Them
Not Pander To Their Weak Will 
As It Struggles Against Needed Change! 

We Are Called To Be Vessels Of Honor 
To Hold A Heart Like Christ's
The Spirit That Loves Truth 
Which Comes From The Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Us Into All Truth! 

Be Ye Clean: 
Walk In The Newness Of Life!


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Banking At I-Know Aka The Savings-No Loan Operation!

The Compass Has Four Points! 
We Are In The Middle! 
Decisions Must Be Made! 

We Are Headed Home! 
Ahead Is The Sea Of Sorrow And The Sea To Salvation! 
To The Left Is The Desert Of Damnation! 
To The Right Is Mount Misery! 
Behind Us Are The Dealers Of Certain Death
The Butchers Of The Land 
From Whence We Just Gloriously Escaped 
After Our God ... The True And Living God
Authorized And Achieved Our Rich Deliverance! 

But Now, We "See" No Way Out 
Until The Voice Of Faith Is Heard Joyfully Saying: 

"The Lord Be Praised! 
The Lord Is In Our Midst! 
He Is Above Us, Over Us, And Around Us! 
We Will Get Through!" 


The Devil Is The Liar! 

We Must Go Forward! 
We Go Through To Come Through! 
We Must Look Up To Live! 

We Cannot Live And Eternally Prosper 
On I-Feel

We Must Bank At I-Know
The Savings-No Loans Operation 
Led By He-Cares 
Who Does Not Abide Pipe Dreams Or Pie In The Sky By And By! 

Another Cry Goes Up: 

"Praying Is Power!
Song Is A Strong Weapon Against Despair!" 

Yet Another Voice Is Heard Saying: 

"His Grace Is Always Greater Than Our Sin!" 

Dear One, 

Please Hear Yourself Saying: 

"My Faithful, Obedient, Endurance Is The Cure-For-All!" 

Listen To Jesus The Christ As He Gently Says: 

"Gather Around, Children! 
Draw Nearer! 
Shelter, Be Safe, Under My Wings!" 

Choose To Believe
Be Blessed! 
